public static function Run() { //-- global $configs; //-- //== //-- if (self::$MiddlewareCompleted !== false) { // avoid to execute more than 1 this middleware ! self::Raise500Error('Middleware App Execution already completed ...'); return; } //end if self::$MiddlewareCompleted = true; //-- $the_midmark = '[A]'; //-- if (SMART_FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_AREA !== true) { Smart::raise_error('Admin Middleware ERROR: SMART_FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_AREA is not set to TRUE', 'Invalid Area / This middleware is designed for Admin area and requires to turn ON the Administration flag ...'); return; } //end if //-- if (!defined('SMART_APP_TEMPLATES_DIR')) { self::Raise500Error('The SMART_APP_TEMPLATES_DIR not defined ...'); return; } //end if //-- if (defined('SMART_APP_MODULE_AREA')) { self::Raise500Error('Smart App Area must NOT be Defined outside controllers ...'); return; } //end if if (defined('SMART_APP_MODULE_AUTH')) { self::Raise500Error('Smart App Module Auth must NOT be Defined outside controllers ...'); return; } //end if if (defined('SMART_APP_MODULE_REALM_AUTH')) { self::Raise500Error('Smart App Module Realm Auth must NOT be Defined outside controllers ...'); return; } //end if if (defined('SMART_APP_MODULE_DIRECT_OUTPUT')) { self::Raise500Error('Smart App Module Direct Output must NOT be Defined outside controllers ...'); return; } //end if //-- //== //-- $smartframeworkservice = ''; // special operation if (SmartFrameworkRegistry::issetRequestVar('smartframeworkservice') === true) { $smartframeworkservice = (string) strtolower((string) SmartUnicode::utf8_to_iso((string) SmartFrameworkRegistry::getRequestVar('smartframeworkservice'))); switch ((string) $smartframeworkservice) { case 'status': case 'debug': break; default: // invalid value $smartframeworkservice = ''; } //end switch } //end if //-- //== //-- switch language by cookie (this needs to be before loading the app core) if (strlen(trim((string) $_COOKIE['SmartApp_ADM_LANGUAGE_SET'])) > 0) { SmartTextTranslations::setLanguage(trim((string) $_COOKIE['SmartApp_ADM_LANGUAGE_SET'])); } //end if //-- switch language by print cookie (this needs to be before loading the app core and after language by cookie) if (SmartFrameworkRegistry::issetRequestVar((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_URL_PARAM_PRINTABLE) === true) { if (strtolower((string) SmartFrameworkRegistry::getRequestVar((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_URL_PARAM_PRINTABLE)) == strtolower((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_URL_VALUE_ENABLED)) { if (strlen(trim((string) $_COOKIE['SmartApp_ADM_PRINT_LANGUAGE_SET'])) > 0) { SmartTextTranslations::setLanguage(trim((string) $_COOKIE['SmartApp_ADM_PRINT_LANGUAGE_SET'])); } //end if } //end if } //end if //-- //== RAW OUTPUT FOR STATUS //-- if ((string) $smartframeworkservice == 'status') { //-- if (SMART_SOFTWARE_DISABLE_STATUS_POWERED === true) { $status_powered_info = ''; } else { $status_powered_info = (string) SmartComponents::draw_powered_info('no'); } //end if else //-- self::HeadersNoCache(); // headers: cache control, force no-cache echo SmartComponents::http_status_message('Smart.Framework :: Status :: [OK]', '<script type="text/javascript">setTimeout(function(){ self.location = self.location; }, 60000);</script><img src="lib/core/img/busy_bar.gif"><div><h1>' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s O') . ' // Service Ready :: ' . $the_midmark . '</h1></div>' . $status_powered_info . '<br>'); //-- return; // break stop //-- } //end if //-- //== OVERALL AUTHENTICATION BREAKPOINT //-- SmartAppBootstrap::Authenticate('admin'); // if the auth uses session it may start now //-- //== RAW OUTPUT FOR DEBUG //-- if ((string) $smartframeworkservice == 