function check_admin() { if (isset($_COOKIE["admin_id"]) && isset($_COOKIE["admin_username"]) && isset($_COOKIE["admin_key"])) { $id = intval($_COOKIE["admin_id"]); $mysql = new SaeMysql(); $sql = "select * from `qs_admin` where `id`={$id}"; $row = $mysql->getLine($sql); $mysql->closeDb(); if (3 == count($row)) { $admin_username = $row["username"]; $admin_key = md5($row["password"] . $admin_username); if ($_COOKIE["admin_key"] == $admin_key) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
</HEAD> <body> <?php include "base-class.php"; //新建sae数据库类 $mysql = new SaeMysql(); //获取部门ID号传入 $class_id = intval($_GET["class_id"]); //获取操作标识传入 $action = $_POST["action"]; $action = string::un_script_code($action); $action = string::un_html($action); //判断是否修改,如果传入了部门ID,进行数据库查询获取全部内容 if ($class_id) { $class_value = $mysql->getLine("select * from class where class_id={$class_id}"); if (!$class_value) { echo "<script>alert('无此部门');history.back();</Script>"; exit; } } //如果获取到操作标识,进行录入或者修改操作 if ($action == "update") { //获取表单传入数据 $old_class_id = $_POST["class_id"]; $class_name = $_POST["class_name"]; $class_fid = $_POST["class_fid"]; //传入数据过滤 $old_class_id = intval($old_class_id); $class_name = string::un_script_code($class_name); $class_fid = intval($class_fid);
} //用户跳出操作 if (strtolower($form_Content) == "exit") { //清空memcache动作 $mc->delete($fromUsername . "_question_data"); //清空memcache数据 $mc->delete($fromUsername . "_question_order"); //回复操作提示 $msgType = "text"; $resultStr = sprintf($textTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, time(), $msgType, "你已经退出当前答题,寻求帮助请输入“help”,重新挑战请输入“go”!"); echo $resultStr; exit; } //用户查询最好成绩 if (strtolower($form_Content) == "best") { $question_value = $mysql->getLine("select * from answer_tb where answer_user='******' order by answer_time asc limit 0,1"); //回复消息 $msgType = "text"; $resultStr = sprintf($textTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, time(), $msgType, "你最好的成绩为:" . $question_value["answer_time"] . "秒\n\n完成时间为:" . $question_value["create_time"]); echo $resultStr; exit; } //用户查询历史成绩,最新的10次 if (strtolower($form_Content) == "history") { $question_list = $mysql->getData("select * from answer_tb where answer_user='******' \n \t\t\torder by create_time desc limit 0,10"); $out_str = ""; foreach ($question_list as $key => $value) { $out_str .= $key + 1 . ". 在" . $value["create_time"] . "完成答题,成绩为答错" . $value["answer_error"] . "次,用时" . $value["answer_time"] . "秒\n\n"; } //回复消息 $msgType = "text";
$uid = intval($_COOKIE["user_id"]); $fid = intval($_GET["fid"]); if ($fid < 1 || $fid > 20) { echo "invalid {$qid}"; exit(0); } $num = 20; //注意这里需要修改 $qid = ($fid + $uid) % $num + 1; $sql = "select * from `judge_answer` where `user_id`={$uid} and `ques_id` = {$qid}"; $mysql = new SaeMysql(); $rowa = $mysql->getLine($sql); $mysql->closeDb(); $sql = "select `question` from `judge_question` where `id`={$qid}"; $mysql = new SaeMysql(); $row = $mysql->getLine($sql); $mysql->closeDb(); ?> <?php if ($rowa != false) { $answer = $rowa["answer"] == 1 ? "first" : "second"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(window).load(function() { var user_answer = "<?php echo $answer; ?> "; $("#"+user_answer).attr('checked', 'checked'); });
<?php include 'header.php'; ?> <?php $mysql = new SaeMysql(); $sql = "select * from depot"; $line = $mysql->getLine($sql); //echo "haha"; ?> <table border="0"> <tr> <td align="right">Balance:</td><td align="left"><B><?php echo $line["balance"]; ?> </B></td> <td align="right">UpdateTime:</td><td align="left"><B><?php echo $line["updatetime"]; ?> </B></td> </tr> </table> <?php $mysql->closeDb(); include 'footer.php';
