Ensures that an order is only started (persisted to DB) when necessary, and all future changes are on the same order, until the order has is placed. The requirement for starting an order is to adding an item to the cart.
상속: extends Object
예제 #1
 public function Confirm()
     $auth = new Auth();
     $shop = new ShoppingCart();
     $user = $auth->id();
     $myShop = $shop->all();
     $objDetails = new DetalleCompra();
     $total = 0;
     if (empty($myShop)) {
         return false;
     foreach ($myShop as $key => $val) {
         $total += $val->precio * $val->cantidad;
     $result_insert = $this->create($user, $total);
     if ($result_insert->success) {
         foreach ($myShop as $k => $v) {
             try {
                 $objDetails->create($result_insert->id, $v->id_prod, $v->name, $v->cantidad, $v->precio, $v->talle, $v->color);
                 //$stock = new TempStock();
                 //echo $stock->removeTempStock($user,$v->id_prod,$v->id_talle,$v->id_color,$v->type);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 echo $e->getMessage();
         return true;
 public function render()
     if (isset($_POST["clearCart"])) {
         setcookie("shoppingCart", "");
     if (isset($_GET["remove"])) {
         $myArray = json_decode($_COOKIE["shoppingCart"]);
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($myArray as $index) {
             if ($index->ID == $_GET["remove"]) {
                 $myArray = array_values($myArray);
         setcookie("shoppingCart", json_encode($myArray));
     $htmlcontent = "Der Warenkorb enthält keine Produkte";
     if (isset($_COOKIE["shoppingCart"])) {
         $myArray = json_decode($_COOKIE["shoppingCart"]);
         //$htmlcontent = $htmlcontent. "Warenkorb:" .print_r(array_values($myArray));
         include_once 'classes/class.shoppingcart.php';
         $myCart = new ShoppingCart($myArray);
         $htmlcontent = $myCart->displayCart();
     return $htmlcontent;
예제 #3
 public function testComputesReducedVatForTheRightCountry()
     $shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart(new Austria());
     $article = new Article(new ArticleName('Test'), new ArticleDescription(''), new Euro(1000), new ArticleTypeReduced());
     $this->assertEquals(new Money(2200, new Currency('EUR')), $shoppingCart->total());
  * Create a {@link ShoppingCart} object and give
  * it some test {@link OrderItem} objects.
  * @return object ShoppingCart
 public static function createCartWithItems()
     $item1 = new ProductVariation_OrderItem(array('ProductVariationID' => 2, 'Version' => 1));
     $item2 = new ProductVariation_OrderItem(array('ProductVariationID' => 1, 'Version' => 1));
     $cart = new ShoppingCart();
     $cart->addItem(2, $item1);
     $cart->addItem(1, $item2);
     return $cart;
예제 #5
 public function actionAddToCart($id)
     $cart = new ShoppingCart();
     $model = Product::findOne($id);
     if ($model) {
         $cart->put($model, 1);
         return $this->redirect(['cart-view']);
     throw new NotFoundHttpException();
예제 #6
 private function priceIncludingVat(Article $article) : Money
     if ($article->type() instanceof ArticleTypeNormal) {
         $taxFactor = 1 + $this->country->vat() / 100;
     } else {
         $taxFactor = 1 + $this->country->reducedVat() / 100;
     $price = (int) ($article->price()->amount() * $taxFactor);
     return new Euro($price);
예제 #7
 public function checkPoints()
     $user = Auth::User();
     $ShoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();
     $credit = $user->dblCredito;
     $total = $ShoppingCart->getTotal();
     if ($credit - $total < 0) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
예제 #8
function setStoreInfo($storeID, $storeInfo)
    if (class_exists("ShoppingCart")) {
        $Store = new ShoppingCart();
        $storeInfo = $Store->getStoreInformation();
        return $storeInfo;
    } else {
        $ErrorMsgs[] = "The ShoppingCart class is not available!";
        echo '<p>' . $ErrorMsgs[0] . '</p>';
        return NULL;
예제 #9
 protected function afterLogin($fromCookie)
     if (!$fromCookie) {
         // Assign the user to the cart, if logged in
         // If the user is not a guest user, then update the tax destination
         // for the user's cart to display correct product prices. We can't
         // do this for guest users since it will reset their cart to the
         // store default, which is generally not what we want, especially
         // not in tax-inclusive environments when the shipping destination
         // is in a notax region.
