function changeProductStatus(LC_Page $objPage) { $objQuery = SC_Query_Ex::getSingletonInstance(); $objQuery->begin(); $n = array(); $n2 = array("auto_display_status" => 0); $objSql = new SC_SelectSql_Ex(); $objSql->setWhere("auto_display_status = 1"); $objSql->setWhere("del_flg = 0"); $s = "auto_display_end_date"; $e = "auto_display_start_date"; // 公開日による状態変更 // {$s} > NOW() 公開開始前 // {$e} < NOW() 公開終了後 // その他 公開中 $objQuery->update("dtb_products", $n, $objSql->getWhere(), $n, array("status" => "CASE WHEN {$s} > NOW() THEN 2 WHEN {$e} < NOW() THEN 2 ELSE 1 END", "auto_display_status" => "CASE WHEN {$e} < NOW() THEN 0 ELSE 1 END")); $objSql->setWhere("{$e} < NOW() "); $objQuery->update("dtb_products", $n, $objSql->getWhere(), $n2); $objQuery->commit(); if (GC_Utils_Ex::isFrontFunction()) { // 商品数量を再計算 $objDb = new SC_Helper_DB_Ex(); $objDb->sfCountCategory($objQuery); $objDb->sfCountMaker($objQuery); } }
function __construct($array, $mode = '') { parent::__construct($array); $objDb = new SC_Helper_DB_Ex(); $dbFactory = SC_DB_DBFactory_Ex::getInstance(); if ($mode == '') { // 会員本登録会員で削除していない会員 $this->setWhere('status = 2 AND del_flg = 0 '); // 登録日を示すカラム $regdate_col = 'dtb_customer.update_date'; } if ($mode == 'customer') { $this->setWhere(' del_flg = 0 '); // 登録日を示すカラム $regdate_col = 'dtb_customer.update_date'; } // 会員ID if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_customer_id'])) { $this->arrSql['search_customer_id'] = ''; } if (strlen($this->arrSql['search_customer_id']) > 0) { $this->setWhere('customer_id = ?'); $this->arrVal[] = $this->arrSql['search_customer_id']; } // 名前 if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_name'])) { $this->arrSql['search_name'] = ''; } if (strlen($this->arrSql['search_name']) > 0) { $this->setWhere('(' . $dbFactory->concatColumn(array('name01', 'name02')) . ' LIKE ?)'); $searchName = $this->addSearchStr($this->arrSql['search_name']); $this->arrVal[] = mb_ereg_replace('[ ]+', '', $searchName); } // 名前(フリガナ) if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_kana'])) { $this->arrSql['search_kana'] = ''; } if (strlen($this->arrSql['search_kana']) > 0) { $this->setWhere('(' . $dbFactory->concatColumn(array('kana01', 'kana02')) . ' LIKE ?)'); $searchKana = $this->addSearchStr($this->arrSql['search_kana']); $this->arrVal[] = mb_ereg_replace('[ ]+', '', $searchKana); } // 都道府県 if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_pref'])) { $this->arrSql['search_pref'] = ''; } if (strlen($this->arrSql['search_pref']) > 0) { $this->setWhere('pref = ?'); $this->arrVal[] = $this->arrSql['search_pref']; } // 電話番号 if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_tel'])) { $this->arrSql['search_tel'] = ''; } if (is_numeric($this->arrSql['search_tel'])) { $this->setWhere('(' . $dbFactory->concatColumn(array('tel01', 'tel02', 'tel03')) . ' LIKE ?)'); $searchTel = $this->addSearchStr($this->arrSql['search_tel']); $this->arrVal[] = str_replace('-', '', $searchTel); } // 性別 if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_sex'])) { $this->arrSql['search_sex'] = ''; } if (is_array($this->arrSql['search_sex'])) { $arrSexVal = $this->setItemTerm($this->arrSql['search_sex'], 'sex'); foreach ($arrSexVal as $data) { $this->arrVal[] = $data; } } // 職業 if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_job'])) { $this->arrSql['search_job'] = ''; } if (is_array($this->arrSql['search_job'])) { if (in_array(t('c_Unknown_01'), $this->arrSql['search_job'])) { $arrJobVal = $this->setItemTermWithNull($this->arrSql['search_job'], 'job'); } else { $arrJobVal = $this->setItemTerm($this->arrSql['search_job'], 