protected function SetupShippingAccount() { // Lookup Object PK information from Query String (if applicable) // Set mode to Edit or New depending on what's found $intShippingAccountId = QApplication::QueryString('intShippingAccountId'); if ($intShippingAccountId) { $this->objShippingAccount = ShippingAccount::Load($intShippingAccountId); if (!$this->objShippingAccount) { throw new Exception('Could not find a ShippingAccount object with PK arguments: ' . $intShippingAccountId); } $this->strTitleVerb = QApplication::Translate('Edit'); $this->blnEditMode = true; } else { $this->objShippingAccount = new ShippingAccount(); $this->strTitleVerb = QApplication::Translate('Create'); $this->blnEditMode = false; } }
/** * Override method to perform a property "Get" * This will get the value of $strName * * @param string $strName Name of the property to get * @return mixed */ public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { /////////////////// // Member Variables /////////////////// case 'FedexShipmentId': /** * Gets the value for intFedexShipmentId (Read-Only PK) * @return integer */ return $this->intFedexShipmentId; case 'ShipmentId': /** * Gets the value for intShipmentId (Not Null) * @return integer */ return $this->intShipmentId; case 'PackageTypeId': /** * Gets the value for intPackageTypeId * @return integer */ return $this->intPackageTypeId; case 'ShippingAccountId': /** * Gets the value for intShippingAccountId * @return integer */ return $this->intShippingAccountId; case 'FedexServiceTypeId': /** * Gets the value for intFedexServiceTypeId * @return integer */ return $this->intFedexServiceTypeId; case 'CurrencyUnitId': /** * Gets the value for intCurrencyUnitId * @return integer */ return $this->intCurrencyUnitId; case 'WeightUnitId': /** * Gets the value for intWeightUnitId * @return integer */ return $this->intWeightUnitId; case 'LengthUnitId': /** * Gets the value for intLengthUnitId * @return integer */ return $this->intLengthUnitId; case 'ToPhone': /** * Gets the value for strToPhone * @return string */ return $this->strToPhone; case 'PayType': /** * Gets the value for intPayType * @return integer */ return $this->intPayType; case 'PayerAccountNumber': /** * Gets the value for strPayerAccountNumber * @return string */ return $this->strPayerAccountNumber; case 'PackageWeight': /** * Gets the value for fltPackageWeight * @return double */ return $this->fltPackageWeight; case 'PackageLength': /** * Gets the value for fltPackageLength * @return double */ return $this->fltPackageLength; case 'PackageWidth': /** * Gets the value for fltPackageWidth * @return double */ return $this->fltPackageWidth; case 'PackageHeight': /** * Gets the value for fltPackageHeight * @return double */ return $this->fltPackageHeight; case 'DeclaredValue': /** * Gets the value for fltDeclaredValue * @return double */ return $this->fltDeclaredValue; case 'Reference': /** * Gets the value for strReference * @return string */ return $this->strReference; case 'SaturdayDeliveryFlag': /** * Gets the value for blnSaturdayDeliveryFlag * @return boolean */ return $this->blnSaturdayDeliveryFlag; case 'NotifySenderEmail': /** * Gets the value for strNotifySenderEmail * @return string */ return $this->strNotifySenderEmail; case 'NotifySenderShipFlag': /** * Gets the value for blnNotifySenderShipFlag * @return boolean */ return $this->blnNotifySenderShipFlag; case 'NotifySenderExceptionFlag': /** * Gets the value for blnNotifySenderExceptionFlag * @return boolean */ return $this->blnNotifySenderExceptionFlag; case 'NotifySenderDeliveryFlag': /** * Gets the value for blnNotifySenderDeliveryFlag * @return boolean */ return $this->blnNotifySenderDeliveryFlag; case 'NotifyRecipientEmail': /** * Gets the value for strNotifyRecipientEmail * @return string */ return $this->strNotifyRecipientEmail; case 'NotifyRecipientShipFlag': /** * Gets the value for blnNotifyRecipientShipFlag * @return boolean */ return $this->blnNotifyRecipientShipFlag; case 'NotifyRecipientExceptionFlag': /** * Gets the value for blnNotifyRecipientExceptionFlag * @return boolean */ return $this->blnNotifyRecipientExceptionFlag; case 'NotifyRecipientDeliveryFlag': /** * Gets the value for blnNotifyRecipientDeliveryFlag * @return boolean */ return $this->blnNotifyRecipientDeliveryFlag; case 'NotifyOtherEmail': /** * Gets the value for strNotifyOtherEmail * @return string */ return $this->strNotifyOtherEmail; case 'NotifyOtherShipFlag': /** * Gets the value for blnNotifyOtherShipFlag * @return boolean */ return $this->blnNotifyOtherShipFlag; case 'NotifyOtherExceptionFlag': /** * Gets the value for blnNotifyOtherExceptionFlag * @return boolean */ return $this->blnNotifyOtherExceptionFlag; case 'NotifyOtherDeliveryFlag': /** * Gets the value for blnNotifyOtherDeliveryFlag * @return boolean */ return $this->blnNotifyOtherDeliveryFlag; case 'HoldAtLocationFlag': /** * Gets the value for blnHoldAtLocationFlag * @return boolean */ return $this->blnHoldAtLocationFlag; case 'HoldAtLocationAddress': /** * Gets the value for strHoldAtLocationAddress * @return string */ return $this->strHoldAtLocationAddress; case 'HoldAtLocationCity': /** * Gets the value for strHoldAtLocationCity * @return string */ return $this->strHoldAtLocationCity; case 'HoldAtLocationState': /** * Gets the value for intHoldAtLocationState * @return integer */ return $this->intHoldAtLocationState; case 'HoldAtLocationPostalCode': /** * Gets the value for strHoldAtLocationPostalCode * @return string */ return $this->strHoldAtLocationPostalCode; /////////////////// // Member Objects /////////////////// /////////////////// // Member Objects /////////////////// case 'Shipment': /** * Gets the value for the Shipment object referenced by intShipmentId (Not Null) * @return Shipment */ try { if (!$this->objShipment && !is_null($this->intShipmentId)) { $this->objShipment = Shipment::Load($this->intShipmentId); } return $this->objShipment; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'PackageType': /** * Gets the value for the PackageType object referenced by intPackageTypeId * @return PackageType */ try { if (!$this->objPackageType && !is_null($this->intPackageTypeId)) { $this->objPackageType = PackageType::Load($this->intPackageTypeId); } return $this->objPackageType; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'ShippingAccount': /** * Gets the value for the ShippingAccount object referenced by intShippingAccountId * @return ShippingAccount */ try { if (!$this->objShippingAccount && !is_null($this->intShippingAccountId)) { $this->objShippingAccount = ShippingAccount::Load($this->intShippingAccountId); } return $this->objShippingAccount; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'FedexServiceType': /** * Gets the value for the FedexServiceType object referenced by intFedexServiceTypeId * @return FedexServiceType */ try { if (!$this->objFedexServiceType && !is_null($this->intFedexServiceTypeId)) { $this->objFedexServiceType = FedexServiceType::Load($this->intFedexServiceTypeId); } return $this->objFedexServiceType; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'CurrencyUnit': /** * Gets the value for the CurrencyUnit object referenced by intCurrencyUnitId * @return CurrencyUnit */ try { if (!$this->objCurrencyUnit && !is_null($this->intCurrencyUnitId)) { $this->objCurrencyUnit = CurrencyUnit::Load($this->intCurrencyUnitId); } return $this->objCurrencyUnit; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'WeightUnit': /** * Gets the value for the WeightUnit object referenced by intWeightUnitId * @return WeightUnit */ try { if (!$this->objWeightUnit && !is_null($this->intWeightUnitId)) { $this->objWeightUnit = WeightUnit::Load($this->intWeightUnitId); } return $this->objWeightUnit; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'LengthUnit': /** * Gets the value for the LengthUnit object referenced by intLengthUnitId * @return LengthUnit */ try { if (!