         if ($this->getIsGuest() !== true) {
         // Since we have successfully logged in, see if we have a cart in progress
         $cartInProgressFound = Yii::app()->shoppingcart->loginMerge();
         // Recalculate and update the cart if prices of any cart items have changed
         if ($cartInProgressFound === true) {
             Yii::log("Cart ID is " . Yii::app()->shoppingcart->id, 'info', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__);
         // Display no-tax message if the customer's default shipping address is
         // in no-tax destination in tax-inclusive mode
         if (Yii::app()->params['TAX_INCLUSIVE_PRICING'] == 1) {
     } else {
         Yii::log("User Login using cookie", 'info', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__);
 function testCalculations()
     $mp3player = $this->objFromFixture('Product', 'mp3player');
     $cart = ShoppingCart::current_order();
     $this->assertEquals($cart->Total(), 215);
 public function doAddItemToCart($data)
     $product = Product::get()->byID($data['ProductID']);
     $customisations = array();
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         if (!(strpos($key, 'customise') === false) && $value) {
             $custom_data = explode("_", $key);
             if ($custom_item = ProductCustomisation::get()->byID($custom_data[1])) {
                 $modify_price = 0;
                 // Check if the current selected option has a price modification
                 if ($custom_item->Options()->exists()) {
                     $option = $custom_item->Options()->filter("Title", $value)->first();
                     $modify_price = $option ? $option->ModifyPrice : 0;
                 $customisations[] = array("Title" => $custom_item->Title, "Value" => $value, "ModifyPrice" => $modify_price);
     if ($product) {
         $cart = ShoppingCart::create();
         $cart->add($product, $data['Quantity'], $customisations);
         // Clear any postage data that has been set
         $message = _t('Commerce.AddedItemToCart', 'Added item to your shopping cart');
         $message .= ' <a href="' . $cart->Link() . '">';
         $message .= _t('Commerce.ViewCart', 'View cart');
         $message .= '</a>';
         $this->controller->setSessionMessage("success", $message);
     return $this->controller->redirectBack();
 protected function checkoutconfig()
     $config = new CheckoutComponentConfig(ShoppingCart::curr(), true);
     $config->addComponent($comp = new CouponCheckoutComponent());
     return $config;
 function dopayment($data, $form)
     $SQLData = Convert::raw2sql($data);
     if (isset($SQLData['OrderID'])) {
         if ($orderID = intval($SQLData['OrderID'])) {
             $order = Order::get_by_id_if_can_view($orderID);
             if ($order && $order->canPay()) {
                 if (EcommercePayment::validate_payment($order, $form, $data)) {
                     $payment = EcommercePayment::process_payment_form_and_return_next_step($order, $form, $data);
                 if ($payment) {
                     return $payment;
                 } else {
                     //error messages are set in validation
                     return $this->controller->redirectBack();
             } else {
                 $form->sessionMessage(_t('OrderForm.NO_PAYMENTS_CAN_BE_MADE_FOR_THIS_ORDER', 'No payments can be made for this order.'), 'bad');
                 return $this->controller->redirectBack();
     $form->sessionMessage(_t('OrderForm.COULDNOTPROCESSPAYMENT', 'Sorry, we could not find the Order for payment.'), 'bad');
     return false;
  * Tries to create an order item with a non-existent version.
 function testProductVersionDoesNotExist()
     $currentorder = ShoppingCart::current_order();
     $brokenitem = new Product_OrderItem(array("ProductID" => $productSocks->ID, "ProductVersion" => 99999));
     $this->assertEquals($brokenitem->UnitPrice(), null);
     //TODO: what should happen here???
