예제 #1
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     // Get the API key in question from the command
     // line arg
     $keyID = $this->argument('keyID');
     $this->info('Searching for key: ' . $keyID);
     // Find the API key in the datbase
     $key = \SeatKey::where('keyID', $keyID)->first();
     // If we found the key, move on to asking the user
     // if they really want to delete the key.
     if (count($key) == 1) {
         if ($this->confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this key? [yes|no] ', true)) {
             // Delete the API key from thet SeAT database
             $key = \SeatKey::where('keyID', $keyID)->delete();
             // Notify the user that they key is gone.
             $this->comment('Key deleted!');
             // We are done and can end now
         } else {
             $this->info('Not doing anything');
     } else {
         $this->error('API Key not found.');
예제 #2
 public function showIndex()
     // Prepare some summarized totals for the home view to display in the
     // widgets
     // EVE Online Server Information
     $server = EveServerServerStatus::find(1);
     // Key Information
     // If the user has 0 keys, we can 0 all of the values
     // If the user has keys, determine values only applicable to
     // this users keys
     if (!\Auth::isSuperUser()) {
         if (count(Session::get('valid_keys')) > 0) {
             $total_keys = SeatKey::whereIn('keyID', Session::get('valid_keys'))->count();
             $total_characters = EveCharacterCharacterSheet::join('account_apikeyinfo_characters', 'account_apikeyinfo_characters.characterID', '=', 'character_charactersheet.characterID')->join('account_apikeyinfo', 'account_apikeyinfo.keyID', '=', 'account_apikeyinfo_characters.keyID')->whereIn('account_apikeyinfo_characters.keyID', Session::get('valid_keys'))->where('account_apikeyinfo.type', '!=', 'Corporation')->count();
             $total_corporations = EveCorporationCorporationSheet::join('account_apikeyinfo_characters', 'account_apikeyinfo_characters.corporationID', '=', 'corporation_corporationsheet.corporationID')->join('account_apikeyinfo', 'account_apikeyinfo.keyID', '=', 'account_apikeyinfo_characters.keyID')->whereIn('account_apikeyinfo_characters.keyID', Session::get('valid_keys'))->where('account_apikeyinfo.type', '=', 'Corporation')->count();
             $total_char_isk = EveCharacterCharacterSheet::join('account_apikeyinfo_characters', 'account_apikeyinfo_characters.characterID', '=', 'character_charactersheet.characterID')->join('account_apikeyinfo', 'account_apikeyinfo.keyID', '=', 'account_apikeyinfo_characters.keyID')->whereIn('account_apikeyinfo_characters.keyID', Session::get('valid_keys'))->where('account_apikeyinfo.type', '!=', 'Corporation')->sum('balance');
             $total_corp_isk = EveCorporationAccountBalance::join('account_apikeyinfo_characters', 'account_apikeyinfo_characters.corporationID', '=', 'corporation_accountbalance.corporationID')->join('account_apikeyinfo', 'account_apikeyinfo.keyID', '=', 'account_apikeyinfo_characters.keyID')->whereIn('account_apikeyinfo_characters.keyID', Session::get('valid_keys'))->where('account_apikeyinfo.type', '=', 'Corporation')->where('accountKey', '!=', EveCorporationAccountBalance::Dust_Account_Key)->sum('balance');
             $total_skillpoints = EveCharacterCharacterSheetSkills::join('account_apikeyinfo_characters', 'account_apikeyinfo_characters.characterID', '=', 'character_charactersheet_skills.characterID')->join('account_apikeyinfo', 'account_apikeyinfo.keyID', '=', 'account_apikeyinfo_characters.keyID')->whereIn('account_apikeyinfo_characters.keyID', Session::get('valid_keys'))->where('account_apikeyinfo.type', '!=', 'Corporation')->sum('skillpoints');
         } else {
             $total_keys = $total_characters = $total_corporations = $total_char_isk = $total_corp_isk = $total_skillpoints = 0;
     } else {
         // Super user gets all of the data!
