예제 #1
 function handleWork($farmId)
     $DBFarm = DBFarm::LoadByID($farmId);
     $GLOBALS["SUB_TRANSACTIONID"] = abs(crc32(posix_getpid() . $farmId));
     $GLOBALS["LOGGER_FARMID"] = $farmId;
     if ($DBFarm->Status != FARM_STATUS::RUNNING) {
         $this->logger->warn("[FarmID: {$DBFarm->ID}] Farm terminated. There is no need to scale it.");
     foreach ($DBFarm->GetFarmRoles() as $DBFarmRole) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
             if ($DBFarmRole->NewRoleID != '') {
                 $this->logger->warn("[FarmID: {$DBFarm->ID}] Role '{$DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name}' being synchronized. This role will not be scalled.");
                 continue 2;
             if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_ENABLED) == '0' && !$DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->hasBehavior(ROLE_BEHAVIORS::MONGODB)) {
                 $this->logger->info("[FarmID: {$DBFarm->ID}] Scaling disabled for role '{$DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name}'. Skipping...");
                 continue 2;
             // Get polling interval in seconds
             $polling_interval = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_POLLING_INTERVAL) * 60;
             $dt_last_polling = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_LAST_POLLING_TIME);
             if ($dt_last_polling && $dt_last_polling + $polling_interval > time() && $i == 0) {
                 $this->logger->info("Polling interval: every {$polling_interval} seconds");
             // Set Last polling time
             $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_LAST_POLLING_TIME, time());
             // Get current count of running and pending instances.
             $this->logger->info(sprintf("Processing role '%s'", $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name));
             $scalingManager = new Scalr_Scaling_Manager($DBFarmRole);
             $scalingDecision = $scalingManager->makeScalingDecition();
             if ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::STOP_SCALING) {
             if ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::NOOP) {
                 continue 2;
             } elseif ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::DOWNSCALE) {
                  Timeout instance's count decrease. Decreases instance�s count after scaling 
                  resolution the spare instances are running�g for selected timeout interval
                  from scaling EditOptions							
                 // We have to check timeout limits before new scaling (downscaling) process will be initiated
                 if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_DOWNSCALE_TIMEOUT_ENABLED)) {
                     // if the farm timeout is exceeded
                     // checking timeout interval.
                     $last_down_scale_data_time = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_DOWNSCALE_DATETIME);
                     $timeout_interval = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_DOWNSCALE_TIMEOUT);
                     // check the time interval to continue scaling or cancel it...
                     if (time() - $last_down_scale_data_time < $timeout_interval * 60) {
                         // if the launch time is too small to terminate smth in this role -> go to the next role in foreach()
                         Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Waiting for downscaling timeout on farm %s, role %s", $DBFarm->Name, $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name)));
                         continue 2;
                 // end Timeout instance's count decrease
                 $sort = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_KEEP_OLDEST) == 1 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
                 $servers = $this->db->GetAll("SELECT server_id FROM servers WHERE status = ? AND farm_roleid=? ORDER BY dtadded {$sort}", array(SERVER_STATUS::RUNNING, $DBFarmRole->ID));
                 $got_valid_instance = false;
                 // Select instance that will be terminated
                 // * Instances ordered by uptime (oldest wil be choosen)
                 // * Instance cannot be mysql master
                 // * Choose the one that was rebundled recently
                 while (!$got_valid_instance && count($servers) > 0) {
                     $item = array_shift($servers);
                     $DBServer = DBServer::LoadByID($item['server_id']);
                     if ($DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetRoleObject()->hasBehavior(ROLE_BEHAVIORS::RABBITMQ)) {
                         $serversCount = count($DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetServersByFilter(array(), array('status' => SERVER_STATUS::TERMINATED)));
                         if ($DBServer->index == 1 && $serversCount > 1) {
                     // Exclude db master
                     if ($DBServer->GetProperty(SERVER_PROPERTIES::DB_MYSQL_MASTER) != 1 && $DBServer->GetProperty(Scalr_Db_Msr::REPLICATION_MASTER) != 1) {
                          * We do not want to delete the most recently synced instance. Because of LA fluctuation. 
