예제 #1
  * Returns unique movie object as a parent canvas for all swf objects.
  * @return SWFMovie
 public function getDocument()
     if ($this->movie === null) {
         $this->movie = new SWFMovie();
         $this->movie->setDimension($this->modifyCoordinate($this->options->width), $this->modifyCoordinate($this->options->height));
         $this->movie->setBackground(255, 255, 255);
     return $this->movie;
예제 #2
파일: Flash.php 프로젝트: bjtenao/tudu-web
 private function _flash()
     $spacing = 5;
     $codewidth = ($this->width - $spacing * 5) / 4;
     $strforswdaction = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) {
         $strforswdaction .= $this->swfcode($codewidth, $spacing, $this->_code[$i], $i + 1);
     $movie = new SWFMovie();
     $movie->setDimension($this->width, $this->height);
     $movie->setBackground(255, 255, 255);
     $fontcolor = '0x' . sprintf('%02s', dechex(mt_rand(0, 255))) . sprintf('%02s', dechex(mt_rand(0, 128))) . sprintf('%02s', dechex(mt_rand(0, 255)));
     $strAction = "\n\t\t_root.createEmptyMovieClip ( 'triangle', 1 );\n\t\twith ( _root.triangle ) {\n\t\tlineStyle( 3, {$fontcolor}, 100 );\n\t\t{$strforswdaction}\n\t\t}\n\t\t";
     $movie->add(new SWFAction(str_replace("\r", "", $strAction)));
     header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash');
예제 #3

