################################################### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ###################################################
 public function test_getPromotion_missingPromotion_returnsNull()
     $rawSearchResult = $this->getSearchResultAsSimpleXml();
     $searchResult = new SearchResult($rawSearchResult->asXML());
예제 #2
 public function execute($body = null)
     if ($body == null) {
         $body = $this->getBody();
     $result = $this->client->search($body);
     $result = new SearchResult($result, $this->params);
     $suggest = $result->getSuggestions();
     if (!empty($suggest)) {
     // reset search params after each search
     $this->params = null;
     return $result;
 public function setUp()
     $jsonPath = __DIR__ . '/' . self::JSON_MOCK_FILE;
     $this->jsonMock = file_get_contents($jsonPath);
     $searchResult = SearchResult::createFromJson($this->jsonMock);
     $this->searchResultFromJsonMock = $searchResult;
	private function searchBySphinx($request, $response, $kw, $p)
        $doctorSearchd = SphinxSearchdBase::createSearchdByType('Doctor');
        $utf8Kw = mb_convert_encoding($kw, 'utf-8', 'gbk');
		$res = $doctorSearchd->query($utf8Kw, ($p - 1) * 15, 15);
        $searchResult = SearchResult::sphinxResult2searchResult($res, 'doctor', ($p - 1) * 15, 15);
        $response->totalPage = ceil($searchResult->total_found/$searchResult->pageSize);
		$results = array();
		foreach($searchResult->items as $item)
			$doctor = DAL::get()->find('doctor',$item->id);
            if($doctor->isNull() || $doctor->deleted > 0 )
			$result = array();
			$result['id'] = $doctor->id;
			$result['name'] = $doctor->name;
			$result['title'] = $doctor->title;
			$result['hospital'] = $doctor->hospitalfaculty->hospital->name;
			$result['userid'] = $doctor->getUserId();
			$result['hospitalfacultyname'] = $doctor->hospitalfaculty->name ;
			$results[] = (object)$result;
		return $results;
 public function next()
     if ($this->fetched || !$this->result) {
         return false;
     $this->fetched = true;
     return SearchResult::newFromTitle($this->result);
예제 #6
 function next()
     if ($this->resultSet === false) {
         return false;
     $row = $this->resultSet->fetchObject();
     if ($row === false) {
         return false;
     return SearchResult::newFromTitle(Title::makeTitle($row->page_namespace, $row->page_title), $this);
예제 #7
 public function update($pa_options = null)
     // populate sort field
     // invalidate get() prefetch cache
     // Invalid entire labels-by-id cache since we can't know what entries pertain to the label we just changed
     LabelableBaseModelWithAttributes::$s_labels_by_id_cache = array();
     // Unset label cache entry for modified label only
     return parent::update($pa_options);
예제 #8
 public function testGets()
     $o_search = caGetSearchInstance('ca_objects');
     $this->assertInstanceOf('SearchEngine', $o_search);
     $o_res = $o_search->search('*', array('sort' => 'ca_object_labels.name'));
     /** @var SearchResult $o_res */
     $this->assertInstanceOf('SearchResult', $o_res);
     $this->assertEquals(10, $o_res->numHits());
     // old values may be cached from previous tests
     $i = 0;
     while ($o_res->nextHit()) {
         $vs_label = $o_res->getWithTemplate('^ca_objects.preferred_labels');
         $this->assertGreaterThan(0, strlen($vs_label));
         $this->assertRegExp("/{$i}\$/", $vs_label);
예제 #9
  * Performs a search by calling the search() method on the underlying search engine plugin
  * Information about all searches is logged to ca_search_log
  * @param string $ps_search The search to perform; engine takes Lucene syntax query
  * @param SearchResult $po_result  A newly instantiated sub-class of SearchResult to place search results into and return. If this is not set, then a generic SearchResults object will be returned.
  * @param array $pa_options Optional array of options for the search. Options include:
  *		sort = field or attribute to sort on in <table name>.<field or attribute name> format (eg. ca_objects.idno); default is to sort on relevance (aka. sort='_natural')
  *		sortDirection = direction to sort results by, either 'asc' for ascending order or 'desc' for descending order; default is 'asc'
  *		no_cache = if true, search is performed regardless of whether results for the search are already cached; default is false
  *		limit = if set then search results will be limited to the quantity specified. If not set then all results are returned.
  *		form_id = optional form identifier string to record in log for search
  *		log_details = optional form description to record in log for search
  *		search_source = optional source indicator text to record in log for search
  *		checkAccess = optional array of access values to filter results on
  *		showDeleted = if set to true, related items that have been deleted are returned. Default is false.
  *		deletedOnly = if set to true, only deleted items are returned. Default is false.
  *		limitToModifiedOn = if set returned results will be limited to rows modified within the specified date range. The value should be a date/time expression parse-able by TimeExpressionParser
  *		sets = if value is a list of set_ids, only rows that are members of those sets will be returned
  *		user_id = If set item level access control is performed relative to specified user_id, otherwise defaults to logged in user
  *		dontFilterByACL = if true ACL checking is not performed on results
  *		appendToSearch = 
  *		restrictSearchToFields = 
  * @return SearchResult Results packages in a SearchResult object, or sub-class of SearchResult if an instance was passed in $po_result
  * @uses TimeExpressionParser::parse
 public function doSearch($ps_search, $po_result = null, $pa_options = null)
     $t = new Timer();
     global $AUTH_CURRENT_USER_ID;
     if ($vs_append_to_search = isset($pa_options['appendToSearch']) ? ' ' . $pa_options['appendToSearch'] : '') {
         $ps_search .= $vs_append_to_search;
     $ps_search = str_replace("[BLANK]", '"[BLANK]"', $ps_search);
     // the special [BLANK] search term, which returns records that have *no* content in a specific fields, has to be quoted in order to protect the square brackets from the parser.