                          * I.e. LA may skyrocket during sync and drop dramatically after sync.
                         if ($DBServer->dateLastSync != 0) {
                             $chk_sync_time = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT server_id FROM servers \n\t                        \t\tWHERE dtlastsync > {$DBServer->dateLastSync} \n\t\t                        \tAND farm_roleid='{$DBServer->farmRoleId}' AND status != '" . SERVER_STATUS::TERMINATED . "'");
                             if ($chk_sync_time) {
                                 $got_valid_instance = true;
                         } else {
                             $got_valid_instance = true;
                 if ($DBServer && $got_valid_instance) {
                     $this->logger->info(sprintf("Server '%s' selected for termination...", $DBServer->serverId));
                     $allow_terminate = false;
                     if ($DBServer->platform == SERVER_PLATFORMS::EC2) {
                         $AmazonEC2Client = Scalr_Service_Cloud_Aws::newEc2($DBServer->GetProperty(EC2_SERVER_PROPERTIES::REGION), $DBServer->GetEnvironmentObject()->getPlatformConfigValue(Modules_Platforms_Ec2::PRIVATE_KEY), $DBServer->GetEnvironmentObject()->getPlatformConfigValue(Modules_Platforms_Ec2::CERTIFICATE));
                         // Shutdown an instance just before a full hour running
                         $response = $AmazonEC2Client->DescribeInstances($DBServer->GetProperty(EC2_SERVER_PROPERTIES::INSTANCE_ID));
                         if ($response && $response->reservationSet->item) {
                             $launch_time = strtotime($response->reservationSet->item->instancesSet->item->launchTime);
                             $time = 3600 - (time() - $launch_time) % 3600;
                             // Terminate instance in < 10 minutes for full hour.
                             if ($time <= 600) {
                                 $allow_terminate = true;
                             } else {
                                 $timeout = round(($time - 600) / 60, 1);
                                 Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Farm %s, role %s scaling down. Server '%s' will be terminated in %s minutes. Launch time: %s", $DBFarm->Name, $DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetRoleObject()->name, $DBServer->serverId, $timeout, $response->reservationSet->item->instancesSet->item->launchTime)));
                     } else {
                         $allow_terminate = true;
                     if ($allow_terminate) {
                         //Check safe shutdown
                         if ($DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_SAFE_SHUTDOWN) == 1) {
                             $snmpClient = new Scalr_Net_Snmp_Client();
                             $port = $DBServer->GetProperty(SERVER_PROPERTIES::SZR_SNMP_PORT);
                             $snmpClient->connect($DBServer->remoteIp, $port ? $port : 161, $DBFarm->Hash, null, null, false);
                             $res = $snmpClient->get('');
                             if ($res != '1') {
                                 Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Safe shutdown enabled. Server '%s'. Script return '%s', server won't be terminated while return value not '1'", $DBServer->serverId, $res)));
                         try {
                             Scalr::FireEvent($DBFarm->ID, new BeforeHostTerminateEvent($DBServer, false));
                             $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_DOWNSCALE_DATETIME, time());
                             Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Farm %s, role %s scaling down. Server '%s' marked as 'Pending terminate' and will be fully terminated in 3 minutes.", $DBFarm->Name, $DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetRoleObject()->name, $DBServer->serverId)));
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             $this->logger->fatal(sprintf("Cannot terminate %s: %s", $DBFarm->ID, $DBServer->serverId, $e->getMessage()));
                 } else {
                     $this->logger->warn(sprintf("[FarmID: {$DBFarm->ID}] Scalr unable to determine what instance it should terminate (FarmRoleID: {$DBFarmRole->ID}). Skipping..."));
             } elseif ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::UPSCALE) {
                 Timeout instance's count increase. Increases  instance's count after 
                 scaling resolution �need more instances� for selected timeout interval
                 from scaling EditOptions						
                 if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_UPSCALE_TIMEOUT_ENABLED)) {
                     // if the farm timeout is exceeded
                     // checking timeout interval.
