public function init()
     $themeDir = SSViewer::get_theme_folder();
     if (Locator::getLocations()) {
     $featured = Locator::getLocations(array('Featured' => 1))->count() > 0 ? 'featuredLocations: true' : 'featuredLocations: false';
     // map config based on user input in Settings tab
     // AutoGeocode or Full Map
     $load = $this->data()->AutoGeocode ? 'autoGeocode: true, fullMapStart: false,' : 'autoGeocode: false, fullMapStart: true, storeLimit: 1000, maxDistance: true,';
     $base = Director::baseFolder();
     $themePath = $base . '/' . $themeDir;
     $listTemplatePath = file_exists($themePath . '/templates/location-list-description.html') ? $themeDir . '/templates/location-list-description.html' : 'locator/templates/location-list-description.html';
     $infowindowTemplatePath = file_exists($themePath . '/templates/infowindow-description.html') ? $themeDir . '/templates/infowindow-description.html' : 'locator/templates/infowindow-description.html';
     // in page or modal
     $modal = $this->data()->ModalWindow ? 'modalWindow: true' : 'modalWindow: false';
     $kilometer = $this->data()->Unit == 'km' ? 'lengthUnit: "km"' : 'lengthUnit: "m"';
     $link = $this->Link() . 'xml.xml';
     // init map
     if (Locator::getLocations()) {
         Requirements::customScript("\n                \$(function(\$) {\n                    \$('#map-container').storeLocator({\n                        " . $load . "\n                        dataLocation: '" . $link . "',\n                        listTemplatePath: '" . $listTemplatePath . "',\n                        infowindowTemplatePath: '" . $infowindowTemplatePath . "',\n                        originMarker: true,\n                        " . $modal . ',
                     ' . $featured . ",\n                        slideMap: false,\n                        zoomLevel: 0,\n                        distanceAlert: 120,\n                        formID: 'Form_LocationSearch',\n                        inputID: 'Form_LocationSearch_address',\n                        categoryID: 'Form_LocationSearch_category',\n                        distanceAlert: -1,\n                        " . $kilometer . '
  * Returns the path for the compiled CSS file. Falls back on
  * the theme_dir/css if {@link self::$compiled_path} is undefined.
  * @return string
 public function getCompiledPath()
     $new_file = basename($this->uncompiledFile, ".less") . ".css";
     if (!$this->config()->compiled_path) {
         return SSViewer::get_theme_folder() . "/css/" . $new_file;
     return $this->config()->compiled_path . "/" . $new_file;
예제 #3
 public function init()
     $themeDir = SSViewer::get_theme_folder();
     Requirements::combine_files('combined.css', array("{$themeDir}/css/reset.css", "{$themeDir}/css/layout.css", "{$themeDir}/css/typography.css", "{$themeDir}/css/form.css", "{$themeDir}/css/flexslider.css"));
     Requirements::combine_files('combined.js', array("{$themeDir}/javascript/lib/jquery.ui.core.js", "{$themeDir}/javascript/lib/jquery.ui.position.js", "{$themeDir}/javascript/lib/jquery.ui.datepicker.js", "{$themeDir}/javascript/lib/jquery.flexslider.js", "{$themeDir}/javascript/lib/date.js", "{$themeDir}/javascript/lib/jquery.dp_calendar.js", "{$themeDir}/javascript/script.js"));
 protected function getFolderList($ext)
     $subFolders = array();
     if (strrpos($ext, "css", -strlen($ext)) !== false) {
         $subFolders[] = "css";
     } else {
         if (strrpos($ext, "js", -strlen($ext)) !== false) {
             $subFolders[] = "javascript";
             $subFolders[] = "js";
     $baseFolders = array(SSViewer::get_theme_folder(), project());
     $result = array();
     foreach ($baseFolders as $baseFolder) {
         foreach ($subFolders as $subFolder) {
             $result[] = $baseFolder . '/' . $subFolder;
     return $result;
 function onAfterInit()
     $themeDir = SSViewer::get_theme_folder();
     // Add the combined scripts.