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     if (($vn_limit = caGetOption('limit', $pa_options, null, array('castTo' => 'int'))) < 0) {
         $vn_limit = null;
     $vs_sort = caGetOption('sort', $pa_options, null);
     $vs_sort_direction = strtolower(caGetOption('sortDirection', $pa_options, caGetOption('sort_direction', $pa_options, null)));
     //print "QUERY=$ps_search<br>";
     // Note that this is *not* misplaced code that should be in the Lucene plugin!
     // We are using the Lucene syntax as our query syntax regardless the of back-end search engine.
     // The Lucene calls below just parse the query and then rewrite access points as-needed; the result
     // is a Lucene-compliant query ready-to-roll that is passed to the engine plugin. Of course, the Lucene
     // plugin just uses the string as-is... other plugins my choose to parse it however they wish to.
     // Process suffixes list... if search conforms to regex then we append a suffix.
     // This is useful, for example, to allow auto-wildcarding of accession numbers: if the search looks like an accession regex-wise we can append a "*"
     $va_suffixes = $this->opo_search_config->getAssoc('search_suffixes');
     if (is_array($va_suffixes) && sizeof($va_suffixes) && !preg_match('!"!', $ps_search)) {
         // don't add suffix wildcards when quoting
         foreach ($va_suffixes as $vs_preg => $vs_suffix) {
             if (preg_match("!{$vs_preg}!", $ps_search)) {
                 $ps_search = preg_replace("!({$vs_preg})[\\*]*!", "\$1{$vs_suffix}", $ps_search);
     $vb_no_cache = isset($pa_options['no_cache']) ? $pa_options['no_cache'] : false;
     $vn_cache_timeout = (int) $this->opo_search_config->get('cache_timeout');
     if ($vn_cache_timeout == 0) {
         $vb_no_cache = true;
     // don't try to cache if cache timeout is 0 (0 means disabled)
     $t_table = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($this->ops_tablename, true);
     $vs_cache_key = md5($ps_search . "/" . print_R($this->getTypeRestrictionList(), true));
     $o_cache = new SearchCache();
     $vb_from_cache = false;
     if (!$vb_no_cache && $o_cache->load($vs_cache_key, $this->opn_tablenum, $pa_options)) {
         $vn_created_on = $o_cache->getParameter('created_on');
         if (time() - $vn_created_on < $vn_cache_timeout) {
             Debug::msg('SEARCH cache hit for ' . $vs_cache_key);
             $va_hits = $o_cache->getResults();
             if ($vs_sort != '_natural') {
                 $va_hits = $this->sortHits($va_hits, $this->ops_tablename, $vs_sort, $vs_sort_direction);
             } elseif ($vs_sort == '_natural' && $vs_sort_direction == 'desc') {
                 $va_hits = array_reverse($va_hits);
             $o_res = new WLPlugSearchEngineCachedResult($va_hits, $this->opn_tablenum);
             $vb_from_cache = true;
         } else {
             Debug::msg('cache expire for ' . $vs_cache_key);
     if (!$vb_from_cache) {
         Debug::msg('SEARCH cache miss for ' . $vs_cache_key);
         $vs_char_set = $this->opo_app_config->get('character_set');
         $o_query_parser = new LuceneSyntaxParser();
         $ps_search = preg_replace('![\']+!', '', $ps_search);
         try {
             $o_parsed_query = $o_query_parser->parse($ps_search, $vs_char_set);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Retry search with all non-alphanumeric characters removed
             try {
                 $o_parsed_query = $o_query_parser->parse(preg_replace("![^A-Za-z0-9 ]+!", " ", $ps_search), $vs_char_set);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $o_parsed_query = $o_query_parser->parse("", $vs_char_set);
         $va_rewrite_results = $this->_rewriteQuery($o_parsed_query);
         $o_rewritten_query = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Query_Boolean($va_rewrite_results['terms'], $va_rewrite_results['signs']);
         $vs_search = $this->_queryToString($o_rewritten_query);
         //print "<div style='background:#FFFFFF; padding: 5px; border: 1px dotted #666666;'><strong>DEBUG: </strong>".$ps_search.'/'.$vs_search."</div>";
         // Filter deleted records out of final result
         if (isset($pa_options['deletedOnly']) && $pa_options['deletedOnly'] && $t_table->hasField('deleted')) {
             $this->addResultFilter($this->ops_tablename . '.deleted', '=', '1');
         } else {
             if ((!isset($pa_options['showDeleted']) || !$pa_options['showDeleted']) && $t_table->hasField('deleted')) {
                 $this->addResultFilter($this->ops_tablename . '.deleted', '=', '0');
         if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && (is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']))) {
             $va_access_values = $pa_options['checkAccess'];
             $this->addResultFilter($this->ops_tablename . '.access', 'IN', join(",", $va_access_values));
         $vb_no_types = false;
         if (is_array($va_type_ids = $this->getTypeRestrictionList()) && sizeof($va_type_ids) > 0) {
             if ($t_table->getFieldInfo('type_id', 'IS_NULL')) {
                 $va_type_ids[] = 'NULL';
             $this->addResultFilter($this->ops_tablename . '.type_id', 'IN', join(",", $va_type_ids));
         } elseif (is_array($va_type_ids) && sizeof($va_type_ids) == 0) {
             $vb_no_types = true;
         if (!$vb_no_types) {
