public function __construct() { $this->_db =& SPFactory::db(); parent::__construct(); /** because we have always the same URL - disable Joomla! cache */ SPFactory::cache()->setJoomlaCaching(false); }
public function execute() { SPLang::load('com_sobipro.check'); $task = $this->_task = strlen($this->_task) ? $this->_task : $this->_defTask; // this is need to delete all old cache after installation if (SPRequest::int('init')) { SPFactory::cache()->cleanAll(); } switch ($this->_task) { case 'view': $this->view(); break; case 'download': $this->download(); break; default: if (method_exists($this, $this->_task)) { SPFactory::mainframe()->cleanBuffer()->customHeader(); $this->{$task}(); exit; } else { Sobi::Error('requirements', 'Task not found', SPC::WARNING, 404, __LINE__, __FILE__); exit; } break; } }
public function execute() { $this->start = microtime(true); $sites = $this->getSites(); $responses = array(); $status = 'working'; $message = null; $this->format = SPRequest::bool('fullFormat') ? self::FORMAT_FULL : self::FORMAT; // $this->format = SPRequest::bool( 'fullFormat' ) ? self::FORMAT_FULL : self::FORMAT_FULL; $task = SPRequest::task(); if (in_array($task, array('crawler.init', 'crawler.restart'))) { if ($task == 'crawler.restart') { SPFactory::cache()->cleanSection(Sobi::Section()); } SPFactory::db()->truncate(self::DB_TABLE); $multiLang = Sobi::Cfg('lang.multimode', false); if ($multiLang) { $langs = SPFactory::CmsHelper()->getLanguages(); if ($multiLang && $langs) { foreach ($langs as $lang) { $responses[] = $this->getResponse(Sobi::Cfg('live_site') . 'index.php?option=com_sobipro&sid=' . Sobi::Section() . '&lang=' . $lang); } } } $responses[] = $this->getResponse(Sobi::Cfg('live_site') . 'index.php?option=com_sobipro&sid=' . Sobi::Section()); $sites = $this->getSites(); } if (!count($sites) && !in_array($task, array('crawler.init', 'crawler.restart'))) { $message = Sobi::Txt('CRAWL_URL_PARSED_DONE', SPFactory::db()->select('count(*)', self::DB_TABLE)->loadResult()); SPFactory::db()->truncate(self::DB_TABLE); $this->response(array('status' => 'done', 'data' => array(), 'message' => $message)); } if (count($sites)) { $i = 0; $timeLimit = SPRequest::int('timeLimit', self::TIME_LIMIT, 'get', true); foreach ($sites as $site) { if (!strlen($site)) { continue; } $responses[] = $this->getResponse($site); $i++; if (microtime(true) - $this->start > $timeLimit) { break; } } $message = Sobi::Txt('CRAWL_URL_PARSED_WORKING', $i, count($sites)); } $this->response(array('status' => $status, 'data' => $responses, 'message' => $message)); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see Site/lib/models/SPDBObject#delete() * @param bool $childs - update child entries parent */ public function delete($childs = true) { parent::delete(); SPFactory::cache()->cleanSection(); SPFactory::cache()->deleteObj('category', $this->id); try { /* get all child cats and delete these too */ $childs = $this->getChilds('category', true); if (count($childs)) { foreach ($childs as $child) { $cat = new self(); $cat->init($child); $cat->delete(false); } } $childs[$this->id] = $this->id; SPFactory::db()->delete('spdb_category', array('id' => $this->id)); if ($childs) { SPFactory::db()->update('spdb_object', array('parent' => Sobi::Section()), array('parent' => $childs)); } } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_DELETE_CATEGORY_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } }
/** * @param string $type * @param bool $recursive * @param int $state * @param bool $name * @return array */ public function getChilds($type = 'entry', $recursive = false, $state = 0, $name = false) { static $lang = null; if (!$lang) { $lang = Sobi::Lang(false); } $childs = SPFactory::cache()->getVar('childs_' . $lang . $type . ($recursive ? '_recursive' : '') . ($name ? '_full' : '') . $state, $this->id); if ($childs) { return $childs == SPC::NO_VALUE ? array() : $childs; } $db = SPFactory::db(); $childs = array(); try { $cond = array('pid' => $this->id); if ($state) { $cond['so.state'] = $state; $cond['so.approved'] = $state; $tables = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'so', 'key' => 'id'), array('table' => 'spdb_relations', 'as' => 'sr', 'key' => 'id'))); $db->select(array('', 'sr.oType'), $tables, $cond); } else { $db->select(array('id', 'oType'), 'spdb_relations', $cond); } $results = $db->loadAssocList('id'); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_GET_CHILDS_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } if ($recursive && count($results)) { foreach ($results as $cid) { $this->rGetChilds($results, $cid, $type); } } if (count($results)) { if ($type == 'all') { foreach ($results as $id => $r) { $childs[$id] = $r['id']; } } else { foreach ($results as $id => $r) { if ($r['oType'] == $type) { $childs[$id] = $id; } } } } if ($name && count($childs)) { $names = SPLang::translateObject($childs, array('name', 'alias'), $type); if (is_array($names) && !empty($names)) { foreach ($childs as $i => $id) { $childs[$i] = array('name' => $names[$id]['value'], 'alias' => $names[$id]['alias']); } } } if (!$state) { SPFactory::cache()->addVar($childs, 'childs_' . $lang . $type . ($recursive ? '_recursive' : '') . ($name ? '_full' : '') . $state, $this->id); } return $childs; }
/** * Adds object to the pathway * @param SPDBObject $obj * @param array $site * @return void */ public function &addObjToPathway($obj, $site = array()) { if (defined('SOBI_ADM_PATH')) { return true; } $menu = JSite::getMenu()->getActive()->query; $sid = isset($menu['sid']) ? $menu['sid'] : 0; $resetPathway = false; if ($obj->get('oType') == 'entry') { $id = SPRequest::int('pid'); /** if the entry isn't linked directly in the menu */ if (!($obj->get('id') == $sid)) { /* if we didn't entered this entry via category */ if (!$id || $id == Sobi::Section() || Sobi::Cfg('entry.primary_path_always')) { $id = $obj->get('parent'); $resetPathway = true; } } else { /** ok - here is the weird thing: * When it is accessed via menu we have to force cache to create another version * because the pathway is stored in the cache * @todo find better solution for it */ $mid = true; SPFactory::registry()->set('cache_view_recreate_request', $mid)->set('cache_view_add_itemid', JSite::getMenu()->getActive()->id); return $this; } } else { $id = $obj->get('id'); } $path = SPFactory::cache()->getVar('parent_path', $id); if (!