'debug') { //-- if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE == 'yes') { self::HeadersNoCache(); // headers: cache control, force no-cache $the_debug_cookie = trim((string) $_COOKIE['SmartFramework__DebugAdmID']); echo SmartDebugProfiler::print_debug_info('adm', $the_debug_cookie); } else { http_response_code(404); echo SmartComponents::http_message_404_notfound('No Debug service has been activated on this server ...'); } //end if //-- return; // break stop //-- } //end if else //-- //== LOAD THE MODULE (OR DEFAULT MODULE) //-- $reserved_controller_names = ['php', 'html', 'stml', 'css', 'js', 'json', 'xml', 'rss', 'txt', 'csv', 'sql', 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'pdf', 'svg', 'zip', '7z', 'netarch']; // these are reserved extensions and cannot be used as controller names because they need to be used also with friendly URLs as the 2nd param if module is missing from URL page param //-- $err404 = ''; $arr = array(); //-- $page = (string) SmartUnicode::utf8_to_iso((string) SmartFrameworkRegistry::getRequestVar('page')); $page = trim(str_replace(array('/', '\\', ':', '?', '&', '=', '%'), array('', '', '', '', '', '', ''), $page)); // fix for get as it automatically replaces . with _ (so, reverse), but also fix some invalid characters ... if ((string) $page == '') { $page = (string) $configs['app']['admin-home']; } //end if //-- if (strpos($page, '.') !== false) { // page can be as module.controller / module.controller(.php|html|stml|css|js|json|xml|rss|txt|csv|sql|png|gif|jpg|pdf|svg|zip|7z|netarch) //-- $arr = (array) explode('.', (string) $page, 3); // separe 1st and 2nd from the rest //-- //# //# $arr[0] = trim(strtolower((string) $arr[0])); // module $arr[1] = trim(strtolower((string) $arr[1])); // controller //# //# Admin will NOT integrate with friendly URLs SMART_FRAMEWORK_SEMANTIC_URL_SKIP_MODULE //# that feature is just for Index //# //-- } elseif ((string) $configs['app']['admin-default-module'] != '') { //-- $arr[0] = trim(strtolower((string) $configs['app']['admin-default-module'])); // get default module $arr[1] = trim(strtolower((string) $page)); // controller //-- } else { //-- if ((string) $err404 == '') { $err404 = 'Invalid Page (Invalid URL Page Segments Syntax): ' . $page; } //end if //-- } //end if else //-- if ((string) $arr[0] == '' or (string) $arr[1] == '') { if ((string) $err404 == '') { $err404 = 'Invalid Page (Empty or Missing URL Page Segments): ' . $page; } //end if } //end if if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_\\-]+$/', (string) $arr[0]) or !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_\\-]+$/', (string) $arr[1])) { if ((string) $err404 == '') { $err404 = 'Invalid Page (Invalid Characters in the URL Page Segments): ' . $page; } //end if } //end if if (in_array((string) $arr[1], (array) $reserved_controller_names)) { if ((string) $err404 == '') { $err404 = 'Invalid Page (Reserved Page Controller Name): [' . $arr[1] . '] in: ' . $page; } //end if } //end if //-- $the_controller_name = (string) $arr[0] . '.' . $arr[1]; $the_path_to_module = Smart::safe_pathname(SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash('modules/mod-' . Smart::safe_filename($arr[0]))); $the_module = Smart::safe_pathname($the_path_to_module . Smart::safe_filename($arr[1]) . '.php'); if (!is_file($the_module)) { if ((string) $err404 == '') { $err404 = 'Page does not exist: ' . $page; } //end if } //end if //-- if ((string) $err404 != '') { self::Raise404Error((string) $err404); return; } //end if //-- if (!SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name($the_path_to_module) or !SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name($the_module)) { self::Raise400Error('Insecure Module Access for Page: ' . $page); return; } //end if //-- if (class_exists('SmartAppIndexController') or class_exists('SmartAppAdminController')) { self::Raise500Error('Module Class Runtimes must be defined only in modules ...'); return; } //end if //-- require (string) $the_module; //-- if ((string) SMART_APP_MODULE_AREA !