     if (method_exists($this->owner, 'getScriptOverrides')) {
         $scripts = $this->owner->getScriptOverrides();
     } else {
         $scripts = array("{$themeDir}/js/lib/jquery.js", "{$themeDir}/js/lib/jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom.js", 'themes/module_bootstrap/js/bootstrap-transition.js', 'themes/module_bootstrap/js/bootstrap-scrollspy.js', 'themes/module_bootstrap/js/bootstrap-collapse.js', 'themes/module_bootstrap/js/bootstrap-carousel.js', "{$themeDir}/js/general.js", "{$themeDir}/js/express.js", "{$themeDir}/js/forms.js");
         if (method_exists($this->owner, 'getScriptIncludes')) {
             $scripts = array_merge($scripts, $this->owner->getScriptIncludes());
     Requirements::combine_files('scripts.js', $scripts);
     // Add the combined styles.
     if (method_exists($this->owner, 'getStyleOverrides')) {
         $styles = $this->owner->getStyleOverrides();
     } else {
         $styles = array("{$themeDir}/css/layout.css", "{$themeDir}/css/typography.css");
         if (method_exists($this->owner, 'getStyleIncludes')) {
             $styles = array_merge($styles, $this->owner->getStyleIncludes());
     Requirements::combine_files('styles.css', $styles);
     // Print styles
     if (method_exists($this->owner, 'getPrintStyleOverrides')) {
         $printStyles = $this->owner->getPrintStyleOverrides();
     } else {
         $printStyles = array("{$themeDir}/css/print.css");
         if (method_exists($this->owner, 'getPrintStyleIncludes')) {
             $printStyles = array_merge($printStyles, $this->owner->getPrintStyleIncludes());
     foreach ($printStyles as $printStyle) {
         Requirements::css($printStyle, 'print');
     // Extra folder to keep the relative paths consistent when combining.
     Requirements::set_combined_files_folder(ASSETS_DIR . '/_compiled/p');
예제 #6
	 * @see Requirements::themedCSS()
	public function themedCSS($name, $module = null, $media = null) {
		$theme = SSViewer::current_theme();
		$path  = SSViewer::get_theme_folder() . "/css/$name.css";

		if (file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/' . $path)) {
			$this->css($path, $media);

		if ($module) {
  * Registers the given themeable stylesheet as required.
  * A CSS file in the current theme path name 'themename/css/$name.css' is first searched for,
  * and it that doesn't exist and the module parameter is set then a CSS file with that name in
  * the module is used.
  * @param string $name   The name of the file - eg '/css/File.css' would have the name 'File'
  * @param string $module The module to fall back to if the css file does not exist in the
  *                       current theme.
  * @param string $media  Comma-separated list of media types to use in the link tag
  *                       (e.g. 'screen,projector')
 public function themedCSS($name, $module = null, $media = null)
     $theme = SSViewer::get_theme_folder();
     $project = project();
     $abstheme = $absbase . $theme;
     $absproject = $absbase . $project;
     $css = "/css/{$name}.css";
     if (file_exists($absproject . $css)) {
         $this->css($project . $css, $media);
     } elseif ($module && file_exists($abstheme . '_' . $module . $css)) {
         $this->css($theme . '_' . $module . $css, $media);
     } elseif (file_exists($abstheme . $css)) {
         $this->css($theme . $css, $media);
     } elseif ($module) {
         $this->css($module . $css, $media);
예제 #8
 public function init()
     Requirements::javascript(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(SSViewer::get_theme_folder(), 'dist/bundle.js')));
  * Sets up the default template paths
 protected static function init_template_paths()
     global $project;
     self::$template_path = array();
     self::$template_path[] = BASE_PATH . '/' . SSViewer::get_theme_folder() . '/templates/php';
     self::$template_path[] = BASE_PATH . '/' . $project . '/templates/php';
    protected function iconTags($baseURL = "", $hasBaseFolderFavicon = false)
        $favicon = null;
        if (!$baseURL) {
            $baseURL = Director::absoluteBaseURL();
        $cacheKey = 'metatags_ExtendedMetaTags_iconsTags_' . preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", '', $baseURL);
