private function enregistrerSession() { require_once 'modele/SessionSurf.php'; require_once 'modele/Membre.php'; $sessionSurf = new SessionSurf($this->proposition); $sessionSurf->setOrganisateur($_SESSION['Membre']); $manager = new SessionSurfsManager(null); $manager->ajoutSession($sessionSurf, $this->proposition['nomSpot'], $this->proposition['noVeh'], $this->proposition['nbrPlacesDispo'], $this->proposition['nbrPlanchesDispo']); $this->response_status = 1; $this->response_html = '<p>Ok, Proposition enregistrée! Go to surf !!! Recharges la page pour voir apparaitre dans la section je cherche ta proposition</p>'; $sessionSurfEnBase = $manager->loadComplet($sessionSurf->noSes()); require_once 'template.php'; ob_start(); ecrireJeChercheSection(); $this->response_JeChercheSection = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); }
function load($noSes) { $dbh = $this->_db; $sql = "SELECT SS.*, S.*, M.* FROM SessionSurf AS SS, Spot AS S, Propose AS P, Membre AS M WHERE SS.noSes = :noSes AND SS.nomSpot = S.nomSpot AND SS.noSes = P.noSes AND P.noMem = M.noMem;"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->bindParam(":noSes", $noSes, PDO::PARAM_STR); $bool = $sth->execute(); if ($result = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $sessionSurf = new SessionSurf($result); $spot = new Spot($result); $sessionSurf->setSpot($spot); $membre = new Membre($result); $sessionSurf->setOrganisateur($membre); return $sessionSurf; } else { echo "DEBUG SessionSurf.php result NOK"; } }