function display($tpl = null) { $layout = $this->getLayout(); if ($layout == 'multisubscription') { $this->newsletters = array(); if (isset($this->mmsg)) { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); jincimport('core.newsletterfactory'); $ninstance = NewsletterFactory::getInstance(); foreach ($this->mmsg as $news_id => $text) { if ($newsletter = $ninstance->loadNewsletter($news_id, true)) { $this->newsletters[$news_id] = $newsletter; } } } } else { $news_id = JRequest::getInt('id', 0); jincimport('core.newsletterfactory'); $ninstance = NewsletterFactory::getInstance(); if ($newsletter = $ninstance->loadNewsletter($news_id, true)) { $this->newsletter = $newsletter; } } parent::display($tpl); }
/** * Update method to register message sending events. * * @access public * @param $args['news_id'] Newsletter identifier refferring to the event. * * @param $args['msg_id'] Message identifier refferring to the event. * @return false if something wrong. * @since 0.6 */ function update(&$args) { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); if (!isset($args['news_id']) || !isset($args['msg_id'])) { return false; } $news_id = (int) $args['news_id']; $msg_id = (int) $args['msg_id']; $dbo =& JFactory::getDBO(); $query = 'UPDATE #__jinc_newsletter SET lastsent = now() ' . 'WHERE id = ' . (int) $news_id; $dbo->setQuery($query); $logger->debug('SentMsgEvent: executing query: ' . $query); if (!$dbo->query()) { $logger->error('SentMsgEvent: error updating last newsletter dispatch date'); return false; } $query = 'UPDATE #__jinc_message SET datasent = now() ' . 'WHERE id = ' . (int) $msg_id; $dbo->setQuery($query); $logger->debug('SentMsgEvent: executing query: ' . $query); if (!$dbo->query()) { $logger->error('SentMsgEvent: error updating last message dispatch date'); return false; } return true; }
/** * The newsletter importer. It imports newsletter subscribers from a CSV file. * * @access public * @param integer $newsletter a newsletter object. * @param string $csvfile_name the CSV file name. * @return array containing import results. * @since 0.6 * @see Newsletter */ function ImportFromCSV($newsletter, $csvfile_name) { jincimport('utility.jincjoomlahelper'); jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); if (!($handle = @fopen($csvfile_name, "r"))) { $logger->finer('NewsletterImporter: unable to open ' . $csvfile_name); return false; } $result = array(); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, $this->_LINE_MAX_LENGTH, ",")) !== FALSE) { $logger->finer('NewsletterImporter: importing ' . implode(', ', $data)); $info = $newsletter->getSubscriptionInfo(); $subscriber_info = array(); $attributes = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($info); $i++) { $prefix = substr($info[$i], 0, 5); if ($prefix == 'attr_') { $suffix = substr($info[$i], 5); $attributes[$suffix] = isset($data[$i]) ? $data[$i] : ''; } else { $subscriber_info[$info[$i]] = $data[$i]; } } $sub_result = array(); $sub_result['data'] = implode(', ', $subscriber_info); switch ($newsletter->getType()) { case NEWSLETTER_PUBLIC_NEWS: $subscriber_info['noptin'] = true; break; case NEWSLETTER_PRIVATE_NEWS: $user_id = $subscriber_info['user_id']; $user_info = JINCJoomlaHelper::getUserInfo($user_id); if (empty($user_info)) { $user_info = JINCJoomlaHelper::getUserInfoByUsername($user_id); if (empty($user_info)) { $user_info = JINCJoomlaHelper::getUserInfoByUsermail($user_id); if (!empty($user_info)) { $subscriber_info['user_id'] = $user_info['id']; } } else { $subscriber_info['user_id'] = $user_info['id']; } } break; default: break; } if ($newsletter->subscribe($subscriber_info, $attributes)) { $sub_result['result'] = 'OK'; } else { $sub_result['result'] = $newsletter->getError(); } array_push($result, $sub_result); } fclose($handle); return $result; }