        $baseURL = rtrim($baseURL, "/");
        $cache = SS_Cache::factory($cacheKey);
        $html = $cache->load($cacheKey);
        if (!$html) {
            $html = '';
            $sizes = array("16", "32", "57", "72", "76", "96", "114", "120", "128", "144", "152", "180", "192", "310");
            foreach ($sizes as $size) {
                $themeFolder = SSViewer::get_theme_folder();
                $file = "/" . $themeFolder . '/icons/' . 'icon-' . $size . 'x' . $size . '.png';
                if (file_exists(Director::baseFolder() . $file)) {
                    $html .= '
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="' . $size . 'x' . $size . '"  href="' . $baseURL . $file . '" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" type="image/png" sizes="' . $size . 'x' . $size . '"  href="' . $baseURL . $file . '" />';
                } elseif ($this->owner->getSiteConfig()->FaviconID) {
                    if ($favicon = $this->owner->getSiteConfig()->Favicon()) {
                        if ($favicon->exists() && $favicon instanceof Image) {
                            $generatedImage = $favicon->setWidth($size);
                            if ($generatedImage) {
                                $html .= '
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="' . $size . 'x' . $size . '"  href="' . $baseURL . $generatedImage->Link() . '" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" type="image/png" sizes="' . $size . 'x' . $size . '"  href="' . $baseURL . $generatedImage->Link() . '" />';
                            } else {
                                $favicon = null;
                        } else {
                            $favicon = null;
            if ($hasBaseFolderFavicon) {
                //do nothing
            } else {
                $faviconLink = "";
                $themeFolder = SSViewer::get_theme_folder();
                $faviconLocation = "/" . $themeFolder . '/icons/favicon.ico';
                if (file_exists(Director::baseFolder() . $faviconLocation)) {
                    $faviconLink = $baseURL . $faviconLocation;
                } elseif ($favicon) {
                    $generatedImage = $favicon->setWidth(16);
                    $faviconLink = $baseURL . $generatedImage->Link();
                if ($faviconLink) {
                    $html .= '
<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="' . $faviconLink . '" />';
            $cache->save($html, $cacheKey);
        return $html;
예제 #11
  * @see Requirements::themedCSS()
 public function themedCSS($name, $module = null, $media = null)
     $path = SSViewer::get_theme_folder();
     $abspath = BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path;
     $css = "/css/{$name}.css";
     if ($module && file_exists($abspath . '_' . $module . $css)) {
         $this->css($path . '_' . $module . $css, $media);
     } else {
         if (file_exists($abspath . $css)) {
             $this->css($path . $css, $media);
         } else {
             if ($module) {
                 $this->css($module . $css);

Requirements::set_backend(new LessCompiler());
/* Add default ThemeDir variable */
LessCompiler::addVariable('ThemeDir', '"' . Director::baseURL() . SSViewer::get_theme_folder() . '"');
/* Set default cache directory */
LessCompiler::setCacheDir(TEMP_FOLDER . '/less-cache');
/* Set default cache method */
  * Get location of all editor.css files
  * @return array
 protected function getEditorCSS()
     $editor = array();
     $editor[] = Controller::join_links(Director::absoluteBaseURL(), FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/css/editor.css');
     if ($theme = SSViewer::get_theme_folder()) {
         $editorDir = $theme . '/css/editor.css';
         if (file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/' . $editorDir)) {
             $editor[] = Controller::join_links(Director::absoluteBaseURL(), $editorDir);
     return $editor;
 public function onBeforeInit()
     $this->owner->theme_dir = SSViewer::get_theme_folder();
  * Get compiled template data to render a string with
  * @param DataObject $context
  * @param Member $user
  * @param array $extraData 
  * @return ArrayData
