예제 #1
 function autocomplete()
     $q = $_GET["q"];
     if (!$q) {
     $md5_keyword = md5($q);
     $aryData = array();
     $aryData = eb_memcache::do_get("Auto_complete:" . $md5_keyword);
     if (empty($aryData)) {
         $solr = new Solr_Search();
         $response = $solr->autocomplete($q);
         $items = $response['terms']['name'];
         foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
             if ($key % 2 == 0) {
                 $aryData[] = array('keyword' => $value);
                 if (strpos($value, $q) !== false) {
                     echo "{$value}\n";
         if (is_array($aryData) && count($aryData) > 0) {
             eb_memcache::do_put("Auto_complete:" . $md5_keyword, $aryData);
     } else {
         foreach ($aryData as $key => $value) {
             if (strpos($value['keyword'], $q) !== false) {
                 $vl = $value['keyword'];
                 echo "{$vl}\n";
예제 #2
    function del_comment()
        $json['msg'] = '';
        if (!User::is_login() || User::is_block()) {
            $json['msg'] = "not_perm";
        $id = (int) Url::get("id");
        if ($id) {
            $comment = DB::fetch("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE id={$id} LIMIT 1");
            if (count($comment) == 0) {
            if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) || User::id() == $comment['receiver_user_id'] && $comment['sender_user_id'] == 0) {
                if (DB::delete('comment', 'id=' . $id)) {
                    $subItemId = $comment['sub_item_id'];
                    $itemId = $comment['item_id'];
                    if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                        //eb_memcache::do_put('update_comment_sub_' . $itemId . '_' . $subItemId, 1); /*ngannv #update_comment_sub tìm thêm trong ajax_item_detai.ajax*/
                        eb_memcache::do_remove('comment_sub_' . $itemId . '_' . $subItemId);
                    $countChild = $comment['have_child'];
                    if ($countChild > 0) {
                        DB::delete('comment', 'parent_id=' . $id);
                    $countChildDel = $countChild + 1;
                    if ($subItemId > 0) {
                        DB::query("UPDATE item_sub SET comment_count=comment_count-{$countChildDel} WHERE id={$subItemId} LIMIT 1");
                        /*SubItem chưa có cache nên tạm thời truy vấn lại để lấy số comment*/
                        $subCommentRes = DB::fetch("SELECT comment_count FROM item_sub WHERE id={$subItemId} LIMIT 1");
                        if (!empty($subCommentRes)) {
                            $json['countCommentSubItem'] = $subCommentRes['comment_count'];
                    } else {
                        DB::query("UPDATE item SET reply_count=reply_count-{$countChildDel} WHERE id={$itemId} LIMIT 1");
                        $itemReset = Item::get_item($itemId);
                        $item_memcache = $itemReset;
                        if ($itemReset) {
                            $item_memcache['reply_count'] = $itemReset['reply_count'] - $countChildDel;
                            if (SORL_FILTER_ON) {
                                $solr = new Solr_Search();
                            if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                                eb_memcache::do_put("item:{$itemId}", $item_memcache);
                            $caheFile = 'fb_' . $itemReset['id'];
                            $json['countCommentItem'] = $item_memcache['reply_count'];
                    if ($comment['parent_id'] > 0) {
                        $item_id = $comment['item_id'];
                        if ($comment['parent_id'] > 0) {
                            DB::query('UPDATE 	comment
								   SET 		have_child = have_child-1
								   WHERE 	id=' . $comment['parent_id'] . ' ');
                            if ($comment['display'] == 1) {
                                DB::query('UPDATE comment SET display = 1 where item_id = ' . $comment['item_id'] . ' AND parent_id = ' . $comment['parent_id'] . ' AND display = 0 order by id DESC limit 1');
                    /*Đếm lại commemnt*/
                    $json['msg'] = EClassApi::getParam('id');
                } else {
                    $json['msg'] = "unsuccess";
            } else {
                $json['msg'] = "not_perm";
        } else {
            $json['msg'] = "not_perm";
예제 #3
 function refress_item()
     if (!User::is_login()) {
         echo "not_login";
     if (!User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM)) {
         echo "no_permission";
     $id = Url::get("id", 0);
     if ($id) {
         if (SORL_FILTER_ON) {
             $solr = new Solr_Search();
     } else {
         echo "invalid";
예제 #4
    function gallery_update() {//Cập nhật ảnh cho thư viện
        if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_IMAGE) && (int) Url::get('user_id', 0) && (int) Url::get('user_id', 0) != User::id()) {
            $user_id = (int) Url::get('user_id', 0);
        } else {
            $user_id = User::id();