예제 #15
  * Clear the cart, and session variables on member logout
 public function memberLoggedOut()
     if (Member::config()->login_joins_cart) {
  * Handles form submission
  * @param array $data
  * @return bool|\SS_HTTPResponse
 public function addtocart(array $data)
     $groupedProduct = $this->getController()->data();
     if (empty($data) || empty($data['Product']) || !is_array($data['Product'])) {
         $this->sessionMessage(_t('GroupedCartForm.EMPTY', 'Please select at least one product.'), 'bad');
         $this->extend('updateErrorResponse', $this->request, $response, $groupedProduct, $data, $this);
         return $response ? $response : $this->controller->redirectBack();
     $cart = ShoppingCart::singleton();
     foreach ($data['Product'] as $id => $prodReq) {
         if (!empty($prodReq['Quantity']) && $prodReq['Quantity'] > 0) {
             $prod = Product::get()->byID($id);
             if ($prod && $prod->exists()) {
                 $saveabledata = !empty($this->saveablefields) ? Convert::raw2sql(array_intersect_key($data, array_combine($this->saveablefields, $this->saveablefields))) : $prodReq;
                 $buyable = $prod;
                 if (isset($prodReq['Attributes'])) {
                     $buyable = $prod->getVariationByAttributes($prodReq['Attributes']);
                     if (!$buyable || !$buyable->exists()) {
                         $this->sessionMessage("{$prod->InternalItemID} is not available with the selected options.", "bad");
                         $this->extend('updateErrorResponse', $this->request, $response, $groupedProduct, $data, $this);
                         return $response ? $response : $this->controller->redirectBack();
                 if (!$cart->add($buyable, (int) $prodReq['Quantity'], $saveabledata)) {
                     $this->sessionMessage($cart->getMessage(), $cart->getMessageType());
                     $this->extend('updateErrorResponse', $this->request, $response, $groupedProduct, $data, $this);
                     return $response ? $response : $this->controller->redirectBack();
     $this->extend('updateGroupCartResponse', $this->request, $response, $groupedProduct, $data, $this);
     return $response ? $response : ShoppingCart_Controller::direct($cart->getMessageType());
 function testCart()
     $cart = $this->objFromFixture("Order", "cart");
     $page = new Page_Controller();
     $this->assertEquals("\$8.00", (string) $page->renderWith("CartTestTemplate"));
예제 #18
 public static function SetCartId()
     //Если Id корзины не задан
     if (self::$_mCartId == '') {
         // Если в сеансе есть Id корзины, получаем его оттуда
         if (isset($_SESSION['cart_id'])) {
             self::$_mCartId = $_SESSION['cart_id'];
         } elseif (isset($_COOKIE['cart_id'])) {
             self::$_mCartId = $_COOKIE['cart_id'];
             $_SESSION['cart_id'] = self::$_mCartId;
             //регенерируем cookie-файл, чтобы он
             //действовал 7 дней (604800 секунд)
             setcookie('cart_id', self::$_mCartId, time() + 604800);
         } else {
             /* Генерируем id корзины и сохраняем его в элементе класса
                $_mCartId, сеансе и cookie-файле (при последующих вызовах 
                $_mCartId будет получать значение из сеанса) */
             self::$_mCartId = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE));
             // Сохраняем id корзины в сеансе
             $_SESSION['cart_id'] = self::$_mCartId;
             // cookie-файл будет действовать 7 дней (604800 секунд)
             setcookie('cart_id', self::$_mCartId, time() + 604800);
예제 #19
  * Adds a given product to the cart. If a hidden field is passed 
  * (ValidateVariant) then simply a validation of the user including that
  * product is done and the users cart isn't actually changed.