== 'ADMIN' and (string) SMART_APP_MODULE_AREA !== 'SHARED') { self::Raise403Error('Page Access Denied for Admin Area: ' . $page); return; } //end if if (defined('SMART_APP_MODULE_AUTH')) { if (SmartAuth::check_login() !== true) { self::Raise403Error('Page Access Denied ! No Authentication: ' . $page); return; } //end if if (defined('SMART_APP_MODULE_REALM_AUTH')) { if ((string) SmartAuth::get_login_realm() !== (string) SMART_APP_MODULE_REALM_AUTH) { self::Raise403Error('Page Access Denied ! Invalid Login Realm: ' . $page); return; } //end if } //end if } //end if //-- if (!class_exists('SmartAppAdminController')) { self::Raise500Error('Invalid Module Class Runtime for Page: ' . $page); return; } //end if if (!is_subclass_of('SmartAppAdminController', 'SmartAbstractAppController')) { self::Raise500Error('Invalid Module Class Inheritance for Controller Page: ' . $page); return; } //end if //-- //== PATHS //-- $base_script = SmartUtils::get_server_current_script(); $base_full_path = SmartUtils::get_server_current_path(); $base_full_url = SmartUtils::get_server_current_url(); //-- //== RUN THE MODULE //-- $appModule = new SmartAppAdminController($the_path_to_module, $base_script, $base_full_path, $base_full_url, $page, $the_controller_name); //-- if (SMART_APP_MODULE_DIRECT_OUTPUT !== true) { ob_start(); } //end if $appStatusCode = (int) $appModule->Run(); $appModule->ShutDown(); if (SMART_APP_MODULE_DIRECT_OUTPUT !== true) { $ctrl_output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ((string) $ctrl_output != '') { Smart::log_warning('The middleware service ' . $the_midmark . ' detected an illegal output in the controller: ' . $page . "\n" . 'The result of this output is: ' . $ctrl_output); } //end if $ctrl_output = ''; } else { return; // break stop after the controller has terminated the direct output } //end if else //-- $appSettings = (array) $appModule->PageViewGetCfgs(); //-- //== CACHE CONTROL //-- if ((int) $appSettings['expires'] > 0 and (string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE != 'yes') { self::HeadersCacheExpire((int) $appSettings['expires'], (int) $appSettings['modified']); // headers: cache expiration control } else { self::HeadersNoCache(); // headers: cache control, force no-cache } //end if else //-- //== STATUS CODE //-- switch ((int) $appStatusCode) { //-- client errors case 400: self::Raise400Error((string) $appSettings['error']); return; break; case 401: self::Raise401Error((string) $appSettings['error']); return; break; case 403: self::Raise403Error((string) $appSettings['error']); return; break; case 404: self::Raise404Error((string) $appSettings['error']); return; break; case 429: self::Raise429Error((string) $appSettings['error']); return; break; //-- server errors //-- server errors case 500: self::Raise500Error((string) $appSettings['error']); return; break; case 502: self::Raise502Error((string) $appSettings['error']); return; break; case 503: self::Raise503Error((string) $appSettings['error']); return; break; case 504: self::Raise504Error((string) $appSettings['error']); return; break; //-- extended 2xx statuses: NOTICE / WARNING / ERROR that can be used for REST / API //-- extended 2xx statuses: NOTICE / WARNING / ERROR that can be used for REST / API case 202: // NOTICE if (!headers_sent()) { http_response_code(202); // Accepted (this should be used only as an alternate SUCCESS code instead of 200 for NOTICES) } else { Smart::log_warning('Headers Already Sent before 202 ...'); } //end if else break; case 203: // WARNING if (!headers_sent()) { http_response_code(203); // Non-Authoritative