        $image_id = (int) $_GET['image_id'];
        $json['error'] = 'not_updated'; //not_uploaded
        $json['url_error'] = '';
        $json['original_image_url'] = '';

        if (User::is_login()) {
            if (User::is_foodnet_team() || User::level() > 0) {
                if ($image_id) {
                    $des = substr(EClassApi::trimSpace(EClassApi::cleanHtml($_POST['des_update'])), 0, 50);
                    $image = DB::select('item_image', 'id=' . $image_id . ' AND root_id=0 AND user_id=' . $user_id);

                    if ($image) {
                        $upload_path = EClassApi::folderUpload($user_id);

                        if (EClassApi::ftp_check_dir($upload_path, true, IMAGE_SERVER_NO)) {//Check dir for upload
                            if (isset($_FILES['img_upload_update']) && !$_FILES['img_upload_update']['error'] && $_FILES['img_upload_update']['name']) {
                                if (getimagesize($_FILES['img_upload_update']['tmp_name']) && $_FILES['img_upload_update']['size'] <= Item::MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) {
                                    $file_name = $_FILES['img_upload_update']['name'];
                                    $sourceName = $_FILES['img_upload_update']['tmp_name'];
                                    $file_ext = EClassApi::getExtension($file_name);

                                    if (in_array($file_ext, array('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png'))) {
                                        $original_image_url = $upload_path . date("YmdHis", TIME_NOW) . '_' . substr(EClassApi::make_safe_name(basename(strtolower($file_name), $file_ext)), 0, 36) . $file_ext;

                                        if (EClassApi::ftp_image_put_file($original_image_url, $sourceName, IMAGE_SERVER_NO)) {
                                            if (DB::update('item_image', array(
                                                        'des' => $des,
                                                        'img_server' => IMAGE_SERVER_NO,
                                                        'original_image_url' => $original_image_url
                                                            ), 'id=' . $image_id . ' OR root_id=' . $image_id)) {
                                                if ($image['original_image_url']) {
                                                    EClassApi::ftp_image_delete_file($image['original_image_url'], $image['img_server']);

                                                    if (MEMCACHE_ON) {

                                                        $sql = "SELECT * FROM item	WHERE original_image_url='{$image['original_image_url']}' AND status IN(1,2)  AND user_id=" . $user_id;
                                                        $re = DB::query($sql);

                                                        while ($item_memcache = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                                                            $item_memcache['img_server'] = IMAGE_SERVER_NO;
                                                            $item_memcache['original_image_url'] = $original_image_url;
                                                            eb_memcache::do_put("item:" . $item_memcache['id'], $item_memcache);
                                                               $solr = new Solr_Search();

                                                    DB::query("UPDATE item SET img_server = " . (int) IMAGE_SERVER_NO . ", original_image_url='{$original_image_url}' WHERE original_image_url='{$image['original_image_url']}' AND status IN(1,2)  AND user_id=" . $user_id);

                                                $json['img_server'] = IMAGE_SERVER_NO;
                                                $json['original_image_url'] = $original_image_url;
                                                $json['error'] = 'success';
                                            } else {
                                                $json['error'] = 'not_updated';
                                    } else {
                                        $json['error'] = 'ext_invalid'; //Sai định dạng file
                                } else {
                                    $json['error'] = 'over_max_size'; //Sai định dạng file hoặc upload dung lượng quá lớn
                            } elseif ($_POST['url_update']) {
                                $url = $_POST['url_update'];

