<br /> <div id="container"> <div id="response"><pre><p>Please ensure you've supplied both xpath AND a url OR a full XML.</p></pre> </div> </div> EOD; echo $html; exit; } include_once "class.Scraper.php"; $scraper = new Scraper(); if (!empty($_GET['url'])) { $scraper->setUpScraper($_GET['url'], $_GET['xpath']); } if (!empty($_GET['xml'])) { $xmlFromString = $scraper->getXMLFromString($_GET['xml']); $scraper->setPageXML($xmlFromString); $scraper->setXpath($_GET['xpath']); } $queryResponse = $scraper->getResponse(); $output = ""; $output .= <<<EOD <h3>Results of xpath query</h3> <p>Here's the result of the xpath query you ran. And as a bonus, the entire XML tree is <a href="#xml">below</a> too. </p> EOD; $output .= <<<EOD <div id="container"> <div id="response"> <pre> EOD; $output .= print_r($queryResponse, true);