/** * Redefine setError method inherited from Joomla! JObject class * * @access public * @since 0.6 */ function setError($error) { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); $logger->finer(get_class($this) . ': ' . JText::_($error)); parent::setError($error); }
function setTemplate($id) { if (empty($id)) { return; } $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $cssurl = rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . '/' . 'administrator/index.php?option=com_jinc&task=templatecss.loadcss&format=css&id=' . $id . '&time=' . time(); $filepath = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'templates' . DS . $id . '.css'; $filepath = str_replace('/', DS, $filepath); $name = $this->myEditor->get('_name'); if ($name == 'tinymce') { $this->editorConfig = array('content_css_custom' => $cssurl, 'content_css' => '0'); } elseif ($name == 'jckeditor' || $name == 'fckeditor') { $this->editorConfig = array('content_css_custom' => $filepath, 'content_css' => '0', 'editor_css' => '0'); } else { $fileurl = 'administrator/components/com_jinc/assets/templates/' . $id . '.css'; $this->editorConfig = array('custom_css_url' => $cssurl, 'custom_css_file' => $fileurl, 'custom_css_path' => $filepath); JRequest::setVar('jinc_cssfile', $fileurl); if ($name == 'jce') { $jcepath = JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jce' . DS . 'models' . DS; if (file_exists($jcepath . 'editor.php')) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $content = JFile::read($jcepath . 'editor.php'); if (!strpos($content, 'jinc_cssfile')) { $jinccode = ' if(JRequest::getCmd(\'option\') == \'com_jinc\'){ $jinc_cssfile = JRequest::getString(\'jinc_cssfile\'); if(!empty($jinc_cssfile)) $settings[\'content_css\'] = $jinc_cssfile; } '; $content = preg_replace('#(\\$settings\\[\'content_css\'\\][^=]*= *\\$this->getStyleSheets\\(\\);)#', '$1' . $jinccode, $content); jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); if (strpos($content, 'jinc_cssfile')) { if (!file_exists($jcepath . 'editor_jbackup.php')) { if (JFile::copy($jcepath . 'editor.php', $jcepath . 'editor_jbackup.php') !== true) { $logger->info('JINCEditor - Could not copy the file from ' . $jcepath . 'editor.php to ' . $jcepath . 'editor_jbackup.php', 'error'); } } if (JFile::write($jcepath . 'editor.php', $content) !== true) { $logger->info('Could not write in ' . $jcepath . 'editor.php <br/> Please make sure this folder is writable', 'error'); } } } } } } }
/** * Update method to register statistical events. * * @access public * @param $args['news_id'] Newsletter identifier refferring to the event. * @return false if something wrong. * @since 0.6 */ function update(&$args) { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); if ($this->_type < 0 || !isset($args['news_id'])) { return false; } $query = 'INSERT INTO `#__jinc_stats_event` ' . '(`type`, `date`, `news_id`) VALUES ' . '(' . (int) $this->_type . ', now(), ' . (int) $args['news_id'] . ')'; $logger->debug('StatisticalEvent: Executing query: ' . $query); $dbo =& JFactory::getDBO(); $dbo->setQuery($query); if (!$dbo->query()) { return false; } return true; }
/** * Method to get a single record. * * @param integer The id of the primary key. * * @return mixed Object on success, false on failure. */ public function getItem($pk = null) { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $item = parent::getItem($pk); if (strlen($item->cssfile) > 0) { $item->cssfile_abs = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'templates' . DS . $item->cssfile; $logger->debug('JINCModelTemplate - Reading CSS file ' . $item->cssfile_abs); $item->cssfile_content = is_readable($item->cssfile_abs) ? file_get_contents($item->cssfile_abs) : false; if (!$item->cssfile_content) { $logger->debug('JINCModelTemplate - Error reading CSS file ' . $item->cssfile_abs); } } return $item; }