Information (this should be used only as an alternate SUCCESS code instead of 200 for WARNINGS) } else { Smart::log_warning('Headers Already Sent before 203 ...'); } //end if else break; case 208: // ERROR if (!headers_sent()) { http_response_code(208); // Already Reported (this should be used only as an alternate SUCCESS code instead of 200 for ERRORS) } else { Smart::log_warning('Headers Already Sent before 208 ...'); } //end if else break; //-- DEFAULT: OK //-- DEFAULT: OK case 200: default: // any other codes not listed above are not supported and will be interpreted as 200 // nothing to do here ... } //end switch //-- //== PREPARE THE OUTPUT //-- if (stripos((string) $configs['js']['popup-override-mobiles'], '<' . SmartUtils::get_os_browser_ip('os') . '>') !== false) { $configs['js']['popup-mode'] = 'popup'; // particular os settings for mobiles } //end if //-- $rawpage = ''; if (isset($appSettings['rawpage'])) { $rawpage = strtolower((string) $appSettings['rawpage']); if ((string) $rawpage == 'yes') { $rawpage = 'yes'; // standardize the value } //end if } //end if if ((string) $rawpage != 'yes') { $rawpage = ''; } //end if //-- $rawmime = ''; if (isset($appSettings['rawmime'])) { $rawmime = (string) $appSettings['rawmime']; if ((string) $rawmime != '') { $rawmime = SmartValidator::validate_mime_type($rawmime); } //end if } //end if else //-- $rawdisp = ''; if (isset($appSettings['rawdisp'])) { $rawdisp = (string) $appSettings['rawdisp']; if ((string) $rawdisp != '') { $rawdisp = SmartValidator::validate_mime_disposition($rawdisp); } //end if } //end if else //-- $appData = (array) $appModule->PageViewGetVars(); //-- $appData['base-path'] = (string) $base_full_path; $appData['base-url'] = (string) $base_full_url; //-- //== REDIRECTION HANDLER (this can be set only explicit from Controllers) //-- if ((string) $appSettings['redirect-url'] != '') { // expects a valid URL //-- $the_redirect_link = '<a href="' . Smart::escape_html((string) $appSettings['redirect-url']) . '">' . Smart::escape_html((string) $appSettings['redirect-url']) . '</a>'; //-- if (headers_sent()) { Smart::log_warning('Headers Already Sent before Redirection: [' . $appStatusCode . '] ; URL: ' . $appSettings['redirect-url']); self::Raise500Error('The app failed to Redirect to: ' . $the_redirect_link); return; } //end if switch ((int) $appStatusCode) { case 301: http_response_code(301); $the_redirect_text = 'Moved Permanently'; // permanent redirect for HTTP 1.0 / HTTP 1.1 break; case 302: default: // any other code will be interpreted as 302 (the default redirection in PHP) http_response_code(302); $the_redirect_text = 'Found'; // temporary redirect for HTTP 1.0 / HTTP 1.1 break; } //end switch header('Location: ' . SmartFrameworkSecurity::FilterUnsafeString((string) $appSettings['redirect-url'])); echo '<h1>' . Smart::escape_html($the_redirect_text) . '</h1>' . '<br>' . 'If the page redirection fails, click on the below link:' . '<br>' . $the_redirect_link; return; // break stop } //end if //-- //== DOWNLOADS HANDLER (downloads can be set only explicit from Controllers) //-- if ((string) $appSettings['download-packet'] != '' and (string) $appSettings['download-key'] != '') { // expects an encrypted data packet and a key $dwl_result = self::DownloadsHandler((string) $appSettings['download-packet'], (string) $appSettings['download-key']); if ((string) $dwl_result != '') { Smart::log_info('File Download - Client: ' . SmartUtils::get_visitor_signature(), (string) $dwl_result); // log result and mark it as finalized } //end if return; // break stop } //end if //-- //== RAW OUTPUT FOR PAGES //-- if ((string) $rawpage == 'yes') { //-- {{{SYNC-RESOURCES}}} if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) { $res_memory = @memory_get_peak_usage(false); } else { $res_memory = 'unknown'; } //end if else $res_time = (double) (microtime(true) - (double) SMART_FRAMEWORK_RUNTIME_READY); //-- #END-SYNC if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE == 'yes') { //-- {{{SYNC-DEBUG-META-INFO}}} SmartFrameworkRegistry::setDebugMsg('stats', 'memory', $res_memory); // bytes SmartFrameworkRegistry::setDebugMsg('stats', 'time', $res_time); // seconds //-- #END-SYNC $the_debug_cookie = trim((string) $_COOKIE['SmartFramework__DebugAdmID']); SmartDebugProfiler::save_debug_info('adm', $the_debug_cookie, false); } else { $the_debug_cookie = ''; } //end if //-- if (headers_sent()) { Smart::raise_error('Middleware ERROR: Headers already sent', 'ERROR: Headers already sent !'); return; // avoid serve raw pages with errors injections before headers } //end if //-- if ((string) $rawmime != '') { header('Content-Type: ' . $rawmime); } //end if if ((string) $rawdisp != '') { header('Content-Disposition: ' . $rawdisp); } //end if header('Content-Length: ' . (0 + strlen((string) $appData['main']))); // must be strlen NOT SmartUnicode::str_len as it must get number of bytes not characters echo (string) $appData['main']; return; // break stop //-- } //end if else //-- //== DEFAULT OUTPUT //-- if (isset($appSettings['template-path'])) { if ((string) $appSettings['template-path'] == '@') { // if template path is set to self (module) $the_template_path = '@'; // this is a special setting } else { $the_template_path = Smart::safe_pathname(SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash(trim((string) $appSettings['template-path']))); } //end if else } else { $the_template_path = Smart::safe_pathname(SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash(trim((string) $configs['app']['admin-template-path']))); // use default template path } //end if else //-- if (isset($appSettings['template-file'])) { $the_template_file = Smart::safe_filename(trim((string) $appSettings['template-file'])); } else { $the_template_file = Smart::safe_filename(trim((string) $configs['app']['admin-template-file'])); // use default template } //end if else //-- if ((string) $the_template_path == '@') { $the_template_path = (string) $the_path_to_module . 'templates/'; // must have the dir last slash as above } else { $the_template_path = (string) SMART_APP_TEMPLATES_DIR . $the_template_path; // finally normalize and set the complete template path } //end if else $the_template_file = (string) $the_template_file; // finally normalize //-- if (!SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name($the_template_path)) { Smart::log_warning('Invalid Page Template Path: ' . $the_template_path); self::Raise500Error('Invalid Page Template Path. See the error log !'); return; } //end if if (!is_dir($the_template_path)) { Smart::log_warning('Page Template Path does not Exists: ' . $the_template_path); self::Raise500Error('Page Template Path does not Exists. See the error log !'); return; } //end if if (!SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name($the_template_path . $the_template_file)) { Smart::log_warning('Invalid Page Template File: ' . $the_template_path . $the_template_file); self::Raise500Error('Invalid Page Template File. See the error log !'); return; } //end if if (!is_file($the_template_path . $the_template_file)) { Smart::log_warning('Page Template File does not Exists: ' . $the_template_path . $the_template_file); self::Raise500Error('Page Template File does not Exists. See the error log !'); return; } //end if //-- $the_template_content = trim(SmartMarkersTemplating::read_template_file($the_template_path . $the_template_file)); if ((string) $the_template_content == '') { Smart::log_warning('Page Template File is Empty or cannot be read: ' . $the_template_path . $the_template_file); self::Raise500Error('Page Template File is