                                $tem_cache_dir = DIR_CACHE . 'user_images/';

                                $tem_cache_file = User::user_name() . md5($url) . '.gif';
                                $image_content = disguise_curl($url);

                                if ($image_content) {
                                    if (@file_put_contents($tem_cache_dir . $tem_cache_file, $image_content)) {
                                        if (getimagesize($tem_cache_dir . $tem_cache_file) && filesize($tem_cache_dir . $tem_cache_file) <= Item::MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) {
                                            $sourceName = $tem_cache_dir . $tem_cache_file;
                                            $original_image_url = $upload_path . TIME_NOW . '_' . $tem_cache_file;

                                            if (EClassApi::ftp_image_put_file($original_image_url, $sourceName, IMAGE_SERVER_NO)) {
                                                if (DB::update('item_image', array(
                                                            'des' => $des,
                                                            'img_server' => IMAGE_SERVER_NO,
                                                            'original_image_url' => $original_image_url)
                                                                , 'id=' . $image_id . ' OR root_id=' . $image_id)) {
                                                    if ($image['original_image_url']) {
                                                        EClassApi::ftp_image_delete_file($image['original_image_url'], $image['imng_server']);
                                                        if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                                                            $sql = "SELECT * FROM item	WHERE original_image_url='{$image['original_image_url']}' AND status IN(1,2)  AND user_id=" . $user_id;
                                                            $re = DB::query($sql);

                                                            while ($item_memcache = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                                                                $item_memcache['img_server'] = IMAGE_SERVER_NO;
                                                                $item_memcache['original_image_url'] = $original_image_url;
                                                                eb_memcache::do_put("item:" . $item_memcache['id'], $item_memcache);
                                                                   $solr = new Solr_Search();

                                                        DB::query("UPDATE item SET original_image_url='{$original_image_url}' WHERE original_image_url='{$image['original_image_url']}' AND status IN(1,2) AND user_id=" . $user_id);

                                                    $json['url_error'] = 'success';
                                                    $json['img_server'] = IMAGE_SERVER_NO;
                                                    $json['original_image_url'] = $original_image_url;
                                                } else {
                                                    $json['url_error'] = 'not_updated';
                                                $json['url_error'] = 'not_uploaded';
                                            $json['url_error'] = 'over_max_size';

                                        @unlink($tem_cache_dir . $tem_cache_file);
                                        $json['url_error'] = 'not_cache_file';
                                    $json['url_error'] = 'not_get_img';
                            else {
                                if ($des != $image['des']) {
                                    if (DB::update('item_image', array('des' => $des), 'id=' . $image_id)) {
                                        $json['error'] = 'success';
                                    } else {
                                        $json['error'] = 'not_updated';
                                } else {
                                    $json['error'] = 'success';
                        $json['des'] = $des;

                        //get Item_id
                        $sql = "SELECT item_id FROM item_image WHERE (id = $image_id OR root_id = $image_id) " . (User::have_permit(ADMIN_IMAGE) ? '' : " AND user_id=" . User::id());
                        $re = DB::query($sql);

                        if ($re) {
                            $item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re);
                            if ($item["item_id"]) {
                                require_once ROOT_PATH . 'core/Item.php';
                                Item::get_item_images($item["item_id"], 1);
                    } else {
                        $json['error'] = 'not_exit';

