/** * Get the message translated into the specified language * old function keeped for compatibility with old modules * * @param integer $messageId The ID of the message to get * @param array(string) $parameters An array of parameters which will replace %s in the returned string * @param string $module The codename of the module owner of the message * @return string * @access private */ protected function _getOldMessage($messageId, $parameters = false, $module = '') { if (SensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($messageId)) { if (!($string = $this->_getPrefetchedMessage($messageId, $module))) { $sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\tselect\n\t\t\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom\n\t\t\t\t\t\tI18NM_messages\n\t\t\t\t\twhere\n\t\t\t\t\t\tid='" . io::sanitizeSQLString($messageId) . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand module='" . io::sanitizeSQLString($module) . "'\n\t\t\t\t"; $q = new CMS_query($sql); if ($q->getNumRows()) { $data = $q->getArray(); $string = isset($data[$this->_code]) ? $data[$this->_code] : $data[APPLICATION_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE]; $this->_storeMessage($messageId, $module, $string); if ($parameters) { $replacement = SensitiveIO::arraySprintf($string, $parameters); if (!$replacement) { return $string; } else { return $replacement; } } else { return $string; } } else { return ''; } } else { if ($parameters) { $replacement = SensitiveIO::arraySprintf($string, $parameters); if (!$replacement) { return $string; } else { return $replacement; } } else { return $string; } } } else { $this->raiseError("messageId is not a positive integer : " . $messageId); return $messageId; } }
function getContent($type = 'menu') { //create a random name (useful for onSubmit purposes among other) $form_name = md5(mt_rand()); $onSubmit = '0'; $method = isset($this->_formAttributes["method"]) ? $this->_formAttributes["method"] : "post"; if ($method != 'post') { $onSubmit = '1'; } if ($type == 'DHTML' || $type == 'popup') { $content = '<tr><td width="100%" height="34" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">'; } else { $content = '<td width="34" height="35" onMouseOver="changeColor(this,\'A69C9A\');" onMouseOut="changeColor(this,\'\');" valign="center" align="center">'; } $content .= '<form name="' . $form_name . '" method="' . $method . '" action="' . $this->_formAction . '" '; foreach ($this->_formAttributes as $name => $value) { if ($name != "method" && $name != "onSubmit" && $name != "onsubmit" && $name != "target") { $content .= $name . '="' . io::htmlspecialchars($value) . '" '; } if ($name == "onSubmit" || $name == "onsubmit") { $content .= $name . '="' . io::htmlspecialchars($value) . '" '; $onSubmit = '1'; } if ($name == "target") { if ($value == "_blank") { $onSubmit = '1'; } $content .= $name . '="' . io::htmlspecialchars($value) . '" '; } } if (!$onSubmit && $type != 'popup') { $content .= ' onSubmit="check();" '; } $content .= '>'; foreach ($this->_formHiddens as $name => $value) { $value = str_replace("\n", "", $value); $value = str_replace("\r", "", $value); $value = io::htmlspecialchars($value); $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $value . '" />'; } foreach ($this->_formTexts as $name => $textArray) { $value = $textArray["value"]; $size = $textArray["size"]; $code = $textArray["code"]; $replace = array("\n" => '', "\r" => ''); $value = str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $value); $value = htmlspecialchars($value); $content .= SensitiveIO::arraySprintf($code, array('<input type="text" class="admin_input_text" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $value . '" size="' . $size . '" />')); } if ($type == 'DHTML' || $type == 'popup') { if ($this->_picto) { $content .= '<input align="absmiddle" type="image" src="' . PATH_ADMIN_IMAGES_WR . '/../v3/img/' . $this->_picto . '" alt="' . $this->_label . '" title="' . $this->_label . '" value="' . $this->_label . '" /><input type="submit" onMouseOver="this.style.backgroundColor=\'#D0CBCA\';" onMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor=\'#FFFFFF\';" class="CMS_dhtml_input_submit" value="' . $this->_label . '" />'; } else { $content .= '<input type="submit" class="admin_input_submit" value="' . $this->_label . '" style="width:130px" />'; } } else { if ($this->_picto) { $content .= '<input type="image" src="' . PATH_ADMIN_IMAGES_WR . '/../v3/img/' . $this->_picto . '" alt="' . $this->_label . '" title="' . $this->_label . '" value="' . $this->_label . '" />'; } else { $content .= '<input type="submit" class="admin_input_submit" value="' . $this->_label . '" style="width:130px" />'; } } if ($type == 'DHTML' || $type == 'popup') { $content .= '</form></td></tr>'; } else { $content .= '</form></td>'; } return $content; }
function getContent($class = "admin") { //create a random name (useful for onSubmit purposes among other) $form_name = md5(mt_rand()); $onSubmit = '0'; $method = isset($this->_formAttributes["method"]) ? $this->_formAttributes["method"] : "post"; if ($method != 'post') { $onSubmit = '1'; } $content = '<form name="' . $form_name . '" method="' . $method . '" action="' . $this->_formAction . '" '; foreach ($this->_formAttributes as $name => $value) { if ($name != "method" && $name != "onSubmit" && $name != "onsubmit" && $name != "target") { $content .= $name . '="' . io::htmlspecialchars($value) . '" '; } if ($name == "onSubmit" || $name == "onsubmit") { $content .= $name . '="' . io::htmlspecialchars($value) . '" '; $onSubmit = '1'; } if ($name == "target") { if ($value == "_blank") { $onSubmit = '1'; } $content .= $name . '="' . io::htmlspecialchars($value) . '" '; } } if (!$onSubmit) { $content .= ' onSubmit="check();" '; } $content .= '><tr>'; foreach ($this->_formHiddens as $name => $value) { $value = str_replace("\n", "", $value); $value = str_replace("\r", "", $value); $value = io::htmlspecialchars($value); $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $value . '" />'; } $content .= '<td class="' . $class . '" align="center">'; foreach ($this->_formTexts as $name => $textArray) { $value = $textArray["value"]; $size = $textArray["size"]; $code = $textArray["code"]; $value = str_replace("\n", "", $value); $value = str_replace("\r", "", $value); $value = io::htmlspecialchars($value); $content .= SensitiveIO::arraySprintf($code, array('<input type="text" class="admin_input_text" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $value . '" size="' . $size . '" />')); } $content .= '<input type="submit" class="admin_input_' . $class . '" value="' . $this->_label . '" style="width:130px" /></td> </tr> </form> '; return $content; }