$path) { $path = SPFactory::config()->getParentPath($id, true, false, true); SPFactory::cache()->addVar($path, 'parent_path', $id); } if (count($path)) { /* skip everything above the linked sid */ $rpath = array_reverse($path); $path = array(); foreach ($rpath as $part) { if ($part['id'] == $sid) { break; } $path[] = $part; } $path = array_reverse($path); /* ^^ skip everything above the linked sid */ } $title = array(); // if there was an active menu - add its title to the browser title as well if ($sid) { $title[] = JFactory::getDocument()->getTitle(); } /** * Mon, Jul 16, 2012 * I would relay like to know why I've added the "htmlentities" call here. * The second param of the 'addItem' method is URL so there should be definitely no such thing * Related to Bug #692 */ if (count($path)) { if ($resetPathway) { /** we have to reset the J! pathway in case: * - we are entering an entry and we want to show the pathway corresponding to the main parent if of the entry * but we have also an Itemid and Joomla! set already the pathway partialy so we need to override it * It wouldn't be normally a problem but when SEF is enabled we do not have the pid so we don't know how it has been enetered */ JFactory::getApplication()->getPathway()->setPathway(array()); } foreach ($path as $data) { if (!(isset($data['name']) || isset($data['id'])) || !$data['id']) { continue; } $title[] = $data['name']; $this->addToPathway($data['name'], self::url(array('title' => Sobi::Cfg('sef.alias', true) ? $data['alias'] : $data['name'], 'sid' => $data['id']))); } } if ($obj->get('oType') == 'entry') { $this->addToPathway($obj->get('name'), self::url(array('task' => 'entry.details', 'title' => Sobi::Cfg('sef.alias', true) ? $obj->get('nid') : $obj->get('name'), 'sid' => $obj->get('id')))); $title[] = $obj->get('name'); } // if ( count( $site ) && $site[ 0 ] ) { // $title[ ] = Sobi::Txt( 'SITES_COUNTER', $site[ 1 ], $site[ 0 ] ); // } SPFactory::header()->addTitle($title, $site); return $this; }
protected function getState() { $state = SPFactory::cache()->getVar('system_state'); if (!$state) { SPLang::load('com_sobipro.messages'); $state = array(); $state['accelerator'] = array('type' => Sobi::Cfg('cache.l3_enabled', true) ? 'success' : 'error', 'label' => Sobi::Cfg('cache.l3_enabled', true) ? Sobi::Txt('ACCELERATOR_ENABLED') : Sobi::Txt('ACCELERATOR_DISABLED')); $state['xml-optimiser'] = array('type' => Sobi::Cfg('cache.xml_enabled', true) ? 'success' : 'error', 'label' => Sobi::Cfg('cache.xml_enabled', true) ? Sobi::Txt('XML_CACHE_ENABLED') : Sobi::Txt('XML_CACHE_DISABLED')); $state['javascript-cache'] = array('type' => Sobi::Cfg('cache.include_js_files', false) ? 'success' : 'warning', 'label' => Sobi::Cfg('cache.include_js_files', false) ? Sobi::Txt('JS_CACHE_ENABLED') : Sobi::Txt('JS_CACHE_DISABLED')); $state['css-cache'] = array('type' => Sobi::Cfg('cache.include_css_files', false) ? 'success' : 'warning', 'label' => Sobi::Cfg('cache.include_css_files', false) ? Sobi::Txt('CSS_CACHE_ENABLED') : Sobi::Txt('CSS_CACHE_DISABLED')); $state['display-errors'] = array('type' => Sobi::Cfg('debug.display_errors', false) ? 'error' : 'success', 'label' => Sobi::Cfg('debug.display_errors', false) ? Sobi::Txt('DISPLAY_ERRORS_ENABLED') : Sobi::Txt('DISPLAY_ERRORS_DISABLED')); $state['debug-level'] = array('type' => Sobi::Cfg('debug.level', 0) > 2 ? 'warning' : 'success', 'label' => Sobi::Cfg('debug.level', 0) > 2 ? Sobi::Txt('DEBUG_LEVEL_TOO_HIGH') : Sobi::Txt('DEBUG_LEVEL_OK')); $state['debug-xml'] = array('type' => Sobi::Cfg('debug.xml_raw', false) ? 'error' : 'success', 'label' => Sobi::Cfg('debug.xml_raw', false) ? Sobi::Txt('DEBUG_XML_ENABLED') : Sobi::Txt('DEBUG_XML_DISABLED')); // uasort( $state, array( $this, 'sortMessages' ) ); $messages = SPFactory::message()->getSystemMessages(); $content = null; if (count($messages)) { foreach ($messages as $message) { $url = Sobi::Url(array('sid' => $message['section']['id'])); $url = "<a href=\"{$url}\">{$message['section']['name']}</a> "; $message['section']['link'] = $url; $message['type-text'] = ucfirst(Sobi::Txt($message['type'])); $state['messages'][] = $message; } } SPFactory::cache()->addVar($state, 'system_state'); } return $state; }
private function switchIndex($field) { $tplPckg = Sobi::Cfg('section.template', SPC::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE); $letters = explode(',', Sobi::Cfg('alphamenu.letters')); if (Sobi::Cfg('alphamenu.verify')) { $entries = SPFactory::cache()->getVar('alpha_entries_' . $field); if (!$entries) { $entries = array(); foreach ($letters as $letter) { $params = array('letter' => $letter); if ($field) { $params['field'] = $field; } $this->setParams($params); $entries[$letter] = $this->entries($field); } SPFactory::cache()->addVar($entries, 'alpha_entries_' . $field); } foreach ($letters as $letter) { $le = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => trim($letter)); if (count($entries[$letter])) { $task = 'list.alpha.' . trim(strtolower($letter)) . '.' . $field; $le['_attributes'] = array('url' => Sobi::Url(array('sid' => Sobi::Section(), 'task' => $task))); } $l[] = $le; } } else { foreach ($letters as $letter) { $task = 'list.alpha.' . trim(strtolower($letter)) . '.' . $field; $l[] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => trim($letter), '_attributes' => array('url' => Sobi::Url(array('sid' => Sobi::Section(), 'task' => $task)))); } } $data = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => array('letters' => $l)); /* get view class */ $view = SPFactory::View('listing'); $view->setTemplate($tplPckg . '.common.alphaindex'); $view->assign($data, 'alphaMenu'); ob_start(); $view->display('menu', 'raw'); $out = ob_get_contents(); SPFactory::mainframe()->cleanBuffer()->customHeader(); echo json_encode(array('index' => $out)); exit; }
/** * Save the config */ protected function save($apply, $clone = false) { $sid = Sobi::Section(); $this->authorise($sid); if ($sid) { $this->validate('config.general', array('task' => 'config.general', 'sid' => $sid)); } else { $this->validate('', array('task' => '')); } $fields = array(); $section = false; $data = SPRequest::arr('spcfg', array()); // strange thing =8-O if (!isset($data['alphamenu.extra_fields_array'])) { $data['alphamenu.extra_fields_array'] = array(); } if (!isset($data['template.icon_fonts_arr'])) { $data['template.icon_fonts_arr'] = array(); } foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if (is_string($v)) { $v = htmlspecialchars_decode($v); } // $k = str_replace( array( 'spcfg_', '.' ), array( null, '_' ), $k ); $k = str_replace('spcfg_', null, $k); $s = explode('.', $k); $s = $s[0]; if (!isset($fields[$s])) { $fields[$s] = array(); } $k = str_replace("{$s}.", null, $k); $c = explode('_', $k); if ($c[count($c) - 1] == 'array' && !is_array($v)) { if (!strstr($v, '|')) { $v = explode(',', $v); } else { $v = explode('|', $v); } } $fields[$s][$k] = $v; if (preg_match('/^section.*/', $k)) { $section = true; } } $values = array(); if (count($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $sec => $keys) { if (count($keys)) { foreach ($keys as $k => $v) { $values[] = array('sKey' => $k, 'sValue' => $v, 'section' => Sobi::Section(), 'critical' => 0, 'cSection' => $sec); } } } } if ($section) { /* @var $sec SPSection */ $sec = SPFactory::Model('section'); $sec->init(SPRequest::sid()); $sec->getRequest('section'); $sec->save(true); } Sobi::Trigger('SaveConfig', $this->name(), array(&$values)); try { SPFactory::db()->insertArray('spdb_config', $values, true); } catch (SPException $x) { $this->response(Sobi::Back(), $x->getMessage(), false, SPC::ERROR_MSG); } if (!($section && !Sobi::Section())) { SPFactory::cache()->cleanAll(); } else { SPFactory::cache()->cleanSection(); } Sobi::Trigger('After', 'SaveConfig', array(&$values)); $this->response(Sobi::Back(), Sobi::Txt('MSG.CONFIG_SAVED'), false, 'success'); }