$this->objLengthUnit && !is_null($this->intLengthUnitId)) { $this->objLengthUnit = LengthUnit::Load($this->intLengthUnitId); } return $this->objLengthUnit; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'HoldAtLocationStateObject': /** * Gets the value for the StateProvince object referenced by intHoldAtLocationState * @return StateProvince */ try { if (!$this->objHoldAtLocationStateObject && !is_null($this->intHoldAtLocationState)) { $this->objHoldAtLocationStateObject = StateProvince::Load($this->intHoldAtLocationState); } return $this->objHoldAtLocationStateObject; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } //////////////////////////// // Virtual Object References (Many to Many and Reverse References) // (If restored via a "Many-to" expansion) //////////////////////////// //////////////////////////// // Virtual Object References (Many to Many and Reverse References) // (If restored via a "Many-to" expansion) //////////////////////////// default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } }
protected function FedExCancel() { // Create the new Fedex object if ($this->objFedexShipment->ShippingAccountId) { $fed = new FedExDC($this->objFedexShipment->ShippingAccount->AccessId, $this->objFedexShipment->ShippingAccount->AccessCode); } else { // if not billing to a sender account, use the default fedex account from admin_setting for FedEx communication $objFedexAccount = ShippingAccount::Load(QApplication::$TracmorSettings->FedexAccountId); $fed = new FedExDC($objFedexAccount->AccessId, $objFedexAccount->AccessCode); } // create new FedExDC object //$fed = new FedExDC($this->objShipment->ShippingAccount->Value, QApplication::$TracmorSettings->FedexMeterNumber); // Populate an array with the necessary information $fdx_arr = array(1 => $this->objShipment->ShipmentNumber, 29 => $this->objShipment->TrackingNumber); // If ground service // if($this->objShipment->FedexServiceType->Value == '92') if ($this->objFedexShipment->FedexServiceType->Value == '92') { $cancel_Ret = $fed->ground_cancel($fdx_arr); } else { $cancel_Ret = $fed->express_cancel($fdx_arr); } // If there is an error, display it and return false if ($error = $fed->getError()) { $this->btnCancelCompleteShipment->Warning = $error; return false; } else { return true; } }
protected function btnSave_Click() { $intCompanyId = $this->lstCompany->SelectedValue; $objCompany = Company::Load($intCompanyId); $intAccountId = $this->lstFedexAccount->SelectedValue; $objAccount = ShippingAccount::Load($intAccountId); if ($objCompany && !$objCompany->Telephone) { $this->lstCompany->Warning = "The Shipping/Receiving company must have a valid telephone number."; } elseif ($objAccount && (!$objAccount->AccessId || !$objAccount->AccessCode)) { $this->lstFedexAccount->Warning = "The FedEx Account must have a valid account number and meter number."; } else { // Altered $TracmorSettings __set() method so that just setting a value will save it in the database. QApplication::$TracmorSettings->CompanyId = $intCompanyId; QApplication::$TracmorSettings->FedexAccountId = $intAccountId; QApplication::$TracmorSettings->FedexGatewayUri = $this->txtFedexGatewayUri->Text; QApplication::$TracmorSettings->PackingListTerms = $this->fckPackingListTerms->Text; QApplication::$TracmorSettings->AutodetectTrackingNumbers = $this->chkAutoDetectTrackingNumbers->Checked; QApplication::$TracmorSettings->ReceiveToLastLocation = $this->chkReceiveToLastLocation->Checked; // Show saved notification $this->pnlSaveNotification->Display = true; } }
public function btnEdit_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) { $strParameterArray = explode(',', $strParameter); $objShippingAccount = ShippingAccount::Load($strParameterArray[0]); $objEditPanel = new ShippingAccountEditPanel($this, $this->strCloseEditPanelMethod, $objShippingAccount); $strMethodName = $this->strSetEditPanelMethod; $this->objForm->{$strMethodName}($objEditPanel); }