function getMessages() { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); $id = JRequest::getInt('id', 0, 'GET'); $result = array(); $ninstance = NewsletterFactory::getInstance(); if ($newsletter = $ninstance->loadNewsletter($id, true)) { $max_msg = (int) $newsletter->get('front_max_msg'); if ($max_msg > 0) { $query = 'SELECT id, subject, body, datasent, attachment ' . 'FROM #__jinc_message ' . 'WHERE news_id = ' . (int) $id . ' ' . 'AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datasent) > 0 ' . 'ORDER BY datasent DESC'; $logger->debug('NewslettersModelNewsletter: Executing query: ' . $query); $result = $this->_getList($query, 0, $max_msg); } } return $result; }
/** * Update method to register subscription notify event. * * @access public * @param $args['news_name'] Newsletter name refferring to the event. * @param $args['subs_name'] Name of the subscriber just registered. * @return false if something wrong. * @since 0.8 */ function update(&$args) { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); if (isset($args['news_notify']) && $args['news_notify']) { $logger->finer('SubscriptionNotifyEvent: Notifying subscription for ' . $args['news_name']); if (!isset($args['subs_name']) || !isset($args['news_name'])) { return false; } $news_name = $args['news_name']; $subs_name = $args['subs_name']; $dbo =& JFactory::getDBO(); //get all super administrator $query = 'SELECT name, email, sendEmail FROM `#__users` u INNER JOIN ' . '`#__user_usergroup_map` m on = m.user_id INNER JOIN ' . '`#__usergroups` g on m.group_id = ' . 'WHERE lower(g.title) = "super users"'; $logger->debug('SubscriptionNotifyEvent: executing query: ' . $query); $dbo->setQuery($query); if ($rows = $dbo->loadObjectList()) { // Sending notification to all administrators $subject = sprintf(JText::_('COM_JINC_MAIL_NOTIFY_SUBJECT'), $news_name); $subject = html_entity_decode($subject, ENT_QUOTES); foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($row->sendEmail) { $body = sprintf(JText::_('COM_JINC_MAIL_NOTIFY_BODY'), $row->name, $news_name, $subs_name); $body = html_entity_decode($body, ENT_QUOTES); $message =& JFactory::getMailer(); $message->setSubject($subject); $message->setBody($body); $message->addRecipient($row->email); $logger->finer('SubscriptionNotifyEvent: Sending notification mail to ' . $row->email); $message->send(); } } } } return true; }
/** * Check if every mandatory attribute are avaivalable for subscription purpose. * * @access protected * @param integer $attributes list of attribute values * @since 0.7 * @abstract */ function checkMandatoryAttributes($attributes) { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); $news_attributes = $this->attributes; foreach ($news_attributes->toArray() as $attr_name => $attr_cardinality) { if ($attr_cardinality == ATTRIBUTE_MANDATORY) { if (!in_array($attr_name, array_keys($attributes)) || strlen(trim($attributes[$attr_name])) == 0) { $logger->finer("Newsletter. Mandatory attribute not defined: " . $attr_name); return false; } } } return true; }
/** * @param string $dbServiceName * @return Medoo */ public function getDb($dbServiceName = 'db') { return $this->db = ServiceLocator::getInstance()->get($dbServiceName); }
/** * Joomla! user finder. It finds user id by mail address * * @access public * @param integer $usermail the user mail. * @return array Containing username, name and email. An empty array is * something wrong. * @since 0.8 */ function getUserInfoByUsermail($usermail) { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); $dbo =& JFactory::getDBO(); $query = 'SELECT id, username, name, email FROM #__users WHERE email = ' . $dbo->quote($usermail); $dbo->setQuery($query); $logger->debug('JINCJoomlaHelper: executing query: ' . $query); $infos = array(); if ($user_info = $dbo->loadObjectList()) { if (!empty($user_info)) { $user = $user_info[0]; $infos['id'] = $user->id; $infos['username'] = $user->username; $infos['name'] = $user->name; $infos['email'] = $user->email; } } return $infos; }