  * @return mixed
 public function addtocart($data, $form)
     if ($variation = $this->getBuyable($data)) {
         $quantity = isset($data['Quantity']) && is_numeric($data['Quantity']) ? (int) $data['Quantity'] : 1;
         $cart = ShoppingCart::singleton();
         // if we are in just doing a validation step then check
         if ($this->request->requestVar('ValidateVariant')) {
             $message = '';
             $success = false;
             try {
                 $success = $variation->canPurchase(null, $data['Quantity']);
             } catch (ShopBuyableException $e) {
                 $message = get_class($e);
                 // added hook to update message
                 $this->extend('updateVariationAddToCartMessage', $e, $message, $variation);
             $ret = array('Message' => $message, 'Success' => $success, 'Price' => $variation->dbObject('Price')->TrimCents());
             $this->extend('updateVariationAddToCartAjax', $ret, $variation, $form);
             return json_encode($ret);
         if ($cart->add($variation, $quantity)) {
             $form->sessionMessage("Successfully added to cart.", "good");
         } else {
             $form->sessionMessage($cart->getMessage(), $cart->getMessageType());
     } else {
         $variation = null;
         $form->sessionMessage("That variation is not available, sorry.", "bad");
         //validation fail
     $this->extend('updateVariationAddToCart', $form, $variation);
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $this->extend('updateVariationFormResponse', $request, $response, $variation, $quantity, $form);
     return $response ? $response : ShoppingCart_Controller::direct();
 public function testOffsitePaymentWithGatewayCallback()
     //set up cart
     $cart = ShoppingCart::singleton()->setCurrent($this->objFromFixture("Order", "cart"))->current();
     //collect checkout details
     $cart->update(array('FirstName' => 'Foo', 'Surname' => 'Bar', 'Email' => '*****@*****.**'));
     //pay for order with external gateway
     $processor = OrderProcessor::create($cart);
     $response = $processor->makePayment("PaymentExpress_PxPay", array());
     //gateway responds (in a different session)
     $oldsession = $this->mainSession;
     $this->mainSession = new TestSession();
     $this->getHttpRequest()->query->replace(array('result' => 'abc123'));
     $identifier = $response->getPayment()->Identifier;
     $response = $this->get("paymentendpoint/{$identifier}/complete");
     //reload cart as new order
     $order = Order::get()->byId($cart->ID);
     $this->assertFalse($order->isCart(), "order is no longer in cart");
     $this->assertTrue($order->isPaid(), "order is paid");
     //bring back client session
     $this->mainSession = $oldsession;
     $response = $this->get("paymentendpoint/{$identifier}/complete");
     $this->assertNull(Session::get("shoppingcartid"), "cart session id should be removed");
     $this->assertNotEquals(404, $response->getStatusCode(), "We shouldn't get page not found");
     $this->markTestIncomplete("Should assert other things");
예제 #21
 public static function getCartsOfOwner($cartowner = 'notset')
     if ($cartowner == 'notset') {
         $cartowner = Yii::app()->User->getState('cartowner');
     return ShoppingCart::model()->findAll('cartowner = :cartowner', array(':cartowner' => $cartowner));
예제 #22
  * Get the cart, and do last minute calculation if necessary.
 public function Cart()
     $order = ShoppingCart::curr();
     if (!$order || !$order->Items() || !$order->Items()->exists()) {
         return false;
     return $order;
예제 #23
 function Order()
     if ($orderID = Director::urlParam('Action')) {
         return DataObject::get_by_id('Order', $orderID);
     } else {
         return ShoppingCart::current_order();
  * @TODO Where is this method used?
  * @return Order
 function Order()
     if ($this->ID) {
         return DataObject::get_by_id('Order', $this->OrderID);
     } else {
         return ShoppingCart::current_order();
 public function init()
     // If no shopping cart doesn't exist, redirect to base
     if (!ShoppingCart::create()->getItems()->exists()) {
         return $this->redirect(ShoppingCart::config()->url_segment);
 function shippingmethod()
     $form = $this->ShippingMethodForm();
     $cart = ShoppingCart::singleton()->current();
     if ($cart->ShippingMethodID) {
     return array('OrderForm' => $form);
  * Redirect back to start of checkout if no cart started
 public function onAfterInit()
     $action = $this->owner->getRequest()->param('Action');
     $steps = $this->getSteps();
     if (!ShoppingCart::curr() && !empty($action) && isset($steps[$action])) {
 function setUp()
     $this->cartpage = $this->objFromFixture("CartPage", "cart");
     $this->cartpage->publish('Stage', 'Live');
     ShoppingCart::singleton()->setCurrent($this->objFromFixture("Order", "cart"));
     //set the current cart
 public function setUp()
     //reset config
     $this->cart = ShoppingCart::singleton();
     $this->product = $this->objFromFixture('Product', 'mp3player');
     $this->product->publish('Stage', 'Live');
  * Check to see if the shopping cart only contains downloadable
  * products.
  * @return Boolean
 public function onlyDownloadable()
     $cart = ShoppingCart::get();
     foreach ($cart->getItems() as $item) {
         if (!$item->FindStockItem() instanceof DownloadableProduct) {
             return false;
     return true;