                     $last_up_scale_data_time = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_UPSCALE_DATETIME);
                     $timeout_interval = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_UPSCALE_TIMEOUT);
                     // check the time interval to continue scaling or cancel it...
                     if (time() - $last_up_scale_data_time < $timeout_interval * 60) {
                         // if the launch time is too small to terminate smth in this role -> go to the next role in foreach()
                         Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Waiting for upscaling timeout on farm %s, role %s", $DBFarm->Name, $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name)));
                         continue 2;
                 // end Timeout instance's count increase
                 if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_ONE_BY_ONE) == 1) {
                     $pendingInstances = $DBFarmRole->GetPendingInstancesCount();
                     if ($pendingInstances > 0) {
                         Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("There are %s pending intances of %s role on % farm. Waiting...", $pendingInstances, $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name, $DBFarm->Name)));
                         continue 2;
                 $fstatus = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT status FROM farms WHERE id=?", array($DBFarm->ID));
                 if ($fstatus != FARM_STATUS::RUNNING) {
                     $this->logger->warn("[FarmID: {$DBFarm->ID}] Farm terminated. There is no need to scale it.");
                 $ServerCreateInfo = new ServerCreateInfo($DBFarmRole->Platform, $DBFarmRole);
                 try {
                     $DBServer = Scalr::LaunchServer($ServerCreateInfo);
                     $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_UPSCALE_DATETIME, time());
                     Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Farm %s, role %s scaling up. Starting new instance. ServerID = %s.", $DBFarm->Name, $DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetRoleObject()->name, $DBServer->serverId)));
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
예제 #2
  * Farm launched
  * @param FarmLaunchedEvent $event
 public function OnFarmLaunched(FarmLaunchedEvent $event)
     $DBFarm = DBFarm::LoadByID($this->FarmID);
     // TODO: Refactoting -> Move to DBFarm class
     $this->DB->Execute("UPDATE farms SET status=?, dtlaunched=NOW() WHERE id=?", array(FARM_STATUS::RUNNING, $this->FarmID));
     $governance = new Scalr_Governance($DBFarm->EnvID);
     if ($governance->isEnabled(Scalr_Governance::GENERAL_LEASE) && $DBFarm->GetSetting(DBFarm::SETTING_LEASE_STATUS)) {
         $dt = new DateTime();
         $dt->add(new DateInterval('P' . intval($governance->getValue(Scalr_Governance::GENERAL_LEASE, 'defaultLifePeriod')) . 'D'));
         $DBFarm->SetSetting(DBFarm::SETTING_LEASE_EXTEND_CNT, 0);
         $DBFarm->SetSetting(DBFarm::SETTING_LEASE_TERMINATE_DATE, $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
         $DBFarm->SetSetting(DBFarm::SETTING_LEASE_NOTIFICATION_SEND, '');
     $roles = $DBFarm->GetFarmRoles();
     foreach ($roles as $dbFarmRole) {
         if ($dbFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_ENABLED) && !$DBFarm->GetSetting(DBFarm::SETTING_EC2_VPC_ID)) {
             $scalingManager = new Scalr_Scaling_Manager($dbFarmRole);
             $scalingDecision = $scalingManager->makeScalingDecition();
             if ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::UPSCALE) {
                 $ServerCreateInfo = new ServerCreateInfo($dbFarmRole->Platform, $dbFarmRole);
                 try {
                     $DBServer = Scalr::LaunchServer($ServerCreateInfo, null, true, "Farm launched", isset($event->userId) ? $event->userId : null);
                     $dbFarmRole->SetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_UPSCALE_DATETIME, time(), DBFarmRole::TYPE_LCL);
                     Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Farm %s, role %s scaling up. Starting new instance. ServerID = %s.", $DBFarm->Name, $dbFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name, $DBServer->serverId)));
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
예제 #3
파일: Scaling.php 프로젝트: recipe/scalr
 function handleWork($farmId)
     $DBFarm = DBFarm::LoadByID($farmId);
     $GLOBALS["SUB_TRANSACTIONID"] = abs(crc32(posix_getpid() . $farmId));
     $GLOBALS["LOGGER_FARMID"] = $farmId;
     if ($DBFarm->Status != FARM_STATUS::RUNNING) {
         $this->logger->warn("[FarmID: {$DBFarm->ID}] Farm terminated. There is no need to scale it.");
     foreach ($DBFarm->GetFarmRoles() as $DBFarmRole) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
             if ($DBFarmRole->NewRoleID != '') {
                 $this->logger->warn("[FarmID: {$DBFarm->ID}] Role '{$DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name}' being synchronized. This role will not be scalled.");
