예제 #1
 static function checkEmail($email)
     $f3 = \Base::instance();
     if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
         include_once '../vendor/smtp_validateemail/smtp_validateEmail.php';
         $SMTP_Validator = new \SMTP_validateEmail();
         $SMTP_Validator->debug = $f3->get('DEBUG') == 3 ? true : false;
         // do the validation
         $results = $SMTP_Validator->validate(array($email), $f3->get('email.admin'));
         if ($f3->get('DEBUG') > 0) {
         return $results[$email];
     } else {
         return false;
예제 #2

 * Example 1
 * Validate a single Email via SMTP
// include SMTP Email Validation Class
require_once 'smtp_validateEmail.class.php';
// the email to validate
$email = '*****@*****.**';
// an optional sender
$sender = '*****@*****.**';
// instantiate the class
$SMTP_Validator = new SMTP_validateEmail();
// turn on debugging if you want to view the SMTP transaction
$SMTP_Validator->debug = true;
// do the validation
$results = $SMTP_Validator->validate(array($email), $sender);
// view results
echo $email . ' is ' . ($results[$email] ? 'valid' : 'invalid') . "\n";
// // send email?
// if ($results[$email]) {
//   //mail($email, 'Confirm Email', 'Please reply to this email to confirm', 'From:'.$sender."\r\n"); // send email
// } else {
//   echo 'The email addresses you entered is not valid';
// }
예제 #3
 public function validatePostResult()
     $postData = $this->getPostData();
     if (Mage::registry('webforms_errors_flag_' . $this->getId())) {
         return Mage::registry('webforms_errors_' . $this->getId());
     $errors = array();
     // check captcha
     if ($this->useCaptcha()) {
         if (Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost('recaptcha_response_field')) {
             $verify = Mage::helper('webforms')->getCaptcha()->verify(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost('recaptcha_challenge_field'), Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost('recaptcha_response_field'));
             if (!$verify->isValid()) {
                 $errors[] = Mage::helper('webforms')->__('Verification code was not correct. Please try again.');
         } else {
             $errors[] = Mage::helper('webforms')->__('Verification code was not correct. Please try again.');
     // check honeypot captcha
     if (Mage::getStoreConfig('webforms/honeypot/enable')) {
         if (Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost('message')) {
             $errors[] = Mage::helper('webforms')->__('Spam bot detected. Honeypot field should be empty.');
     // check custom validation
     $logic_rules = $this->getLogic();
     $fields_to_fieldsets = $this->getFieldsToFieldsets();
     foreach ($fields_to_fieldsets as $fieldset_id => $fieldset) {
         foreach ($fieldset['fields'] as $field) {
             if ($field->getIsActive() && $field->getValidateRegex() && $field->getRequired()) {
                 $pattern = $field->getValidateRegex();
                 $status = @preg_match($pattern, "Test");
                 if (false === $status) {
                     $pattern = "/" . $pattern . "/";
                 $validate = new Zend_Validate_Regex($pattern);
                 foreach ($this->getPostData() as $key => $value) {
                     if ($key == $field->getId() && !$validate->isValid($value)) {
                         $errors[] = $field->getName() . ": " . $field->getValidateMessage();
             $hint = htmlspecialchars(trim($field->getHint()));
             if ($field->getRequired() && is_array($this->getPostData())) {
                 foreach ($this->getPostData() as $key => $value) {
                     if ($key == $field->getId() && $field->getType() == 'textarea') {
                         // check profanity
                         $target_field = array("id" => 'field_' . $field->getId(), 'logic_visibility' => $field->getData('logic_visibility'));
                         $target_fieldset = array("id" => 'fieldset_' . $fieldset_id, 'logic_visibility' => $fieldset['logic_visibility']);
                         $profanity = $this->is_profanity($value);
                         if ((trim($value) != $hint || trim($value) != '') && $profanity) {
                             $errors[] = Mage::helper('webforms')->__('%s is required', $field->getName());
                     if ($key == $field->getId() && $field->getType() != 'select/checkbox' && (trim($value) == $hint || trim($value) == '')) {
                         // check logic visibility
                         $target_field = array("id" => 'field_' . $field->getId(), 'logic_visibility' => $field->getData('logic_visibility'));
                         $target_fieldset = array("id" => 'fieldset_' . $fieldset_id, 'logic_visibility' => $fieldset['logic_visibility']);
                         if ($this->getLogicTargetVisibility($target_field, $logic_rules, $this->getPostData()) && $this->getLogicTargetVisibility($target_fieldset, $logic_rules, $this->getPostData())) {
                             $errors[] = Mage::helper('webforms')->__('%s is required', $field->getName());
