public function __construct() { self::parseCompilers(); if (Security::check_post()) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { if (!preg_match('#^[a-z_/]+$#i', $key) || !preg_match('#^[a-z0-9\\-_\\s]+$#i', $val)) { break; } $this->post[] = $key; $this->post[] = $val; } if (!isset($this->installed[$this->post[0]])) { cpg_error('No such compiler'); } $this->compiler = $this->post[0]; $this->call = strtolower($this->post[1]); if ($this->post[0] === 'tpl' && $this->post[1] === 'show') { $this->current_file = $this->post[2]; } } /*else {*/ self::index(); /*}*/ }
of the GNU GPL version 2 or any later version $Source: /cvs/html/modules/Tell_a_Friend/index.php,v $ $Revision: 9.10 $ $Author: nanocaiordo $ $Date: 2008/07/31 14:14:01 $ **********************************************/ if (!defined('CPG_NUKE')) { exit; } $pagetitle = _TELLFRIEND . ' ' . $MAIN_CFG['global']['sitename']; $html = $MAIN_CFG['email']['allow_html_email'] || is_admin(); list($reg_users) = $db->sql_ufetchrow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $user_prefix . "_users WHERE user_id > 1 AND user_level >= 0", SQL_NUM); list($total_hits) = $db->sql_ufetchrow("SELECT SUM(count) FROM " . $prefix . "_counter WHERE type='os'", SQL_NUM); if (isset($_POST['sendMessage'])) { if (!Security::check_post()) { cpg_error(_SEC_ERROR); } $sender_name = strip_tags($_POST['sender_name']); $sender_email = strip_tags($_POST['sender_email']); $recipient_name = strip_tags($_POST['recipient_name']); $recipient_email = strip_tags($_POST['recipient_email']); $personal_message = $_POST['personal_message']; if (!isset($CPG_SESS['tell_friend']) && !$CPG_SESS['tell_friend']) { $error = _SPAMGUARDPROTECTED; } if (empty($sender_name)) { $error = _MISSINGSNAME; } if (empty($recipient_name)) { $error = _MISSINGRNAME;
$db->sql_query("DELETE FROM " . $prefix . "_modules_cat WHERE cid=" . $cid); URL::redirect(URL::admin('cpgmm')); } $cat['name'] = defined($cat['name']) ? constant($cat['name']) : $cat['name']; $pagetitle .= ' ' . _BC_DELIM . ' Delete Category: ' . $cat['name']; require 'header.php'; GraphicAdmin('_AMENU1'); OpenTable(); echo '<center>' . sprintf(_ERROR_DELETE_CONF, '<i>' . $cat['name'] . '</i>'); echo '<br /><br />[ <a href="' . URL::admin('cpgmm') . '">' . _NO . '</a> | <a href="' . URL::admin("cpgmm&cid={$cid}&mode=delcat&ok=1") . '">' . _YES . '</a> ]</center>'; CloseTable(); } else { cpg_error(_CPG_MMNOCAT); } } else { if (Security::check_post() && isset($_POST['updatecpgmm']) && intval($_POST['id']) && intval($_POST['parent']) && intval($_POST['pos'])) { $cats = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['id']); ++$i) { if ($_POST['parent'][$i] == 0) { ++$cats; if ($_POST['id'][$i] > 0 && $_POST['pos'][$i] != $i) { $db->sql_update($prefix . '_modules_cat', array('pos' => $i), 'cid=' . $_POST['id'][$i]); } $parent = $_POST['id'][$i] == -1 ? '0' : $_POST['id'][$i]; } if ($_POST['id'][$i] > 0 && $_POST['parent'][$i] != 0 && $_POST['pos'][$i] != $i) { $db->sql_update($prefix . '_modules_links', array('pos' => $i - $cats, 'cat_id' => $parent), 'lid=' . $_POST['id'][$i]); } elseif ($_POST['id'][$i] < 0 && $_POST['parent'][$i] != 0 && $_POST['pos'][$i] != $i) { $db->sql_update($prefix . '_modules', array('pos' => $i - $cats, 'cat_id' => $parent), 'mid=' . ltrim((string) $_POST['id'][$i], '-')); } }