                    //get Item_id
                    $sql = "SELECT item_id FROM item_image WHERE id = $image_id";
                    $re = DB::query($sql);
                    if ($re) {
                        $item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re);
                        require_once ROOT_PATH . 'core/Item.php';
                        Item::get_item_images($item["item_id"], 1);
        } else {
            $json['error'] = 'not_login';

        echo json_encode($json);
예제 #5
 function set_schedule_up()
     $item_id = (int) Url::get('item_id', 0);
     $response = array();
     if ($item_id > 0 && User::is_login() && !User::is_block()) {
         $user = array();
         $item = array();
         $up_item = array();
         $up_items = array();
         $user = array();
         $item = Item::get_item($item_id);
         if ($item && $item['status'] != -1) {
             $response['item_id'] = $item_id;
             $response['reload_page'] = (int) Url::get('reload_page', 0);
             if (User::id() == $item['user_id']) {
                 $up_rows = array();
                 //Bản ghi up lịch
                 $user = DB::select('account', "id={$item['user_id']}");
                 $re = DB::query("SELECT * FROM up_item_schedule WHERE item_id={$item_id} ORDER BY run_order");
                 if ($re) {
                     while ($s_item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                         $up_rows[] = $s_item;
                 if ($up_rows) {
                     $up_exist = true;
                     $up_item = $up_rows[0];
                     foreach ($up_rows as $u_item) {
                         if ($u_item['up_remain'] > $up_item['up_remain']) {
                             $up_item['up_remain'] = $u_item['up_remain'];
                     if ($up_item['up_remain'] < 0) {
                         $up_item['up_remain'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $up_exist = false;
                     $up_item = array("up_remain" => 0, "time_add" => TIME_NOW);
                     /*$response['msg'] = "not_exist";
                     		echo json_encode($response);
                 #Ngày up trong tuần
                 $week_day_arr = Url::get('week_day');
                 if ($week_day_arr) {
                     $week_day_tmp = array(2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0, 6 => 0, 7 => 0, 8 => 0);
                     foreach ($week_day_arr as $wday => $val) {
                         if (isset($week_day_tmp[$wday])) {
                             $week_day_tmp[$wday] = (int) (bool) $val;
                     $week_day = implode('|', $week_day_tmp);
                 } else {
                     $response['msg'] = "choose_wday";
                     echo json_encode($response);
                     //'Bạn phải chọn ngày up trong tuần!'
                 #Thời điểm up mỗi ngày
                 $string_up_time = Url::get('string_up_time');
                 if ($string_up_time != '') {
                     $arr_time = explode('|', $string_up_time);
                     $run_hours = array();
                     //Giờ từng lượt up
                     $run_mins = array();
                     //Phút từng lượt up
                     $time_temp = array();
                     //Thời điểm up tính từ mốc 0 của thời gian
                     foreach ($arr_time as $value) {
                         $arr_temp = explode(':', $value);
                         $uTime = mktime($arr_temp[0], $arr_temp[1], 0, 0, 0, 0);
                         $complain = false;
                         /*foreach ($time_temp as $time_val)
                         			if ($uTime == $time_val)
                         				$complain = true;
                         				$complain = false;
                         			$time_temp[] = $uTime;
                         if (!in_array($uTime, $time_temp)) {
                             $time_temp[] = $uTime;
                             //Cho vào mảng thời điểm up tạm
                     //Sắp xếp thứ tự
                     foreach ($time_temp as $val) {
                         $run_hours[] = date('H', $val);
                         $run_mins[] = date('i', $val);
                     $up_remain = (int) Url::get('up_remain', 0);
                     //Tổng số lần up cho cả lịch up
                     if ($up_remain < 0) {
                         $up_remain = 0;
                     $run_times = array();
                     $last_time = 0;
                     $i = 1;
                     $first_time = 1;
                     //lần up đầu tiên
                     if ($run_hours) {