/** * @param string $out - output type * @param array $functions - array with PHP function to register * @throws SPException * @return mixed|string */ public function display($out = 'html', $functions = array()) { $class = SPLoader::loadClass('helpers.template'); $methods = get_class_methods($class); if (count($methods)) { foreach ($methods as $method) { $functions[] = $class . '::' . $method; } } /* standard function registered via the core ini file */ $stdFunctions = SPLoader::loadIniFile('etc.template_functions'); if (count($stdFunctions)) { foreach ($stdFunctions as $class => $fns) { if (strstr($class, '.')) { $class = SPLoader::loadClass($class, false, 'sp-root'); } if (count($fns)) { foreach ($fns as $method => $state) { if ($state) { $functions[] = $class == 'functions' ? $method : $class . '::' . $method; } } } } } Sobi::Trigger('TemplateEngine', 'RegisterFunctions', array(&$functions)); $this->createXML(); if (SPRequest::cmd('xml') && Sobi::Cfg('debug.xml_raw', false) && (!Sobi::Cfg('debug.xml_ip', null) || Sobi::Cfg('debug.xml_ip') == SPRequest::ip('REMOTE_ADDR', 0, 'SERVER'))) { SPFactory::mainframe()->cleanBuffer(); echo $this->_xml->saveXML(); exit; } elseif (SPRequest::cmd('xml')) { Sobi::Error('Debug', 'You have no permission to access this site', SPC::ERROR, 403, __LINE__, __FILE__); } $template = SPLoader::loadTemplate($this->_tpl, 'xsl'); if (!$template) { $template = SPLoader::loadTemplate($this->_tpl, 'xslt'); } if (Sobi::Cfg('cache.xml_enabled')) { SPFactory::cache()->addView($this->_xml, $template, $this->_cacheData); } if ($template) { try { if (!($style = DOMDocument::load($template))) { Sobi::Error('template', SPLang::e('CANNOT_PARSE_TEMPLATE_FILE', $template), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } catch (DOMException $x) { Sobi::Error('template', SPLang::e('CANNOT_LOAD_TEMPLATE_FILE', $template, $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } Sobi::Trigger('TemplateEngine', 'LoadStyle', array(&$style)); $processor = new XSLTProcessor(); $processor->setParameter('block', 'xmlns', ''); $processor->registerPHPFunctions($functions); SPException::catchErrors(SPC::WARNING); try { $processor->importStylesheet($style); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error('template', SPLang::e('CANNOT_PARSE_TEMPLATE_FILE', $template) . $x->getMessage(), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } SPException::catchErrors(0); if ($out == 'html') { $doc = $processor->transformToDoc($this->_xml); $doc->formatOutput = true; return $this->cleanOut($doc->saveXML()); } else { $doc = $processor->transformToDoc($this->_xml); $doc->formatOutput = true; return $doc->saveXML(); } } else { throw new SPException(SPLang::e('CANNOT_LOAD_TEMPLATE_FILE_AT', SPLoader::loadTemplate($this->_tpl, 'xsl', false))); } }
/** * Returns linked lists ( names or ids ) of parent elements to the given id * * @param int $id - the id of object * @param bool $names - names or ids only * @param bool $parents * @param bool $join * @return array */ public function getParentPath($id, $names = false, $parents = false, $join = false) { $db = SPFactory::db(); if (!is_numeric($id)) { return false; } $ident = 'relations_path' . ($names ? '_names' : '') . ($parents ? '_parents' : '') . ($join ? '_join' : ''); $cached = SPFactory::cache()->getVar($ident, $id); if ($cached) { return $cached; } else { $cid = $id; } $path = $parents ? array() : array($id); while ($id > 0) { try { // it doesn't make sense but it happened because of a bug in the SigsiuTree category selector $id = $db->select('pid', 'spdb_relations', array('id' => $id, '!pid' => $id))->loadResult(); if ($id) { $path[] = (int) $id; } } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error(__FUNCTION__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_GET_PARENT_ID', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 500, __LINE__, __CLASS__); } } if ($names && count($path)) { $names = SPLang::translateObject($path, array('name', 'alias'), array('section', 'category', 'entry')); if (is_array($names) && !empty($names)) { foreach ($path as $i => $id) { if ($join) { $path[$i] = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $names[$id]['value'], 'alias' => $names[$id]['alias']); } else { $path[$i] = $names[$id]['value']; } } } } $path = array_reverse($path); SPFactory::cache()->addVar($path, $ident, $cid); return $path; }
/** * Details view * @return void */ private function details() { /* determine template package */ $tplPackage = Sobi::Cfg('section.template', SPC::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE); /* load template config */ $this->template(); $this->tplCfg($tplPackage); if ($this->_model->get('oType') != 'entry') { Sobi::Error('Entry', sprintf('Serious security violation. Trying to save an object which claims to be an entry but it is a %s. Task was %s', $this->_model->get('oType'), SPRequest::task()), SPC::ERROR, 403, __LINE__, __FILE__); exit; } /* add pathway */ SPFactory::mainframe()->addObjToPathway($this->_model); $this->_model->countVisit(); $this->_model->loadFields(Sobi::Reg('current_section')); $class = SPLoader::loadView('entry'); $view = new $class($this->template); $view->assign($this->_model, 'entry'); $view->assign(SPFactory::user()->getCurrent(), 'visitor'); $view->assign($this->_task, 'task'); $view->setConfig($this->_tCfg, $this->template); $view->setTemplate($tplPackage . '.' . $this->templateType . '.' . $this->template); Sobi::Trigger($this->name(), __FUNCTION__, array(&$view)); SPFactory::header()->objMeta($this->_model); $view->display(); SPFactory::cache()->addObj($this->_model, 'entry', $this->_model->get('id')); }