'job'); } if (is_array($arrJobVal)) { foreach ($arrJobVal as $data) { $this->arrVal[] = $data; } } } // E-MAIL if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_email'])) { $this->arrSql['search_email'] = ''; } if (strlen($this->arrSql['search_email']) > 0) { //カンマ区切りで複数の条件指定可能に $this->arrSql['search_email'] = explode(',', $this->arrSql['search_email']); $sql_where = ''; foreach ($this->arrSql['search_email'] as $val) { $val = trim($val); //検索条件を含まない if ($this->arrSql['not_emailinc'] == '1') { if ($sql_where == '') { $sql_where .= ' NOT ILIKE ? '; } else { $sql_where .= 'AND NOT ILIKE ? '; } } else { if ($sql_where == '') { $sql_where .= ' ILIKE ? '; } else { $sql_where .= 'OR ILIKE ? '; } } $searchEmail = $this->addSearchStr($val); $this->arrVal[] = $searchEmail; } $this->setWhere($sql_where); } // E-MAIL(mobile) if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_email_mobile'])) { $this->arrSql['search_email_mobile'] = ''; } if (strlen($this->arrSql['search_email_mobile']) > 0) { //カンマ区切りで複数の条件指定可能に $this->arrSql['search_email_mobile'] = explode(',', $this->arrSql['search_email_mobile']); $sql_where = ''; foreach ($this->arrSql['search_email_mobile'] as $val) { $val = trim($val); //検索条件を含まない if ($this->arrSql['not_email_mobileinc'] == '1') { if ($sql_where == '') { $sql_where .= 'dtb_customer.email_mobile NOT ILIKE ? '; } else { $sql_where .= 'AND dtb_customer.email_mobile NOT ILIKE ? '; } } else { if ($sql_where == '') { $sql_where .= 'dtb_customer.email_mobile ILIKE ? '; } else { $sql_where .= 'OR dtb_customer.email_mobile ILIKE ? '; } } $searchemail_mobile = $this->addSearchStr($val); $this->arrVal[] = $searchemail_mobile; } $this->setWhere($sql_where); } // メールマガジンの場合 if ($mode == 'customer') { // メルマガ受け取りの選択項目がフォームに存在する場合 if (isset($this->arrSql['search_htmlmail'])) { $this->setWhere('status = 2'); if (SC_Utils_Ex::sfIsInt($this->arrSql['search_htmlmail'])) { $this->setWhere('mailmaga_flg = ?'); $this->arrVal[] = $this->arrSql['search_htmlmail']; } else { // メルマガ購読拒否は省く $this->setWhere('mailmaga_flg <> 3'); } } } // 配信メールアドレス種別 if ($mode == 'customer') { if (isset($this->arrSql['search_mail_type'])) { $sqlEmailMobileIsEmpty = "(dtb_customer.email_mobile IS NULL OR dtb_customer.email_mobile = '')"; switch ($this->arrSql['search_mail_type']) { // PCメールアドレス case 1: $this->setWhere("( <> dtb_customer.email_mobile OR {$sqlEmailMobileIsEmpty})"); break; // 携帯メールアドレス // 携帯メールアドレス case 2: $this->setWhere("NOT {$sqlEmailMobileIsEmpty}"); break; // PCメールアドレス (携帯メールアドレスを登録している会員は除外) // PCメールアドレス (携帯メールアドレスを登録している会員は除外) case 3: $this->setWhere($sqlEmailMobileIsEmpty); break; // 携帯メールアドレス (PCメールアドレスを登録している会員は除外) // 携帯メールアドレス (PCメールアドレスを登録している会員は除外) case 4: $this->setWhere(' = dtb_customer.email_mobile'); break; } } } // 購入金額指定 if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_buy_total_from'])) { $this->arrSql['search_buy_total_from'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_buy_total_to'])) { $this->arrSql['search_buy_total_to'] = ''; } if (is_numeric($this->arrSql['search_buy_total_from']) || is_numeric($this->arrSql['search_buy_total_to'])) { $arrBuyTotal = $this->selectRange($this->arrSql['search_buy_total_from'], $this->arrSql['search_buy_total_to'], 'buy_total'); foreach ($arrBuyTotal as $data) { $this->arrVal[] = $data; } } // 購入回数指定 if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_buy_times_from'])) { $this->arrSql['search_buy_times_from'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_buy_times_to'])) { $this->arrSql['search_buy_times_to'] = ''; } if (is_numeric($this->arrSql['search_buy_times_from']) || is_numeric($this->arrSql['search_buy_times_to'])) { $arrBuyTimes = $this->selectRange($this->arrSql['search_buy_times_from'], $this->arrSql['search_buy_times_to'], 'buy_times'); foreach ($arrBuyTimes as $data) { $this->arrVal[] = $data; } } // 誕生日期間指定 if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_b_start_year'])) { $this->arrSql['search_b_start_year'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_b_start_month'])) { $this->arrSql['search_b_start_month'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_b_start_day'])) { $this->arrSql['search_b_start_day'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_b_end_year'])) { $this->arrSql['search_b_end_year'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_b_end_month'])) { $this->arrSql['search_b_end_month'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_b_end_day'])) { $this->arrSql['search_b_end_day'] = ''; } if (strlen($this->arrSql['search_b_start_year']) > 0 && strlen($this->arrSql['search_b_start_month']) > 0 && strlen($this->arrSql['search_b_start_day']) > 0 || strlen($this->arrSql['search_b_end_year']) > 0 && strlen($this->arrSql['search_b_end_month']) > 0 && strlen($this->arrSql['search_b_end_day']) > 0) { $arrBirth = $this->selectTermRange($this->arrSql['search_b_start_year'], $this->arrSql['search_b_start_month'], $this->arrSql['search_b_start_day'], $this->arrSql['search_b_end_year'], $this->arrSql['search_b_end_month'], $this->arrSql['search_b_end_day'], 'birth'); foreach ($arrBirth as $data) { $this->arrVal[] = $data; } } // 誕生月の検索 if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_birth_month'])) { $this->arrSql['search_birth_month'] = ''; } if (is_numeric($this->arrSql['search_birth_month'])) { $this->setWhere(' EXTRACT(month from birth) = ?'); $this->arrVal[] = $this->arrSql['search_birth_month']; } // 登録期間指定 if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_start_year'])) { $this->arrSql['search_start_year'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_start_month'])) { $this->arrSql['search_start_month'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_start_day'])) { $this->arrSql['search_start_day'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_end_year'])) { $this->arrSql['search_end_year'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_end_month'])) { $this->arrSql['search_end_month'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_end_day'])) { $this->arrSql['search_end_day'] = ''; } if (strlen($this->arrSql['search_start_year']) > 0 && strlen($this->arrSql['search_start_month']) > 0 && strlen($this->arrSql['search_start_day']) > 0 || strlen($this->arrSql['search_end_year']) > 0 && strlen($this->arrSql['search_end_month']) > 0 && strlen($this->arrSql['search_end_day']) > 0) { $arrRegistTime = $this->selectTermRange($this->arrSql['search_start_year'], $this->arrSql['search_start_month'], $this->arrSql['search_start_day'], $this->arrSql['search_end_year'], $this->arrSql['search_end_month'], $this->arrSql['search_end_day'], $regdate_col); foreach ($arrRegistTime as $data) { $this->arrVal[] = $data; } } // 最終購入日指定 if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_buy_start_year'])) { $this->arrSql['search_buy_start_year'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_buy_start_month'])) { $this->arrSql['search_buy_start_month'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_buy_start_day'])) { $this->arrSql['search_buy_start_day'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_buy_end_year'])) { $this->arrSql['search_buy_end_year'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_buy_end_month'])) { $this->arrSql['search_buy_end_month'] = ''; } if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_buy_end_day'])) { $this->arrSql['search_buy_end_day'] = ''; } if (strlen($this->arrSql['search_buy_start_year']) > 0 && strlen($this->arrSql['search_buy_start_month']) > 0 && strlen($this->arrSql['search_buy_start_day']) > 0 || strlen($this->arrSql['search_buy_end_year']) > 0 && strlen($this->arrSql['search_buy_end_month']) > 0 && strlen($this->arrSql['search_buy_end_day']) > 0) { $arrRegistTime = $this->selectTermRange($this->arrSql['search_buy_start_year'], $this->arrSql['search_buy_start_month'], $this->arrSql['search_buy_start_day'], $this->arrSql['search_buy_end_year'], $this->arrSql['search_buy_end_month'], $this->arrSql['search_buy_end_day'], 'last_buy_date'); foreach ($arrRegistTime as $data) { $this->arrVal[] = $data; } } // 購入商品コード if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_buy_product_code'])) { $this->arrSql['search_buy_product_code'] = ''; } if (strlen($this->arrSql['search_buy_product_code']) > 0) { $this->setWhere('customer_id IN (SELECT customer_id FROM dtb_order WHERE order_id IN (SELECT order_id FROM dtb_order_detail WHERE product_code LIKE ?) AND del_flg = 0)'); $search_buyproduct_code = $this->addSearchStr($this->arrSql['search_buy_product_code']); $this->arrVal[] = $search_buyproduct_code; } // 購入商品名称 if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_buy_product_name'])) { $this->arrSql['search_buy_product_name'] = ''; } if (strlen($this->arrSql['search_buy_product_name']) > 0) { $this->setWhere('customer_id IN (SELECT customer_id FROM dtb_order WHERE order_id IN (SELECT order_id FROM dtb_order_detail WHERE product_name LIKE ?) AND del_flg = 0)'); $search_buyproduct_name = $this->addSearchStr($this->arrSql['search_buy_product_name']); $this->arrVal[] = $search_buyproduct_name; } // カテゴリを選択している場合のみ絞込検索を行う if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_category_id'])) { $this->arrSql['search_category_id'] = ''; } if (strlen($this->arrSql['search_category_id']) > 0) { // カテゴリで絞込検索を行うSQL文生成 list($tmp_where, $tmp_arrval) = $objDb->sfGetCatWhere($this->arrSql['search_category_id']); // カテゴリで絞込みが可能の場合 if ($tmp_where != '') { $this->setWhere(' customer_id IN (SELECT distinct customer_id FROM dtb_order WHERE order_id IN (SELECT distinct order_id FROM dtb_order_detail WHERE product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM dtb_product_categories WHERE ' . $tmp_where . ') AND del_flg = 0)) '); $this->arrVal = array_merge((array) $this->arrVal, (array) $tmp_arrval); } } // 会員状態 if (!isset($this->arrSql['search_status'])) { $this->arrSql['search_status'] = ''; } if (is_array($this->arrSql['search_status'])) { $arrStatusVal = $this->setItemTerm($this->arrSql['search_status'], 'status'); foreach ($arrStatusVal as $data) { $this->arrVal[] = $data; } } $this->setOrder('customer_id DESC'); }
/** * 検索条件のwhere文とかを取得 * * @return array */ public function lfGetSearchCondition(&$arrSearchData) { $searchCondition = parent::lfGetSearchCondition($arrSearchData); GC_Utils_Ex::gfPrintLog(print_r($this->arrForm, true), DEBUG_LOG_REALFILE); $objSql = new SC_SelectSql_Ex(); $objSql->setWhere($searchCondition['where']); $character_id = $this->arrForm['character_id']; if (SC_Utils_Ex::sfIsInt($character_id)) { $this->arrSearchData["character_id"] = $character_id; $objSql->setWhere("product_id IN (\n SELECT product_id\n FROM cp_dtb_product_characters\n INNER JOIN cp_dtb_character USING(character_id)\n WHERE character_id = ?\n AND cp_dtb_character.status = 1\n AND cp_dtb_character.del_flg = 0\n )"); $searchCondition['arrval'][] = intval($character_id); } $searchCondition['where'] = $objSql->getWhere(false); $searchCondition['where_for_count'] = $objSql->getWhere(false); return $searchCondition; }
