function judge_ideone($sub) { global $CFG; // creating soap client $client = new SoapClient(""); $user = $CFG->assignment_oj_ideone_username; $pass = $CFG->assignment_oj_ideone_password; if ($source = $this->get_submission_file_content($sub->userid)) { $cases = $this->get_tests(); $status_ideone = array(11 => 'ce', 12 => 're', 13 => 'tle', 15 => 'ok', 17 => 'mle', 19 => 'rf', 20 => 'ie'); $result->grade = -1; try { // Begin soap // Submit all cases first to save time. $links = array(); foreach ($cases as $case) { $webid = $client->createSubmission($user, $pass, $source, $this->ideone_langs[$this->onlinejudge->language], $case->input, true, true); if ($webid['error'] == 'OK') { $links[] = $webid['link']; } else { $result->status = 'ie'; $result->info = $webid['error']; return $result; } } // Get ideone results $delay = $CFG->assignment_oj_ideone_delay; $i = 0; $results = array(); foreach ($cases as $case) { while (1) { if ($delay > 0) { sleep($delay); $delay = ceil($delay / 2); } $status = $client->getSubmissionStatus($user, $pass, $links[$i]); if ($status['status'] == 0) { $delay = 0; break; } } $details = $client->getSubmissionDetails($user, $pass, $links[$i], false, true, true, true, true, false); $result->status = $status_ideone[$details['result']]; // If got ce or compileonly, don't need to test other case if ($result->status == 'ce' || $this->onlinejudge->compileonly) { if ($result->status != 'ce' && $result->status != 'ie') { $result->status = 'compileok'; } $result->info = $details['cmpinfo'] . '<br />' . get_string('ideonelogo', 'assignment_onlinejudge'); $result->grade = $this->grade_marker('ce', $this->assignment->grade); return $result; } // Check for wa, pe, tle, mle or accept if ($result->status == 'ok') { if ($details['time'] > $this->onlinejudge->cpulimit) { $result->status = 'tle'; } else { if ($details['memory'] * 1024 > $this->onlinejudge->memlimit) { $result->status = 'mle'; } else { $result->output = $details['output']; $result->status = $this->diff($case->output, $result->output); } } } $results[] = $result; unset($result); $i++; } } catch (SoapFault $ex) { $result->status = 'ie'; $result->info = 'faultcode=' . $ex->faultcode . '|faultstring=' . $ex->faultstring; return $result; } $result = $this->merge_results($results, $cases); $result->info .= '<br />' . get_string('ideonelogo', 'assignment_onlinejudge'); return $result; } else { return false; } }
/** * Judge the current task * * @return updated task */ function judge() { $task =& $this->task; // create client. $client = new SoapClient(""); $user = $task->var1; $pass = $task->var2; $language = $this->language; $input = $task->input; // Get source code $fs = get_file_storage(); $files = $fs->get_area_files(get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)->id, 'local_onlinejudge', 'tasks', $task->id, 'sortorder, timemodified', false); $source = ''; foreach ($files as $file) { $source = $file->get_content(); break; } $status_ideone = array(0 => ONLINEJUDGE_STATUS_PENDING, 11 => ONLINEJUDGE_STATUS_COMPILATION_ERROR, 12 => ONLINEJUDGE_STATUS_RUNTIME_ERROR, 13 => ONLINEJUDGE_STATUS_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEED, 15 => ONLINEJUDGE_STATUS_COMPILATION_OK, 17 => ONLINEJUDGE_STATUS_MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEED, 19 => ONLINEJUDGE_STATUS_RESTRICTED_FUNCTIONS, 20 => ONLINEJUDGE_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR); // Begin soap /** * function createSubmission create a paste. * @param user is the user name. * @param pass is the user's password. * @param source is the source code of the paste. * @param language is language identifier. these identifiers can be * retrieved by using the getLanguages methods. * @param input is the data that will be given to the program on the stdin * @param run is the determines whether the source code should be executed. * @param private is the determines whether the paste should be private. * Private pastes do not appear on the