                 continue 2;
             if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_ENABLED) != '1' && !$DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->hasBehavior(ROLE_BEHAVIORS::MONGODB) && !$DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->hasBehavior(ROLE_BEHAVIORS::RABBITMQ) && !$DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->hasBehavior(ROLE_BEHAVIORS::VPC_ROUTER)) {
                 $this->logger->info("[FarmID: {$DBFarm->ID}] Scaling disabled for role '{$DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name}'. Skipping...");
                 continue 2;
             // Get polling interval in seconds
             $polling_interval = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_POLLING_INTERVAL) * 60;
             $dt_last_polling = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_LAST_POLLING_TIME);
             if ($dt_last_polling && $dt_last_polling + $polling_interval > time() && $i == 0) {
                 $this->logger->info("Polling interval: every {$polling_interval} seconds");
             // Set Last polling time
             $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_LAST_POLLING_TIME, time(), DBFarmRole::TYPE_LCL);
             // Get current count of running and pending instances.
             $this->logger->info(sprintf("Processing role '%s'", $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name));
             $scalingManager = new Scalr_Scaling_Manager($DBFarmRole);
             $scalingDecision = $scalingManager->makeScalingDecition();
             if ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::STOP_SCALING) {
             if ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::NOOP) {
                 continue 2;
             } elseif ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::DOWNSCALE) {
                  Timeout instance's count decrease. Decreases instance�s count after scaling
                  resolution the spare instances are running�g for selected timeout interval
                  from scaling EditOptions
                 // We have to check timeout limits before new scaling (downscaling) process will be initiated
                 if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_DOWNSCALE_TIMEOUT_ENABLED)) {
                     // if the farm timeout is exceeded
                     // checking timeout interval.
                     $last_down_scale_data_time = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_DOWNSCALE_DATETIME);
                     $timeout_interval = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_DOWNSCALE_TIMEOUT);
                     // check the time interval to continue scaling or cancel it...
                     if (time() - $last_down_scale_data_time < $timeout_interval * 60) {
                         // if the launch time is too small to terminate smth in this role -> go to the next role in foreach()
                         Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Waiting for downscaling timeout on farm %s, role %s", $DBFarm->Name, $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name)));
                         continue 2;
                 // end Timeout instance's count decrease
                 $sort = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_KEEP_OLDEST) == 1 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
                 $servers = $this->db->GetAll("SELECT server_id FROM servers WHERE status = ? AND farm_roleid=? ORDER BY dtadded {$sort}", array(SERVER_STATUS::RUNNING, $DBFarmRole->ID));
                 $got_valid_instance = false;
                 // Select instance that will be terminated
                 // * Instances ordered by uptime (oldest wil be choosen)
                 // * Instance cannot be mysql master
                 // * Choose the one that was rebundled recently
                 while (!$got_valid_instance && count($servers) > 0) {
                     $item = array_shift($servers);
                     $DBServer = DBServer::LoadByID($item['server_id']);
                     if ($DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetRoleObject()->hasBehavior(ROLE_BEHAVIORS::RABBITMQ)) {
                         $serversCount = count($DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetServersByFilter(array(), array('status' => array(SERVER_STATUS::TERMINATED, SERVER_STATUS::TROUBLESHOOTING))));
                         if ($DBServer->index == 1 && $serversCount > 1) {
                     if ($DBServer->GetProperty(EC2_SERVER_PROPERTIES::IS_LOCKED)) {
                     // Exclude db master
                     if ($DBServer->GetProperty(SERVER_PROPERTIES::DB_MYSQL_MASTER) != 1 && $DBServer->GetProperty(Scalr_Db_Msr::REPLICATION_MASTER) != 1) {
                         // We do not want to delete the most recently synced instance. Because of LA fluctuation.