private function receiveText($obj) { $keyword = trim($obj->Content); if (is_numeric($keyword) && $keyword >= 100 && $keyword < 200) { /* $callUri ="".$keyword; $credentials = "admin:admin"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$SWXurl); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,FALSE); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $credentials); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array("Accept: application/json")); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); $output = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); */ //$content ="您发送的是数字文本:" . $keyword; $smcValue = SaeMemCache_get($obj->FromUserName . "key"); $content = $smcValue; $result = $this->transmitText($obj, $content); //if (SaeMemCache_get($obj->FromUserName."key",$obj->FromUserName."Recording"); } else { switch (strtolower($keyword)) { case "id": $access_token = get_Access_Token(); $result = $this->transmitText($obj, "Access_Token: " . $access_token); break; case "61": $CC = new CCInterface(); $CC->SendMsg($obj->FromUserName, "【DC测试】六一节快乐 "); break; case "users": $SWXurl = ""; $credentials = "admin:admin"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $SWXurl); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $credentials); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Accept: application/json")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $output = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $retArray = json_decode($output, true); $userArray = $retArray['usersInfo']; usort($userArray, function ($a, $b) { if ($a["id"] == $b["id"]) { return 0; } return $a["id"] < $b["id"] ? -1 : 1; }); foreach ($userArray as $user) { //$content .= $user["uri"]."|".$user["id"]."|".$user["displayName"]."|".$user["disabled"]."|".$user["firstName"]."|".$user["lastName"]."|".$user["emailAddress"]."|".$user["alias"]."|".$user["loginId"]."\n"; $content .= $user["id"] . ":" . $user["firstName"] . "," . $user["lastName"] . "\n"; } $result = $this->transmitText($obj, $content); break; case "code": $appid = APPID; $redirect_uri = REDIRECT_URI; $auth_url = "" . $appid . "&redirect_uri=" . $redirect_uri . "&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_userinfo&state=1#wechat_redirect"; $content = 'DupliCALL UCenter Oauth2.0 <a href="' . $auth_url . '">点击这里进行授权</a>'; $result = $this->transmitText($obj, $content); break; case "auth": $appid = APPID; $appsecret = APPSECRET; $mysql = new SaeMysql(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `gParameters` WHERE `name` ='gAuthCode'"; $data = $mysql->getLine($sql); $authCode = $data["Value"]; $mysql->closeDb(); $url = "" . $appid . "&secret=" . $appsecret . "&code=" . $authCode . "&grant_type=authorization_code"; $result1 = https_request($url); $jsoninfo = json_decode($result1, true); $authAccessToken = $jsoninfo["access_token"]; $authRefreshToken = $jsoninfo["refresh_token"]; $authOpenId = $jsoninfo["openid"]; $authScope = $jsoninfo["scope"]; $userinfo_url = "" . $authAccessToken . "&openid=" . $authOpenId; $userinfo_json = https_request($userinfo_url); $userinfo_array = json_decode($userinfo_json, true); $userOpenid = $userinfo_array["openid"]; $userNickname = $userinfo_array["nickname"]; if ($userinfo_array["sex"] == 1) { $userSex = "先生"; } else { $userSex = "女士"; } $userLanguage = $userinfo_array["language"]; $userCity = $userinfo_array["city"]; $userProvince = $userinfo_array["province"]; $userCountry = $userinfo_array["country"]; $userImg = $userinfo_array["headimgurl"]; $content1 = "OpenId : " . $userOpenid . "\n Nickname : " . $userNickname . "\n Sex : " . $userSex . "\n Language : " . $userLanguage . "\n Location : " . $userCountry . "/" . $userProvince . "/" . $userCity . "\n"; //$content .= '<img src="'. $userImg.'" >'; $content[] = array("Title" => $userNickname, "Description" => $content1, "PicUrl" => $userImg); $result = $this->transmitNews($obj, $content); break; case "文本": case "text": $content = "欢迎参加DupliCALL公众号测试|Welcome to join the test of DupliCALL's Public WX Account"; $result = $this->transmitText($obj, $content); break; case "音乐": case "music": $content = array("Title" => "最美", "Description" => "歌手:羽泉", "MusicUrl" => "", "HQMusicUrl" => ""); $result = $this->transmitMusic($obj, $content); break; case "图文": case "单图文": $content = array(); $content[] = array("Title" => "DupliCALL 公司介绍", "Description" => "Full-Time Lync Recorder", "PicUrl" => "", "Url" => ""); $result = $this->transmitNews($obj, $content); break; case "多图文": $content = array(); $content[] = array("Title" => "DupliCALL技术支持", "Description" => "在线技术支持", "PicUrl" => "", "Url" => ""); $content[] = array("Title" => "产品资料下载", "Description" => "", "PicUrl" => "", "Url" => ""); $content[] = array("Title" => "Skype在线通话技术支持", "Description" => "使用Skype在线互联网电话软件", "PicUrl" => "", "Url" => ""); $content[] = array("Title" => "FAQ技术问答", "Description" => "使用Skype在线互联网电话软件", "PicUrl" => "", "Url" => ""); $result = $this->transmitNews($obj, $content); break; default: $content = "您发送的是文本消息,内容如下:" . $keyword; $result = $this->transmitText($obj, $content); } } return $result; }
