$PID = rand_string(20);
//unique by chance :)
$CONFIG['SMTP_CLEAR_SUCCESS'] = is_bool($CONFIG['SMTP_CLEAR_SUCCESS']) === true && $CONFIG['SMTP_CLEAR_SUCCESS'] === true ? true : false;
//Check when the queue was last processed and die() if too soon
process_lockfile($CONFIG['SMTP_QUEUE_DIFF'], $PID);
/* setup e-mail object */
require_once 'SendEmail.php';
$e = new SendEmail();
// rDNS name of your server - php_uname('n') is only guess
$e->set_server($CONFIG['SMTP_SERVER'], $CONFIG['SMTP_PORT']);
//this is the FROM: info of the email
// starttls , tls ,  ssl or none
if ($CONFIG['SMTP_PASSWORD'] == 12345) {
    echo "1,2,3,4,5? .... That's amazing! I've got the same combination on my luggage!\n";
/* connect to database */
$conn = @mysqli_connect($CONFIG['DB_SERVER'], $CONFIG['DB_USER'], $CONFIG['DB_PASSWORD'], $CONFIG['DB_NAME']);
if (!$conn) {
    $msg = "Unable to connect with MySQL server\n" . "Error reported by mySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
    throw new Exception($msg);
if (!mysqli_set_charset($conn, 'utf8')) {
    $msg = "Failed to set charset to utf8!\n" . "Error reported by mySQL: " . mysqli_error($conn);
    throw new Exception($msg);