             // check if the e-mail address is valid
             if ($this->getEmailSmtpValidation()) {
                 if ($field->getIsActive() && $field->getType() == 'email') {
                     if (!empty($postData[$field->getId()])) {
                         $smtp_validate = new SMTP_validateEmail();
                         $smtp_validate_results = $smtp_validate->validate(array($postData[$field->getId()]), Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/email'));
                         if (!$smtp_validate_results[$postData[$field->getId()]]) {
                             $errors[] = Mage::helper('webforms')->__('E-mail address does not seem to exist: %s', $postData[$field->getId()]);
             // check e-mail stoplist
             if ($field->getIsActive() && $field->getType() == 'email') {
                 if (!empty($postData[$field->getId()])) {
                     if (stristr(Mage::getStoreConfig('webforms/email/stoplist'), $postData[$field->getId()])) {
                         $errors[] = Mage::helper('webforms')->__('E-mail address is blocked: %s', $postData[$field->getId()]);
     // check files
     $files = $this->getUploadedFiles();
     foreach ($files as $field_name => $file) {
         if (isset($file['name']) && file_exists($file['tmp_name'])) {
             $field_id = str_replace('file_', '', $field_name);
             $postData['field'][$field_id] = Varien_File_Uploader::getCorrectFileName($file['name']);
             $field = Mage::getModel('webforms/fields')->setStoreId($this->getStoreId())->load($field_id);
             $filesize = round($file['size'] / 1024);
             $images_upload_limit = Mage::getStoreConfig('webforms/images/upload_limit');
             if ($this->getImagesUploadLimit() > 0) {
                 $images_upload_limit = $this->getImagesUploadLimit();
             $files_upload_limit = Mage::getStoreConfig('webforms/files/upload_limit');
             if ($this->getFilesUploadLimit() > 0) {
                 $files_upload_limit = $this->getFilesUploadLimit();
             if ($field->getType() == 'image') {
                 // check file size
                 if ($filesize > $images_upload_limit && $images_upload_limit > 0) {
                     $errors[] = Mage::helper('webforms')->__('Uploaded image %s (%s kB) exceeds allowed limit: %s kB', $file['name'], $filesize, $images_upload_limit);
                 // check that file is valid image
                 if (!@getimagesize($file['tmp_name'])) {
                     $errors[] = Mage::helper('webforms')->__('Unsupported image compression: %s', $file['name']);
             } else {
                 // check file size
                 if ($filesize > $files_upload_limit && $files_upload_limit > 0) {
                     $errors[] = Mage::helper('webforms')->__('Uploaded file %s (%s kB) exceeds allowed limit: %s kB', $file['name'], $filesize, $files_upload_limit);
             $allowed_extensions = $field->getAllowedExtensions();
             // check for allowed extensions
             if (count($allowed_extensions)) {
                 preg_match("/\\.([^\\.]+)\$/", $file['name'], $matches);
                 $file_ext = strtolower($matches[1]);
                 // check file extension
                 if (!in_array($file_ext, $allowed_extensions)) {
                     $errors[] = Mage::helper('webforms')->__('Uploaded file %s has none of allowed extensions: %s', $file['name'], implode(', ', $allowed_extensions));
             // check for valid filename
             if (Mage::getStoreConfig('webforms/files/validate_filename') && !preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\s-\\.]+\$/", $file['name'])) {
                 $errors[] = Mage::helper('webforms')->__('Uploaded file %s has non-latin characters in the name', $file['name']);
     $validate = new Varien_Object(array('errors' => $errors));
     Mage::dispatchEvent('webforms_validate_post_result', array('webform' => $this, 'validate' => $validate));
     Mage::register('webforms_errors_flag_' . $this->getId(), true);
     Mage::register('webforms_errors_' . $this->getId(), $validate->getData('errors'));
     return $validate->getData('errors');
예제 #4

 * Example 2
 * Validate a single Email via SMTP
// include SMTP Email Validation Class
require_once 'smtp_validateEmail.class.php';
// the email to validate
$emails = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**');
// an optional sender
$sender = '*****@*****.**';
// instantiate the class
$SMTP_Validator = new SMTP_validateEmail();
// turn on debugging if you want to view the SMTP transaction
$SMTP_Validator->debug = true;
// do the validation
$results = $SMTP_Validator->validate($emails, $sender);
// view results
foreach ($results as $email => $result) {
    // send email?
    if ($result) {
        //mail($email, 'Confirm Email', 'Please reply to this email to confirm', 'From:'.$sender."\r\n"); // send email
    } else {
        echo 'The email address ' . $email . ' is not valid';
  * Validate email based on user settings.