             // Filter on source
             if (is_array($va_source_ids = $this->getSourceRestrictionList())) {
                 $this->addResultFilter($this->ops_tablename . '.source_id', 'IN', join(",", $va_source_ids));
             if (in_array($t_table->getHierarchyType(), array(__CA_HIER_TYPE_SIMPLE_MONO__, __CA_HIER_TYPE_MULTI_MONO__))) {
                 $this->addResultFilter($this->ops_tablename . '.parent_id', 'IS NOT', NULL);
             if (is_array($va_restrict_to_fields = caGetOption('restrictSearchToFields', $pa_options, null)) && $this->opo_engine->can('restrict_to_fields')) {
                 $this->opo_engine->setOption('restrictSearchToFields', $va_restrict_to_fields);
             $o_res = $this->opo_engine->search($this->opn_tablenum, $vs_search, $this->opa_result_filters, $o_rewritten_query);
             // cache the results
             $va_hits = $o_res->getPrimaryKeyValues($vn_limit);
         } else {
             $va_hits = array();
         if (isset($pa_options['sets']) && $pa_options['sets']) {
             $va_hits = $this->filterHitsBySets($va_hits, $pa_options['sets'], array('search' => $vs_search));
         $vn_user_id = isset($pa_options['user_id']) && (int) $pa_options['user_id'] ? (int) $pa_options['user_id'] : (int) $AUTH_CURRENT_USER_ID;
         if ((!isset($pa_options['dontFilterByACL']) || !$pa_options['dontFilterByACL']) && $this->opo_app_config->get('perform_item_level_access_checking') && method_exists($t_table, "supportsACL") && $t_table->supportsACL()) {
             $va_hits = $this->filterHitsByACL($va_hits, $this->opn_tablenum, $vn_user_id, __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__);
         if ($vs_sort != '_natural') {
             $va_hits = $this->sortHits($va_hits, $t_table->tableName(), $pa_options['sort'], isset($pa_options['sort_direction']) ? $pa_options['sort_direction'] : null);
         } elseif ($vs_sort == '_natural' && $vs_sort_direction == 'desc') {
             $va_hits = array_reverse($va_hits);
         $o_res = new WLPlugSearchEngineCachedResult($va_hits, $this->opn_tablenum);
         // cache for later use
         if (!$vb_no_cache) {
             $o_cache->save($vs_cache_key, $this->opn_tablenum, $va_hits, array('created_on' => time()), null, $pa_options);
         // log search
         $o_log = new Searchlog();
         $vn_search_form_id = isset($pa_options['form_id']) ? $pa_options['form_id'] : null;
         $vs_log_details = isset($pa_options['log_details']) ? $pa_options['log_details'] : '';
         $vs_search_source = isset($pa_options['search_source']) ? $pa_options['search_source'] : '';
         $vn_execution_time = $t->getTime(4);
         $o_log->log(array('user_id' => $vn_user_id, 'table_num' => $this->opn_tablenum, 'search_expression' => $ps_search, 'num_hits' => sizeof($va_hits), 'form_id' => $vn_search_form_id, 'ip_addr' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : null, 'details' => $vs_log_details, 'search_source' => $vs_search_source, 'execution_time' => $vn_execution_time));
     if ($po_result) {
         $po_result->init($o_res, $this->opa_tables, $pa_options);
         return $po_result;
     } else {
         return new SearchResult($o_res, $this->opa_tables);
예제 #10
 function __construct($row)
     $this->score = $row->score;
예제 #11
<section id="searchsection">
<div id="searchbody">
$result = new SearchResult('Kilpisjärvi (Lappland)', 2);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
    $result = new SearchResult('Favorisierte Wanderung ' . ($i + 1), rand(1, 3));
예제 #12
    if (isset($definitions)) {
        $totalDefinitionsCount = count($definitions);
        if (!$all && $totalDefinitionsCount > PREVIEW_LIMIT) {
            $definitions = array_slice($definitions, 0, PREVIEW_LIMIT);
            SmartyWrap::assign('totalDefinitionsCount', $totalDefinitionsCount);
        $searchResults = SearchResult::mapDefinitionArray($definitions);
$conjugations = NULL;
$declensions = NULL;
if ($searchType == SEARCH_INFLECTED || $searchType == SEARCH_LEXEM_ID || $searchType == SEARCH_FULL_TEXT || $searchType == SEARCH_MULTIWORD) {
    // Filter out hidden definitions
    $hiddenSources = array();
    SearchResult::filterHidden($searchResults, $hiddenSources);
    if (Config::get('global.aprilFoolsDay')) {
        foreach ($searchResults as $sr) {
            $sr->definition->htmlRep = StringUtil::iNoGrammer($sr->definition->htmlRep);
    SmartyWrap::assign('results', $searchResults);
    SmartyWrap::assign('hiddenSources', $hiddenSources);
    // Maps lexems to arrays of inflected forms (some lexems may lack inflections)
    // Also compute the text of the link to the paradigm div,
    // which can be 'conjugări', 'declinări' or both
    if (!empty($lexems)) {
        $conjugations = false;
        $declensions = false;
        foreach ($lexems as $l) {
            $lm = $l->getFirstLexemModel();
  * Check user's item level access before passing delete to lower level libraries
 public function delete($pb_delete_related = false, $pa_options = null, $pa_fields = null, $pa_table_list = null)
     global $AUTH_CURRENT_USER_ID;
     if ($this->getAppConfig()->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
         if ($this->checkACLAccessForUser(new ca_users($AUTH_CURRENT_USER_ID)) < __CA_ACL_EDIT_DELETE_ACCESS__) {
             $this->postError(2580, _t("You do not have delete access for this item"), "BundlableLabelableBaseModelWithAttributes->delete()");
