예제 #1
function publish($link)
    global $globals, $db;
    if (DEBUG) {
    // Calculate votes average
    // it's used to calculate and check future averages
    $votes_avg = (double) $db->get_var("select SQL_NO_CACHE avg(vote_value) from votes, users where vote_type='links' AND vote_link_id={$link->id} and vote_user_id > 0 and vote_value > 0 and vote_user_id = user_id and user_level !='disabled'");
    if ($votes_avg < $globals['users_karma_avg']) {
        $link->votes_avg = max($votes_avg, $globals['users_karma_avg'] * 0.97);
    } else {
        $link->votes_avg = $votes_avg;
    $link->status = 'published';
    $link->date = $link->published_date = time();
    $db->query("update links set link_status='published', link_date=now(), link_votes_avg={$link->votes_avg} where link_id={$link->id}");
    // Increase user's karma
    $user = new User($link->author);
    if ($user->read) {
        $user->add_karma($globals['instant_karma_per_published'], _('noticia publicada'));
    // Add the publish event/log
    Log::insert('link_publish', $link->id, $link->author);
    $link->annotation .= _('publicación') . "<br/>";
    // Publish to all sub sites: this and children who import the link category
    $my_id = SitesMgr::my_id();
    // Get all sites that are "children" and try to post links
    // And that "import" the link->category
    $sites = array_intersect(SitesMgr::get_children($my_id), SitesMgr::get_receivers($link->category));
    // Add my own
    $sites[] = $my_id;
    foreach ($sites as $s) {
        $server_name = SitesMgr::get_info($s)->server_name;
        syslog(LOG_INFO, "Meneame, calling: " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/post_link.php {$server_name} {$link->id}");
        passthru(dirname(__FILE__) . "/post_link.php {$server_name} {$link->id}");
예제 #2
 static function duplicates($url)
     global $db;
     $trimmed = $db->escape(preg_replace('/\\/$/', '', $url));
     $list = "'{$trimmed}', '{$trimmed}/'";
     if (preg_match('/^http.{0,1}:\\/\\/www\\./', $trimmed)) {
         $link_alternative = preg_replace('/^(http.{0,1}):\\/\\/www\\./', '$1://', $trimmed);
     } else {
         $link_alternative = preg_replace('/^(http.{0,1}):\\/\\//', '$1://www.', $trimmed);
     $list .= ", '{$link_alternative}', '{$link_alternative}/'";
     /* Alternative to http and https */
     if (preg_match('/^http:/', $url)) {
         $list2 = preg_replace('/http:\\/\\//', 'https://', $list);
     } else {
         $list2 = preg_replace('/https:\\/\\//', 'http://', $list);
     $list .= ", {$list2}";
     $site_id = SitesMgr::my_id();
     $filter_by_site_sql = "(sub_statuses.id = {$site_id} ";
     $site_parent = SitesMgr::my_parent();
     if ($site_parent > 0 && $site_parent != $site_id) {
         $filter_by_site_sql .= " OR sub_statuses.id = {$site_parent} ";
     $site_children = SitesMgr::get_children($site_id);
     // array
     if (is_array($site_children) && count($site_children) > 0) {
         $filter_by_site_sql .= " OR sub_statuses.id in (" . implode(',', $site_children) . ")";
     $filter_by_site_sql .= ")";
     // If it was abuse o autodiscarded allow other to send it again
     $found = $db->get_var("SELECT link_id FROM links, sub_statuses WHERE link_url in ({$list}) AND link_status not in ('abuse') AND link_votes > 0 AND sub_statuses.link = link_id AND {$filter_by_site_sql} ORDER by link_id asc limit 1");
     return $found;