                         // I.e. LA may skyrocket during sync and drop dramatically after sync.
                         if ($DBServer->dateLastSync != 0) {
                             $chk_sync_time = $this->db->GetOne("\n                                    SELECT server_id FROM servers\n                                    WHERE dtlastsync > {$DBServer->dateLastSync}\n                                    AND farm_roleid='{$DBServer->farmRoleId}'\n                                    AND status NOT IN('" . SERVER_STATUS::TERMINATED . "', '" . SERVER_STATUS::TROUBLESHOOTING . "')\n                                    LIMIT 1\n                                ");
                             if ($chk_sync_time) {
                                 $got_valid_instance = true;
                         } else {
                             $got_valid_instance = true;
                 if ($DBServer && $got_valid_instance) {
                     $this->logger->info(sprintf("Server '%s' selected for termination...", $DBServer->serverId));
                     $allow_terminate = false;
                     if ($DBServer->platform == SERVER_PLATFORMS::EC2) {
                         $aws = $DBServer->GetEnvironmentObject()->aws($DBServer);
                         // Shutdown an instance just before a full hour running
                         if (!$DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_IGNORE_FULL_HOUR)) {
                             $response = $aws->ec2->instance->describe($DBServer->GetProperty(EC2_SERVER_PROPERTIES::INSTANCE_ID))->get(0);
                             if ($response && count($response->instancesSet)) {
                                 $launch_time = $response->instancesSet->get(0)->launchTime->getTimestamp();
                                 $time = 3600 - (time() - $launch_time) % 3600;
                                 // Terminate instance in < 10 minutes for full hour.
                                 if ($time <= 600) {
                                     $allow_terminate = true;
                                 } else {
                                     $timeout = round(($time - 600) / 60, 1);
                                     Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Farm %s, role %s scaling down. Server '%s' will be terminated in %s minutes. Launch time: %s", $DBFarm->Name, $DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetRoleObject()->name, $DBServer->serverId, $timeout, $response->instancesSet->get(0)->launchTime->format('c'))));
                         } else {
                             $allow_terminate = true;
                         //Releases memory
                     } else {
                         $allow_terminate = true;
                     if ($allow_terminate) {
                         //Check safe shutdown
                         if ($DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_SAFE_SHUTDOWN) == 1) {
                             if ($DBServer->IsSupported('0.11.3')) {
                                 try {
                                     $port = $DBServer->GetProperty(SERVER_PROPERTIES::SZR_API_PORT);
                                     if (!$port) {
                                         $port = 8010;
                                     $szrClient = Scalr_Net_Scalarizr_Client::getClient($DBServer, Scalr_Net_Scalarizr_Client::NAMESPACE_SYSTEM, $port);
                                     $res = $szrClient->callAuthShutdownHook();
                                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                                     $res = $e->getMessage();
                             } else {
                                 Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->error(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Safe shutdown enabled, but not supported by scalarizr installed on server '%s'. Ignoring.", $DBServer->serverId)));
                             if ($res != '1') {
                                 Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->warn(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Safe shutdown enabled. Server '%s'. Script returned '%s', server won't be terminated while return value not '1'", $DBServer->serverId, $res)));
                         try {
                             $DBServer->terminate('SCALING_DOWN', false);
                             $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_DOWNSCALE_DATETIME, time(), DBFarmRole::TYPE_LCL);
                             Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Farm %s, role %s scaling down. Server '%s' marked as 'Pending terminate' and will be fully terminated in 3 minutes.", $DBFarm->Name, $DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetRoleObject()->name, $DBServer->serverId)));
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             $this->logger->fatal(sprintf("Cannot terminate %s: %s", $DBFarm->ID, $DBServer->serverId, $e->getMessage()));
                 } else {
                     $this->logger->warn(sprintf("[FarmID: %s] Scalr unable to determine what instance it should terminate (FarmRoleID: %s). Skipping...", $DBFarm->ID, $DBFarmRole->ID));
             } elseif ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::UPSCALE) {
                 Timeout instance's count increase. Increases  instance's count after
                 scaling resolution �need more instances� for selected timeout interval
                 from scaling EditOptions
                 if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_UPSCALE_TIMEOUT_ENABLED)) {
                     // if the farm timeout is exceeded
                     // checking timeout interval.