             return false;
     SearchResult::clearResultCacheForRow($this->tableName(), $this->getPrimaryKey());
     return parent::delete($pb_delete_related, $pa_options, $pa_fields, $pa_table_list);
예제 #14

require_once "../../phplib/util.php";
RecentLink::createOrUpdate('Greșeli de tipar');
$sourceClause = '';
$sourceId = 0;
$sourceUrlName = util_getRequestParameter('source');
if ($sourceUrlName) {
    $source = $sourceUrlName ? Source::get_by_urlName($sourceUrlName) : null;
    $sourceId = $source ? $source->id : 0;
    $sourceClause = $source ? "sourceId = {$sourceId} and " : '';
    SmartyWrap::assign('src_selected', $sourceId);
$defs = Model::factory('Definition')->raw_query("select * from Definition where {$sourceClause} id in (select definitionId from Typo) order by lexicon")->find_many();
SmartyWrap::assign('searchResults', SearchResult::mapDefinitionArray($defs));
SmartyWrap::assign('recentLinks', RecentLink::loadForUser());
예제 #15
$search = util_getRequestParameter('search');
$replace = util_getRequestParameter('replace');
$sourceId = util_getRequestParameter('source');
$realRun = util_getRequestParameter('realRun');
$sourceClause = $sourceId ? "and sourceId = {$sourceId}" : '';
$count = Model::factory('Definition')->where_raw("status = 0 {$sourceClause} and binary internalRep like '%{$search}%'")->count();
if ($count > $MAX_AFFECTED) {
    if ($realRun) {
        FlashMessage::add("{$count} definiții se potrivesc, numai {$MAX_AFFECTED} au fost modificate.", 'info');
    } else {
        FlashMessage::add("{$count} definiții se potrivesc, maxim {$MAX_AFFECTED} vor fi modificate.");
$defs = Model::factory('Definition')->where_raw("status = 0 {$sourceClause} and binary internalRep like '%{$search}%'")->order_by_asc('id')->limit($MAX_AFFECTED)->find_many();
$searchResults = SearchResult::mapDefinitionArray($defs);
foreach ($defs as $def) {
    $def->internalRep = str_replace($search, $replace, $def->internalRep);
    $ambiguousMatches = array();
    $def->internalRep = AdminStringUtil::internalizeDefinition($def->internalRep, $def->sourceId, $ambiguousMatches);
    $def->htmlRep = AdminStringUtil::htmlize($def->internalRep, $def->sourceId);
    // Complete or un-complete the abbreviation review
    if (!count($ambiguousMatches) && $def->abbrevReview == ABBREV_AMBIGUOUS) {
        $def->abbrevReview = ABBREV_REVIEW_COMPLETE;
    } else {
        if (count($ambiguousMatches) && $def->abbrevReview == ABBREV_REVIEW_COMPLETE) {
            $def->abbrevReview = ABBREV_AMBIGUOUS;
    if ($realRun) {
예제 #16
$chars = array();
$searchResults = array();
$lexems = Model::factory('Lexem')->raw_query("select * from Lexem where form not rlike '\\'' and not noAccent order by rand() limit 10")->find_many();
foreach ($lexems as $l) {
    $charArray = array();
    $form = mb_strtoupper($l->form);
    $len = mb_strlen($form);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
        $c = StringUtil::getCharAt($form, $i);
        $charArray[] = ctype_space($c) ? '&nbsp;' : $c;
    $chars[$l->id] = $charArray;
    $definitions = Definition::loadByLexemId($l->id);
    $searchResults[$l->id] = SearchResult::mapDefinitionArray($definitions);
RecentLink::createOrUpdate('Plasare accente');
SmartyWrap::assign('sectionTitle', 'Plasare accente');
SmartyWrap::assign('lexems', $lexems);
SmartyWrap::assign('chars', $chars);
SmartyWrap::assign('searchResults', $searchResults);
SmartyWrap::assign("allStatuses", util_getAllStatuses());
SmartyWrap::assign('recentLinks', RecentLink::loadForUser());
예제 #17
  * Format a single hit result
  * @param SearchResult $result
  * @param string $terms partial regexp for highlighting terms
 function showHit($result, $terms)
     $fname = 'SpecialSearch::showHit';
     global $wgUser, $wgContLang;
     $t = $result->getTitle();
     if (is_null($t)) {
         return "<!-- Broken link in search result -->\n";
     $sk =& $wgUser->getSkin();
     $contextlines = $wgUser->getOption('contextlines');
     if ('' == $contextlines) {
         $contextlines = 5;
     $contextchars = $wgUser->getOption('contextchars');
     if ('' == $contextchars) {
         $contextchars = 50;
     $link = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($t);
     $revision = Revision::newFromTitle($t);
     $text = $revision->getText();
     $size = wfMsg('nbytes', strlen($text));
     $lines = explode("\n", $text);
     $max = IntVal($contextchars) + 1;
     $pat1 = "/(.*)({$terms})(.{0,{$max}})/i";
     $lineno = 0;
     $extract = '';
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         if (0 == $contextlines) {
         if (!preg_match($pat1, $line, $m)) {
         $pre = $wgContLang->truncate($m[1], -$contextchars, '...');
         if (count($m) < 3) {
             $post = '';
         } else {
             $post = $wgContLang->truncate($m[3], $contextchars, '...');
         $found = $m[2];
         $line = htmlspecialchars($pre . $found . $post);
         $pat2 = '/(' . $terms . ")/i";
         $line = preg_replace($pat2, "<span class='searchmatch'>\\1</span>", $line);
         $extract .= "<br /><small>{$lineno}: {$line}</small>\n";
     return "<li>{$link} ({$size}){$extract}</li>\n";
예제 #18
  * Export set of records from a given SearchResult object to an array of strings with the individual exports, keyed by primary key.
