예제 #1

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
include 'lib/shopify_api.php';
if (!defined('API_KEY') || !defined('SECRET') || isEmpty(API_KEY) || isEmpty(SECRET)) {
    die('Both constants API_KEY and SECRET must be defined in the config file.');
$url = isset($_GET['shop']) ? mysql_escape_string($_GET['shop']) : '';
$token = isset($_GET['t']) ? mysql_escape_string($_GET['t']) : '';
$timestamp = isset($_GET['timestamp']) ? mysql_escape_string($_GET['timestamp']) : '';
$signature = isset($_GET['signature']) ? mysql_escape_string($_GET['signature']) : '';
$params = array('timestamp' => $timestamp, 'signature' => $signature);
	Step 1:
	Create a new Shopify API object with the $url, $token, $api_key, and $secret, and [$params]
	You must first ping the shop auth URL if you have not. You can do this by using Session::create_permission_url()
	Your application's Return URL will then be pinged with the shop, token, signature and timestamp.
	After this authorization is done you can then make requests to the API.
$api = new Session($url, $token, API_KEY, SECRET);
//if the Shopify connection is valid
if ($api->valid()) {
    if (isEmpty($token)) {
        header("Location: " . $api->create_permission_url());