<?php session_start(); //查询数据库,openid是否已经存在 //用SAEMySQL的getdata方法,如果结果为空,会返回false,但没有错误 $openid = $_GET['openid']; $_SESSION['openid'] = $openid; $mysql = new SaeMysql(); $query = "SELECT openid,name FROM wechat_user WHERE openid='{$openid}'"; //根据openid取出考号,以降序排列,默认查询考号最大的一次 $examid = "select examid from cet WHERE openid='{$openid}' ORDER BY examid DESC"; //从数组取出两个变量 $query = $mysql->getLine($query); $examid = $mysql->getVar($examid); //数据库保存的openid $openid_db = $query['openid']; $name = $query['name']; $_SESSION['examid'] = $examid; $_SESSION['name'] = $name; //var_dump($examid); //var_dump($mysql->getLine($query)); //var_dump($mysql->getVar($query)); //sae_log(json_encode($openid . "-" . $examid)); //用户尚未注册 if (empty($openid_db)) { $signup = "INSERT INTO wechat_user (openid) VALUES ('{$openid}') "; $bool = $mysql->runSql($signup); if (!$bool) { echo $debug = sprintf("注册失败 %d : %s", $mysql->errno(), $mysql->errmsg()); sae_log($debug); } else {
//关注事件 /** * 生成提示功能的news * @param null $user_name * @return array */ $welcome = function ($user_name = "") { $i = 1; return array(Message::make('news_item')->title("{$user_name} 你好~欢迎关注!")->PicUrl(''), Message::make('news_item')->title("『" . $i++ . "』发送图片可以查询照片中人脸的年龄和性别信息,还会在脸上标出来哦…")->PicUrl(''), Message::make('news_item')->title("『" . $i++ . "』机智的图灵机器人陪你聊天解闷,可以查天气查火车查航班…")->PicUrl(''), Message::make('news_item')->title("『" . $i++ . "』新功能:语音聊天~直接给我发送语音就可以聊天了哦~")->PicUrl(''), Message::make('news_item')->title("『" . $i++ . "』四六级查分已经上线,回复\"46\"来备份考号吧!")->PicUrl('')); }; $server->on('event', 'subscribe', function ($event) use($welcome) { sae_log("用户关注: " . $event->FromUserName); $mysql = new SaeMysql(); //用户以前是否关注过 $everFollowed = "select openid,name from wechat_user WHERE openid='{$event->FromUserName}'"; $user = $mysql->getLine($everFollowed); //用户第一次关注 if ($user === false) { $signup = "insert into wechat_user(openid,followTime) VALUES ('{$event->FromUserName}','" . date("Y/m/d-H:i:s") . "')"; $mysql->runSql($signup); sae_log("用户第一次关注"); $mysql->closeDb(); return Message::make('news')->items($welcome); } else { //MySQL如何修改现有的一行数据? //更新关注时间、关注状态,获取用户姓名 $update = "update wechat_user set followTime = '" . date("Y/m/d-H:i:s") . "',isFollow = 1 WHERE\n openid='{$event->FromUserName}' "; $mysql->runSql($update); $name = $mysql->getVar("select name from wechat_user WHERE openid = '{$event->FromUserName}'"); if (is_bool($name)) { $name = "";
private function receiveText($object) { $mem = memcache_init(); $userid_fback = $mem->get($object->FromUserName . "fbkey"); $userid_view = $mem->get($object->FromUserName . "viewkey"); if ($object->FromUserName . "fback" == $userid_fback) { $mysql = new SaeMysql(); $sql = "INSERT INTO `tb_feedback` ( `userid`, `time`, `content`) VALUES ('" . $object->FromUserName . "',NOW(),'" . $object->Content . "')"; $mysql->runSql($sql); $mysql->closeDb(); $content = "谢谢反馈"; $result = $this->transmitText($object, $content); $mem->delete($object->FromUserName . "fbkey"); } else { if ($object->FromUserName . "view" == $userid_view) { $num = $object->Content; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `tb_exhibit` WHERE number = " . $num; $mysql = new SaeMysql(); $result = $mysql->getLine($sql); $mysql->closeDb(); $content = array(); $content[] = array("Title" => $result['title'], "Description" => $result['description'], "PicUrl" => $result['picurl'], "Url" => ""); $result = $this->transmitNews($object, $content); $mem->delete($object->FromUserName . "viewkey"); return $result; } else { $keyword = $object->Content; $url = "" . $keyword; $res = file_get_contents($url); $resjson = json_decode($res); $content = $resjson->text; $result = $this->transmitText($object, $content); } } return $result; }