function storeAttributeForm() { jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); jincimport('utility.jsonresponse'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); $dbo = $this->getDbo(); $query = $dbo->getQuery(true); $query->select('name, description, type, name_i18n'); $query->from('`#__jinc_attribute`'); $dbo->setQuery($query); $logger->debug('JINCModelAttributes: Executing query: ' . $query->__toString()); $xmlstring = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'; $xmlstring .= '<form>'; $xmlstring .= ' <fields name="attribs">'; $xmlstring .= ' <fieldset name="addictional" label="COM_JINC_ATTRIBUTES">'; if ($attributes = $dbo->loadAssocList()) { foreach ($attributes as $key => $attribute) { $xmlstring .= ' <field name="' . $attribute['name'] . '" type="list" label="' . $attribute['name_i18n'] . '"'; $xmlstring .= ' description="' . $attribute['description'] . '" Default="">'; $xmlstring .= ' <option value="">COM_JINC_ATTRIBUTE_NONE</option>'; $xmlstring .= ' <option value="1">COM_JINC_ATTRIBUTE_MANDATORY</option>'; $xmlstring .= ' <option value="2">COM_JINC_ATTRIBUTE_OPTIONAL</option>'; $xmlstring .= ' </field>'; $xmlstring .= ''; } } $xmlstring .= ' </fieldset>'; $xmlstring .= ' </fields>'; $xmlstring .= '</form>'; $filename = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'models' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'forms' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'attributes.xml'; if ($fh = fopen($filename, 'w+')) { $logger->debug('Recreating file ' . $filename); fwrite($fh, $xmlstring); fclose($fh); } else { $logger->error('Unable to write file ' . $filename); } }
function emogrify($toemogrify) { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); $body = $toemogrify; if ($newsletter = $this->loadNewsletter()) { if ($this->tem_id != 0) { $template = $this->loadTemplate(); if (!empty($template)) { $logger->debug(get_class($this) . ': emogrifing message.'); jincimport('utility.emogrifier'); $emogrifier = new Emogrifier($body, $template->getCSSFileContent()); $body = $emogrifier->emogrify(); } } } return $body; }
function deleteReport($proc_id) { jincimport('core.messagefactory'); jincimport('utility.jsonresponse'); jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); $response = new JSONResponse(); $minstance = MessageFactory::getInstance(); if ($minstance->deleteReport($proc_id)) { $response->set('status', 0); } else { $response->set('status', -1); } $logger->debug('JSON: ' . $response->toString()); return $response->toString(); }
/** * Retrieve total subscribers number. It overrides the abstract method * defined in SubsRetriever Class, implementing a concrete method of the * strategy pattern. * * @access public * @return integer The total number of subscribers or -1 if something wrong. * @since 0.6 */ function countSubscribers() { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); $query = 'SELECT COUNT( AS num_subs ' . 'FROM #__jinc_newsletter n ' . 'LEFT JOIN #__jinc_subscriber s ON = s.news_id ' . 'LEFT JOIN #__users u ON s.user_id = ' . 'WHERE = ' . (int) $this->getNewsId(); $dbo =& JFactory::getDBO(); $dbo->setQuery($query); $logger->debug('JContactInfoRetriever: executing query ' . $query); if ($result = $dbo->loadObjectList()) { $nsubs = $result[0]; } else { return -1; } return $nsubs->num_subs; }
