public function fetch($key) { $cacheFile = $this->getCacheFile($key); if (Shindig_File::exists($cacheFile) && Shindig_File::readable($cacheFile)) { return @file_get_contents($cacheFile); } return false; }
public function __construct($file = false) { if (!$file) { $file = Shindig_Config::get('base_path') . '/blacklist.txt'; } if (Shindig_File::exists($file)) { $this->rules = explode("\n", @file_get_contents($file)); } }
private function loadContainers($containers) { if (!Shindig_File::exists($containers)) { throw new Exception("Invalid container path"); } foreach (glob("{$containers}/*.js") as $file) { if (!Shindig_File::readable($file)) { throw new Exception("Could not read container config: {$file}"); } if (is_dir($file)) { // support recursive loading of sub directories $this->loadContainers($file); } else { $this->loadFromFile($file); } } }
/** * @param keyFile The file containing your private key for signing requests. */ public function __construct($keyFile = null) { $this->keyName = 'http://' . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . Shindig_Config::get('web_prefix') . '/public.cer'; if (!empty($keyFile)) { $rsa_private_key = false; $privateKey = null; try { if (Shindig_File::exists($keyFile)) { if (Shindig_File::readable($keyFile)) { $rsa_private_key = @file_get_contents($keyFile); } else { throw new Exception("Could not read keyfile ({$keyFile}), check the file name and permission"); } } if (!$rsa_private_key) { $rsa_private_key = ''; } else { $phrase = Shindig_Config::get('private_key_phrase') != '' ? Shindig_Config::get('private_key_phrase') : null; if (strpos($rsa_private_key, "-----BEGIN") === false) { $privateKey .= "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n"; $chunks = str_split($rsa_private_key, 64); foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { $privateKey .= $chunk . "\n"; } $privateKey .= "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"; } else { $privateKey = $rsa_private_key; } if (!($rsa_private_key = @openssl_pkey_get_private($privateKey, $phrase))) { throw new Exception("Could not create the key"); } } } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception("Error loading private key: " . $e); } $this->privateKey = $rsa_private_key; } }
/** * Loads the feature's xml content * * @param unknown_type $file * @return unknown */ private function processFile($file) { $feature = null; if (!empty($file) && Shindig_File::exists($file)) { if ($content = file_get_contents($file)) { $feature = $this->parse($content, dirname($file)); } } return $feature; }
private function loadOsmlLibrary() { $container = $this->gadgetContext->getContainer(); $containerConfig = $this->gadgetContext->getContainerConfig(); $gadgetsFeatures = $containerConfig->getConfig($container, 'gadgets.features'); if (!isset($gadgetsFeatures['osml'])) { throw new ExpressionException("Missing OSML configuration key in config/config.js"); } elseif (!isset($gadgetsFeatures['osml']['library'])) { throw new ExpressionException("Missing OSML.Library configuration key in config/config.js"); } $osmlLibrary = Shindig_Config::get('container_path') . str_replace('config/', '', $gadgetsFeatures['osml']['library']); if (!Shindig_File::exists($osmlLibrary)) { throw new ExpressionException("Missing OSML Library ({$osmlLibrary})"); } $this->addTemplateLibrary(file_get_contents($osmlLibrary)); $this->osmlLoaded = true; }