                         $wday_now = date('N', time()) - 1;
                         foreach ($run_hours as $stt => $hour) {
                             if (isset($run_mins[$stt])) {
                                 $cur_time = mktime($hour, $run_mins[$stt], 0, date('m', TIME_NOW), date('d', TIME_NOW), date('Y', TIME_NOW));
                                 if ($last_time) {
                                     if ($cur_time <= $last_time + 899) {
                                         //Bỏ qua
                                         /*$response['msg'] 	= "run_hour_error";
                                         											$response['alert'] 	= "Thời gian lượt up thứ $i phải muộn hơn lần up thứ ".($i-1)." ít nhất 15 phút!";
                                         											echo json_encode($response);
                                 $last_time = $cur_time;
                                 $arr = explode('|', $week_day);
                                 $wday_up = $wday_now;
                                 //Tính thời gian up kế tiếp của bản ghi
                                 $time_next_run = $cur_time;
                                 if ($time_next_run <= TIME_NOW + 5 || !isset($arr[$wday_up]) || isset($arr[$wday_up]) && !$arr[$wday_up]) {
                                     //$wday_up = $wday_now;
                                     $w_temp = $wday_up++;
                                     while ($wday_up < 7) {
                                         if (isset($arr[$wday_up]) && $arr[$wday_up]) {
                                             $time_next_run = $cur_time + 86400 * ($wday_up - $wday_now);
                                             if ($time_next_run > TIME_NOW + 5) {
                                                 //nếu thời gian up kế tiếp lớn hơn thời gian hiện tại + 5 giây
                                     if (!isset($arr[$wday_up]) || isset($arr[$wday_up]) && !$arr[$wday_up]) {
                                         $wday_up = 0;
                                         //while ($wday_up<7){
                                         while ($wday_up < $w_temp) {
                                             if (isset($arr[$wday_up]) && $arr[$wday_up]) {
                                                 $time_next_run = $cur_time + 86400 * (7 - $wday_now + $wday_up);
                                                 if ($time_next_run > TIME_NOW + 5) {
                                                     //nếu thời gian up kế tiếp lớn hơn thời gian hiện tại + 5 giây
                                 $run_times[] = array('time_run' => str_pad($hour, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-' . str_pad($run_mins[$stt], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), 'time_next_run' => $time_next_run);
                     if ($run_times) {
                         $up_per_day = count($run_times);
                         foreach ($run_times as $stt => $time) {
                             $up_items[] = array('run_order' => $stt, 'time_run' => $time['time_run'], 'time_next_run' => $time['time_next_run']);
                     } else {
                         $response['msg'] = "run_hour";
                         echo json_encode($response);
                         //'Bạn phải chọn ít nhất 1 lần up / ngày!'
                     if ($first_time > $up_per_day) {
                         $first_time = 1;
                     $up_item['status'] = (int) Url::get('status', 0);
                     if ($up_remain <= 0) {
                         $response['msg'] = "up_zero";
                         echo json_encode($response);
                         //Chưa nhập lượt up
                     if ($up_item['up_remain'] != $up_remain) {
                         if ($user['up_item'] + $up_item['up_remain'] < $up_remain) {
                             //Tài khoản ko đủ để tăng tổng số lượt up sẽ dùng cho tin
                             $up_remain = $user['up_item'] + $up_item['up_remain'];
                             if ($up_remain <= 0) {
                                 $response['msg'] = "up_over";
                                 echo json_encode($response);
                                 //Chưa nhập lượt up
                         $user_up_remain = $user['up_item'] + $up_item['up_remain'] - $up_remain;
                         if ($user_up_remain < 0) {
                             $user_up_remain = 0;
                         DB::query("UPDATE account SET up_item={$user_up_remain} WHERE id=" . $user['id']);
                         User::getUser($user['id'], 0, 1);
                     if ($up_item['status'] && $up_remain <= 0) {
                         $status = 2;
