예제 #1
 * creates a link to related SchemaProperty
 * @return none
 * @param  SchemaPropertyElement $property
function link_to_related($property)
    $relSchemaPropertyId = $property->getRelatedSchemaPropertyId();
    if ($relSchemaPropertyId) {
        //get the related SchemaProperty
        $relSchemaProperty = $property->getSchemaPropertyRelatedByRelatedSchemaPropertyId();
        if ($relSchemaProperty) {
            $link = 'schemaprop/show/?id=' . $relSchemaPropertyId;
            return link_to($property->getObject(), $link, ["title" => $relSchemaProperty]);
    //If the skosProperty.objectType is resource then we display a truncated URI with a complete link_to
    if (strpos(0 === $property->getObject(), sfConfig::get('app_base_domain'))) {
        return link_to(truncate_text($property->getObject(), 30), $property->getObject());
    //if it's a status code, we resolve the status
    if (14 == $property->getProfilePropertyId()) {
        return $property->getStatus();
    //if it's a URI we return a link, but if it's not we just return the object
    //return preg_replace('/\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i', '<a href="\0">\0</a>', $property->getObject());
    //if all else fails we display a truncated = 30 value
    return $property->getObject();