예제 #1
// helper function to sort matched pages alphabetically by title
function by_title($a, $b)
    return $a[1] == $b[1] ? strcmp($a[0], $b[0]) : $a[1] > $b[1];
// SiteSearch object to do the searching
$search = new SiteSearch();
// array to hold the pages that match the search term
$matching_pages = array();
// directories underneath the document root to search
$search_dirs = array('sports', 'movies', 'food');
// regular expression to use in searching files. The "S" pattern
// modifier tells the PCRE engine to "study" the regex for greater
// efficiency.
$search->bodyRegex = '#<body>(.*' . preg_quote($_GET['term'], '#') . '.*)</body>#Sis';
// add the files that match in each directory to $matching pages
foreach ($search_dirs as $dir) {
    $matching_pages = array_merge($matching_pages, $search->searchDir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $dir));
if (count($matching_pages)) {
    // sort the matching pages by title
    usort($matching_pages, 'by_title');
    print '<ul>';
    // print out each title with a link to the page
    foreach ($matching_pages as $k => $v) {
        print sprintf('<li> <a href="%s">%s</a>', $v[0], $v[1]);
    print '</ul>';
} else {
    print 'No pages found.';