case "make_nessusrc": require_once _ABSPATH . '/lib/ScanMaker.php'; if (!(include_once _ABSPATH . '/lib/pear/HTTP/Download.php')) { die("Could not find the PEAR HTTP/Download.php file"); } $profile_id = import_var('profile_id'); $_snm = new ScanMaker($profile_id); $_snm->scanner_set = $_snm->getAllPlugins(); $settings = $_snm->getProfileSettings($profile_id); $_snm->merge_severities(); $_snm->merge_families(); $_snm->merge_plugin_profiles(); $_snm->merge_plugins(); $_snm->merge_all(); // Make the nessusrc file that contains scanner settings $output = $_snm->get_nrc_file_data($_snm->scanner_set, $settings); $filename = "nessusrc"; $format = "txt"; $params = array('data' => $output, 'cache' => false, 'contenttype' => 'application/octet-stream', 'contentdisposition' => array(HTTP_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT, "{$filename}.{$format}")); HTTP_DOWNLOAD::staticSend($params, false); break; break; case "make_machine_list": require_once _ABSPATH . '/lib/ScanMaker.php'; if (!@(include_once _ABSPATH . '/lib/pear/HTTP/Download.php')) { die("Could not find the PEAR HTTP/Download.php file"); } $profile_id = import_var('profile_id'); $_snm = new ScanMaker($profile_id); // Make the machine list that specifies all the machines that need to be scanned $machine_list = $_snm->getMachines($profile_id);