/** * Route task */ public function execute() { /* parent class executes the plugins */ $r = false; $task = $this->_task; if (strstr($this->_task, '.')) { $task = explode('.', $this->_task); $this->_fieldType = $task[1]; $task = $task[0]; } switch ($task) { case 'list': $r = true; $this->listFields(); break; case 'add': case 'edit': $r = true; $this->edit(); break; case 'cancel': $r = true; $this->checkIn(); $this->response(Sobi::Back()); break; case 'addNew': $r = true; Sobi::Redirect(Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'field.edit', 'fid' => $this->saveNew(), 'sid' => SPRequest::sid()))); break; case 'apply': case 'save': $r = true; $this->save(); break; case 'clone': $r = true; $this->save(true); break; case 'delete': $r = true; SPFactory::cache()->cleanSection(); $this->response(Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'field.list', 'pid' => Sobi::Section())), $this->delete(), true); break; case 'reorder': $r = true; $this->reorder(); break; case 'revisions': $r = true; $this->revisions(); break; case 'up': case 'down': $r = true; $this->singleReorder($this->_task == 'up'); break; case 'hide': case 'publish': case 'setRequired': case 'setNotRequired': case 'setEditable': case 'setNotEditable': case 'setFee': case 'setFree': case 'toggle': $r = true; $this->authorise($this->_task); SPFactory::cache()->cleanSection(); $this->response(Sobi::Back(), $this->changeState($task), true); break; default: /* case plugin didn't registered this task, it was an error */ if (!Sobi::Trigger('Execute', $this->name(), array(&$this))) { $fid = SPRequest::int('fid'); $method = $this->_task; if ($fid) { SPLoader::loadModel('field', true); $fdata = $this->loadField($fid); $field = new SPAdmField(); $field->extend($fdata); try { $field->{$method}(); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('SUCH_TASK_NOT_FOUND', SPRequest::task()), SPC::NOTICE, 404, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } elseif (!parent::execute()) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('SUCH_TASK_NOT_FOUND', SPRequest::task()), SPC::NOTICE, 404, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } break; } return $r; }
protected function loadCategories() { if (!$this->_cats || !count($this->_cats)) { $this->_cats = SPFactory::cache()->getVar('categories_tree', Sobi::Section()); if (!$this->_cats || !count($this->_cats)) { $this->travelCats(Sobi::Section(), $this->_cats, true); SPFactory::cache()->addVar($this->_cats, 'categories_tree', Sobi::Section()); } } }
/** */ private function approval($approve) { $sids = SPRequest::arr('c_sid', array()); if (!count($sids)) { if ($this->_model->get('id')) { $sids = array($this->_model->get('id')); } else { $sids = array(); } } if (!count($sids)) { $this->response(Sobi::Back(), Sobi::Txt('CHANGE_NO_ID'), false, SPC::ERROR_MSG); } else { foreach ($sids as $sid) { try { SPFactory::db()->update('spdb_object', array('approved' => $approve ? 1 : 0), array('id' => $sid, 'oType' => 'category')); SPFactory::cache()->deleteObj('category', $sid); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } SPFactory::cache()->purgeSectionVars(); $this->response(Sobi::Back(), Sobi::Txt($approve ? 'CAT.APPROVED' : 'CAT.UNAPPROVED'), false); } }
/** * Send the header via the mainframe interface */ public function sendHeader() { if (count($this->_store)) { if (count($this->js)) { $jsCode = null; foreach ($this->js as $js) { $jsCode .= "\n\t" . str_replace("\n", "\n\t", $js); } $this->js = array("\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n/*<![CDATA[*/{$jsCode}\n/*]]>*/\n</script>\n"); } if (count($this->css)) { $cssCode = null; foreach ($this->css as $css) { $cssCode .= "\n\t" . str_replace("\n", "\n\t", $css); } $this->css = array("<style type=\"text/css\">\n{$cssCode}\n</style>"); } // Thu, May 8, 2014 13:10:19 - changed order of meta keys and meta description // See #1231 $this->head['keywords'] = array_reverse($this->keywords); $this->head['author'] = $this->author; $this->head['robots'] = $this->robots; $this->head['description'] = array_reverse($this->description); $this->head['css'] = $this->_cssFiles(); $this->head['js'] = $this->_jsFiles(); $this->head['links'] = $this->links; $this->head['css'] = array_merge($this->head['css'], $this->css); $this->head['js'] = array_merge($this->head['js'], $this->js); $this->head['raw'] = $this->raw; Sobi::Trigger('Header', 'Send', array(&$this->head)); SPFactory::mainframe()->addHead($this->head); if (count($this->title)) { SPFactory::mainframe()->setTitle($this->title); } SPFactory::cache()->storeView($this->_store); $this->reset(); } }
protected function entry($entry, $manager, $noId = false) { $en = array(); if (is_numeric($entry)) { $en = $this->cachedEntry($entry, $manager, $noId); } if (!is_array($en) || !count($en)) { if (is_numeric($entry)) { $entry = SPFactory::Entry($entry); } $en['id'] = $entry->get('id'); $en['nid'] = $entry->get('nid'); $en['name'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $entry->get('name'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false))); $en['url_array'] = array('title' => Sobi::Cfg('sef.alias', true) ? $entry->get('nid') : $entry->get('name'), 'pid' => $entry->get('primary'), 'sid' => $entry->get('id')); if (strstr(SPRequest::task(), 'search') || $noId || Sobi::Cfg('section.force_category_id', false) && SPRequest::sid() == Sobi::Section()) { $en['url'] = Sobi::Url(array('title' => Sobi::Cfg('sef.alias', true) ? $entry->get('nid') : $entry->get('name'), 'pid' => $entry->get('primary'), 'sid' => $entry->get('id'))); } else { $en['url'] = Sobi::Url(array('title' => Sobi::Cfg('sef.alias', true) ? $entry->get('nid') : $entry->get('name'), 'pid' => SPRequest::sid(), 'sid' => $entry->get('id'))); } if (Sobi::Cfg('list.entry_meta', true)) { $en['meta'] = array('description' => $entry->get('metaDesc'), 'keys' => $this->metaKeys($entry), 'author' => $entry->get('metaAuthor'), 'robots' => $entry->get('metaRobots')); } if ($manager || Sobi::My('id') && Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner') && Sobi::Can('entry', 'edit', 'own', Sobi::Section())) { $en['edit_url'] = Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'entry.edit', 'pid' => SPRequest::sid(), 'sid' => $entry->get('id'))); } else { if (isset($en['edit_url'])) { unset($en['edit_url']); } } $en['edit_url_array'] = array('task' => 'entry.edit', 'pid' => SPRequest::sid(), 'sid' => $entry->get('id')); $en['created_time'] = $entry->get('createdTime'); $en['updated_time'] = $entry->get('updatedTime'); $en['valid_since'] = $entry->get('validSince'); $en['valid_until'] = $entry->get('validUntil'); $this->fixTimes($en); if ($entry->get('state') == 0) { $en['state'] = 'unpublished'; } else { if (strtotime($entry->get('validUntil')) != 0 && strtotime($entry->get('validUntil')) < time()) { $en['state'] = 'expired'; } elseif (strtotime($entry->get('validSince')) != 0 && strtotime($entry->get('validSince')) > time()) { $en['state'] = 'pending'; } else { $en['state'] = 'published'; } } $en['author'] = $entry->get('owner'); $en['counter'] = $entry->get('counter'); $en['approved'] = $entry->get('approved'); // $en[ 'confirmed' ] = $entry->get( 'confirmed' ); if (Sobi::Cfg('list.entry_cats', true)) { $cats = $entry->get('categories'); $categories = array(); if (count($cats)) { $cn = SPLang::translateObject(array_keys($cats), array('name', 'alias')); } foreach ($cats as $cid => $cat) { $categories[] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => SPLang::clean($cn[$cid]['value']), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false), 'id' => $cat['pid'], 'position' => $cat['position'], 'url' => Sobi::Url(array('sid' => $cat['pid'], 'title' => Sobi::Cfg('sef.alias', true) ? $cat['alias'] : $cat['name'])))); } $en['categories'] = $categories; } $fields = $entry->getFields(); if (count($fields)) { // foreach ( $fields as $field ) { // if ( $field->enabled( 'vcard' ) && $field->get( 'id' ) != Sobi::Cfg( 'entry.name_field' ) ) { // $struct = $field->struct(); // $options = null; // if ( isset( $struct[ '_options' ] ) ) { // $options = $struct[ '_options' ]; // unset( $struct[ '_options' ] ); // } // $f[ $field->get( 'nid' ) ] = array( // '_complex' => 1, // '_data' => array( // 'label' => array( // '_complex' => 1, // '_data' => $field->get( 'name' ), // '_attributes' => array( 'lang' => Sobi::Lang( false ), 'show' => $field->get( 'withLabel' ) ) // ), // 'data' => $struct, // ), // '_attributes' => array( 'id' => $field->get( 'id' ), 'type' => $field->get( 'type' ), 'suffix' => $field->get( 'suffix' ), 'position' => $field->get( 'position' ), 'css_class' => ( strlen( $field->get( 'cssClass' ) ) ? $field->get( 'cssClass' ) : 'spField' ) ) // ); // if ( Sobi::Cfg( 'list.field_description', false ) ) { // $f[ $field->get( 'nid' ) ][ '_data' ][ 'description' ] = array( '_complex' => 1, '_xml' => 1, '_data' => $field->get( 'description' ) ); // } // if ( $options ) { // $f[ $field->get( 'nid' ) ][ '_data' ][ 'options' ] = $options; // } // if ( isset( $struct[ '_xml_out' ] ) && count( $struct[ '_xml_out' ] ) ) { // foreach ( $struct[ '_xml_out' ] as $k => $v ) // $f[ $field->get( 'nid' ) ][ '_data' ][ $k ] = $v; // } // } // } $en['fields'] = $this->fieldStruct($fields, 'vcard'); } SPFactory::cache()->addObj($entry, 'entry', $entry->get('id'))->addObj($en, 'entry_struct', $entry->get('id')); unset($en['url_array']); unset($en['edit_url_array']); unset($entry); } $en['counter'] = $this->getNonStaticData($en['id'], 'counter'); /* * this is te special case: * no matter what task we currently have - if someone called this we need the data for the V-Card * Soe we have to trigger all these plugins we need and therefore also fake the task */ $task = 'list.custom'; SPFactory::registry()->set('task', $task); Sobi::Trigger('List', ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(&$en)); return $en; }
/** * Save a rule * * @param bool $apply */ protected function save($apply) { Sobi::Trigger('Save', 'Acl', array(&$this)); if (!SPFactory::mainframe()->checkToken()) { Sobi::Error('Token', SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TASK', SPRequest::task()), SPC::ERROR, 403, __LINE__, __FILE__); } $rid = SPRequest::int('rid', 'null'); $this->validate('acl.edit', array('task' => 'acl.edit', 'rid' => $rid)); if ($rid) { $this->remove($rid); } $vs = SPRequest::timestamp('set_validSince'); $vu = SPRequest::timestamp('set_validUntil'); $vs = $vs ? date(Sobi::Cfg('db.date_format', 'Y-m-d H:i:s'), $vs) : null; $vu = $vu ? date(Sobi::Cfg('db.date_format', 'Y-m-d H:i:s'), $vu) : null; $name = SPRequest::string('set_name'); $nid = SPRequest::cmd('set_nid'); $note = SPRequest::string('set_note'); $state = SPRequest::int('set_state', 1); $gids = SPRequest::arr('set_groups'); $sids = SPRequest::arr('set_sections'); $pf = SPRequest::arr('set_permissions', array()); $pa = SPRequest::arr('set_adm_permissions', array()); // if can publish any, then can see any unpublished if (in_array(20, $pf)) { $pf[] = 14; } // if can publish own, then can see own unpublished if (in_array(21, $pf)) { $pf[] = 12; } if (in_array(19, $pf)) { $pf[] = 15; } $perms = array_merge($pf, $pa); /* @var SPdb $db */ $db = SPFactory::db(); /* update or insert the rule definition */ try { $db->insertUpdate('spdb_permissions_rules', array('rid' => $rid, 'name' => $name, 'nid' => $nid, 'validSince' => $vs, 'validUntil' => $vu, 'note' => $note, 'state' => $state)); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error('ACL', SPLang::e('CANNOT_CREATE_RULE_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } $rid = (int) $rid ? (int) $rid : $db->insertid(); /* insert the groups ids */ if (count($gids)) { foreach ($gids as $i => $gid) { $gids[$i] = array('rid' => $rid, 'gid' => $gid); } try { $db->insertArray('spdb_permissions_groups', $gids); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error('ACL', SPLang::e('CANNOT_INSERT_GROUPS_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } try { $db->select('*', 'spdb_permissions', array('site' => 'adm', 'value' => 'global')); $admPermissions = $db->loadResultArray(); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error('ACL', SPLang::e('CANNOT_GET_PERMISSIONS_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } /* create permission and section map */ if (count($sids) && count($perms)) { $map = array(); /* travel the sections */ foreach ($sids as $sid) { foreach ($perms as $pid) { if (in_array($pid, $admPermissions)) { $map[] = array('rid' => $rid, 'sid' => 0, 'pid' => $pid); } else { $map[] = array('rid' => $rid, 'sid' => $sid, 'pid' => $pid); } } } try { $db->insertArray('spdb_permissions_map', $map, true); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error('ACL', SPLang::e('CANNOT_INSERT_GROUPS_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } SPFactory::cache()->cleanAll(); /* trigger plugins */ Sobi::Trigger('AfterSave', 'Acl', array(&$this)); /* set redirect */ $this->response(Sobi::Url($apply ? array('task' => 'acl.edit', 'rid' => $rid) : 'acl'), Sobi::Txt('ACL_RULE_SAVED'), !$apply, SPC::SUCCESS_MSG, array('sets' => array('rid' => $rid))); }
/** * Factory method for entries models * @param id of the entry $sid * @return SPEntryAdm */ public static function &EntryRow($sid) { $cached = SPFactory::cache()->getObj('entry_row', $sid); if ($cached && is_object($cached)) { // SPConfig::debOut( "$sid: cached" ); return $cached; } else { $entry = self::Model('entry', true); $entry->init($sid); SPFactory::cache()->addObj($entry, 'entry_row', $sid); return $entry; } }
