예제 #1
 function run()
     $routes = new RouteCollection();
     foreach ($this->serviceManager->get('ConfigManager')->getConfig('routes') as $rota => $values) {
         $routes->add($rota, new Route($values['route'], array('controller' => $values['controller'], 'action' => $values['action'])));
     $context = $this->serviceManager->get('RequestManager')->getContext();
     $matcher = new UrlMatcher($routes, $context);
     $errorController = $this->getServiceManager()->get('ErrorController');
     try {
         $parameters = $matcher->match($context->getPathInfo());
         $controller = $this->getServiceManager()->get($parameters['controller']);
         $action = $this->getNomeAction($parameters['action']);
         if (false == method_exists($controller, $action)) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf('O Controller %s não possui o método %s', get_class($controller), $action));
         $actionParameters = $this->getActionParameters($parameters);
         if (true == method_exists($controller, 'beforeDispatch')) {
             call_user_func(array($controller, 'beforeDispatch'));
         return call_user_func_array(array($controller, $action), $actionParameters);
     } catch (ResourceNotFoundException $ex) {
         return $errorController->actionError404();
     } catch (MethodNotAllowedException $ex) {
         return $errorController->actionError500($ex);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         return $errorController->actionError500($ex);
예제 #2
 public function __invoke(ServiceManager $serviceManager)
     $db = $serviceManager->get('PDO');
     $cpr = $serviceManager->get('RequestManager');
     $debug = $serviceManager->get('ConfigManager')->getConfig('debug');
     return new DataHelper($db, $cpr, $debug);
 public function __invoke(ServiceManager $serviceManager)
     /* @var $configManager ConfigManager */
     $configManager = $serviceManager->get('ConfigManager');
     $renderer = $serviceManager->get('CupRenderer');
     return new MailerManager($configManager->getConfig('mailer'), $renderer, $configManager->getConfig('dumpEmailOnScreen'));
예제 #4
  * getUserMapper
  * @return \Profile\Mapper\UserMapper
 public function getUserMapper()
     if (null === $this->userMapper) {
         $this->userMapper = $this->serviceManager->get('userMapper');
     return $this->userMapper;
예제 #5
  * @param ServiceManager $serviceManager
  * @return \UserHelper
 public function __invoke(ServiceManager $serviceManager)
     /* @var $em EntityManager */
     $em = $serviceManager->get('EntityManager');
     /* @var $config ConfigManager */
     $config = $serviceManager->get('ConfigManager');
     return new UserHelper($em, $config->getConfig('userEntityName'));
 public function __invoke(ServiceManager $serviceManager)
     /* @var $configManager ConfigManager */
     $configManager = $serviceManager->get('ConfigManager');
     $urlGenerator = $serviceManager->get('UrlGenerator');
     $rendererConfig = $configManager->getConfig('renderer');
     $siteConfig = $configManager->getConfig('site');
     return new CupRenderer($rendererConfig['pastaTemplates'], $rendererConfig['pastaViews'], $siteConfig['titulo'], $urlGenerator);
예제 #7
  * Static method for quick and easy initialization of the Console Application.
  * If you use this init() method, you cannot specify a service with the
  * name of 'ApplicationConfig' in your service manager config. This name is
  * reserved to hold the array from application.config.php.
  * The following services can only be overridden from application.config.php:
  * - ModuleManager
  * - SharedEventManager
  * - EventManager & Zend\EventManager\EventManagerInterface
  * All other services are configured after module loading, thus can be
  * overridden by modules.