recent pastes page on * Notice: you can only set submission's visibility to public or private through * the API (you cannot set the user's visibility). * @return array( * error => string * link => string * ) */ $webid = $client->createSubmission($user, $pass, $source, $language, $input, true, true); $delay = get_config('local_onlinejudge', 'ideonedelay'); sleep($delay); // ideone reject bulk access if ($webid['error'] == 'OK') { $link = $webid['link']; } else { throw new onlinejudge_exception('ideoneerror', $webid['error']); } // Get ideone results while (1) { $status = $client->getSubmissionStatus($user, $pass, $link); sleep($delay); // ideone reject bulk access. Always add delay between accesses if ($status['status'] == 0) { break; } } $details = $client->getSubmissionDetails($user, $pass, $link, false, false, true, true, true); $task->stdout = $details['output']; $task->stderr = $details['stderr']; $task->compileroutput = $details['cmpinfo']; $task->memusage = $details['memory'] * 1024; $task->cpuusage = $details['time']; $task->infoteacher = get_string('ideoneresultlink', 'local_onlinejudge', $link); $task->infostudent = get_string('ideonelogo', 'local_onlinejudge'); $task->status = $status_ideone[$details['result']]; if ($task->compileonly) { if ($task->status != ONLINEJUDGE_STATUS_COMPILATION_ERROR && $task->status != ONLINEJUDGE_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR) { $task->status = ONLINEJUDGE_STATUS_COMPILATION_OK; } } else { if ($task->status == ONLINEJUDGE_STATUS_COMPILATION_OK) { if ($task->cpuusage > $task->cpulimit) { $task->status = ONLINEJUDGE_STATUS_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEED; } else { if ($task->memusage > $task->memlimit) { $task->status = ONLINEJUDGE_STATUS_MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEED; } else { $task->status = $this->diff(); } } } } return $task; }
$subStatus = array(0 => 'Success', 1 => 'Compiled', 3 => 'Running', 11 => 'Compilation Error', 12 => 'Runtime Error', 13 => 'Timelimit exceeded', 15 => 'Success', 17 => 'memory limit exceeded', 19 => 'illegal system call', 20 => 'internal error'); $error = array('status' => 'error', 'output' => 'Something went wrong :('); //echo json_encode( array( 'hi', 1 ) ); exit; //print_r( $_POST ); exit; $result_sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `questions_input` WHERE `qusID` = '{$questionID}'") or die("Invaild Question"); $result_array = mysql_fetch_array($result_sql); $required_output = $result_array['output']; if (!empty($required_output) && $valid_question) { //isset( $_POST['process'] ) && $_POST['process'] == 1 ) { $lang = isset($_POST['lang']) ? intval($_POST['lang']) : 11; $input = trim($result_array['input']); $mark = $result_array['mark']; $code = trim($_POST['source']); $client = new SoapClient(""); //create new submission $result = $client->createSubmission($user, $pass, $code, $lang, $input, $run, $private); //if submission is OK, get the status if ($result['error'] == 'OK') { $status = $client->getSubmissionStatus($user, $pass, $result['link']); if ($status['error'] == 'OK') { //check if the status is 0, otherwise getSubmissionStatus again while ($status['status'] != 0) { sleep(3); //sleep 3 seconds $status = $client->getSubmissionStatus($user, $pass, $result['link']); } //finally get the submission results $details = $client->getSubmissionDetails($user, $pass, $result['link'], true, true, true, true, true); if ($details['error'] == 'OK') { //print_r( $details ); if ($details['status'] < 0) {