$f = new SWFFont(dirname(__FILE__) . '/i/captcha/fonts/anke_calligraph.ttf');
$m = new SWFMovie();
$m->setDimension(520, 320);
$m->setBackground(251, 121, 34);
function text($r, $g, $b, $a, $rot, $x, $y, $scale, $string)
    global $f, $m;
    $t = new SWFText();
    $t->setColor($r, $g, $b, $a);
    $t->moveTo(-$t->getWidth($string) / 2, 32);
    $i = $m->add($t);
    $i->moveTo($x, $y);
    $i->scale($scale, $scale);
    return $i;
$colorr[1] = 255 * 0.85;
$colorg[1] = 255 * 0.85;
$colorb[1] = 255 * 0.85;
$colorr[2] = 255 * 0.9;
$colorg[2] = 255 * 0.9;
$colorb[2] = 255 * 0.9;
$colorr[3] = 255 * 0.95;
$colorg[3] = 255 * 0.95;
$colorb[3] = 255 * 0.95;
예제 #4
} elseif ($seccodedata['type'] == 2 && extension_loaded('ming')) {
    $spacing = 5;
    $codewidth = ($seccodedata['width'] - $spacing * 5) / 4;
    $strforswdaction = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) {
        $strforswdaction .= seccode_swfcode($codewidth, $spacing, $seccode[$i], $i + 1);
    $movie = new SWFMovie();
    $movie->setDimension($seccodedata['width'], $seccodedata['height']);
    $movie->setBackground(255, 255, 255);
    $fontcolor = '0x' . sprintf('%02s', dechex(mt_rand(0, 255))) . sprintf('%02s', dechex(mt_rand(0, 128))) . sprintf('%02s', dechex(mt_rand(0, 255)));
    $strAction = "\r\n\t_root.createEmptyMovieClip ( 'triangle', 1 );\r\n\twith ( _root.triangle ) {\r\n\tlineStyle( 3, {$fontcolor}, 100 );\r\n\t{$strforswdaction}\r\n\t}\r\n\t";
    $movie->add(new SWFAction(str_replace("\r", "", $strAction)));
    header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash');
} else {
    $numbers = array('B' => array('00', 'fc', '66', '66', '66', '7c', '66', '66', 'fc', '00'), 'C' => array('00', '38', '64', 'c0', 'c0', 'c0', 'c4', '64', '3c', '00'), 'E' => array('00', 'fe', '62', '62', '68', '78', '6a', '62', 'fe', '00'), 'F' => array('00', 'f8', '60', '60', '68', '78', '6a', '62', 'fe', '00'), 'G' => array('00', '78', 'cc', 'cc', 'de', 'c0', 'c4', 'c4', '7c', '00'), 'H' => array('00', 'e7', '66', '66', '66', '7e', '66', '66', 'e7', '00'), 'J' => array('00', 'f8', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', '0c', '0c', '0c', '7f', '00'), 'K' => array('00', 'f3', '66', '66', '7c', '78', '6c', '66', 'f7', '00'), 'M' => array('00', 'f7', '63', '6b', '6b', '77', '77', '77', 'e3', '00'), 'P' => array('00', 'f8', '60', '60', '7c', '66', '66', '66', 'fc', '00'), 'Q' => array('00', '78', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', '78', '00'), 'R' => array('00', 'f3', '66', '6c', '7c', '66', '66', '66', 'fc', '00'), 'T' => array('00', '78', '30', '30', '30', '30', 'b4', 'b4', 'fc', '00'), 'V' => array('00', '1c', '1c', '36', '36', '36', '63', '63', 'f7', '00'), 'W' => array('00', '36', '36', '36', '77', '7f', '6b', '63', 'f7', '00'), 'X' => array('00', 'f7', '66', '3c', '18', '18', '3c', '66', 'ef', '00'), 'Y' => array('00', '7e', '18', '18', '18', '3c', '24', '66', 'ef', '00'), '2' => array('fc', 'c0', '60', '30', '18', '0c', 'cc', 'cc', '78', '00'), '3' => array('78', '8c', '0c', '0c', '38', '0c', '0c', '8c', '78', '00'), '4' => array('00', '3e', '0c', 'fe', '4c', '6c', '2c', '3c', '1c', '1c'), '6' => array('78', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', 'ec', 'd8', 'c0', '60', '3c', '00'), '7' => array('30', '30', '38', '18', '18', '18', '1c', '8c', 'fc', '00'), '8' => array('78', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', '78', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', '78', '00'), '9' => array('f0', '18', '0c', '6c', 'dc', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', '78', '00'));
    foreach ($numbers as $i => $number) {
        for ($j = 0; $j < 6; $j++) {
            $a1 = substr('012', mt_rand(0, 2), 1) . substr('012345', mt_rand(0, 5), 1);
            $a2 = substr('012345', mt_rand(0, 5), 1) . substr('0123', mt_rand(0, 3), 1);
            mt_rand(0, 1) == 1 ? array_push($numbers[$i], $a1) : array_unshift($numbers[$i], $a1);
            mt_rand(0, 1) == 0 ? array_push($numbers[$i], $a1) : array_unshift($numbers[$i], $a2);
예제 #5
$values["A"] = rand(20, 230);
$values["B"] = rand(20, 230);
$values["C"] = rand(20, 230);
$values["D"] = rand(20, 230);
$values["E"] = rand(20, 230);
$values["F"] = rand(20, 270);
$values["G"] = rand(20, 270);
$values["H"] = rand(20, 270);
$max = 270;
$width = 540;
$height = 320;
$m = new SWFMovie();
$m->setDimension($width, $height);
$m->setBackground(251, 121, 34);
$font = new SWFFont("BabelSans-B.fdb");
$g = new SWFGradient();
$g->addEntry(0.0, 0, 0, 0);
$g->addEntry(1.0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
function box($w, $h)
    global $g;
    $s = new SWFShape();
    $f = $s->addFill($g, SWFFILL_LINEAR_GRADIENT);
    $s->movePenTo(0, 0);
    $s->drawLineTo($w, 0);
    $s->drawLineTo($w, -$h);
예제 #6

$s = new SWFShape();
$s->setLine(4, 0x7f, 0, 0);
$s->setRightFill($s->addFill(0xff, 0, 0));
$s->movePenTo(10, 10);
$s->drawLineTo(310, 10);
$s->drawLineTo(310, 230);
$s->drawCurveTo(10, 230, 10, 10);
$m = new SWFMovie();
$m->setDimension(320, 240);
header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash');
예제 #7