 public function getTemplateData($context, $user = null, $extraData = array())
     // useful global data
     $data = array('ThemeDir' => SSViewer::get_theme_folder(), 'SiteConfig' => SiteConfig::current_site_config());
     // the context object, keyed by it's class name
     $data[$context->ClassName] = $context;
     // data as defined by the context object
     $contextData = $context->getNotificationTemplateData();
     if (is_array($contextData)) {
         $data = array_merge($data, $contextData);
     // the member the notification is being sent to
     $data['Member'] = $user;
     // extra data
     $data = array_merge($data, $extraData);
     return ArrayData::create($data);
 public static function ThemeDir()
     return SSViewer::get_theme_folder();
 public function onAfterInit()
     if ($this->isAdminBackend()) {
     $themeDir = SSViewer::get_theme_folder();
     $config = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
     if ($config->Theme) {
         $themeDir = THEMES_DIR . '/' . $config->Theme;
         // Properly update theme if set in config to make themedCSS work properly
         Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'theme', $config->Theme);
     $stylesPath = $config->StylesPath();
     $stylesFile = Director::baseFolder() . $stylesPath;
     $disabled = false;
         $disabled = true;
     // Refresh theme also on flush
     $dev = Director::isDev();
     if (filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'flush') && Permission::check('ADMIN')) {
         $dev = true;
     // Refresh theme files if updated in dev
     if ($dev && !$disabled) {
         if (is_file($stylesFile)) {
             $timeCompiled = filemtime($stylesFile);
         } else {
             $timeCompiled = 0;
         $baseCss = Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $themeDir . '/css/all.css';
         if (!is_file($baseCss)) {
         $timeOriginal = filemtime($baseCss);
         // We need to recompile the styles
         if ($timeOriginal > $timeCompiled) {
     if (!$disabled && is_file($stylesFile)) {
         // We use compiled file
         Requirements::css(trim($stylesPath, '/'));
     } else {
         // We use theme file
     Requirements::javascript($themeDir . '/javascript/init.js');
  * Compile styles from theme/css/all.less to assets/Theme/styles.css
 public function compileStyles()
     $destination = Director::baseFolder() . $this->StylesPath();
     if ($this->owner->Theme) {
         $themeDir = 'themes/' . $this->owner->Theme;
     } else {
         $themeDir = SSViewer::get_theme_folder();
     $parser = new Less_Parser($this->lessEnvOptions());
     try {
         $parser->parseFile(Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $themeDir . '/css/all.less', '/' . $themeDir . '/css');
         $vars = array('base_color' => '#ffffff');
         foreach (self::$styles_variables as $var) {
             if ($this->owner->{$var}) {
                 $less_var = strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', '$1-$2', $var));
                 $vars[$less_var] = $this->owner->{$var};
         if (!empty($vars)) {
         $css = $parser->getCss();
         $baseDir = Director::baseFolder() . '/assets/Theme';
         if (!is_dir($baseDir)) {
             mkdir($baseDir, 0777, true);
         file_put_contents($destination, $css);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         SS_Log::log('Failed to create css files : ' . $ex->getMessage(), SS_Log::DEBUG);
 public function getThemeCSSPath($name, $module = null, $media = null)
     Deprecation::notice('0.1.5', $this->owner->ClassName . '->getThemeCSSPath() is deprecated. Use Requirements::css("file") instead');
     $result = false;
     $theme = SSViewer::get_theme_folder();
     $project = project();
     $abstheme = $absbase . $theme;
     $absproject = $absbase . $project;
     $css = "/css/{$name}.css";
     if (file_exists($absproject . $css)) {
         $result = $project . $css;
     } elseif ($module && file_exists($abstheme . '_' . $module . $css)) {
         $result = $theme . '_' . $module . $css;
     } elseif (file_exists($abstheme . $css)) {
         $result = $theme . $css;
     } elseif ($module) {
         $result = $module . $css;
     return $result;