/** * Play the process. It execute the next process step sending the message * to the next subscriber(s) * * @param string $client_id Client identifier * @return false if something wrong * @since 0.7 */ function play($client_id = '', $restart = false, $continue_on_error = false) { jincimport('core.messagefactory'); jincimport('utility.jsonresponse'); jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); $dbo = JFactory::getDBO(); if ($this->status == PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING && $this->client_id != $client_id) { $this->setError('COM_JINC_ERR042'); return false; } $start_time = 0; if ($this->status != PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING) { if ($this->client_id == '') { $start_time = time(); $this->start_time = $start_time; } if ($this->status == PROCESS_STATUS_STOPPED) { $start_time = time(); $this->start_time = $start_time; $this->last_subscriber_time = 0; $this->last_update_time = 0; $this->sent_messages = 0; $this->sent_success = 0; } if ($this->client_id != $client_id) { if (!$this->updateStatus(PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING, $client_id)) { return false; } } } $msg_id = $this->msg_id; $minstance = MessageFactory::getInstance(); if ($message = $minstance->loadMessage($msg_id)) { if ($newsletter = $message->loadNewsletter()) { $this->tot_recipients = $newsletter->countSubscribers(); if ($this->tot_recipients < 0) { $this->setError('COM_JINC_ERR007'); return false; } } else { $this->setError('COM_JINC_ERR001'); return false; } } else { $this->setError('COM_JINC_ERR035'); return false; } $logger->finer('Sending process: ' . $this->last_subscriber_time . ' - ' . $this->last_subscriber_id); $news_id = $newsletter->get('id'); if ($send_result = $message->send($this->last_subscriber_time, $this->last_subscriber_id, $continue_on_error)) { $this->storeReportData($message->reported_recipients); $last_time = $send_result['last_time']; $last_id = $send_result['last_id']; $this->sent_messages = $this->sent_messages + $send_result['nmessages']; $this->sent_success = $this->sent_success + $send_result['nsuccess']; if ($send_result['nmessages'] == 0) { $this->updateStatus(PROCESS_STATUS_FINISHED); $logger->finer('Process: triggering message sent event'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $params = array('news_id' => $news_id, 'msg_id' => $msg_id); $result = $dispatcher->trigger('jinc_sent', $params); } $query = 'UPDATE #__jinc_process ' . 'SET last_subscriber_time = FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $last_time . '), ' . 'last_update_time = NOW(), ' . 'last_subscriber_id = ' . $last_id . ', ' . 'sent_success = ' . $this->sent_success . ', ' . 'sent_messages = ' . $this->sent_messages . ' '; if ($start_time > 0) { $query .= ', start_time = FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $start_time . ') '; } $query .= 'WHERE id = ' . $this->id; $dbo->setQuery($query); $logger->debug('Process: executing query: ' . $query); if (!$dbo->query()) { $this->setError('COM_JINC_ERR039'); return false; } if (!$this->reloadStatus()) { $this->setError('COM_JINC_ERR039'); return false; } $this->last_subscriber_time = $last_time; $this->last_subscriber_id = $last_id; $this->mail_system_error = $message->get('mail_system_error'); } else { $this->storeReportData($message->reported_recipients); $logger->finer('StandardProcess: Error sending messages.'); if (!$this->updateStatus(PROCESS_STATUS_PAUSED)) { $this->setError('COM_JINC_ERR040'); } $this->setError($message->getError()); $this->mail_system_error = $message->get('mail_system_error'); return false; } return true; }