  * The behavior is tailored towards the needs of the OAIPMHService.
  * @param string $ps_exporter_code defines the exporter to use
  * @param SearchResult $po_result search result as object
  * @param  array $pa_options
  * 		'start' =
  *   	'limit' =
  * @return array exported data
 public static function exportRecordsFromSearchResultToArray($ps_exporter_code, $po_result, $pa_options = null)
     $vn_start = isset($pa_options['start']) ? (int) $pa_options['start'] : 0;
     $vn_limit = isset($pa_options['limit']) ? (int) $pa_options['limit'] : 0;
     ca_data_exporters::$s_exporter_cache = array();
     ca_data_exporters::$s_exporter_item_cache = array();
     require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . '/core/Search/SearchResult.php';
     if (!$po_result instanceof SearchResult) {
         return false;
     if (!($t_mapping = ca_data_exporters::loadExporterByCode($ps_exporter_code))) {
         return false;
     if (sizeof(ca_data_exporters::checkMapping($ps_exporter_code)) > 0) {
         return false;
     $t_instance = $t_mapping->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableNum($t_mapping->get('table_num'));
     if ($vn_start > 0 && $vn_start < $po_result->numHits()) {
     $va_return = array();
     $vn_i = 0;
     while ($po_result->nextHit()) {
         if ($vn_limit && $vn_i >= $vn_limit) {
         $vn_pk_val = $po_result->get($t_instance->primaryKey());
         $va_return[$vn_pk_val] = ca_data_exporters::exportRecord($ps_exporter_code, $vn_pk_val);
     return $va_return;
        * @brief 搜索订阅医生
        * @author lhl
        * @exampleUrl http://dev.mobile-api.haodf.com/patientapi/subscription_searchdoctor?keyword=吴鸣&pageId=1&pageSize=15&userId=581662815 
        * @param $keyword 搜索字段 
        * @Param $pageId 当前页码
        * @Param $pageSize 每页显示数
        * @return array('doctorid', 'name', 'fullGrade', 'hospitalName', 'hospitalFacultyName', 'goodVoteCount', 'specialize', 'logoUrl')
    public function searchDoctor($userId, $keyword, $pageId = 1, $pageSize = 15)
        if($userId != $this->currentUserId)
            return 0;
        if('' == trim($keyword))
            return 0;
        $doctorSearchd = SphinxSearchdBase::createSearchdByType('Doctor');
        $utf8Kw = mb_convert_encoding($keyword, 'utf-8', 'gbk');
		$res = $doctorSearchd->query($utf8Kw, (int)(($pageId - 1 ) * $pageSize), (int)($pageSize));
        $searchResult = SearchResult::sphinxResult2searchResult($res, 'doctor', (int)(($pageId - 1 ) * $pageSize), (int)($pageSize));
		$myDoctorList = SubscriptionClient::getInstance()->getMyDoctors($userId);
        $subscriptionDoctor = array();
        foreach($myDoctorList as $myDoctor) 
           $subscriptionDoctor[$myDoctor->doctor->id] = $myDoctor->id;

		$results = array();
		foreach($searchResult->items as $item)
			$doctor = DAL::get()->find('doctor',$item->id);
            if(false == $doctor->isNull() && $doctor->deleted == 0)
                $result = $allHospitalFacultyNames = array();
                $result['doctorid'] = $doctor->id;
                $result['name'] = $doctor->name;
                $result['fullGrade'] = implode(" ",array($doctor->grade,$doctor->educateGrade));
                $primaryDoctors = DAL::get()->find_all_byPrimaryIds('Doctor', array($doctor->primaryId));
                foreach ($primaryDoctors as $primaryDoctor)
                    $allHospitalFacultyNames[] = $primaryDoctor->hospitalfaculty->hospital->commonName.' '.$primaryDoctor->hospitalfaculty->name;
                $result['hospitalName'] = implode("\n", $allHospitalFacultyNames);
                $result['hospitalFacultyName'] = '';
                $result['goodVoteCount'] = $doctor->goodVoteCount;
                $result['specialize'] = $doctor->specialize;
                $result['logoUrl'] = $doctor->getHeadImageForMobile();
                $result['mydoctorid'] = '';
                    $result['mydoctorid'] = $subscriptionDoctor[$doctor->id];
                $results[] = $result;
        $this->content = $results;
        $this->pageInfo = array('pages' => ceil($searchResult->total_found / $searchResult->pageSize), 'pagesize' => $pageSize, 'nowpage' => $pageId, 'total' => $searchResult->total_found);
예제 #20
 public function buildSearchTable()
     self::put('Zoekresultaten maken');
     // Personen
     $aPersons = Person::getAll();
     $personCount = 0;
     $deletePersonCount = 0;
     foreach ($aPersons as $oPerson) {
         $query = "SELECT DISTINCT(Team.competition_nefub_id), Competition.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM TeamPerson\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN Team ON Team.nefub_id = TeamPerson.team_nefub_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN Competition ON Team.competition_nefub_id = Competition.nefub_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE TeamPerson.person_nefub_id = '" . $oPerson->nefub_id . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND Competition.season_nefub_id  = '" . Season::getInstance()->nefub_id . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY Team.competition_nefub_id ASC";
