function display_page_content() { $section_name = requestIdParam(); $section = Sections::FindByName($section_name); $items = $section->findItems(); ?> <div id="right"> <h3>Item Thumbnail</h3> </div> <div id="center"> <h3>All the <?php echo $section->display_name; ?> </h3> <?php echo $section->content; ?> <?php echo "<ul>\r\n"; foreach ($items as $item) { echo "\t\t\t<li><a href=\"" . get_link("portfolio/item/{$section_name}/" . $item->name) . "\">{$item->display_name}</a></li>\r\n"; } echo "\t\t</ul>\r\n"; ?> </div> <?php }
function display_page_content() { $section_name = requestIdParam(); $section = Sections::FindByName($section_name); $item_name = getRequestVarAtIndex(3); $item = Items::FindByName($item_name); $gallery = $item->getGallery(); ?> <h1><?php echo $item->display_name; ?> </h1> <?php $next_item = $item->findNext($section); $prev_item = $item->findPrev($section); if ($prev_item) { echo "\t\t\t\t<a href=\"" . get_link("portfolio/item/{$section_name}/" . $prev_item->name) . "\">previous</a>\n"; } if ($next_item) { echo "\t\t\t\t<a href=\"" . get_link("portfolio/item/{$section_name}/" . $next_item->name) . "\">next</a>\n"; } echo $item->content; foreach ($gallery->get_photos() as $photo) { echo "<img src=\"/" . $photo->getPublicUrl() . "\" /><br />"; } }
function FindBySectionName($section_name = "") { if ($section_name == "") { return array(); } $section = Sections::FindByName($section_name); $items = $section->findItems(); $id_list = ""; foreach ($items as $item) { $id_list .= "{$item->id},"; } $id_list = trim($id_list, ','); return MyActiveRecord::FindBySql('Keywords', "SELECT DISTINCT k.* FROM keywords k inner join items_keywords ik ON ik.keywords_id = and ik.items_id in ({$id_list})"); }
function display_page($params = array()) { // canonicalize the input $area_name = $page_name = ""; // GET / if (count($params) == 0) { $area_name = "index"; $page_name = "index"; } // GET /area_name if (count($params) == 1) { $area_name = $params[0]; $page_name = "index"; } // GET /area_name/page_name if (count($params) > 1) { $area_name = $params[0]; $page_name = $params[1]; } if (ALIAS_INSTALL) { // Test the MyActiveRecord connection if (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'alias'")) == 1) { // check the alias' in the database and see if there is a match $alias = Alias::FindAll(); /* die(print_r($alias)); */ foreach ($alias as $entry) { if ($entry->alias == $area_name || $entry->alias == "/" . $area_name) { redirect($entry->path); } } } } // check the routes to see if the requested page has an explicit route setup $page_options = $GLOBALS['ROUTES']; if (isset($page_options["/" . $area_name . "/" . $page_name])) { $page = StaticPage::FindByAreaAndName($area_name, $page_name); if (isset($page)) { display_admin_with_template($page); return true; } } // check for pages that are in the "global" area and have params (ie /calendar/2008/1) $global_area = Areas::FindByName('index'); $possible_page = Pages::FindByAreaAndName($global_area, $page_name) ? Pages::FindByAreaAndName($global_area, $area_name) : ''; if (!empty($possible_page)) { $area = $global_area; $page = $possible_page; } else { // for now, just include the first page that comes back. later we can handle multiple pages $area = Areas::FindByName($area_name); if (!isset($area)) { return false; } if (strstr($area_name, "-portfolio")) { if ($page_name != "index") { $page = Sections::FindByName($page_name); } else { $pages = $area->getSections(); $page = array_shift($pages); } } else { $page = Pages::FindPageOrIndex($area, $page_name); } } if (!isset($page)) { return false; } // check if the page is public or not $is_admin = false; $user = Users::GetCurrentUser(); if ($user) { $logged_in = true; } if ($page->public || !$page->public && $logged_in) { display_with_template($area, $page); } else { return false; } return true; }
function initialize_page() { $item = Items::FindById(getRequestVaratIndex(3)); // get all the sections $sections = Sections::FindPublicSections(); /* get this section * We do this mostly for the previous and next item functions. If we dont know what section we are currently inside, * the user may get bounced over to a different place than they started. */ $sectionname = getRequestVaratIndex(2); if ($sectionname != "item_orphan") { $section = Sections::FindByName($sectionname); } // get the associated gallery if ($item) { $gallery = $item->getGallery(); } // finally, get the post action. Harder to hack if we explicitly check the value this way. $post_action = ""; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $post_action = $_POST['submit']; } if ($post_action == "Save Item" || $post_action == "Add Image" || $post_action == "Add Document" || $post_action == "Add or Edit Video" || $post_action == "Save and Return to List") { /* * Delete this item and its associated components */ if (isset($_POST['delete'])) { // delete $photos and $gallery if (is_object($gallery)) { $gallery->delete(true); $success .