         * Display fields for the Customer ID meta for each and every environment,
         * on the view/edit user page, if this gateway uses Customer ID's
         * (ie SV_WC_Payment_Gateway::get_customer_id_user_meta_name() does not
         * return false).
         * If only a single environment is defined, the field will be named
         * "Customer ID".  If more than one environment is defined the field will
         * be named like "Customer ID (Production)", etc to distinguish them.
         * NOTE: the plugin id, rather than gateway id, is used here, because it's
         * assumed that in the case of a plugin having multiple gateways (ie credit
         * card and eCheck) the customer id will be the same between them.
         * @since 3.0.0
         * @see SV_WC_Payment_Gateway::get_customer_id_user_meta_name()
         * @see SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_Admin_User_Edit_Handler::save_user_profile_customer_id_fields()
         * @param SV_WC_Payment_Gateway $gateway the gateway instance
         * @param WP_User $user user object for the current edit page
        protected function maybe_add_user_profile_customer_id_fields($gateway, $user)
            $environments = $gateway->get_environments();
		<table class="form-table">
            foreach ($environments as $environment_id => $environment_name) {
					<th><label for="<?php 
                printf('_wc_%s_customer_id_%s', $gateway->get_id(), $environment_id);
                echo count($environments) > 1 ? sprintf(esc_html__('Customer ID (%s)', 'woocommerce-plugin-framework'), $environment_name) : esc_html__('Customer ID', 'woocommerce-plugin-framework');
						<input type="text" name="<?php 
                printf('_wc_%s_customer_id_%s', $gateway->get_id(), $environment_id);
" value="<?php 
                echo esc_attr($gateway->get_customer_id($user->ID, array('environment_id' => $environment_id, 'autocreate' => false)));
" class="regular-text" /><br/>
						<span class="description"><?php 
                echo count($environments) > 1 ? sprintf(esc_html__('The gateway customer ID for the user in the %s environment. Only edit this if necessary.', 'woocommerce-plugin-framework'), $environment_name) : esc_html__('The gateway customer ID for the user. Only edit this if necessary.', 'woocommerce-plugin-framework');