         $aCompetitions = Competition::getAllFromQuery($query);
         $personCompetitions = array();
         foreach ($aCompetitions as $oCompetition) {
             if (trim($oCompetition->name)) {
                 $personCompetitions[] = $oCompetition->name;
         if (count($personCompetitions)) {
             $oSearchResult = SearchResult::selectByNefubId($oPerson->nefub_id, 'person');
             if (!$oSearchResult) {
                 $oSearchResult = new SearchResult();
                 $oSearchResult->nefub_id = $oPerson->nefub_id;
                 $oSearchResult->type = 'person';
                 $oSearchResult->url = '/persoon/' . $oPerson->nefub_id;
             $oSearchResult->name = $oPerson->name;
             $oSearchResult->subtitle = implode(', ', $personCompetitions);
         } else {
             $deletePersonCount += Database::delete_rows('SearchResult', array('nefub_id' => $oPerson->nefub_id, 'type' => 'person'));
     self::put($deletePersonCount . ' perso(o)n(en) verwijderd van zoekresultatenlijst');
     self::put($personCount . ' perso(o)n(en) toegevoegd aan zoekresultatenlijst');
     // Teams
     $aTeams = Team::getAll();
     $teamCount = 0;
     $deleteTeamCount = 0;
     foreach ($aTeams as $oTeam) {
         if ($oTeam->getCompetition() && $oTeam->season_nefub_id == Season::getInstance()->nefub_id) {
             $oSearchResult = SearchResult::selectByNefubId($oTeam->nefub_id, 'team');
             if (!$oSearchResult) {
                 $oSearchResult = new SearchResult();
                 $oSearchResult->nefub_id = $oTeam->nefub_id;
                 $oSearchResult->name = $oTeam->name;
                 $oSearchResult->type = 'team';
                 $oSearchResult->url = '/team/' . $oTeam->nefub_id;
             $oSearchResult->subtitle = $oTeam->getCompetition()->name;
         } else {
             $deleteTeamCount += Database::delete_rows('SearchResult', array('nefub_id' => $oTeam->nefub_id, 'type' => 'team'));
     self::put($deleteTeamCount . ' team(s) verwijderd van zoekresultatenlijst');
     self::put($teamCount . ' team(s) toegevoegd aan zoekresultatenlijst');
예제 #21
 public function seek($pn_index)
     if ($this->ops_filter_field) {
         for ($vn_i = 0; $vn_i < $pn_index; $vn_i++) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return parent::seek($pn_index);
예제 #22
  * Show single interwiki link
  * @param SearchResult $result
  * @param string $lastInterwiki
  * @param string $query
  * @param array $customCaptions Interwiki prefix -> caption
  * @return string
 protected function showInterwikiHit($result, $lastInterwiki, $query, $customCaptions)
     if ($result->isBrokenTitle()) {
         return '';
     $title = $result->getTitle();
     $titleSnippet = $result->getTitleSnippet();
     if ($titleSnippet == '') {
         $titleSnippet = null;
     $link = Linker::linkKnown($title, $titleSnippet);
     // format redirect if any
     $redirectTitle = $result->getRedirectTitle();
     $redirectText = $result->getRedirectSnippet();
     $redirect = '';
     if (!is_null($redirectTitle)) {
         if ($redirectText == '') {
             $redirectText = null;
         $redirect = "<span class='searchalttitle'>" . $this->msg('search-redirect')->rawParams(Linker::linkKnown($redirectTitle, $redirectText))->text() . "</span>";
     $out = "";
     // display project name
     if (is_null($lastInterwiki) || $lastInterwiki != $title->getInterwiki()) {
         if (array_key_exists($title->getInterwiki(), $customCaptions)) {
             // captions from 'search-interwiki-custom'
             $caption = $customCaptions[$title->getInterwiki()];
         } else {
             // default is to show the hostname of the other wiki which might suck
             // if there are many wikis on one hostname
             $parsed = wfParseUrl($title->getFullURL());
             $caption = $this->msg('search-interwiki-default', $parsed['host'])->text();
         // "more results" link (special page stuff could be localized, but we might not know target lang)
         $searchTitle = Title::newFromText($title->getInterwiki() . ":Special:Search");
         $searchLink = Linker::linkKnown($searchTitle, $this->msg('search-interwiki-more')->text(), array(), array('search' => $query, 'fulltext' => 'Search'));
         $out .= "</ul><div class='mw-search-interwiki-project'><span class='mw-search-interwiki-more'>\n\t\t\t\t{$searchLink}</span>{$caption}</div>\n<ul>";
     $out .= "<li>{$link} {$redirect}</li>\n";
     return $out;
예제 #23
  * Returns extra data for specific result and store it in SearchResult object.
  * @param SearchResult $result
  * @return array|null List of data as name => value or null if none present.