= "Gallery and Images Deleted / "; } /* Documents ... Why not keep them? if ( ITEM_DOCUMENTS ) { $itemdocuments = $item->findDocuments( 'display_order ASC' ); foreach ( $itemdocuments as $thedoc ) { $thedoc->delete(true); } $success .= "Documents Deleted / "; }*/ $item->delete(true); $success .= "Item Deleted / "; setFlash("<h3>" . substr($success, 0, -3) . "</h3>"); //$main_portlink = ( DISPLAY_ITEMS_AS_LIST ) ? "admin/portfolio_list/alphabetical" : "admin/portfolio_list"; //redirect( $main_portlink ); redirect("admin/portfolio_list"); } else { $item->content = $_POST['item_content']; $item->display_name = $_POST['display_name']; $previous_name = $item->name; $item->name = slug($_POST['display_name']); $item->template = 'inherit'; $item->public = checkboxValue($_POST, 'public'); $item->date_revised = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // optional fields $item->sku = ITEM_SKU ? $_POST['item_sku'] : null; $item->taxonomy = ITEM_TAXONOMY ? $_POST['taxonomy'] : null; $item->price = ITEM_PRICE ? $_POST['item_price'] : null; // SAVE item... uses a MyActiveRecord method $item->save(); $success = "Item Saved / "; // synchronize the users section selections only if they are different $selected_sections = array(); $previous_sections = $item->getSections(); if (isset($_POST['selected_sections'])) { $update_sections = false; $selected_sections = $_POST['selected_sections']; // Problem: If we loop on only the $previous_sections, we may have fewer or more loops than $selected_sections. // Compare one to the other. if (count($previous_sections) != count($selected_sections)) { // The two do not match, so there has been a change $update_sections = true; } else { // In case the two match, let's make sure something is different. foreach ($previous_sections as $sect) { if (!in_array($sect->id, $selected_sections)) { $update_sections = true; } } } if ($update_sections) { $item->updateSelectedSections($selected_sections); // update the revision dates of sections, too $item->updateSectionRevisionDates(); } } /* * Rename the gallery if the slug has changed. * We need the name of the gallery and the name of the slug to be consistent. * If there isn't a gallery – something broke, so – create a new one. */ if (is_object($gallery) && $previous_name != $item->name) { $gallery->slug = "portfolioGal_" . $item->id . "_" . $item->name; $gallery->save(); $success .= "Gallery name changed / "; } if (!is_object($gallery)) { $gallery = MyActiveRecord::Create('Galleries'); $gallery->name = $_POST['display_name'] . " Gallery"; $gallery->slug = "portfolioGal_" . $item->id . "_" . slug($_POST['display_name']); $gallery->save(); } /* ! Gallery image functions */ if (isset($_FILES['new_photo']) && $_FILES['new_photo']['error'] == 0) { // user has added a new file $newphoto = MyActiveRecord::Create('Photos', array('caption' => getPostValue("new_photo_caption"), 'gallery_id' => $gallery->id, 'display_order' => 1)); $newphoto->save(); $newphoto->save_uploaded_file($_FILES['new_photo']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['new_photo']['name'], true); $success .= "New photo uploaded / "; } /* * Check current captions against previous ones. */ if (isset($_POST['captions'])) { $captions = $_POST['captions']; foreach ($captions as $key => $thecaption) { $photo = Photos::FindById($key); if ($photo->caption != $thecaption) { $photo->caption = $thecaption; $photo->save(); } } } /* * Check photo display order against previous ones */ if (isset($_POST['photos_display_order'])) { $display_orders = $_POST['photos_display_order']; foreach ($display_orders as $key => $display_order) { $photo = Photos::FindById($key); if ($photo->display_order && $photo->display_order != $display_order) { $photo->display_order = $display_order; $photo->save(); } } $success .= "Photo order saved / "; } /* * Delete a photo from the gallery */ if (isset($_POST['deleted_photos'])) { $deleted_ids = $_POST['deleted_photos']; foreach ($deleted_ids as $status => $photo_id) { $photo = Photos::FindById($photo_id); $photo->delete(true); } $success .= "A photo was deleted / "; } /* * Check to see if we allow Portfolio Thumbs */ if (PORTFOLIOTHUMB_IMAGE) { // was a new thumbnail uploaded if (is_uploaded_file(realpath($_FILES["thumbnail"]["tmp_name"]))) { if (Upload_and_Save_Image($_FILES["thumbnail"], 'items', 'thumbnail', $item->id, PORTFOLIOTHUMB_IMAGE_MAXWIDTH, PORTFOLIOTHUMB_IMAGE_MAXHEIGHT)) { $success .