         $total_keys = SeatKey::count();
         $total_characters = EveCharacterCharacterSheet::count();
         $total_corporations = EveCorporationCorporationSheet::count();
         $total_char_isk = EveCharacterCharacterSheet::sum('balance');
         $total_corp_isk = EveCorporationAccountBalance::where('accountKey', '!=', EveCorporationAccountBalance::Dust_Account_Key)->sum('balance');
         $total_skillpoints = EveCharacterCharacterSheetSkills::sum('skillpoints');
     return View::make('home')->with('server', $server)->with('total_keys', $total_keys)->with('total_characters', $total_characters)->with('total_corporations', $total_corporations)->with('total_char_isk', $total_char_isk)->with('total_corp_isk', $total_corp_isk)->with('total_skillpoints', $total_skillpoints);
예제 #3
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     $this->info('Finding keys that are not ok.');
     // Search the database for keys that are marked as disabled
     foreach (\SeatKey::where('isOk', '=', 0)->get() as $key) {
         $this->comment('Key ' . $key->keyID . ' is not ok.');
         $this->line('Characters on this key:');
         // Print the characters on the affected key
         foreach (\EveAccountAPIKeyInfoCharacters::where('keyID', '=', $key->keyID)->get() as $character) {
             $this->line('   ' . $character->characterName);
예제 #4
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     // Log what we are going to do in the laravel.log file
     \Log::info('Started command ' . $this->name, array('src' => __CLASS__));
     // Call the addToQueue helper to queue jobs for
     // the EVE Server, Map and General EVE info
     \App\Services\Queue\QueueHelper::addToQueue('\\Seat\\EveQueues\\Full\\Server', 0, NULL, 'ServerStatus', 'Server');
     \App\Services\Queue\QueueHelper::addToQueue('\\Seat\\EveQueues\\Full\\Map', 0, NULL, 'Map', 'Eve');
     \App\Services\Queue\QueueHelper::addToQueue('\\Seat\\EveQueues\\Full\\Eve', 0, NULL, 'Eve', 'Eve');
     // Log the start of the key processing
     \Log::info('Starting job submissions for all keys', array('src' => __CLASS__));
     // Get the keys that are not disabled and process them.
     foreach (\SeatKey::where('isOk', '=', 1)->get() as $key) {
         // It is important to know the type of key we are working
         // with so that we may know which API calls will
         // apply to it. For that reason, we run the
         // Seat\EveApi\BaseApi\determineAccess()
         // function to get this.
         $access = EveApi\BaseApi::determineAccess($key->keyID);
         // If we failed to determine the access type of the
         // key, continue to the next key.
         if (!isset($access['type'])) {
             \Log::error('Unable to determine type for key ' . $key->keyID, array('src' => __CLASS__));
         // Based on the type of key that we have determined it
         // to be, we will call the appropriate addToQueue
         // helper to schedule update jobs for
         switch ($access['type']) {
             case 'Character':
                 // Do a fresh AccountStatus lookup
                 Account\AccountStatus::update($key->keyID, $key->vCode);
                 \App\Services\Queue\QueueHelper::addToQueue('\\Seat\\EveQueues\\Full\\Character', $key->keyID, $key->vCode, 'Character', 'Eve');
             case 'Corporation':
                 \App\Services\Queue\QueueHelper::addToQueue('\\Seat\\EveQueues\\Full\\Corporation', $key->keyID, $key->vCode, 'Corporation', 'Eve');
예제 #5
 protected function getValidCorps($users)
     $validCorps = [];
     $invalid = [];
     foreach ($users as $u) {
         $valid_keys = \SeatKey::where('user_id', $u->id)->lists('keyID');
         if (!empty($valid_keys)) {
             $corporation_affiliation = \EveAccountAPIKeyInfoCharacters::whereIn('keyID', $valid_keys)->groupBy('corporationID')->lists('corporationID');
             if (!empty($corporation_affiliation)) {
                 $viable = \EveCorporationCorporationSheet::whereIn('corporationID', $corporation_affiliation)->lists('corporationName');
                 if (!empty($viable)) {
                     $validCorps[] = ['corps' => $viable, 'user' => $u, 'user_groups' => \Auth::getUserGroups($u)];
         } else {
             $invalid[] = $u;
     return [$validCorps, $invalid];
예제 #6
파일: KeyCheck.php 프로젝트: boweiliu/seat
 public static function Update()
     // Grab all of the API keys that SeAT
     // is aware of
     $seat_keys = \SeatKey::all();
     // Looping over all of the keys, we will find
     // the superusers and send them the
     // notification about this
     foreach ($seat_keys as $seat_key) {
         if ($seat_key->isOk == 0) {
             // We have a key that is not OK, find
             // some people to tell about this!