/** * @param DOMDocument $def * @param string $dir * @return array | string */ protected function installExt($def, $dir) { $this->checkRequirements($def); jimport('joomla.installer.installer'); jimport('joomla.installer.helper'); $installer = JInstaller::getInstance(); $type = JInstallerHelper::detectType($dir); $xp = new DOMXPath($def); try { $installer->install($dir); // it was core update - break now if ($type == 'component') { SPFactory::cache()->cleanAll(); return array('msg' => Sobi::Txt('CMS_SOBIPRO_UPDATE_INSTALLED', $def->getElementsByTagName('version')->item(0)->nodeValue), 'msgtype' => SPC::SUCCESS_MSG); } $msg = Sobi::Txt('CMSEX_INSTALLED', $type, $def->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->nodeValue); $this->id = SPLang::nid($def->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->nodeValue); $id = $xp->query('//filename[@module|@plugin]')->item(0); $this->id = strlen($id->getAttribute('module')) ? $id->getAttribute('module') : $id->getAttribute('plugin'); if (strlen($def->documentElement->getAttribute('group'))) { $this->id = $def->documentElement->getAttribute('group') . '_' . $this->id; } if ($this->id) { $this->definition = new DOMDocument(); $this->definition->formatOutput = true; $this->definition->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $this->definition->appendChild($this->definition->createElement('SobiProApp')); $root = $this->definition->getElementsByTagName('SobiProApp')->item(0); $root->appendChild($this->definition->createElement('id', $this->id)); $root->appendChild($this->definition->createElement('type', $type)); $root->appendChild($this->definition->createElement('name', $def->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->nodeValue)); $root->appendChild($this->definition->createElement('uninstall', 'cms.base.installer:remove')); $this->definition->appendChild($root); $dir = SPLoader::dirPath('etc.installed.' . $type . 's', 'front', false); if (!SPFs::exists($dir)) { SPFs::mkdir($dir); } $path = $dir . '/' . $this->id . '.xml'; $file = SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.file', $path); $this->definition->normalizeDocument(); $file->content($this->definition->saveXML()); $file->save(); $this->storeData($type, $def); } return array('msg' => $msg, 'msgtype' => SPC::SUCCESS_MSG); } catch (Exception $x) { $this->error = Sobi::Txt('CMS_EXT_NOT_INSTALLED') . ' ' . $x->getMessage(); $this->errorType = SPC::ERROR_MSG; return array('msg' => $this->error, 'msgtype' => SPC::ERROR_MSG); } }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see Site/lib/models/SPDBObject#save() */ public function save($request = 'post') { $this->loadFields(Sobi::Section(), true); // Thu, Feb 19, 2015 12:12:47 - it should be actually "beforeSave" Sobi::Trigger($this->name(), 'Before' . ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($this->id)); /* save the base object data */ /* @var SPdb $db */ $db = SPFactory::db(); $db->transaction(); if (!$this->nid || SPRequest::task() == 'entry.clone') { $this->nid = SPRequest::string($this->nameField, null, false, $request); $this->nid = $this->createAlias(); $this->name = $this->nid; } if (Sobi::Cfg('entry.publish_limit', 0) && !defined('SOBI_ADM_PATH')) { SPRequest::set('entry_createdTime', 0, $request); SPRequest::set('entry_validSince', 0, $request); SPRequest::set('entry_validUntil', 0, $request); $this->validUntil = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + Sobi::Cfg('entry.publish_limit', 0) * 24 * 3600); } $preState = Sobi::Reg('object_previous_state'); parent::save($request); $nameField = $this->nameField(); /* get the fields for this section */ foreach ($this->fields as $field) { /* @var $field SPField */ try { if ($field->enabled('form', $preState['new'])) { $field->saveData($this, $request); } else { $field->finaliseSave($this, $request); } if ($field->get('id') == $nameField) { /* get the entry name */ $this->name = $field->getRaw(); /* save the nid (name id) of the field where the entry name is saved */ $this->nameField = $field->get('nid'); } } catch (SPException $x) { if (SPRequest::task() != 'entry.clone') { $db->rollback(); throw new SPException(SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_FIELS_DATA', $x->getMessage())); } else { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_FIELS_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } } $values = array(); /* get categories */ $cats = Sobi::Reg('request_categories'); if (!count($cats)) { $cats = SPRequest::arr('entry_parent', SPFactory::registry()->get('request_categories', array()), $request); } /* by default it should be comma separated string */ if (!count($cats)) { $cats = SPRequest::string('entry_parent', null, $request); if (strlen($cats) && strpos($cats, ',')) { $cats = explode(',', $cats); foreach ($cats as $i => $cat) { $c = (int) trim($cat); if ($c) { $cats[$i] = $c; } else { unset($cats[$i]); } } } elseif (strlen($cats)) { $cats = array((int) $cats); } } if (is_array($cats) && count($cats)) { foreach ($cats as $i => $v) { if (!$v) { unset($cats[$i]); } } } if (is_array($cats) && count($cats)) { /* get the ordering in these categories */ try { $db->select('pid, MAX(position)', 'spdb_relations', array('pid' => $cats, 'oType' => 'entry'), null, 0, 0, false, 'pid'); $cPos = $db->loadAssocList('pid'); $currPos = $db->select(array('pid', 'position'), 'spdb_relations', array('id' => $this->id, 'oType' => 'entry'))->loadAssocList('pid'); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } /* set the right position */ foreach ($cats as $i => $cat) { $copy = 0; if (!$this->approved) { $copy = isset($this->categories[$cats[$i]]) ? 0 : 1; } else { $db->delete('spdb_relations', array('id' => $this->id, 'oType' => 'entry')); } if (isset($currPos[$cat])) { $pos = $currPos[$cat]['position']; } else { $pos = isset($cPos[$cat]) ? $cPos[$cat]['MAX(position)'] : 0; $pos++; } $values[] = array('id' => $this->id, 'pid' => $cats[$i], 'oType' => 'entry', 'position' => $pos, 'validSince' => $this->validSince, 'validUntil' => $this->validUntil, 'copy' => $copy); } try { $db->insertArray('spdb_relations', $values, true); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } elseif (!count($this->categories)) { throw new SPException(SPLang::e('MISSING_CAT')); } /* trigger possible state changes */ if ($preState['approved'] != $this->approved) { if ($this->approved) { $this->approveFields(true); // it's being done by the method above - removing //Sobi::Trigger( $this->name(), 'AfterApprove', array( $this->id, $this->approved ) ); } } if ($preState['state'] != $this->state) { Sobi::Trigger($this->name(), 'AfterChangeState', array($this->id, $this->state)); } SPFactory::cache()->purgeSectionVars(); SPFactory::cache()->deleteObj('entry', $this->id); if (count($cats)) { foreach ($cats as $cat) { SPFactory::cache()->deleteObj('category', $cat); } } Sobi::Trigger($this->name(), 'After' . ucfirst($preState['new'] ? __FUNCTION__ : 'Update'), array(&$this)); }
/** */ private function reorder() { /* @var SPdb $db */ $db =& SPFactory::db(); $sids = SPRequest::arr('ep_sid', array()); /* re-order it to the valid ordering */ $order = array(); asort($sids); $eLimStart = SPRequest::int('eLimStart', 0); $eLimit = Sobi::GetUserState('adm.entries.limit', 'elimit', Sobi::Cfg('adm_list.entries_limit', 25)); $LimStart = $eLimStart ? ($eLimStart - 1) * $eLimit : $eLimStart; if (count($sids)) { $c = 0; foreach ($sids as $sid => $pos) { $order[++$c] = $sid; } } $pid = SPRequest::int('sid'); foreach ($order as $sid) { try { $db->update('spdb_relations', array('position' => ++$LimStart), array('id' => $sid, 'oType' => 'entry', 'pid' => $pid)); SPFactory::cache()->deleteObj('entry', $sid); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } $this->response(Sobi::Back(), Sobi::Txt('EMN.REORDERED'), true, SPC::SUCCESS_MSG); }