 public function augmentResult(SearchResult $result)
     $id = $result->getTitle()->getArticleID();
     if (!$id || !isset($this->extraData[$id])) {
         return null;
     return $this->extraData[$id];
예제 #24
function doSearch($keyword)
    $results = SearchResult::search($keyword);
    $return = array('results' => $results);
    return $return;
  * Show single interwiki link
  * @param SearchResult $result
  * @param string $lastInterwiki
  * @param array $terms
  * @param string $query
  * @param array $customCaptions iw prefix -> caption
 protected function showInterwikiHit($result, $lastInterwiki, $terms, $query, $customCaptions)
     global $wgContLang, $wgLang;
     if ($result->isBrokenTitle()) {
         return "<!-- Broken link in search result -->\n";
     $t = $result->getTitle();
     $titleSnippet = $result->getTitleSnippet($terms);
     if ($titleSnippet == '') {
         $titleSnippet = null;
     $link = $this->sk->linkKnown($t, $titleSnippet);
     // format redirect if any
     $redirectTitle = $result->getRedirectTitle();
     $redirectText = $result->getRedirectSnippet($terms);
     $redirect = '';
     if (!is_null($redirectTitle)) {
         if ($redirectText == '') {
             $redirectText = null;
         $redirect = "<span class='searchalttitle'>" . wfMsg('search-redirect', $this->sk->linkKnown($redirectTitle, $redirectText)) . "</span>";
     $out = "";
     // display project name
     if (is_null($lastInterwiki) || $lastInterwiki != $t->getInterwiki()) {
         if (key_exists($t->getInterwiki(), $customCaptions)) {
             // captions from 'search-interwiki-custom'
             $caption = $customCaptions[$t->getInterwiki()];
         } else {
             // default is to show the hostname of the other wiki which might suck
             // if there are many wikis on one hostname
             $parsed = parse_url($t->getFullURL());
             $caption = wfMsg('search-interwiki-default', $parsed['host']);
         // "more results" link (special page stuff could be localized, but we might not know target lang)
         $searchTitle = Title::newFromText($t->getInterwiki() . ":Special:Search");
         $searchLink = $this->sk->linkKnown($searchTitle, wfMsg('search-interwiki-more'), array(), array('search' => $query, 'fulltext' => 'Search'));
         $out .= "</ul><div class='mw-search-interwiki-project'><span class='mw-search-interwiki-more'>\n\t\t\t\t{$searchLink}</span>{$caption}</div>\n<ul>";
     $out .= "<li>{$link} {$redirect}</li>\n";
     return $out;
예제 #26
 public function findByAlamat()
     if ($this->before != null and $this->after == null) {
         $sql = "SELECT id_lamp as id, tanggal as tgl, nomor as nomor, hal as hal, asal as alamat, file as file, 'lampiran' as tipe FROM lampiran WHERE asal LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' AND tanggal>='" . $this->before . "'";
         $sql .= " UNION ";
         $sql .= "SELECT a.id_suratmasuk as id, a.tgl_surat as tgl, a.no_surat as nomor, a.perihal as hal, b.nama_satker as alamat, a.file as file, 'surat_masuk' as tipe FROM suratmasuk a LEFT JOIN alamat b ON a.asal_surat = b.kode_satker WHERE b.nama_satker LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' AND a.tgl_surat>='" . $this->before . "'";
         $sql .= " UNION ";
         $sql .= "SELECT a.id_suratkeluar as id, a.tgl_surat as tgl, a.no_surat as nomor, a.perihal as hal, b.nama_satker as alamat, a.file as file, 'surat_keluar' as tipe FROM suratkeluar a LEFT JOIN alamat b ON a.tujuan = b.kode_satker WHERE b.nama_satker LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' AND a.tgl_surat>='" . $this->before . "'";
     } elseif ($this->before == null and $this->after != null) {
         $sql = "SELECT id_lamp as id, tanggal as tgl, nomor as nomor, hal as hal, asal as alamat, file as file, 'lampiran' as tipe FROM lampiran WHERE asal LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' AND tanggal<='" . $this->after . "'";
         $sql .= " UNION ";
         $sql .= "SELECT a.id_suratmasuk as id, a.tgl_surat as tgl, a.no_surat as nomor, a.perihal as hal, b.nama_satker as alamat, a.file as file, 'surat_masuk' as tipe FROM suratmasuk a LEFT JOIN alamat b ON a.asal_surat = b.kode_satker WHERE b.nama_satker LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' AND a.tgl_surat<='" . $this->after . "'";
         $sql .= " UNION ";
         $sql .= "SELECT a.id_suratkeluar as id, a.tgl_surat as tgl, a.no_surat as nomor, a.perihal as hal, b.nama_satker as alamat, a.file as file, 'surat_keluar' as tipe FROM suratkeluar a LEFT JOIN alamat b ON a.tujuan = b.kode_satker WHERE b.nama_satker LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' AND a.tgl_surat<='" . $this->after . "'";
     } elseif ($this->before != null and $this->after != null) {
         $sql = "SELECT id_lamp as id, tanggal as tgl, nomor as nomor, hal as hal, asal as alamat, file as file, 'lampiran' as tipe FROM lampiran WHERE asal LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%'  AND tanggal>='" . $this->before . "' AND tanggal<='" . $this->after . "'";
         $sql .= " UNION ";
         $sql .= "SELECT a.id_suratmasuk as id, a.tgl_surat as tgl, a.no_surat as nomor, a.perihal as hal, b.nama_satker as alamat, a.file as file, 'surat_masuk' as tipe FROM suratmasuk a LEFT JOIN alamat b ON a.asal_surat = b.kode_satker WHERE b.nama_satker LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' AND a.tgl_surat>='" . $this->before . "' AND a.tgl_surat<='" . $this->after . "'";
         $sql .= " UNION ";
         $sql .= "SELECT a.id_suratkeluar as id, a.tgl_surat as tgl, a.no_surat as nomor, a.perihal as hal, b.nama_satker as alamat, a.file as file, 'surat_keluar' as tipe FROM suratkeluar a LEFT JOIN alamat b ON a.tujuan = b.kode_satker WHERE b.nama_satker LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' AND a.tgl_surat>='" . $this->before . "' AND a.tgl_surat<='" . $this->after . "'";