  * First, verify email using `is_email()` WordPress function (required)
  * Then, process email validation based on settings.
  * @param  KWSContact $Contact Contact object
  * @return WP_Error|boolean|void    If valid, return `true`, otherwise return a WP_Error object.
 function validateEmail(KWSContact &$Contact)
     if (!class_exists('DataValidation')) {
         include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'lib/class.datavalidation.php';
     if (!class_exists('SMTP_validateEmail')) {
         include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'lib/mail/smtp_validateEmail.class.php';
     $email = $Contact->get('email');
     $is_valid = array();
     // 1: Check if it's an email at all
     if (empty($email)) {
         do_action('ctct_activity', 'Empty email address', $email);
         $this->errors[] = new WP_Error('empty_email', __('Please enter your email address.', 'ctct'), 'email_address');
     } elseif (!is_email($email)) {
         do_action('ctct_activity', 'Invalid email address', $email);
         $this->errors[] = new WP_Error('not_email', __('Invalid email address.', 'ctct'), 'email_address');
     $methods = (array) CTCT_Settings::get('spam_methods');
     // 2: Akismet validation
     if (in_array('akismet', $methods)) {
         $akismetCheck = $this->akismetCheck($Contact);
         if (is_wp_error($akismetCheck)) {
             $this->errors[] = $akismetCheck;
     // 3: WangGuard validation
     if (in_array('wangguard', $methods) && function_exists('wangguard_verify_email') && wangguard_server_connectivity_ok()) {
         global $wangguard_api_host;
         // If WangGuard isn't set up yet, set'er up!
         if (empty($wangguard_api_host)) {
         $return = wangguard_verify_email($email, wangguard_getRemoteIP(), wangguard_getRemoteProxyIP());
         if ($return == 'checked' || $return == 'not-checked') {
             do_action('ctct_activity', 'WangGuard validation passed.', $email, $return);
         } else {
             $this->errors[] = new WP_Error('wangguard', __('Email validation failed.', 'ctct'), $email, $return);
     // 4: DataValidation.com validation
     if (in_array('datavalidation', $methods) && class_exists('DataValidation')) {
         $Validate = new DataValidation(CTCT_Settings::get('datavalidation_api_key'));
         $validation = $Validate->validate($email);
         $process_inconclusive = apply_filters('ctct_process_inconclusive_emails', true);
         if (is_wp_error($validation)) {
             do_action('ctct_activity', 'DataValidation.com error', 'The email was not processed because of the error: ' . $validation->get_error_message());
         } elseif ($validation === false || $validation === NULL && !$process_inconclusive) {
             do_action('ctct_activity', 'DataValidation validation failed.', $email, $Validate);
             $message = isset($Validate->message) ? $Validate->message : __('Not a valid email.', 'ctct');
             $this->errors[] = new WP_Error('datavalidation', $message, $email, $Validate);
         if ($validation === NULL) {
             do_action('ctct_activity', 'DataValidation validation inconclusive.', $email, $Validate);
         } elseif ($validation === true) {
             do_action('ctct_activity', 'DataValidation validation passed.', $email, $Validate);
     // 5: SMTP validation
     if (in_array('smtp', $methods) && class_exists('SMTP_validateEmail')) {
         try {
             $SMTP_Validator = new SMTP_validateEmail();
             // Timeout after 1 second
             $SMTP_Validator->max_conn_time = 1;
             $SMTP_Validator->max_read_time = 1;
             $SMTP_Validator->debug = 0;
             // Prevent PHP notices about timeouts
             $results = $SMTP_Validator->validate(array($email), get_option('admin_email'));
             if (isset($results[$email])) {
                 // True = passed
                 if ($results[$email]) {
                     do_action('ctct_activity', 'SMTP validation passed.', $email, $results);
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     do_action('ctct_activity', 'SMTP validation failed.', $email, $results);
                     $this->errors[] = new WP_Error('smtp', __('Email validation failed.', 'ctct'), $email, $results);
                     return false;
             } else {
                 do_action('ctct_activity', 'SMTP validation did not work', 'Returned empty results. Maybe it timed out?');
                 return true;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             do_action('ctct_error', 'SMTP validation broke.', $e);
     return true;
예제 #6
파일: _email.php 프로젝트: nopticon/jade
	function _valid_home() {
		global $user, $style;
		// the email to validate  
		$email = '*****@*****.**';  
		// an optional sender  
		$sender = '*****@*****.**';  
		// instantiate the class  
		$SMTP_Valid = new SMTP_validateEmail();  
		// do the validation  
		$result = $SMTP_Valid->validate($email, $sender);  
		// view results  
		echo $email.' is '.($result ? 'valid' : 'invalid')."\n";  
		// send email?   