/** * @param $message * @param $type - * @param $section string * @return SPMessage */ public function &setSilentSystemMessage($message, $type = SPC::NOTICE_MSG, $section = 'configuration') { $this->current = array('message' => $message, 'type' => $type, 'section' => array('id' => Sobi::Section(), 'name' => Sobi::Section(true))); $this->current['issue-type'] = $section; $this->store[md5(serialize($this->current))] = $this->current; if (count($this->store)) { $messages = SPConfig::serialize($this->store); $store = array('params' => $messages, 'key' => 'queue', 'value' => date(DATE_RFC822), 'description' => null, 'options' => null); SPFactory::registry()->saveDBSection(array('messages' => $store), 'messages'); SPFactory::cache()->cleanSection(-1, false); } return $this; }
/** * Adding new field * Save base data and redirect to the edit function when the field type has been chosed * @return integer */ public function saveNew($attr) { $db = SPFactory::db(); /* cast all needed data and clean - it is possible just in admin panel but "strzeżonego pan Bóg strzeże" ;-) */ $base = array(); $base['section'] = isset($attr['section']) && $attr['section'] ? $attr['section'] : SPRequest::sid(); if (isset($attr['name'])) { $base['name'] = $db->escape($attr['name']); } if (isset($attr['description'])) { $base['description'] = $db->escape($attr['description']); } else { $base['description'] = null; } if (isset($attr['suffix'])) { $base['suffix'] = $db->escape($attr['suffix']); } else { $base['suffix'] = null; } if (isset($attr['nid'])) { $base['nid'] = $this->nid($db->escape(preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]\\-\\_]/', null, $attr['nid'])), true); } if (isset($attr['cssClass'])) { $base['cssClass'] = $db->escape(preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]\\-\\_ ]/', null, $attr['cssClass'])); } if (isset($attr['notice'])) { $base['notice'] = $db->escape($attr['notice']); } if (isset($attr['showIn'])) { $base['showIn'] = $db->escape(preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]\\.\\-\\_]/', null, $attr['showIn'])); } if (isset($attr['fieldType'])) { $base['fieldType'] = preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]\\.\\-\\_]/', null, $attr['fieldType']); } if (isset($attr['type'])) { $base['fieldType'] = preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]\\.\\-\\_]/', null, $attr['type']); } if (isset($attr['description'])) { $base['description'] = $db->escape($attr['description']); } if (isset($attr['enabled'])) { $base['enabled'] = (int) $attr['enabled']; } if (isset($attr['required'])) { $base['required'] = (int) $attr['required']; } if (isset($attr['adminField'])) { $base['adminField'] = (int) $attr['adminField']; } if (isset($attr['adminField']) && $attr['adminField']) { $attr['required'] = false; } if (isset($attr['editable'])) { $base['editable'] = (int) $attr['editable']; } if (isset($attr['editLimit'])) { $base['editLimit'] = (int) $attr['editLimit']; $base['editLimit'] = $base['editLimit'] > 0 ? $base['editLimit'] : -1; } if (isset($attr['isFree'])) { $base['isFree'] = (int) $attr['isFree']; } if (isset($attr['withLabel'])) { $base['withLabel'] = (int) $attr['withLabel']; } if (isset($attr['inSearch'])) { $base['inSearch'] = (int) $attr['inSearch']; } if (isset($attr['admList'])) { $base['admList'] = (int) $attr['admList']; } if (isset($attr['fee'])) { $base['fee'] = (double) $attr['fee']; } if (isset($attr['section'])) { $base['section'] = (int) $attr['section']; } $base['version'] = 1; /* determine the right position */ try { $db->select('MAX( position )', 'spdb_field', array('section' => SPRequest::sid())); $base['position'] = (int) $db->loadResult() + 1; if (!$base['position']) { $base['position'] = 1; } } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_GET_FIELD_POSITION_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } /* get database columns and their ordering */ $cols = $db->getColumns('spdb_field'); $values = array(); /* and sort the properties in the same order */ foreach ($cols as $col) { $values[$col] = array_key_exists($col, $base) ? $base[$col] : ''; } /* save new field */ try { $db->insert('spdb_field', $values); $this->fid = $db->insertid(); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), $x->getMessage(), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } /* save language depend properties */ $labels = array(); $defLabels = array(); $labels[] = array('sKey' => 'name', 'sValue' => $base['name'], 'language' => Sobi::Lang(), 'id' => 0, 'oType' => 'field', 'fid' => $this->fid); $labels[] = array('sKey' => 'description', 'sValue' => $base['description'], 'language' => Sobi::Lang(), 'id' => 0, 'oType' => 'field', 'fid' => $this->fid); $labels[] = array('sKey' => 'suffix', 'sValue' => $base['suffix'], 'language' => Sobi::Lang(), 'id' => 0, 'oType' => 'field', 'fid' => $this->fid); if (Sobi::Lang() != Sobi::DefLang()) { $defLabels[] = array('sKey' => 'name', 'sValue' => $base['name'], 'language' => Sobi::DefLang(), 'id' => 0, 'oType' => 'field', 'fid' => $this->fid); $defLabels[] = array('sKey' => 'suffix', 'sValue' => $base['suffix'], 'language' => Sobi::DefLang(), 'id' => 0, 'oType' => 'field', 'fid' => $this->fid); $defLabels[] = array('sKey' => 'description', 'sValue' => $base['description'], 'language' => Sobi::DefLang(), 'id' => 0, 'oType' => 'field', 'fid' => $this->fid); } if (count($labels)) { try { if (Sobi::Lang() != Sobi::DefLang()) { $db->insertArray('spdb_language', $defLabels, false, true); } $db->insertArray('spdb_language', $labels, true); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_FIELD_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } SPFactory::cache()->cleanSection(); return $this->fid; }