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT id_lamp as id, tanggal as tgl, nomor as nomor, hal as hal, asal as alamat, file as file, 'lampiran' as tipe FROM lampiran WHERE asal LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%'";
         $sql .= " UNION ";
         $sql .= "SELECT a.id_suratmasuk as id, a.tgl_surat as tgl, a.no_surat as nomor, a.perihal as hal, b.nama_satker as alamat, a.file as file, 'surat_masuk' as tipe FROM suratmasuk a LEFT JOIN alamat b ON a.asal_surat = b.kode_satker WHERE b.nama_satker LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%'";
         $sql .= " UNION ";
         $sql .= "SELECT a.id_suratkeluar as id, a.tgl_surat as tgl, a.no_surat as nomor, a.perihal as hal, b.nama_satker as alamat, a.file as file, 'surat_keluar' as tipe FROM suratkeluar a LEFT JOIN alamat b ON a.tujuan = b.kode_satker WHERE b.nama_satker LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%'";
     $sql .= " ORDER BY tgl DESC";
     //        var_dump($sql);
     $data = $this->select($sql);
     $result = array();
     foreach ($data as $val) {
         $cari = new SearchResult();
         $result[] = $cari;
     return $result;
예제 #27
파일: r57.php 프로젝트: Theov/webshells
        $os = "-";
        $unix = 1;
    } else {
        if (@eregi("^win", $os)) {
            $windows = 1;
        } else {
            $unix = 1;
if (!empty($_POST['s_dir']) && !empty($_POST['s_text']) && !empty($_POST['cmd']) && $_POST['cmd'] == "search_text") {
    echo $head;
    if (!empty($_POST['s_mask']) && !empty($_POST['m'])) {
        $sr = new SearchResult($_POST['s_dir'], $_POST['s_text'], $_POST['s_mask']);
    } else {
        $sr = new SearchResult($_POST['s_dir'], $_POST['s_text']);
    $sr->SearchText(0, 0);
    $res = $sr->GetResultFiles();
    $found = $sr->GetMatchesCount();
    $titles = $sr->GetTitles();
    $r = "";
    if ($found > 0) {
        $r .= "<TABLE width=100%>";
        foreach ($res as $file => $v) {
            $r .= "<TR>";
            $r .= "<TD colspan=2><font face=Verdana size=-2><b>" . ws(3);
            $r .= $windows ? str_replace("/", "\\", $file) : $file;
            $r .= "</b></font></ TD>";
            $r .= "</TR>";
            foreach ($v as $a => $b) {
예제 #28
 public static function clearGetWithTemplatePrefetch()
     self::$s_template_prefetch_cache = array();
예제 #29
  * Determines if there is any data in the data set that can be visualized by this plugin using the provided settings
  * @param SearchResult $po_data
  * @param array $pa_viz_settings Visualization settings
  * @return bool True if data can be visualized
 public function canHandle($po_data, $pa_viz_settings)
     $vn_cur_pos = $po_data->currentIndex();
     if ($vn_cur_pos < 0) {
         $vn_cur_pos = 0;
     $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
     // Make sure sources actually exist
     $va_sources = $pa_viz_settings['sources'];
     foreach ($va_sources as $vs_source_code => $va_source_info) {
         $va_tmp = explode('.', $va_source_info['data']);
         $t_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($va_tmp[0], true);
         if (!($t_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($va_tmp[0], true))) {
         if (!$t_instance->hasField($va_tmp[1]) && !$t_instance->hasElement($va_tmp[1])) {
     $vn_c = 0;
     // Only check the first 10,000 returned rows before giving up, to avoid timeouts
     while ($po_data->nextHit() && $vn_c < 10000) {
         foreach ($va_sources as $vs_source_code => $va_source_info) {
             if (trim($po_data->get($va_source_info['data']))) {
                 return true;
     return false;
예제 #30
 private static function _evaluateCodeAttribute(SearchResult $pr_res, $po_node, array $pa_options = null)
     if (!($va_codes = DisplayTemplateParser::_getCodesFromAttribute($po_node, ['includeBooleans' => true]))) {
         return [];
     $pb_include_blanks = caGetOption('includeBlankValuesInArray', $pa_options, false);
     $ps_delimiter = caGetOption('delimiter', $pa_options, ';');
     $pb_mode = caGetOption('mode', $pa_options, 'present');
     // value 'present' or 'not_present'
     $pn_index = caGetOption('index', $pa_options, null);
     $vb_has_value = null;
     foreach ($va_codes as $vs_code => $vs_bool) {
         $va_val_list = $pr_res->get($vs_code, ['returnAsArray' => true, 'returnBlankValues' => true, 'convertCodesToDisplayText' => true, 'returnAsDecimal' => true, 'getDirectDate' => true]);
         if (!is_array($va_val_list)) {
             // no value
             $vb_value_present = false;
         } else {
             if (!is_null($pn_index)) {
                 if (!isset($va_val_list[$pn_index]) || (is_numeric($va_val_list[$pn_index]) && (double) $va_val_list[$pn_index] == 0 || !strlen(trim($va_val_list[$pn_index])))) {
                     $vb_value_present = false;
                     // no value
                 } else {
                     $va_val_list = array($va_val_list[$pn_index]);
                     if (!$pb_include_blanks) {
                         $va_val_list = array_filter($va_val_list);
                     $vb_value_present = (bool) sizeof($va_val_list);
             } else {
                 if (!$pb_include_blanks) {
                     foreach ($va_val_list as $vn_i => $vm_val) {
                         if (is_numeric($vm_val) && (double) $vm_val == 0 || !strlen(trim($vm_val))) {
                 $vb_value_present = (bool) sizeof($va_val_list);
         if ($pb_mode !== 'present') {
             $vb_value_present = !$vb_value_present;
         if (is_null($vb_has_value)) {
             $vb_has_value = $vb_value_present;
         $vb_has_value = $vs_bool == 'OR' ? $vb_has_value || $vb_value_present : $vb_has_value && $vb_value_present;
     return $vb_has_value;