		if ($result) {  
		include(XFS . 'core/smtpvalidate.php');
		$SMTP_Valid = new SMTP_validateEmail();
		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _email
			WHERE email_active = 1
			LIMIT 1';
		if (!$email = sql_fieldrow($sql)) {
			$this->e('No queue emails.');
		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM ??
			ORDER BY address_id
			LIMIT ??, ??';
		$members = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $email['email_data'], $email['email_last'], $email['email_batch']));
		$i = 0;
		foreach ($members as $row) {
			if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\.\-_\+]+@[a-z0-9\-_]+\.([a-z0-9\-_]+\.)*?[a-z]+$/is', $row['address_account'])) {
			$result = $SMTP_Valid->validate($row['address_account'], '*****@*****.**');
			// view results
			echo '<pre>';
			echo '</pre>';
예제 #7
function cron_validate_newsletter_address()
    global $config;
    require_once $config["homedir"] . "/include/smtp_validate_email.php";
    $smtp_validate = new SMTP_validateEmail();
    $sql = "SELECT email FROM tnewsletter_address WHERE status = 0 AND validated = 0 LIMIT " . $config["batch_email_validation"];
    $newsletter_emails = get_db_all_rows_sql($sql);
    if ($newsletter_emails === false) {
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($newsletter_emails as $email) {
        $news_emails[$i] = $email['email'];
    $checked_emails = $smtp_validate->validate($news_emails);
    foreach ($news_emails as $mail) {
        $exists = array_key_exists($mail, $checked_emails);
        if (!$exists) {
            $checked_emails[$mail] = false;
    foreach ($checked_emails as $email => $validated) {
        if ($validated) {
            $values['validated'] = 1;
            $values['status'] = 0;
        } else {
            $values['validated'] = 1;
            $values['status'] = 1;
        process_sql_update('tnewsletter_address', $values, array('email' => $email));
예제 #8
파일: Form.php 프로젝트: bado57/deneme
 function mailControl2($validemail)
     require_once 'smtp_validateEmail.class.php';
     // doğrulanacak email
     $emails = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**');
     // sorgu atacak email. //noreply@floracicek.com
     $sender = '*****@*****.**';
     $SMTP_Validator = new SMTP_validateEmail();
     $SMTP_Validator->debug = true;
     // valdiation
     $results = $SMTP_Validator->validate(array($emails), $sender);
     // sonuç
     foreach ($results as $email => $result) {
         // send email?
         if ($result) {
             //mail($email, 'Confirm Email', 'Please reply to this email to confirm', 'From:'.$sender."\r\n"); // send email
         } else {
             echo 'The email address ' . $email . ' is not valid';
예제 #9
function checkRealEmail($email)
        $array = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://verify-email.org/api.html?format=raw&usr=vaodiemm&pwd=lucnap&check=$email"));
        if($array['verify_status'] == '1'){
            return true;
        return false;
        return true;
    } else {
        require_once "./asset/SMTP_validateEmail.php";
        $SMTP = new SMTP_validateEmail();
        $array = $SMTP->validate(array($email), '*****@*****.**');
        if (getValueOfArray($array) == 1) {
            return true;
        return false;

require_once "smtpvalidateclass.php";
// the email to validate
$email = '*****@*****.**';
// an optional sender
$sender = '*****@*****.**';
// instantiate the class
$SMTP_Valid = new SMTP_validateEmail();
// do the validation
$result = $SMTP_Valid->validate($email, $sender);
// view results
echo $email . ' is ' . ($result ? 'valid' : 'invalid') . "\n";
// send email?
if ($result) {