예제 #1
 function __construct($controller, $name)
     // 1) Member and shipping fields
     $member = Member::currentUser() ? Member::currentUser() : singleton('Member');
     $memberFields = new CompositeField($member->getEcommerceFields());
     $requiredFields = $member->getEcommerceRequiredFields();
     if (ShoppingCart::uses_different_shipping_address()) {
         $countryField = new DropdownField('ShippingCountry', 'Country', Geoip::getCountryDropDown(), EcommerceRole::findCountry());
         $shippingFields = new CompositeField(new HeaderField('Send goods to different address', 3), new LiteralField('ShippingNote', '<p class="warningMessage"><em>Your goods will be sent to the address below.</em></p>'), new LiteralField('Help', '<p>You can use this for gift giving. No billing information will be disclosed to this address.</p>'), new TextField('ShippingName', 'Name'), new TextField('ShippingAddress', 'Address'), new TextField('ShippingAddress2', ''), new TextField('ShippingCity', 'City'), $countryField, new HiddenField('UseShippingAddress', '', true), new FormAction_WithoutLabel('useMemberShippingAddress', 'Use Billing Address for Shipping'));
         $requiredFields[] = 'ShippingName';
         $requiredFields[] = 'ShippingAddress';
         $requiredFields[] = 'ShippingCity';
         $requiredFields[] = 'ShippingCountry';
     } else {
         $countryField = $memberFields->fieldByName('Country');
         $shippingFields = new FormAction_WithoutLabel('useDifferentShippingAddress', 'Use Different Shipping Address');
     $setCountryLinkID = $countryField->id() . '_SetCountryLink';
     $setContryLink = ShoppingCart_Controller::set_country_link();
     $memberFields->push(new HiddenField($setCountryLinkID, '', $setContryLink));
     $leftFields = new CompositeField($memberFields, $shippingFields);
     $rightFields = new CompositeField();
     if (!$member->ID || $member->Password == '') {
         $rightFields->push(new HeaderField('Membership Details', 3));
         $rightFields->push(new LiteralField('MemberInfo', "<p class=\"message good\">If you are already a member, please <a href=\"Security/login?BackURL=" . CheckoutPage::find_link(true) . "/\">log in</a>.</p>"));
         $rightFields->push(new LiteralField('AccountInfo', "<p>Please choose a password, so you can login and check your order history in the future.</p><br/>"));
         $rightFields->push(new FieldGroup(new ConfirmedPasswordField('Password', 'Password')));
         $requiredFields[] = 'Password[_Password]';
         $requiredFields[] = 'Password[_ConfirmPassword]';
     // 2) Payment fields
     $currentOrder = ShoppingCart::current_order();
     $total = '$' . number_format($currentOrder->Total(), 2);
     $paymentFields = Payment::combined_form_fields("{$total} " . $currentOrder->Currency(), $currentOrder->Total());
     foreach ($paymentFields as $field) {
     if ($paymentRequiredFields = Payment::combined_form_requirements()) {
         $requiredFields = array_merge($requiredFields, $paymentRequiredFields);
     // 3) Put all the fields in one FieldSet
     $fields = new FieldSet($leftFields, $rightFields);
     // 4) Terms and conditions field
     // If a terms and conditions page exists, we need to create a field to confirm the user has read it
     if ($controller->TermsPageID && ($termsPage = DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $controller->TermsPageID))) {
         $bottomFields = new CompositeField(new CheckboxField('ReadTermsAndConditions', "I agree to the terms and conditions stated on the <a href=\"{$termsPage->URLSegment}\" title=\"Read the shop terms and conditions for this site\">terms and conditions</a> page"));
         $requiredFields[] = 'ReadTermsAndConditions';
     // 5) Actions and required fields creation
     $actions = new FieldSet(new FormAction('processOrder', 'Place order and make payment'));
     $requiredFields = new CustomRequiredFields($requiredFields);
     // 6) Form construction
     parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions, $requiredFields);
     // 7) Member details loading
     if ($member->ID) {
     // 8) Country field value update
     $currentOrder = ShoppingCart::current_order();
     $currentOrderCountry = $currentOrder->findShippingCountry(true);