/** * It ussubscribes just deleted user from every newsletters. * * @param array $user Array of user info * @param boolean $succes true if user is created successfully * @param string $msg User deletion message */ public function onUserAfterDelete($user, $succes, $msg) { if (!$succes) { return; } if (is_array($user)) { $user_id = $user['id']; $user_email = $user['email']; } elseif (is_object($user)) { $user_id = $user->id; $user_email = $user->email; } else { return; } jincimport('core.newsletterfactory'); jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); $query = 'SELECT id FROM #__jinc_newsletter n ' . 'WHERE type = ' . (int) NEWSLETTER_PRIVATE_NEWS; $logger->debug('plgUserJINCSubscription: Executing query: ' . $query); $dbo =& JFactory::getDBO(); $dbo->setQuery($query); // Unsubscribing user from every JINC newsletter if ($result = $dbo->loadAssocList()) { foreach ($result as $row) { $news_id = (int) $row['id']; $ninstance = NewsletterFactory::getInstance(); if ($newsletter = $ninstance->loadNewsletter($news_id, false)) { $subscriber_info = array('user_id' => $user_id); $newsletter->unsubscribe($subscriber_info); } } } }
<?php if ($argc != 2 || in_array($argv[1], ['--help', '-help', '-h', '-?'])) { ?> Generates orders and stores them in mongoDB. Usage: <?php echo $argv[0]; ?> total total number of orders to generate <?php exit(1); } require_once 'bootstrap.php'; use Zend\ProgressBar\ProgressBar; use Zend\ProgressBar\Adapter\Console; $orderGenerator = ServiceLocator::getInstance()->get('order_generator'); $orderRepository = ServiceLocator::getInstance()->get('order_repository'); $total = (int) $argv[1]; $progressBar = new ProgressBar(new Console(), 0, $total); while ($total) { $orderRepository->add($orderGenerator->generate()); $total--; $progressBar->next(); }
/** * Method to unsubscribe a newsletter user. * * @access public * @param array $subscriber_info Subscriber info based on newsletter type. * @return true if successfully unsubscribed. false if something wrong. * @since 0.6 * @abstract */ function unsubscribe($subscriber_info) { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); $query = ''; if (isset($subscriber_info['subs_id'])) { $id = (int) $subscriber_info['subs_id']; $query = 'DELETE FROM #__jinc_subscriber ' . 'WHERE id = ' . (int) $id . ' ' . 'AND news_id = ' . (int) $this->get('id'); } if (isset($subscriber_info['user_id'])) { $id = (int) $subscriber_info['user_id']; $query = 'DELETE FROM #__jinc_subscriber ' . 'WHERE user_id = ' . (int) $id . ' ' . 'AND news_id = ' . (int) $this->get('id'); } if (strlen($query) > 0) { $logger->debug('PrivateNewsletter: Executing query: ' . $query); $dbo =& JFactory::getDBO(); $dbo->setQuery($query); if (!$dbo->query()) { $this->setError('COM_JINC_ERR025'); return false; } if (isset($subscriber_info['subs_id'])) { $this->removeAttributeOnUnsubscription($id); } } // Triggering unsubscription event $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance(); $params = array('news_id' => $this->get('id'), 'news_name' => $this->get('name'), 'news_notify' => $this->get('notify')); $result = $dispatcher->trigger('jinc_unsubscribe', $params); return true; }
/** * Send a bulk message. It overrides the abstract method defined in Message * class. * * Hint: it starts to send messages from the the $start-th subscribers of * the message * * @access public * @param int $start_time subscription time to begin to * @param int $start_id subscriber identifier to begin to * @return array containing next suscription time, subscriber id and number of sent messages * @since 0.6 */ function send($start_time = 0, $start_id = 0, $continue_on_error = false) { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jincimport('utility.parameterprovider'); $mailmsg = JFactory::getMailer(); $root_uri = JURI::root(); $sleeptime = ParameterProvider::getMailTimeInterval(); $max_mails = ParameterProvider::getMaxXStep(); $max_bulk_bcc = ParameterProvider::getMailMaxBcc(); $send_mail = ParameterProvider::getSendMail(); $logger->finer('BulkMessage: Sleep time ' . $sleeptime . ' - Max mails ' . $max_mails . ' Max BCC ' . $max_bulk_bcc . ' Send mail ' . $send_mail); $last_time = $start_time; $last_id = $start_id; $nmessages = 0; $nsuccess = 0; if ($newsletter = $this->loadNewsletter()) { ob_start(); $logger->finer('BulkMessage: Newsletter loaded'); $msg = $this->get('body') . $newsletter->get('disclaimer'); // Newsletter