                     } elseif ($item["status"] == -1 || $item["status"] == 0 || $item["status"] == 2 || $item["status"] == 3) {
                         $status = 3;
                     } else {
                         $status = $up_item['status'];
                     #Cập nhật cho tin
                     if ($item['is_up_auto'] != 1) {
                         DB::query("UPDATE item SET is_up_auto = 1 WHERE id= {$item_id}");
                         if (SORL_FILTER_ON) {
                             $solr = new Solr_Search();
                         if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                             $item['is_up_auto'] = 1;
                             eb_memcache::do_put("item:{$item_id}", $item);
                     $del_ids = '';
                     $add_sql = '';
                     $up_total = $up_remain;
                     $up_item['up_remain'] = $up_remain;
                     if ($up_items) {
                         foreach ($up_items as $key => $u_item) {
                             if ($u_item['run_order'] < $first_time) {
                                 $up_remain = $up_total - ($up_per_day - $first_time) - $u_item['run_order'];
                             } else {
                                 $up_remain = $up_total - ($u_item['run_order'] - $first_time);
                             if (isset($up_rows[$key])) {
                                 DB::update('up_item_schedule', array('user_id' => $user['id'], 'user_name' => $user['user_name'], 'item_id' => $item['id'], 'des' => $item['name'], 'time_modify' => TIME_NOW, 'run_order' => $u_item['run_order'], 'up_per_day' => $up_per_day, 'week_day' => $week_day, 'time_run' => $u_item['time_run'], 'time_next_run' => $u_item['time_next_run'], 'up_remain' => $up_remain, 'up_total' => $up_total, 'status' => $status), "id={$up_rows[$key]['id']}");
                             } else {
                                 //$add_sql="INSERT INTO up_item_schedule (user_id,user_name,item_id,des,time_add,time_modify,run_order,week_day,time_run,time_next_run,up_remain,up_total,status) VALUES ".$add_sql;
                                 $add_sql .= ($add_sql ? ",\n" : "") . "({$user['id']},'{$user['user_name']}',{$item['id']},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$item['name']}',{$up_item['time_add']}," . TIME_NOW . ",{$u_item['run_order']},{$up_per_day},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$week_day}','{$u_item['time_run']}',{$u_item['time_next_run']},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$up_remain},{$up_total},{$status})";
                     if ($up_rows) {
                         foreach ($up_rows as $u_item) {
                             $del_ids .= ($del_ids ? ',' : '') . $u_item['id'];
                     if ($add_sql) {
                         $add_sql = "INSERT INTO up_item_schedule (user_id,user_name,item_id,des,time_add,time_modify,run_order,up_per_day,week_day,time_run,time_next_run,up_remain,up_total,status) VALUES " . $add_sql;
                     if ($del_ids) {
                         DB::delete("up_item_schedule", "id IN({$del_ids})");
                     $response['msg'] = "success";
                     echo json_encode($response);
                 } else {
                     $response['msg'] = "run_hour";
                     echo json_encode($response);
                     //'Bạn phải chọn ít nhất 1 lần up / ngày!'
         } else {
             //delete schedule here...
             DB::query("UPDATE up_item_schedule SET status=3 WHERE item_id={$item_id}");
             echo "item_not_exist";
     $response['msg'] = "invalid";
     echo json_encode($response);
예제 #6
    function fn_invalid_user()
        if (!User::is_login() || !User::have_permit(array(ADMIN_USER, MOD_VALID_USER))) {
            echo "no_perm";
        $user_id = (int) Url::get('user_id', 0);
        $invalid_time = (int) Url::get('invalid_time', 0);
        $date_invalid = (int) Url::get('date_invalid', 0);
        $type_invalid = (int) Url::get('type_invalid', 0);
        $reason_invalid = EnbacLib::getParam('reason_invalid', '');
        $reason_invalid = $reason_invalid ? $reason_invalid : 'Không nhập lý do kiểm duyệt';
        $user = User::getUser($user_id);
        if ($user['invalid_time'] > 0 || $user['invalid_time'] == -1) {
            if (DB::update('account', array('invalid_time' => "0"), 'id =' . $user_id)) {
                $sql_select_reason = 'SELECT id,admin_name,time FROM acc_lock WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id . ' AND type = 2 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1';
                $user_invalid = DB::fetch($sql_select_reason);