= "Thumbnail updated / "; } } } /* ! Video functions */ if (ITEM_VIDEOS) { // If this gallery has mixed photos AND videos, check the display order again and set each by object type if (isset($_POST['galitem_display_order'])) { foreach ($_POST['galitem_display_order'] as $key => $display_order) { $type = $_POST['galitem_type'][$key]; $galitem = $type == 'photo' ? Photos::FindById($key) : Videos::FindById($key); if (is_object($galitem)) { //if ( $galitem->display_order && $galitem->display_order != $display_order ) { $galitem->display_order = $display_order; $galitem->save(); } } } // Change the name of a video if (isset($_POST['vidnames'])) { $vidnames = $_POST['vidnames']; foreach ($vidnames as $key => $thename) { $video = Videos::FindById($key); if ($video->display_name != $thename) { $video->name = slug($thename); $video->display_name = $thename; $video->save(); } } //$success .= "Video name updated / "; // False positive } // Change the embed code of a video if (isset($_POST['vidcodes'])) { $vidnames = $_POST['vidcodes']; foreach ($vidnames as $key => $thecode) { $video = Videos::FindById($key); if ($video->embed != $thecode) { $video->embed = $thecode; $video->save(); } } //$success .= "Video embed updated / "; // False positive } // Add a new Video if ($_POST['newvideo'] != '') { $video = MyActiveRecord::Create('Videos'); /* * Columns: id, name, title, service, embed, width, height, gallery_id, display_order */ $vidtitle = $_POST['newvideo']; $video->name = slug($vidtitle); $video->display_name = $vidtitle; $video->service = $_POST['vidservice']; $video->embed = $_POST['vidembed']; $video->width = $_POST['vidwidth']; $video->height = $_POST['vidheight']; $video->gallery_id = $gallery->id; $video->display_order = count($gallery->get_photos()) + 1; $video->save(); $success .= "Video added / "; } // Remove video association -- Does not delete the video itself if (isset($_POST['removevideo'])) { $video = Videos::FindById($_POST['removevideo']); $video->gallery_id = null; $video->save(); } } /* ! Document functions */ if (ITEM_DOCUMENTS) { // Change the name of a document if (isset($_POST['docname'])) { $docnames = $_POST['docname']; foreach ($docnames as $key => $thename) { $document = Documents::FindById($key); if ($document->name != $thename) { $document->name = $thename; $document->save(); } } } // Reorder documents if (isset($_POST['document_display_order'])) { $display_orders = $_POST['document_display_order']; foreach ($display_orders as $key => $display_order) { $doc = Documents::FindById($key); if ($doc->display_order != $display_order) { $doc->display_order = $display_order; $doc->save(); } } } // Add a new document if (isset($_FILES['new_document']) && $_FILES['new_document']['error'] == 0) { // Set the name equal to the input field or the physical doc name $name = $_POST['new_document_title'] ? $_POST['new_document_title'] : unslug($_FILES['new_document']['name']); $name = substr($name, 0, strrpos($name, ".")); // Find the extension. Explode on the period. $extension = substr($_FILES['new_document']['name'], strrpos($_FILES['new_document']['name'], ".")); $file_type = substr($extension, 1); // Chop the dot off $filename = slug($name) . $extension; $target_path = SERVER_DOCUMENTS_ROOT . $filename; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['new_document']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { $new_doc = MyActiveRecord::Create('Documents', array('name' => $name, 'filename' => $filename, 'file_type' => $file_type, 'item_id' => $item->id)); $new_doc->save(); $success .= "Document uploaded and attached / "; if (!chmod($target_path, 0644)) { $success .= "!Warning: Document Permissions not set; this file may not display properly! / "; } } else { $success .= "!WARNING: Document could not be uploaded! / "; } } else { echo $_FILES['new_document']['error']; } // Delete Documents if (isset($_POST['deleted_documents'])) { $deleted_ids = $_POST['deleted_documents']; foreach ($deleted_ids as $status => $doc_id) { $doc = Documents::FindById($doc_id); $doc->delete(true); } $success .= "A document was deleted / "; } } setFlash("<h3>" . substr($success, 0, -3) . "</h3>"); if ($post_action == "Save and Return to List") { //$main_portlink = ( DISPLAY_ITEMS_AS_LIST ) ? "admin/portfolio_list/alphabetical" : "admin/portfolio_list"; //redirect( $main_portlink ); redirect("admin/portfolio_list"); } else { if ($update_sections) { // Find a new section, the one that has just been assigned... // Breaks into an infinite loop on Windows servers... can we clear the post somehow? $section = Sections::FindById($_POST['selected_sections'][0]); } redirect("/admin/portfolio_edit/" . $section->name . "/" . $item->id); } } } }