info substitution in message body $msg = preg_replace('/\\[SENDER\\]/s', $newsletter->get('sendername'), $msg); $msg = preg_replace('/\\[SENDERMAIL\\]/s', $newsletter->get('senderaddr'), $msg); $msg = preg_replace('/\\[NEWSLETTER\\]/s', $newsletter->get('name'), $msg); $news_id = $newsletter->get('id'); $unsub_link = JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_jinc&view=newsletter&layout=unsubscription&id=' . $news_id; $msg = preg_replace('/\\[UNSUBSCRIPTIONURL\\]/s', $unsub_link, $msg); $msg = preg_replace('#src[ ]*=[ ]*\\"(?!https?://)(?:\\.\\./|\\./|/)?#', 'src="' . $root_uri, $msg); $msg = preg_replace('#href[ ]*=[ ]*\\"(?!https?://)(?!mailto?:)(?!tel?:)(?:\\.\\./|\\./|/)?#', 'href="' . $root_uri, $msg); $msg = preg_replace('#url[ ]*\\(\'(?!https?://)(?:\\.\\./|\\./|/)?#', 'url(\'' . $root_uri, $msg); $subject = $this->get('subject'); $subject = preg_replace('/\\[SENDER\\]/s', $newsletter->get('sendername'), $subject); $subject = preg_replace('/\\[SENDERMAIL\\]/s', $newsletter->get('senderaddr'), $subject); $subject = preg_replace('/\\[NEWSLETTER\\]/s', $newsletter->get('name'), $subject); // Setting message general properties $mailmsg->ContentType = $this->get('plaintext') ? "text/plain" : "text/html"; $mailmsg->setSubject($subject); if (strlen($newsletter->get('senderaddr')) > 0) { $mailmsg->setSender(array($newsletter->get('senderaddr'), $newsletter->get('sendername'))); } if (strlen($newsletter->get('replyto_addr')) > 0) { $mailmsg->addReplyTo(array($newsletter->get('replyto_addr'), $newsletter->get('replyto_name'))); } $path_abs_root = JPATH_ROOT; $msg_attachment = $this->get('attachment'); $arr_attachment = $msg_attachment->toArray(); foreach ($arr_attachment as $key => $value) { $attachment = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $value); if (strlen($attachment)) { $logger->finer('BulkMessage: adding attachment ' . $path_abs_root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $attachment); $mailmsg->addAttachment($path_abs_root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $attachment); } } $logger->finer('BulkMessage: going to add recipients'); $recipients = $newsletter->getSubscribersList($start_time, $start_id, $max_bulk_bcc); $nrecips = count($recipients); $logger->finer('BulkMessage: found ' . $nrecips . ' subscribers'); $success = true; ob_end_clean(); for ($i = 0; $i < $nrecips && $success; $i += $max_bulk_bcc) { ob_start(); $ndest = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $max_bulk_bcc && $j + $i < $nrecips; $j++) { $current = $recipients[$j + $i]; $this->reported_recipients[$current['id']] = 0; if (!$mailmsg->addBCC($current['email'])) { $this->reported_recipients[$current['id']] = 1; } $ndest = $ndest + 1; $last_time = $current['last_time']; $last_id = $current['last_id']; } $mailmsg->setBody($this->emogrify($msg)); $nmessages = $nmessages + $ndest; if ($send_mail) { $success = $mailmsg->Send(); if ($success === true) { $nsuccess = $nsuccess + $ndest * $success; $logger->finer('BulkMessage: success sending mail.'); } else { $logger->warning('BulkMessage: error sending mail.'); $this->mail_system_error = ob_get_contents(); $logger->warning('BulkMessage: error sending mail. MSG = ' . $this->mail_system_error); for ($j = 0; $j < $max_bulk_bcc && $j + $i < $nrecips; $j++) { $current = $recipients[$j + $i]; $this->reported_recipients[$current['id']] = 2; } if (!$continue_on_error) { $success = false; } } } else { $bcc_addresses = array(); foreach ($mailmsg->bcc as $number_variable => $variable) { array_push($bcc_addresses, $mailmsg->bcc[$number_variable][0]); } $logger->info('BulkMessage: simulate sending mail. BCC = ' . implode(', ', $bcc_addresses)); $logger->info('BulkMessage: simulate sending mail. Body = ' . $msg); $nsuccess = $nsuccess + $ndest; } // socket_select($read = NULL, $write = NULL, $sock = array(socket_create (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 0)), 0, $sleeptime); usleep($sleeptime); $mailmsg->ClearAllRecipients(); ob_end_clean(); } } else { $this->setError('COM_JINC_ERR001'); return false; } return array('last_time' => $last_time, 'last_id' => $last_id, 'nmessages' => $nmessages, 'nsuccess' => $nsuccess); }