                     $last_up_scale_data_time = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_UPSCALE_DATETIME);
                     $timeout_interval = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_UPSCALE_TIMEOUT);
                     // check the time interval to continue scaling or cancel it...
                     if (time() - $last_up_scale_data_time < $timeout_interval * 60) {
                         // if the launch time is too small to terminate smth in this role -> go to the next role in foreach()
                         Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Waiting for upscaling timeout on farm %s, role %s", $DBFarm->Name, $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name)));
                         continue 2;
                 // end Timeout instance's count increase
                 //Check DBMsr. Do not start slave during slave2master process
                 $isDbMsr = $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->getDbMsrBehavior();
                 if ($isDbMsr) {
                     if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Scalr_Db_Msr::SLAVE_TO_MASTER)) {
                         $runningServers = $DBFarmRole->GetRunningInstancesCount();
                         if ($runningServers > 0) {
                             Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->warn(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Role is in slave2master promotion process. Do not launch new slaves while there is no active slaves")));
                             continue 2;
                         } else {
                             $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(Scalr_Db_Msr::SLAVE_TO_MASTER, 0, DBFarmRole::TYPE_LCL);
                 if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_ONE_BY_ONE) == 1) {
                     $pendingInstances = $DBFarmRole->GetPendingInstancesCount();
                     if ($pendingInstances > 0) {
                         Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("There are %s pending intances of %s role on % farm. Waiting...", $pendingInstances, $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name, $DBFarm->Name)));
                         continue 2;
                 $fstatus = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT status FROM farms WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", array($DBFarm->ID));
                 if ($fstatus != FARM_STATUS::RUNNING) {
                     $this->logger->warn("[FarmID: {$DBFarm->ID}] Farm terminated. There is no need to scale it.");
                 $ServerCreateInfo = new ServerCreateInfo($DBFarmRole->Platform, $DBFarmRole);
                 try {
                     $DBServer = Scalr::LaunchServer($ServerCreateInfo, null, false, "Scaling up");
                     $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_UPSCALE_DATETIME, time(), DBFarmRole::TYPE_LCL);
                     Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Farm %s, role %s scaling up. Starting new instance. ServerID = %s.", $DBFarm->Name, $DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetRoleObject()->name, $DBServer->serverId)));
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
  * Farm launched
  * @param FarmLaunchedEvent $event
 public function OnFarmLaunched(FarmLaunchedEvent $event)
     $DBFarm = DBFarm::LoadByID($this->FarmID);
     // TODO: Refactoting -> Move to DBFarm class
     $this->DB->Execute("UPDATE farms SET status=?, dtlaunched=NOW() WHERE id=?", array(FARM_STATUS::RUNNING, $this->FarmID));
     $roles = $DBFarm->GetFarmRoles();
     foreach ($roles as $dbFarmRole) {
         $scalingManager = new Scalr_Scaling_Manager($dbFarmRole);
         $scalingDecision = $scalingManager->makeScalingDecition();
         if ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::UPSCALE) {
             $ServerCreateInfo = new ServerCreateInfo($dbFarmRole->Platform, $dbFarmRole);
             try {
                 $DBServer = Scalr::LaunchServer($ServerCreateInfo, null, true);
                 $dbFarmRole->SetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_UPSCALE_DATETIME, time());
                 Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Farm %s, role %s scaling up. Starting new instance. ServerID = %s.", $DBFarm->Name, $dbFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name, $DBServer->serverId)));
             } catch (Exception $e) {