/** * ShipsCleaner::__construct() * * @param mixed $shipType * @param int $lastShipHit * @param int $lastShot * @return ShipsCleaner */ public function __construct(ShipType $shipType, $lastShipHit, $lastShots) { if ($lastShipHit < 0) { throw new Exception('Negative $lastShipHit'); } if ($lastShots < 0) { throw new Exception('Negative $lastShots'); } $this->fighters = $shipType->cloneMe(); $this->lastShipHit = $lastShipHit; $this->lastShots = $lastShots; }
/** * PhysicShot::__construct() * * @param ShipType $shipType * @param int $damage * @param int $count * @return */ public function __construct(ShipType $shipType, $damage, $count) { echo "damage={$damage}<br>count={$count}<br>"; if ($damage < 0) { throw new Exception('negative damage'); } if ($count < 0) { throw new Exception('negative amount of shots'); } $this->fighters = $shipType->cloneMe(); $this->damage = $damage; $this->count = $count; }
/** * PhysicShot::__construct() * * @param ShipType $shipType * @param int $damage * @param int $count * @return */ public function __construct(ShipType $shipType, $damage, $count) { log_var('damage', $damage); log_var('count', $count); if ($damage < 0) { throw new Exception('Negative damage'); } if ($count < 0) { throw new Exception('Negative amount of shots'); } $this->fighters = $shipType->cloneMe(); $this->damage = $damage; $this->count = $count; }
public function addShipType(ShipType $shipType) { if (isset($this->array[$shipType->getId()])) { $this->array[$shipType->getId()]->increment($shipType->getCount()); } else { $shipType = $shipType->cloneMe(); //avoid collateral effects if ($this->id != -1) { $shipType->setWeaponsTech($this->weapons_tech); $shipType->setShieldsTech($this->shields_tech); $shipType->setArmourTech($this->armour_tech); } $this->array[$shipType->getId()] = $shipType; } $this->count += $shipType->getCount(); }
public function add(ShipType $shipType) { if (isset($this->array[$shipType->getId()])) { $this->array[$shipType->getId()]->increment($shipType->getCount()); } else { $this->array[$shipType->getId()] = $shipType->cloneMe(); //avoid collateral effects } $this->count += $shipType->getCount(); }
public function getShotsFiredByAttackerToAll(ShipType $shipType_A, $real = false) { $num = new Number($this->getAttackerTotalShots() * $shipType_A->getCount()); $denum = new Number($this->attackerShipType->getTotalCount()); return Math::divide($num, $denum, $real); }
public function getRfTo(ShipType $other) { return isset($this->rf[$other->getId()]) ? $this->rf[$other->getId()] : 0; }