* Sparkline is distributed under a BSD License. See LICENSE for details. * * $Id: filled.php,v 1.1 2005/03/31 22:58:55 frabcus Exp $ * * filled shows deficit data in a simulated filled-line mode * */ // annual deficit data, 1983-2003 // source OMB, http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2004/hist.html // $data = array(1983 => -207.802, 1984 => -185.367, 1985 => -212.308, 1986 => -221.215, 1987 => -149.728, 1988 => -155.152, 1989 => -152.456, 1990 => -221.195, 1991 => -269.328, 1992 => -290.376, 1993 => -255.087, 1994 => -203.25, 1995 => -163.972, 1996 => -107.473, 1997 => -21.958, 1998 => 69.21299999999999, 1999 => 125.563, 2000 => 236.445, 2001 => 127.299, 2002 => -157.802, 2003 => -304.159); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // build sparkline using standard flow: // construct, set, render, output // require_once '../lib/Sparkline_Bar.php'; $sparkline = new Sparkline_Bar(); $sparkline->SetDebugLevel(DEBUG_ERROR | DEBUG_WARNING | DEBUG_STATS | DEBUG_CALLS, '../log.txt'); $sparkline->SetBarWidth(1); $sparkline->SetBarSpacing(0); $sparkline->SetBarColorDefault('blue'); $j = 0; for ($i = 1983; $i < sizeof($data) + 1983; $i++) { $sparkline->SetData($j++, $data[$i]); if (isset($data[$i + 1])) { $sparkline->SetData($j++, ($data[$i] + $data[$i + 1]) / 2); } } $sparkline->Render(10); // height only for Sparkline_Bar $sparkline->Output();
// build sparkline using standard flow: // construct, set, render, output // require_once '../lib/Sparkline_Bar.php'; $sparkline = new Sparkline_Bar(); $sparkline->SetDebugLevel(DEBUG_NONE); //$sparkline->SetDebugLevel(DEBUG_ERROR | DEBUG_WARNING | DEBUG_STATS | DEBUG_CALLS, '../log.txt'); $sparkline->SetBarWidth(1); $sparkline->SetBarSpacing(2); $i = 0; while (list(, $v) = each($data[$_GET['t']])) { // set bar color red if shutout // $color = 'black'; if ($v[2]) { $color = 'red'; } // set bar underscore boolean if home game // $underscore = false; if ($v[1]) { $underscore = true; } // convert (W, L) to (1, -1) // $sparkline->SetData($i, $v[0] * 2 - 1, $color, $underscore); $i++; } $sparkline->Render(16); // height only for Sparkline_Bar $sparkline->Output();
$sparkline->SetData($i, $val[0]); } } } elseif (Get::has('user_id') && Get::has('project_id') && Get::val('graph') == 'user') { $thirtyDays = array(); $today = date('m/j/Y'); $daythirtyone = ''; for ($i = 1; $i < 31; $i++) { $newday = date('m/j/Y', strtotime("-{$i} day", strtotime($today))); $val = User::getDayActivityByUser($newday, Get::num('project_id'), Get::num('user_id')); $sparkline->SetData($i, $val[0]); $daythirtyone = $newday; } $daythirtyone = date('m/j/Y', strtotime("-2 day", strtotime($daythirtyone))); $daysixtyone = date('m/j/Y', strtotime("-32 day", strtotime($daythirtyone))); //look 30 days more and if found scale $check = Project::getActivityProjectCount($daysixtyone, $daythirtyone, Get::num('project_id')); if ($check[0] > 0) { for ($i = 30; $i < 61; $i++) { $newday = date('m/j/Y', strtotime("-{$i} day", strtotime($daythirtyone))); $val = User::getDayActivityByUser($newday, Get::num('project_id'), Get::num('user_id')); $sparkline->SetBarWidth(2); $sparkline->SetBarSpacing(0.5); $sparkline->SetData($i, $val[0]); } } } else { $sparkline->SetData(0, 0); } $sparkline->Render(20); $activity = $sparkline->Output();
for ($i = sizeof($values); $i >= 0; $i--) { $sparkline->SetData($j++, $values[$i]); } $sparkline->Render(75, 25); $sparkline->Output(); } else { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/Sparkline_Bar.php'; $sparkline = new Sparkline_Bar(); if ($isDebug) { $sparkline->SetDebugLevel(DEBUG_ERROR | DEBUG_WARNING | DEBUG_STATS | DEBUG_CALLS | DEBUG_SET, 'log.txt'); } else { $sparkline->SetDebugLevel(DEBUG_NONE); } if ($is_odd) { $sparkline->SetColorHtml('mintOdd', '#F0F7E2'); $sparkline->SetColorBackground('mintOdd'); } else { $sparkline->SetColorBackground('white'); } $sparkline->SetBarWidth($bar_width); $sparkline->SetBarSpacing(1); $sparkline->SetColorHtml("shaungreen", $graphColor); $sparkline->SetBarColorDefault('shaungreen'); $j = 0; for ($i = sizeof($values); $i >= 0; $i--) { $sparkline->SetData($j++, $values[$i]); } $sparkline->Render(25); // height only for Sparkline_Bar $sparkline->Output(); }