                if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                    $sql = "SELECT * FROM item\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   WHERE user_id = {$user_id} AND status = 2 AND valid_time = {$user_invalid['time']} AND modify_time_user = 0 AND valid_user ='******'admin_name']}'";
                    $re = DB::query($sql);
                    while ($item_memcache = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                        $item_memcache['status'] = 1;
                        $item_memcache['valid_time'] = TIME_NOW;
                        $item_memcache['valid_user'] = User::user_name();
                        eb_memcache::do_put("item:" . $item_memcache['id'], $item_memcache);
                        //update realtime
                        if (SORL_FILTER_ON) {
                            $solr = new Solr_Search();
                if (User::have_permit(array(ADMIN_USER))) {
                    // chi admin quyen User moi duoc mo kiem duyet thanh vien
                    DB::update('item', array('status' => 1, 'valid_time' => TIME_NOW, 'valid_user' => User::user_name()), 'user_id = ' . $user_id . ' AND status = 2 AND valid_time = ' . $user_invalid['time'] . ' AND modify_time_user = 0 AND valid_user ="******"');
                    DB::update('acc_lock', array('unlock_time' => TIME_NOW, 'unlock_user' => User::user_name()), 'id = ' . $user_invalid['id']);
                User::getUser($user_id, 1, 0);
                // update lai cache user
                echo $user['id'];
        } elseif ($user['invalid_time'] == 0) {
            if ($type_invalid == 1 && $date_invalid) {
                //$timeInvalid = TIME_NOW+($date_invalid*3600*24);
                $time_start = mktime(24, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
                $timeInvalid = $time_start + $date_invalid * 24 * 3600;
            } elseif ($type_invalid == 2) {
                $timeInvalid = -1;
            } else {
                echo 'fail_valid';
            if (DB::update('account', array('invalid_time' => $timeInvalid), 'id =' . $user_id)) {
                $user = DB::fetch('SELECT id,user_name FROM account WHERE id  = ' . $user_id);
                if ($user) {
                    DB::insert('acc_lock', array('time' => TIME_NOW, 'time_expire' => $timeInvalid, 'user_id' => $user['id'], 'user_name' => $user['user_name'], 'type' => 2, 'note' => $reason_invalid, 'admin_id' => User::id(), 'admin_name' => User::user_name()));
                $sql_item = 'SELECT id FROM item where user_id = ' . $user_id . ' AND status = 1';
                $re_item = DB::query($sql_item);
                while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re_item)) {
                    $reason = "KDTV : {$reason_invalid}";
                    $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO bad_content (`type`,`id_item`,`user_id`,`user_name`,`reason`,`time_post`) VALUES (2,{$item['id']}," . User::id() . ",'" . User::user_name() . "','" . $reason . "'," . TIME_NOW . ")";
                if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                    $sql = "SELECT * FROM item\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   WHERE user_id = {$user_id} AND status = 1";
                    $re = DB::query($sql);
                    while ($item_memcache = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                        $item_memcache['status'] = 2;
                        $item_memcache['valid_time'] = TIME_NOW;
                        $item_memcache['valid_user'] = User::user_name();
                        eb_memcache::do_put("item:" . $item_memcache['id'], $item_memcache);
                        //update realtime
                        if (SORL_FILTER_ON) {
                            $solr = new Solr_Search();
                $receiver_user = User::getUser($user_id);
                $title_pm = 'Thông báo kiểm duyệt thành viên từ EClass';
                $content_pm = 'Bạn đã bị kiểm duyệt với lý do: ' . $reason . '
				Tất cả các tin đăng của bạn cũng sẽ bị kiểm duyệt.
				Đề nghị bạn hãy thực hiện đúng các quy định của Én Bạc.
				Xin cảm ơn bạn.
				Vui lòng không trả lời tin nhắn này!';
                EClassApi::Send_pm(User::id(), User::user_name(), $receiver_user, $title_pm, $content_pm, true);
                DB::update('item', array('status' => "2", 'valid_time' => TIME_NOW, 'valid_user' => User::user_name()), 'user_id = ' . $user_id . ' AND status = 1');
                User::getUser($user_id, 1, 0);
                // update lai cache user
                echo $user['id'];
        } else {
            echo 'fail_valid';