Empty or cannot be read. See the error log !'); return; } //end if //-- if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE == 'yes') { $the_template_content = str_ireplace('</head>', "\n" . SmartDebugProfiler::js_headers_debug('admin.php?smartframeworkservice=debug') . "\n" . '</head>', $the_template_content); $the_template_content = str_ireplace('</body>', "\n" . SmartDebugProfiler::div_main_debug() . "\n" . '</body>', $the_template_content); } //end if //-- $appData['app-domain'] = (string) $configs['app']['admin-domain']; $appData['template-file'] = $the_template_path . $the_template_file; $appData['template-path'] = $the_template_path; $appData['js.settings'] = SmartComponents::js_inc_settings((string) $configs['js']['popup-mode'], true, (bool) SMART_APP_VISITOR_COOKIE); $appData['head-meta'] = (string) $appData['head-meta']; if ((string) $appData['head-meta'] == '') { $appData['head-meta'] = '<!-- Head Meta -->'; } //end if $appData['title'] = (string) $appData['title']; $appData['main'] = (string) $appData['main']; $appData['lang'] = SmartTextTranslations::getLanguage(); //-- if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE == 'yes') { //-- $the_debug_cookie = 'adm-' . Smart::uuid_10_seq() . '-' . Smart::uuid_10_num() . '-' . Smart::uuid_10_str(); @setcookie('SmartFramework__DebugAdmID', (string) $the_debug_cookie, 0, '/'); // debug token cookie is set just on main request //-- } //end if //-- echo SmartMarkersTemplating::render_mixed_template((string) $the_template_content, (array) $appData, (string) $appData['template-path'], 'no', 'no'); //-- {{{SYNC-RESOURCES}}} if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) { $res_memory = @memory_get_peak_usage(false); } else { $res_memory = 'unknown'; } //end if else $res_time = (double) (microtime(true) - (double) SMART_FRAMEWORK_RUNTIME_READY); //-- #END-SYNC if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE == 'yes') { //-- {{{SYNC-DEBUG-META-INFO}}} SmartFrameworkRegistry::setDebugMsg('stats', 'memory', $res_memory); // bytes SmartFrameworkRegistry::setDebugMsg('stats', 'time', $res_time); // seconds //-- #END-SYNC SmartDebugProfiler::save_debug_info('adm', $the_debug_cookie, true); //-- } //end if else //-- if (SMART_SOFTWARE_DISABLE_STATUS_POWERED !== true) { echo "\n" . '<!-- Smart.Framework スマート.フレームワーク :: ' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_RELEASE_TAGVERSION . ' / ' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_RELEASE_VERSION . ' @ ' . $the_midmark . ' :: ' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_RELEASE_URL . ' -->'; } //end if echo "\n" . '<!-- Resources: [' . Smart::format_number_dec($res_time, 13, '.', '') . ' sec.] / [' . Smart::format_number_dec($res_memory, 0, '.', ' ') . ' by.]' . ' -->' . "\n"; //-- }
/** * Get a Request Variable (GET/POST) in a controller * * @param STRING $key :: The name (key) of the GET or POST variable (if the variable is set in both GET and POST, the GPC as set in PHP.INI sequence will overwrite the GET with POST, thus the POST value will be get). * @param MIXED $defval :: The default value (if a type is set must be the same type) of that variable in the case was not set in the Request (GET/POST). By default it is set to null. * @param ENUM $type :: The type of the variable ; Default is '' (no enforcing). This can be used to enforce a type for the variable as: ['enum', 'list', 'of', 'allowed', 'values'], 'array', 'string', 'boolean', 'integer', 'integer+', 'integer-', 'decimal1', 'decimal2', 'decimal3', 'decimal4', 'numeric'. * * @return MIXED :: The value of the choosen Request (GET/POST) variable */ public final function RequestVarGet($key, $defval = null, $type = '') { // {{{SYNC-REQUEST-DEF-PARAMS}}} //-- return SmartFrameworkRegistry::getRequestVar($key, $defval, $type); // mixed //-- }