protected function alphaMenu(&$data) { if ($this->key('', Sobi::Cfg(''))) { $letters = explode(',', $this->key('alphamenu.letters', Sobi::Cfg('alphamenu.letters'))); $entry = SPFactory::Model('entry'); $entry->loadFields(Sobi::Section()); $fs = $entry->getFields('id'); $defField = true; if (count($letters)) { foreach ($letters as $i => $letter) { $letters[$i] = trim($letter); } } $field = explode('.', SPRequest::task('get')); if (strstr(SPRequest::task('get'), 'field') && isset($field[3])) { $field = $field[3]; $defField = false; } else { $field = Sobi::Cfg('alphamenu.primary_field', SPFactory::config()->nameField()->get('id')); if (isset($fs[$field]) && $fs[$field] instanceof SPObject) { $field = $fs[$field]->get('nid'); } else { $field = $fs[SPFactory::config()->nameField()->get('id')]->get('nid'); } } if ($this->key('alphamenu.verify', Sobi::Cfg('alphamenu.verify'))) { $entries = SPFactory::cache()->getVar('alpha_entries_' . $field); if (!$entries) { $alphCtrl = SPFactory::Instance('opt.listing.alpha'); $entries = array(); foreach ($letters as $letter) { $params = array('letter' => $letter); if ($field) { $params['field'] = $field; } $alphCtrl->setParams($params); $entries[$letter] = $alphCtrl->entries($field); } SPFactory::cache()->addVar($entries, 'alpha_entries_' . $field); } foreach ($letters as $letter) { $le = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => trim($letter)); $urlLetter = SPFactory::Instance('types.string', $letter)->toLower()->trim()->get(); if (count($entries[$letter])) { if (!$defField) { $task = 'list.alpha.' . $urlLetter . '.' . $field; } else { $task = 'list.alpha.' . $urlLetter; } $le['_attributes'] = array('url' => Sobi::Url(array('sid' => Sobi::Section(), 'task' => $task))); } $l[] = $le; } } else { foreach ($letters as $i => $letter) { $urlLetter = SPFactory::Instance('types.string', $letter)->toLower()->trim()->get(); $l[] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => trim($letter), '_attributes' => array('url' => Sobi::Url(array('sid' => Sobi::Section(), 'task' => 'list.alpha.' . $urlLetter)))); } } $fields = Sobi::Cfg('alphamenu.extra_fields_array'); $extraFields = array(); if (count($fields)) { array_unshift($fields, Sobi::Cfg('alphamenu.primary_field')); foreach ($fields as $fid) { if (isset($fs[$fid]) && method_exists($fs[$fid], 'get')) { if ($fs[$fid]->get('enabled')) { $extraFields[$fs[$fid]->get('nid')] = $fs[$fid]->get('name'); } } } if (count($extraFields) < 2) { $extraFields = array(); } $extraFields = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $extraFields, '_attributes' => array('current' => $field)); } $data['alphaMenu'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => array('letters' => $l, 'fields' => $extraFields)); } }
/** */ public function save($update = false, $init = true) { /* @var SPdb $db */ $db =& SPFactory::db(); /* check nid */ if (!$update) { $c = 1; while ($c) { /* section name id has to be unique */ try { $db->select('COUNT(nid)', 'spdb_object', array('oType' => 'section', 'nid' => $this->nid)); $c = $db->loadResult(); if ($c > 0) { $this->nid = $this->nid . '_' . rand(0, 1000); } } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } } SPFactory::registry()->set('current_section', $this->id); $db->transaction(); parent::save(); /* case adding new section, define the default title field */ if (!$update && $init) { $field = SPFactory::Model('field', true); $fid = $field->saveNew(array('name' => 'Name', 'nid' => 'field_name', 'showIn' => 'both', 'fieldType' => 'inbox', 'enabled' => 1, 'required' => 1, 'editable' => 1, 'section' => $this->id, 'inSearch' => 1, 'searchMethod' => 'general', 'isFree' => 1, 'editLimit' => -1, 'withLabel' => 1)); $field = SPFactory::Model('field', true); $field->saveNew(array('name' => 'Category', 'nid' => 'field_category', 'showIn' => 'hidden', 'fieldType' => 'category', 'enabled' => 1, 'required' => 1, 'editable' => 1, 'section' => $this->id, 'inSearch' => 1, 'searchMethod' => 'select', 'isFree' => 1, 'editLimit' => -1, 'withLabel' => 1, 'method' => 'select', 'isPrimary' => true)); SPFactory::config()->saveCfg('entry.name_field', $fid)->saveCfg('list.entries_ordering', 'field_name')->saveCfg('template.icon_fonts_arr', array('font-awesome-3-local')); SPFactory::Controller('acl', true)->addNewRule($this->get('name'), array($this->id), array('section.access.valid', 'category.access.valid', 'entry.access.valid', 'entry.add.own', '*'), array('visitor', 'registered'), 'Default permissions for the section "' . $this->get('name') . '"'); } /* insert relation */ try { $db->insertUpdate('spdb_relations', array('id' => $this->id, 'pid' => 0, 'oType' => 'section', 'position' => 1, 'validSince' => $this->validSince, 'validUntil' => $this->validUntil)); } catch (SPException $x) { $db->rollback(); Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } /* if there was no errors, commit the database changes */ $db->commit(); // if( !$update ) { // SPFactory::mainframe()->msg( Sobi::Txt( 'SEC.CREATED' ) ); // } SPFactory::cache()->cleanSection(); /* trigger plugins */ Sobi::Trigger('afterSave', $this->name(), array(&$this)); }
/** * @return array */ public function struct() { $baseData = $this->getRaw(); $list = array(); $struct = array(); $order = SPFactory::cache()->getVar('order_' . $this->nid); if (!$order) { $order = SPFactory::db()->select('optValue', 'spdb_field_option', array('fid' => $this->id), 'optPos')->loadResultArray(); SPFactory::cache()->addVar($order, 'order_' . $this->nid); } if (is_array($baseData) && count($baseData)) { $this->cssClass = strlen($this->cssClass) ? $this->cssClass : 'spFieldsData'; $this->cssClass = $this->cssClass . ' ' . $this->nid; $this->cleanCss(); foreach ($order as $opt) { if (isset($baseData[$opt])) { $list[] = array('_tag' => 'li', '_value' => SPLang::clean($baseData[$opt]), '_class' => $opt); } } foreach ($this->options as $opt) { $struct[] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $opt['label'], '_attributes' => array('selected' => isset($baseData[$opt['id']]) ? 'true' : 'false', 'id' => $opt['id'], 'position' => $opt['position'])); } $data = array('ul' => array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $list, '_attributes' => array('class' => $this->cssClass))); } if (count($list)) { return array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $data, '_attributes' => array('lang' => $this->lang, 'class' => $this->cssClass), '_options' => $struct); } }
/** * Executes the controller task * @return void */ public function execute() { if (!$this->_cache) { try { if (is_array($this->_ctrl)) { foreach ($this->_ctrl as &$c) { $c->execute(); } } else { if ($this->_ctrl instanceof SPControl) { $this->_ctrl->execute(); } else { Sobi::Error('CoreCtrl', SPLang::e('No controller to execute'), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error('CoreCtrl', SPLang::e('%s', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } else { /** @var $view SPFrontView */ $view = SPFactory::View('cache'); $view->cachedView($this->_cache['xml'], $this->_cache['template'], $this->_cache['cid'], $this->_cache['config']); $view->display(); } /* send header data etc ...*/ if (SPRequest::cmd('format') == 'raw' && SPRequest::bool('xmlc')) { SPFactory::cache()->storeView(array()); } SPFactory::mainframe()->endOut(); Sobi::Trigger('End'); /* redirect if any redirect has been set */ SPFactory::mainframe()->redirect(); ini_set('display_errors', $this->_err); error_reporting($this->_deb); restore_error_handler(); }