/** * The notice loader. It loads a notice from its identifier. * * @access public * @param integer $id the notice identifier. * @return The notice object or false if something wrong. * @since 0.9 * @see Newsletter */ function loadNotice($id) { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); $query = 'SELECT name, title, bdesc, conditions ' . 'FROM #__jinc_notice nt ' . 'WHERE id = ' . (int) $id; $logger->debug('NewsletterFactory: Executing query: ' . $query); $dbo =& JFactory::getDBO(); $dbo->setQuery($query); // Loading notice information from database if ($result = $dbo->loadAssocList()) { if (empty($result)) { // Newsletter not found in database $logger->finer('NewsletterFactory: Notice not found'); return false; } $notice = $result[0]; } else { return false; } $ntObj = new Notice($id); // Setting newsletter properties $ntObj->set('name', $notice['name']); $ntObj->set('title', $notice['title']); $ntObj->set('bdesc', $notice['bdesc']); $ntObj->set('conditions', $notice['conditions']); return $ntObj; }
/** * Stores report data * * @param $report_data The report data to store * @return false if something wrong * @since 1.0 */ function storeReportData($report_data) { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); $dbo = JFactory::getDBO(); if (is_array($report_data)) { foreach ($report_data as $subs_id => $error_code) { $query = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__jinc_report` (proc_id, subs_id, error_code) VALUES ' . '(' . $this->id . ', ' . $subs_id . ', ' . $error_code . ')'; $logger->debug('Process: executing query ' . $query); $dbo->setQuery($query); if (!$dbo->query()) { $this->setError('COM_JINC_ERR050'); $logger->warning($this->getError()); } } } return true; }
/** * It deletes report data related to a process identifier * * @access public * @param integer $proc_id the process identifier. * @return boolean false if something wrong * @since 1.0 * @see Process */ function deleteReport($proc_id) { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); $query = 'DELETE FROM `#__jinc_report` ' . 'WHERE proc_id = ' . (int) $proc_id; $logger->debug('MessageFactory: Executing query: ' . $query); $dbo = JFactory::getDBO(); $dbo->setQuery($query); if ($dbo->query()) { return true; } return false; }
/** * Confirming public unsubscription using string sent by Opt-in * * @param string $usermail * @param string $optinstr * @return boolean true if subscription is successfully confirmed */ function confirmUnsubscription($usermail, $optinstr) { jincimport('utility.servicelocator'); $servicelocator = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $logger = $servicelocator->getLogger(); if (strlen($optinstr) == 0) { return false; } $news_id = $this->get('id'); $dbo =& JFactory::getDBO(); $query = 'DELETE FROM #__jinc_subscriber ' . 'WHERE email = ' . $dbo->quote($usermail) . ' ' . 'AND news_id = ' . (int) $news_id . ' AND ' . 'random = ' . $dbo->quote($optinstr); $logger->debug('PublicNewsletter: Executing query: ' . $query); $dbo->setQuery($query); $dbo->query(); if ($dbo->getAffectedRows() > 0) { $logger->finer('PublicNewsletter: generating unsubscription event after user confirmation.'); // Triggering unsubscription event $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance(); $params = array('news_id' => $this->get('id'), 'news_name' => $this->get('name'), 'news_notify' => $this->get('notify')); $result = $dispatcher->trigger('jinc_unsubscribe', $params); return true; } return false; }