$s = new SWFShape();
$fp = fopen('../../intro/php-big.jpg', 'r');
$jpg = new SWFBitmap($fp);
$w = $jpg->getWidth();
$h = $jpg->getHeight();
$f = $s->addFill($jpg);
$f->moveTo(-$w / 2, -$h / 2);
$s->movePenTo(-$w / 2, -$h / 2);
$s->drawLine($w, 0);
$s->drawLine(0, $h);
$s->drawLine(-$w, 0);
$s->drawLine(0, -$h);
$p = new SWFSprite();
$i = $p->add($s);
for ($step = 0; $step < 360; $step += 2) {
$m = new SWFMovie();
$i = $m->add($p);
$i->moveTo(230, 120);
$m->setDimension($w * 1.8, $h * 1.8);
header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash');
예제 #8
$sc = new SWFTextField();
$sc->setBounds(100, 30);
$sc->setColor(255, 255, 255);
$sc->addString("Computer : 0");
// Write the "signature"
$signature = new SWFText();
$signature->setColor(150, 150, 255);
$signature->addString("(c) Armel GRIGNON, october 2001 - See this script at mingshop.arpane.net");
// Now adds the objects to the movie
// Creates the movie and the main sprite
$m = new SWFMovie();
$m->setBackground(207, 96, 0);
$m->setDimension(640, 480);
// Adds the two rackets (within sprites)
$srp = new SWFSprite();
$srp_shape = $srp->add($rm);
$racket_player = $m->add($srp);
$racket_player->moveTo(10, 215);
$src = new SWFSprite();
$racket_computer = $m->add($src);
$racket_computer->moveTo(630, 215);
예제 #9

header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash');
$mp3file = "sample.mp3";
$mp3Stream = fopen($mp3file, 'rb');
$mp3Content = fread($mp3Stream, filesize($mp3file));
$mp3length = 8.5;
$rate = 12.0;
$mp3 = new SWFMovie();
$mp3->setFrames($mp3length * $rate);
예제 #10
파일: test01.php 프로젝트: mgorny/libming
#!/usr/bin/php -c.

$srcdir = $argv[1];
$m = new SWFMovie(7);
$mc = new SWFMovieClip();
$mc->setSoundStream($srcdir . "/../Media/sound1.mp3", $m->getRate());
$my_rotation_angle = 0;
$equipment_status = 0;
$my_equipment_number = '';
$num_icons = 0;
$this_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$space_plan_locked = Nexista_Path::get('//get_sp_pointer_by_id/space_plan_locked', 'flow');
if ($space_plan_locked == 'false') {
    $space_plan_locked = false;
} elseif ($space_plan_locked == 'true') {
    $space_plan_locked = true;
// ming floorplan generator
$m = new SWFMovie();
$m->setDimension($movie_width, $movie_height);
$path = dirname(dirname($path));
$f = new SWFFont('_sans');
$roles = Nexista_Path::get('//user_roles', 'flow');
$file_path = Nexista_Path::get('//get_sp_pointer_by_id/space_plan_pointer', 'flow');
$x_position = Nexista_Path::get('//get_sp_pointer_by_id/x_position', 'flow');
$y_shift = Nexista_Path::get('//get_sp_pointer_by_id/y_position', 'flow');
//$key_x_position = Nexista_Path::get('//get_sp_pointer_by_id/key_x_position','flow');
//$key_y_position = Nexista_Path::get('//get_sp_pointer_by_id/key_y_position','flow');
$key_x_position = Nexista_Path::get('//runtime/key_x_position', 'flow');
$key_y_position = Nexista_Path::get('//runtime/key_y_position', 'flow');
if ($key_x_position > 775 || $key_x_position < 25) {
    $key_x_position = 600;