             foreach (\Auth::findAllUsersWithAccess('superuser') as $super_user) {
                 // Compile the full notification
                 $notification_type = 'API';
                 $notification_title = 'Disabled Key';
                 $notification_text = 'The SeAT backend has disabled API key ' . $seat_key->keyID . '. ' . 'The last error was: ' . $seat_key->lastError;
                 // Send the Notification
                 BaseNotify::sendNotification($super_user->id, $notification_type, $notification_title, $notification_text);
예제 #7
 public static function canAccessCorp($userID, $corpID)
     // Get the SeAT user based on the userID
     $user = \Auth::findUserById($userID);
     // Determine the keys that the user owns
     $valid_keys = \SeatKey::where('user_id', $user->id)->lists('keyID');
     // Check if we have received any keys in the
     // previous query
     if (!empty($valid_keys)) {
         // Get a list of the corporationID's that the
         // user is affaliated with
         $corporation_affiliation = \EveAccountAPIKeyInfoCharacters::whereIn('keyID', $valid_keys)->groupBy('corporationID')->lists('corporationID');
         // With the affiliations known, loop over them
         // matching the affaliated corporationID with
         // the corporationID in question
         foreach ($corporation_affiliation as $affiliation) {
             // If we have a match, return true
             if ($affiliation == $corpID) {
                 return true;
     return false;
예제 #8
    Session::put($application_reference, array('keyID' => Input::get('keyID'), 'vCode' => Input::get('vCode')));
    // Return the view
    return View::make('ajax-form')->with('keyID', Input::get('keyID'))->with('vCode', Input::get('vCode'))->with('key_info', $key_info)->with('status_info', $status_info)->with('application_reference', $application_reference);
Route::post('/apply/process', function () {
    if (!Session::has(Input::get('reference'))) {
        return View::make('error')->withErrors(array('error' => 'Your application was not found'));
    $key_data_array = Session::get(Input::get('reference'));
    $keyID = $key_data_array['keyID'];
    $vCode = $key_data_array['vCode'];
    // We have the application and everything *seems* ok.
    // Store the key in the database
    $key_data = SeatKey::withTrashed()->where('keyID', $keyID)->first();
    if (!$key_data) {
        $key_data = new SeatKey();
    $key_data->keyID = $keyID;
    $key_data->vCode = $vCode;
    $key_data->isOk = 1;
    $key_data->lastError = null;
    $key_data->deleted_at = null;
    $key_data->user_id = 1;
    // TODO: Fix this when the proper user management occurs
    $data = array('application_content' => Input::all());
    Mail::send('emails.newapplication', $data, function ($message) {
        foreach (Config::get('recruitment.notifications') as $name => $email) {
            $message->to($email, $name)->subject('New Application Received');
예제 #9
 public function getDeleteUser($userID)
     $user = Auth::findUserById($userID);
     // Lets return the keys that this user owned back
     // to the admin user
     \SeatKey::where('user_id', $user->id)->update(array('user_id' => 1));
     return Redirect::action('UserController@getAll')->with('success', 'User has been deleted');
예제 #10
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     // Log what we are going to do in the laravel.log file
     \Log::info('Started command ' . $this->name, array('src' => __CLASS__));
     // Get the keys that are not disabled and process them.
     foreach (\SeatKey::where('isOk', '=', 1)->get() as $key) {
         // It is important to know the type of key we are working
         // with so that we may know which API calls will
         // apply to it. For that reason, we run the
         // Seat\EveApi\BaseApi\determineAccess()
         // function to get this.
         $access = EveApi\BaseApi::determineAccess($key->keyID);
         // If we failed to determine the access type of the
         // key, continue to the next key.
         if (!isset($access['type'])) {
             //TODO: Log this key's problems and disable it
         // If the key is a of type 'Character', then we can
         // continue to submit a updater job
         if ($access['type'] == 'Character') {
             // Do a fresh AccountStatus lookup
             Account\AccountStatus::update($key->keyID, $key->vCode);
             // Once the fresh account status lookup is done, call the
             // addToQueue helper to queue a new job.
             \App\Services\Queue\QueueHelper::addToQueue('\\Seat\\EveQueues\\Full\\Character', $key->keyID, $key->vCode, 'Character', 'Eve');
예제 #11
 public function destroy($id)
     $deleted_rows = SeatKey::where('keyID', $id)->delete();
     if ($deleted_rows > 0) {
         return Response::json(array('error' => false, 'message' => 'Key ' . $id . ' has been deleted.'), 200);
     return Response::json(array('error' => true, 'message' => 'Unknown key.'), 400);
예제 #12
 public function postTransferOwnership()
     // Ensure that this user is a super admin
     if (!\Auth::isSuperUser()) {
     // Find the API Key and user...