<textarea id="code" style="height: 350px; width: 100%;" name="code"> <?php echo stripslashes($_POST["code"]); ?> </textarea> </fieldset> <input type="submit" value="Execute" class="amit_button"/> </form> </body> </html> <?php $code = stripslashes($_POST["code"]); $lang = $_POST["PL"]; //explore($client->getLanguages($user="******",$pass="******")); if ($code) { $result = $client->createSubmission($user = USER, $pass = PWD, $sourceCode = $code, $language = $lang, $input = "", $run = 1, $private = 0); //explore($result); $stat = $client->getSubmissionStatus($user = USER, $pass = PWD, $link = $result["link"]); //explore($stat); $output = $client->getSubmissionDetails($user = USER, $pass = PWD, $link = $result["link"], $withSource = 1, $withInput = 0, $withOutput = 1, $withStderr = 1, $withCmpinfo = 1); echo $output["output"]; explore($output); //echo $output["output"]; } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php } else {
$link = isset($_POST['link']) ? trim($_POST['link']) : ''; $run = true; $private = true; if (strlen($input) > 1) { if ($input[strlen($input) - 1] != "\n") { $input .= "\n"; } } if ($action == 'submit') { if (empty($_POST['source'])) { throw new Exception("Source is empty"); } if (empty($_POST['language'])) { throw new Exception("Language is empty"); } $result = $client->createSubmission($api_user, $api_pass, $source, $language, $input, $run, $private); if ($result['error'] == 'OK') { $link = $result['link']; $status = check($link); } else { throw new Exception("createSubmission: " . $result['error']); } } else { $status = check($link); } //var_dump($params); $response['status'] = 'OK'; $response['message'] = $status; $response['message']['link'] = $link; $response['message']['date'] = date("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z"); } catch (Exception $e) {
/** * Executes a source code sequence in a specified language and returns * the result. * * @param string $language Programming language the source code is in * @param string $code Source code to execute * * @return void */ public function onCommandIdeone($language, $code) { $source = $this->event->getSource(); $nick = $this->event->getNick(); // Get authentication credentials $user = $this->getConfig('ideone.user', 'test'); $pass = $this->getConfig('ideone.pass', 'test'); // Normalize the command parameters $language = strtolower($language); // Massage PHP code to allow for convenient shorthand if ($language == 'php') { if (!preg_match('/^<\\?(?:php)?/', $code)) { $code = '<?php ' . $code; } switch (substr($code, -1)) { case '}': case ';': break; default: $code .= ';'; break; } } // Identify the language to use $client = new SoapClient(''); $response = $client->getLanguages($user, $pass); if ($this->isError($response)) { return; } $languageLength = strlen($language); foreach ($response['languages'] as $languageId => $languageName) { if (strncasecmp($language, $languageName, $languageLength) == 0) { break; } } // Send the paste data $response = $client->createSubmission($user, $pass, $code, $languageId, null, true, false); if ($this->isError($response)) { return; } $link = $response['link']; // Wait until the paste data is processed or the service fails $attempts = $this->getConfig('ideone.attempts', 10); foreach (range(1, $attempts) as $attempt) { $response = $client->getSubmissionStatus($user, $pass, $link); if ($this->isError($response)) { return; } if ($response['status'] == 0) { $result = $response['result']; break; } else { $result = null; sleep(1); } } if ($result == null) { $this->doNotice($nick, 'ideone error: Timed out'); return; } if ($result != 15) { $this->doNotice($nick, 'ideone error: Status code ' . $result); return; } // Get details for the created paste $response = $client->getSubmissionDetails($user, $pass, $link, false, false, true, true, false); if ($this->isError($response)) { return; } // Replace the output if it exceeds a specified maximum length $outputLimit = $this->getConfig('ideone.output_limit', 100); var_dump($response); if ($outputLimit && strlen($response['output']) > $outputLimit) { $response['output'] = 'Output is too long to post'; } // Format the message $msg = $this->getConfig('ideone.format', '%nick%: [ %link% ] %output%'); $response['nick'] = $nick; $response['link'] = '' . $link; foreach ($response as $key => $value) { $msg = str_replace('%' . $key . '%', $value, $msg); } $this->doPrivmsg($source, $msg); }