예제 #1
  *  Create Ajax Tabs apply to 'tabspanel' div. Content is displayed in 'tabcontent'
  * @param $tabdiv_id                ID of the div containing the tabs (default 'tabspanel')
  * @param $tabdivcontent_id         ID of the div containing the content loaded by tabs
  *                                  (default 'tabcontent')
  * @param $tabs               array of tabs to create :
  *                                  tabs is array('key' => array('title'=> 'x',
  *                                                                url    => 'url_toload',
  *                                                                params => 'url_params')...
  * @param $type                     itemtype for active tab
  * @param $ID                       ID of element for active tab (default 0)
  * @param $orientation              orientation of tabs (default vertical may also be horizontal)
  * @return nothing
 static function createTabs($tabdiv_id = 'tabspanel', $tabdivcontent_id = 'tabcontent', $tabs = array(), $type, $ID = 0, $orientation = 'vertical')
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     /// TODO need to clean params !!
     $active_tabs = Session::getActiveTab($type);
     $rand = mt_rand();
     if (count($tabs) > 0) {
         echo "<div id='tabs{$rand}' class='center {$orientation}'>";
         if (in_array($_SESSION['glpilayout'], array('classic', 'vsplit'))) {
             $orientation = 'horizontal';
         echo "<ul>";
         $current = 0;
         $selected_tab = 0;
         foreach ($tabs as $key => $val) {
             if ($key == $active_tabs) {
                 $selected_tab = $current;
             echo "<li><a title=\"" . str_replace(array("<sup class='tab_nb'>", '</sup>'), '', $val['title']) . "\" ";
             echo " href='" . $val['url'] . (isset($val['params']) ? '?' . $val['params'] : '') . "'>";
             // extract sup information
             //             $title = '';
             //             $limit = 16;
             // No title strip for horizontal menu
             //             if ($orientation == 'vertical') {
             //                if (preg_match('/(.*)(<sup>.*<\/sup>)/',$val['title'], $regs)) {
             //                   $title = Html::resume_text(trim($regs[1]),$limit-2).$regs[2];
             //                } else {
             //                   $title = Html::resume_text(trim($val['title']),$limit);
             //                }
             //             } else {
             $title = $val['title'];
             //             }
             echo $title . "</a></li>";
         echo "</ul>";
         echo "</div>";
         echo "<div id='loadingtabs{$rand}' class='invisible'>" . "<div class='loadingindicator'>" . __s('Loading...') . "</div></div>";
         $js = "\$('#tabs{$rand}').tabs({ active: {$selected_tab},\n         // Loading indicator\n         beforeLoad: function (event, ui) {\n                  ui.panel.html(\$('#loadingtabs{$rand}').html());\n                },\n         ajaxOptions: {type: 'POST'},\n\n         activate : function( event, ui ){\n            //  Get future value\n            var newIndex = ui.newTab.parent().children().index(ui.newTab);\n            \$.get('" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/ajax/updatecurrenttab.php',\n            { itemtype: '{$type}', id: '{$ID}', tab: newIndex });\n            }});";
         if ($orientation == 'vertical') {
             $js .= "\$('#tabs{$rand}').tabs().addClass( 'ui-tabs-vertical ui-helper-clearfix' );";
         if (in_array($_SESSION['glpilayout'], array('classic', 'vsplit'))) {
             $js .= "\$('#tabs{$rand}').scrollabletabs();";
         } else {
             $js .= "\$('#tabs{$rand}').removeClass( 'ui-corner-top' ).addClass( 'ui-corner-left' );";
         $js .= "// force reload\n            function reloadTab(add) {\n\n               var current_index = \$('#tabs{$rand}').tabs('option','active');\n               // Save tab\n               currenthref = \$('#tabs{$rand} ul>li a').eq(current_index).attr('href');\n               \$('#tabs{$rand} ul>li a').eq(current_index).attr('href',currenthref+'&'+add);\n               \$('#tabs{$rand}').tabs( 'load' , current_index);\n               // Restore tab\n               \$('#tabs{$rand} ul>li a').eq(current_index).attr('href',currenthref);\n            };";
         echo Html::scriptBlock($js);
예제 #2
  *  Create Ajax Tabs apply to 'tabspanel' div. Content is displayed in 'tabcontent'
  * @param $tabdiv_id                ID of the div containing the tabs (default 'tabspanel')
  * @param $tabdivcontent_id         ID of the div containing the content loaded by tabs
  *                                  (default 'tabcontent')
  * @param $tabs               array of tabs to create :
  *                                  tabs is array('key' => array('title'=> 'x',
  *                                                                url    => 'url_toload',
  *                                                                params => 'url_params')...
  * @param $type                     for active tab
  * @param $size                     width of tabs panel (default 950)
  * @return nothing
 static function createTabs($tabdiv_id = 'tabspanel', $tabdivcontent_id = 'tabcontent', $tabs = array(), $type, $size = 950)
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     $active_tabs = Session::getActiveTab($type);
     if (count($tabs) > 0) {
         echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n\n               var tabpanel = new Ext.TabPanel({\n               applyTo: '{$tabdiv_id}',\n               width:{$size},\n               enableTabScroll: true,\n               resizeTabs: false,\n               collapsed: true,\n               plain: true,\n               plugins: [{\n                   ptype: 'tabscrollermenu',\n                   maxText  : 50,\n                   pageSize : 30\n               }],\n               items: [";
         $first = true;
         $default_tab = $active_tabs;
         if (!isset($tabs[$active_tabs])) {
             $default_tab = key($tabs);
         foreach ($tabs as $key => $val) {
             if ($first) {
                 $first = false;
             } else {
                 echo ",";
             echo "{\n                     title: \"" . addslashes($val['title']) . "\",\n                     id: '{$key}',";
             if (!empty($key) && $key != 'empty') {
                 echo "autoLoad: {url: '" . $val['url'] . "',\n                           scripts: true,\n                           nocache: true";
                 if (isset($val['params'])) {
                     echo ", params: '" . $val['params'] . "'";
                 echo "},";
             echo "  listeners:{ // Force glpi_tab storage\n                          beforeshow : function(panel) {\n                           /* clean content because append data instead of replace it : no more problem */\n                           /* Problem with IE6... But clean data for tabpanel before show. Do it on load default tab ?*/\n                           /*tabpanel.body.update('');*/\n                           /* update active tab*/\n                           Ext.Ajax.request({\n                              url : '" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/ajax/updatecurrenttab.php?itemtype={$type}&glpi_tab=" . urlencode($key) . "',\n                              success: function(objServerResponse) {\n                              //alert(objServerResponse.responseText);\n                           }\n                           });\n                        }\n                     }";
             echo "}";
         // Foreach tabs
         echo "]});";
         echo "/// Define view point";
         echo "tabpanel.expand();";
         echo "// force first load\n               function loadDefaultTab() {\n                  tabpanel.body=Ext.get('{$tabdivcontent_id}');\n                  // See before\n                  tabpanel.body.update('');\n                  tabpanel.setActiveTab('{$default_tab}');";
         echo "}";
         echo "// force reload\n               function reloadTab(add) {\n                  var tab = tabpanel.getActiveTab();\n                  var opt = tab.autoLoad;\n                  if (add) {\n                     if (opt.params)\n                        opt.params = opt.params + '&' + add;\n                     else\n                        opt.params = add;\n                  }\n                  tab.getUpdater().update(opt);";
         echo "}";
         echo "</script>";