@define("WE_ROOT", dirname(__FILE__) . "/"); require_once WE_ROOT . "wechat.class.php"; require_once WE_ROOT . "tuling.func.php"; require_once WE_ROOT . "idioms.func.php"; require_once WE_ROOT . "UnderCover.func.php"; $options = array('token' => 'huangang'); $weObj = new Wechat($options); $weObj->valid(); $type = $weObj->getRev()->getRevType(); $username = $weObj->getRev()->getRevFrom(); $content = $weObj->getRev()->getRevContent(); $content = safe_replace($content); $mysql = new SaeMysql(); $sql = "select * from wx_users where openid = '{$username}' "; $data = $mysql->getLine($sql); if ($data) { $lock = $data['lock']; } else { $sql = "insert into wx_users(openid) values('{$username}')"; $mysql->runSql($sql); if ($mysql->errno() != 0) { die("Error:" . $mysql->errmsg()); } $lock = "unlock"; } $mysql->closeDb(); function safe_replace($string) { $string = str_replace('%20', '', $string); $string = str_replace('%27', '', $string);
</HEAD> <body> <?php include_once "base-class.php"; //新建sae数据库类 $mysql = new SaeMysql(); //获取问题ID号传入 $question_id = intval($_GET["question_id"]); //获取操作标识传入 $action = $_POST["action"]; $action = string::un_script_code($action); $action = string::un_html($action); //判断是否修改,如果传入了问题ID,进行数据库查询获取全部内容 if ($question_id) { $question_value = $mysql->getLine("select * from question_tb where question_id={$question_id}"); if (!$question_value) { echo "<script>alert('无此题目');history.back();</Script>"; exit; } } //如果获取到操作标识,进行录入或者修改操作 if ($action == "update") { //获取表单传入数据 $old_question_id = $_POST["question_id"]; $question_subject = $_POST["question_subject"]; $question_options = $_POST["question_options"]; $question_true = $_POST["question_true"]; //传入数据过滤 $old_question_id = intval($old_question_id); $question_subject = string::un_script_code($question_subject);
function get_JS_Access_Token() { $appid = APPID; $appsecret = APPSECRET; $nowTime = time(); $mysql = new SaeMysql(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `gParameters` WHERE `name` ='gJSAccessToken'"; $data = $mysql->getLine($sql); $JSAccessToken = $data["Value"]; // sae_debug("accessToken = ".$accessToken); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `gParameters` WHERE `name` ='gJSTokenTime'"; $data = $mysql->getLine($sql); $JSTokenTime = $data["Value"]; if ($nowTime - $JSTokenTime > 7000) { $accessToken = get_Access_Token(); $url = "" . $accessToken; $outputToken = https_request($url); $jsoninfo = json_decode($outputToken, true); $JSAccessToken = $jsoninfo["ticket"]; $sql = "UPDATE `gParameters` SET `Value` ='" . $JSAccessToken . "' WHERE `name` ='gJSAccessToken'"; $mysql->runSql($sql); $sql = "UPDATE `gParameters` SET `Value` ='" . $nowTime . "' WHERE `name` ='gTokenTime'"; $mysql->runSql($sql); } $mysql->closeDb(); return $JSAccessToken; }
<?php require_once "../../config/saemysql.class.php"; $uid = intval($_COOKIE["user_id"]); $qid = intval($_POST["qid"]); $post_answer = trim($_POST["answer"]); $sql = "select * from `choice_answer` where `user_id`={$uid} and `ques_id`={$qid}"; $mysql = new SaeMysql(); $row1 = $mysql->getLine($sql); $user_answer = $row1["answer"]; //echo "<br/>"; $sql = "select `score`,`right_answer` from `choice_question` where `id`={$qid}"; $row2 = $mysql->getLine($sql); $score = intval($row2["score"]); $right_answer = trim($row2["right_answer"]); if ($row1 != false) { //更新答案操作 $sql = "update `choice_answer` set `answer`='{$post_answer}' where `user_id`={$uid} and `ques_id`={$qid}"; $mysql->runSql($sql); $str = "答案修改成功"; if ($user_answer == $right_answer && $post_answer != $right_answer) { //原答案正确并且现答案错误,则执行减分操作 $sql = "update `qs_user` set `grade`=`grade`-{$score} where `id`={$uid}"; $mysql->runSql($sql); } else { if ($user_answer != $right_answer && $post_answer == $right_answer) { //原答案错误并且现答案正确,执行加分操作 $sql = "update `qs_user` set `grade`=`grade`+{$score} where `id`={$uid}"; $mysql->runSql($sql); } }