  * @param array $configuration
  * @return Application
 public static function init($configuration = [])
     $smConfig = isset($configuration['service_manager']) ? $configuration['service_manager'] : array();
     $serviceManager = new ServiceManager(new Service\ServiceManagerConfig($smConfig));
     $serviceManager->setService('ApplicationConfig', $configuration);
     $listenersFromAppConfig = isset($configuration['listeners']) ? $configuration['listeners'] : array();
     $config = $serviceManager->get('Config');
     $listenersFromConfigService = isset($config['listeners']) ? $config['listeners'] : array();
     $listeners = array_unique(array_merge($listenersFromConfigService, $listenersFromAppConfig));
     return $serviceManager->get('Application')->bootstrap($listeners);
예제 #8
 public function __invoke(ServiceManager $serviceManager)
     /* @var $configManager ConfigManager */
     $configManager = $serviceManager->get('ConfigManager');
     $databaseConfig = $configManager->getConfig('database');
     return new PDO("mysql:host=" . $databaseConfig['host'] . ";dbname=" . $databaseConfig['dbname'], $databaseConfig['user'], $databaseConfig['password']);
  * @param ServiceManager $serviceManager
  * @return EntityManager
 public function __invoke(ServiceManager $serviceManager)
     /* @var $configManager ConfigManager */
     $configManager = $serviceManager->get('ConfigManager');
     $databaseConfig = $configManager->getConfig('database');
     $doctrineConfig = $configManager->getConfig('doctrine');
     $connectionParams = array('dbname' => $databaseConfig['dbname'], 'user' => $databaseConfig['user'], 'password' => $databaseConfig['password'], 'host' => $databaseConfig['host'], 'driver' => 'pdo_mysql', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'driverOptions' => array(1002 => 'SET NAMES utf8'));
     $entitiesPaths = $doctrineConfig['entitiesPaths'];
     $proxyDir = $doctrineConfig['proxyDir'];
     $isDevMode = $configManager->getConfig('debug');
     $setupConfig = Setup::createAnnotationMetadataConfiguration($entitiesPaths, $isDevMode, $proxyDir);
     $setupConfig->addCustomStringFunction('rand', 'Mapado\\MysqlDoctrineFunctions\\DQL\\MysqlRand');
     $entityManager = EntityManager::create($connectionParams, $setupConfig);
     $platform = $entityManager->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform();
     $platform->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('enum', 'string');
     return $entityManager;
예제 #10
  * Register additional view strategies
  * If there is a "strategies" key of the view manager configuration, loop
  * through it. Pull each as a service from the service manager, and, if it
  * is a ListenerAggregate, attach it to the view, at priority 100. This
  * latter allows each to trigger before the default strategy, and for them
  * to trigger in the order they are registered.
  * @return void
 private function registerViewStrategies()
     if (!isset($this->config['strategies'])) {
     $strategies = $this->config['strategies'];
     if (is_string($strategies)) {
         $strategies = [$strategies];
     if (!is_array($strategies) && !$strategies instanceof Traversable) {
     $view = $this->getView();
     $events = $view->getEventManager();
     foreach ($strategies as $strategy) {
         if (!is_string($strategy)) {
         $listener = $this->services->get($strategy);
         if ($listener instanceof ListenerAggregateInterface) {
             $listener->attach($events, 100);
  * Constructor.
  * @param ServiceManager $container Servicemanager.
 public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)
     $this->container = $container;
     $this->dispatcher = $this->container->get('event_dispatcher');
     $this->event = new GenericEvent($this);
예제 #12
  * Retrieve a service from the manager by name
  * Allows passing an array of options to use when creating the instance.
  * createFromInvokable() will use these and pass them to the instance
  * constructor if not null and a non-empty array.
  * @param  string $name
  * @param  array $options
  * @param  bool $usePeeringServiceManagers
  * @return object
 public function get($name, $options = array(), $usePeeringServiceManagers = true)
     // Allow specifying a class name directly; registers as an invokable class
     if (!$this->has($name) && $this->autoAddInvokableClass && class_exists($name)) {
         $this->setInvokableClass($name, $name);
     $this->creationOptions = $options;
     $instance = parent::get($name, $usePeeringServiceManagers);
     $this->creationOptions = null;
     return $instance;
 function __invoke(ServiceManager $serviceManager)
     return new UrlGenerator($serviceManager->get('RequestManager'));
예제 #14
  * Get a site entity by slug.
  * @param ServiceManager $serviceLocator
  * @param string $slug
  * @return Site|null
 protected function getSite($serviceLocator, $slug)
     return $serviceLocator->get('Omeka\\EntityManager')->createQuery('SELECT s FROM Omeka\\Entity\\Site s WHERE s.slug = :slug')->setParameter('slug', $slug)->getOneOrNullResult();