Then create a zip file containing all of your smiley images plus this .pak configuration file'; } else { if (isset($_POST['add'])) { if (!Security::check_post()) { cpg_error(_SEC_ERROR); } // Admin has selected to add a smiley. $filename_list = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($smiley_images); $i++) { $filename_list .= '<option value="' . $smiley_images[$i] . '">' . $smiley_images[$i] . '</option>'; } $s_hidden_fields = '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="savenew" />'; smile_edit(array(), $s_hidden_fields, $filename_list, $smiley_images[0]); } else { if (isset($_POST['updatesmiles'])) { if (Security::check_post() && intval($_POST['id'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['id']); $i++) { if ($_POST['pos'][$i] != $i) { $db->sql_update($prefix . '_bbsmilies', array('pos' => $i), 'smilies_id=' . $_POST['id'][$i]); } } } Cache::array_delete('smilies', 'bb'); cpg_error('Smilies order was successfully updated', 'Smilies Position Update', URL::admin('smilies')); } else { if ($mode != '') { switch ($mode) { case 'delete': // Admin has selected to delete a smiley. $smiley_id = intval($_GET['id']); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . SMILIES_TABLE . " WHERE smilies_id = " . $smiley_id;
function BlocksEditSave($bid) { global $prefix, $db; if (!Security::check_post()) { cpg_error(_SEC_ERROR); } $update['title'] = $_POST['title']; $update['content'] = $_POST['content']; $update['url'] = empty($_POST['url']) ? '' : $_POST['url']; $oldposition = $_POST['oldposition']; $update['bposition'] = $_POST['bposition']; $update['active'] = $_POST['active']; $update['refresh'] = isset($_POST['refresh']) ? intval($_POST['refresh']) : 0; $update['blanguage'] = $_POST['blanguage']; $update['blockfile'] = empty($_POST['blockfile']) ? '' : $_POST['blockfile']; $update['view'] = intval($_POST['view']); $update['weight'] = intval($_POST['weight']); $update['in_module'] = ''; if ($update['url'] != '') { $update['time'] = time(); if (0 !== stripos($update['url'], 'http://')) { $update['url'] = 'http://' . $update['url']; } require_once CORE_PATH . 'classes/rss.php'; if (!($update['content'] = CPG_RSS::format(CPG_RSS::read($update['url'])))) { rssfail(); return; } } # can be removed if ($oldposition != $update['bposition']) { $db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . $prefix . '_blocks SET weight=weight+1 WHERE weight>=' . $update['weight'] . " AND bposition='{$update['bposition']}'"); $db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . $prefix . '_blocks SET weight=weight-1 WHERE weight>' . $update['weight'] . " AND bposition='{$oldposition}'"); } $db->sql_update($prefix . '_blocks', $update, 'bid=' . $bid); $count = empty($_POST['in_module']) ? 0 : count($_POST['in_module']); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (!intval($_POST['in_module'][$i])) { continue; } else { $new_in_modules[intval($_POST['in_module'][$i])] = intval($_POST['in_module'][$i]); } } $table_data = array(); # select all data $result = $db->sql_query('SELECT a.mid,, MAX(b.weight) FROM ' . $prefix . '_blocks_custom a, ' . $prefix . '_blocks_custom b GROUP BY a.mid,'); if ($db->sql_numrows($result)) { while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result, SQL_NUM)) { # block is there but module id has not been posted so delete from it if ($row[1] == $bid && !isset($new_in_modules[$row[0]])) { $db->sql_uquery('DELETE FROM ' . $prefix . "_blocks_custom WHERE bid={$bid} AND mid=" . $row[0]); $db->sql_uquery('UPDATE ' . $prefix . "_blocks_custom SET weight=weight-1 WHERE weight>{$row[2]} AND mid=" . $row[0]); } else { if ($row[1] == $bid && isset($new_in_modules[$row[0]])) { # module id has been posted and it exists within the table: clearing posteded data $new_in_modules[$row[0]] = ''; } } if (!isset($table_data[$row[0]])) { # save what we need for later use $table_data[$row[0]] = $row[2]; } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } $values = array(); # insert anything left from the posted data if (!empty($new_in_modules)) { foreach ($new_in_modules as $mid) { if (!empty($mid)) { $values[] = "('{$bid}', '{$mid}', '{$update['bposition']}', '" . ($table_data[$mid] + 1) . "')"; } } } if (!empty($values)) { $db->sql_uquery('INSERT INTO ' . $prefix . '_blocks_custom (bid, mid, side, weight) VALUES ' . implode(',', $values)); } Cache::array_delete('blocks_list'); URL::redirect(URL::admin('blocks')); }