     $key_information = SeatKey::where('keyID', Input::get('keyID'))->first();
     $seat_user = User::where('id', Input::get('accountid'))->first();
     // ... and check that they exist
     if (!$key_information || !$seat_user) {
     $key_information->user_id = Input::get('accountid');
     return Redirect::action('ApiKeyController@getDetail', array(Input::get('keyID')))->with('success', 'API Key Ownership has been transferred');
예제 #13
파일: BaseAPI.php 프로젝트: boweiliu/seat
 public static function determineAccess($keyID)
     // Locate the key in the db
     $key = \SeatKey::where('keyID', '=', $keyID)->where('isOk', '=', 1)->first();
     if (!$key) {
         return array();
     // Attempt to get the type & accessMask from the database.
     Account\APIKeyInfo::update($keyID, $key->vCode);
     $key_mask_info = \EveAccountAPIKeyInfo::where('keyID', '=', $keyID)->first();
     // Potential cause for #182. Comment out for now.
     // Account\AccountStatus::update($keyID, $key->vCode);
     // If we still can't determine mask information, leave everything
     if (!$key_mask_info) {
         return array();
     // Prepare a return by setting the 'type' key to the key type we have
     $type = $key_mask_info->type == 'Account' ? 'Character' : $key_mask_info->type;
     $return_access = array('type' => $type);
     // Loop over all the masks we have, and return those we have access to for this key
     foreach (\EveApiCalllist::where('type', '=', $type)->get() as $mask) {
         if ($key_mask_info->accessMask & $mask->accessMask) {
             $return_access['access'][] = array('type' => $mask->type, 'name' => $mask->name);
     // Return it all as a nice array
     return $return_access;
예제 #14
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     // Log what we are going to do in the laravel.log file
     \Log::info('Started command ' . $this->name, array('src' => __CLASS__));
     // Get the keys that are not disabled and process them.
     foreach (\SeatKey::where('isOk', '=', 1)->get() as $key) {
         // It is important to know the type of key we are working
         // with so that we may know which API calls will
         // apply to it. For that reason, we run the
         // Seat\EveApi\BaseApi\determineAccess()
         // function to get this.
         $access = EveApi\BaseApi::determineAccess($key->keyID);
         // If we failed to determine the access type of the
         // key, continue to the next key.
         if (!isset($access['type'])) {
             //TODO: Log this key's problems and disable it
         // Only process Corporation keys
         if ($access['type'] == 'Corporation') {
             // Call the addToQueue helper to add a new update job. We
             // call the partial call here because some calls for
             // the corporation apis have bery long cache timers
             // and there is no use in doing all that work
             // for cached data. This one calls the
             // Assets updater
             \App\Services\Queue\QueueHelper::addToQueue('\\Seat\\EveQueues\\Partial\\CorporationAssets', $key->keyID, $key->vCode, 'CorporationAssets', 'Eve');
예제 #15
파일: filters.php 프로젝트: boweiliu/seat
| application. Here you may also register your custom route filters.
App::before(function ($request) {
    // Users have keys allocated to them from the `seat_keys` table.
    // We can check if the user is authed and if so, get the keyID's
    // this user is valid for.
    // We will also get a list of corporation ID's that the user is
    // affiliated to. This can be used to check the permissions then
    // later for specific functions such as starbases etc.
    // We will also check if the user has any director roles in any
    // of the affiliated corporations. Directors will be allowed to
    // assign permissions to other members of their corporation
    if (\Auth::check()) {
        // Valid API Keys
        $valid_keys = SeatKey::where('user_id', \Auth::User()->id)->lists('keyID');
        Session::put('valid_keys', $valid_keys);
        // Affiliated corporationID's.
        if (!empty($valid_keys)) {
            // Get the list of corporationID's that the user is affiliated with
            $corporation_affiliation = EveAccountAPIKeyInfoCharacters::whereIn('keyID', $valid_keys)->groupBy('corporationID')->lists('corporationID');
            Session::put('corporation_affiliations', $corporation_affiliation);
            // Determine which corporations the user is a director for
            if (!empty($corporation_affiliation)) {
                $is_director = EveCorporationMemberSecurityRoles::whereIn('corporationID', $corporation_affiliation)->where('roleID', '=', '1')->groupBy('corporationID')->lists('corporationID');
                Session::put('is_director', $is_director);
        } else {
            // Just to ensure that we dont have some strange errors later, lets
            // define a empty array in the session for corporation_affiliations
            Session::put('corporation_affiliations', array());