public function getWhere() { return array(parent::getWhere(), $this->arrVal); }
/** * クエリを構築する. * * 検索条件のキーに応じた WHERE 句と, クエリパラメーターを構築する. * クエリパラメーターは, SC_FormParam の入力値から取得する. * * 構築内容は, 引数の $where 及び $arrValues にそれぞれ追加される. * * @param string $key 検索条件のキー * @param string $where 構築する WHERE 句 * @param array $arrValues 構築するクエリパラメーター * @param SC_FormParam $objFormParam SC_FormParam インスタンス * @param SC_FormParam $objDb SC_Helper_DB_Ex インスタンス * @return void */ public function buildQuery($key, &$where, &$arrValues, SC_FormParam &$objFormParam, SC_Helper_DB &$objDb) { $objSql = new SC_SelectSql_Ex(); $objSql->setWhere($where); $objQuery = new SC_Query_Ex("", false, true); $data = array(); $id = "product_id"; $extends = true; $value = $objFormParam->getValue($key); switch ($key) { case "search_orderby": $column = "update_date"; switch ($value) { default: case "date": $column = "auto_display_start_date"; } if ($objDb->sfColumnExists("dtb_products", $column)) { $this->order = $column; } break; case "search_character_id": $sub_query = $objQuery->getSql($id, "cp_dtb_product_characters", "character_id=?"); $objSql->setWhere("{$id} IN ({$sub_query})"); $arrValues[] = $value; break; case "search_auto_display_status": if (is_array($value)) { $data = $objSql->setItemTerm($value, "auto_display_status"); } elseif (is_string($value)) { $data = $objSql->setItemTerm((array) $value, "auto_display_status"); } break; case "search_auto_display_start_date_start_year": case "search_auto_display_start_date_end_year": case "search_auto_display_end_date_start_year": case "search_auto_display_end_date_end_year": case "search_spass_provide_start_date_start_year": case "search_spass_provide_start_date_end_year": case "search_spass_provide_end_date_start_year": case "search_spass_provide_end_date_end_year": $y = $objFormParam->getValue($key); $m = $objFormParam->getValue(str_replace("_year", "_month", $key)); $d = $objFormParam->getValue(str_replace("_year", "_day", $key)); switch ($key) { case "search_auto_display_start_date_start_year": $data = $objSql->selectTermRange($y, $m, $d, "", "", "", "auto_display_start_date"); break; case "search_auto_display_start_date_end_year": $data = $objSql->selectTermRange("", "", "", $y, $m, $d, "auto_display_start_date"); break; case "search_auto_display_end_date_start_year": $data = $objSql->selectTermRange($y, $m, $d, "", "", "", "auto_display_end_date"); break; case "search_auto_display_end_date_end_year": $data = $objSql->selectTermRange("", "", "", $y, $m, $d, "auto_display_end_date"); break; case "search_spass_provide_start_date_start_year": $data = $objSql->selectTermRange($y, $m, $d, "", "", "", "spass_provide_start_date"); break; case "search_search_spass_provide_start_date_end_year": $data = $objSql->selectTermRange("", "", "", $y, $m, $d, "spass_provide_start_date"); break; case "search_search_spass_provide_end_date_start_year": $data = $objSql->selectTermRange($y, $m, $d, "", "", "", "spass_provide_end_date"); break; case "search_search_spass_provide_end_date_end_year": $data = $objSql->selectTermRange("", "", "", $y, $m, $d, "spass_provide_end_date"); break; } break; default: $extends = false; parent::buildQuery($key, $where, $arrValues, $objFormParam, $objDb); } if ($extends) { foreach ($data as $d) { $arrValues[] = $d; } $where = $objSql->getWhere(); } }
/** * クエリを構築する. * * 検索条件のキーに応じた WHERE 句と, クエリパラメーターを構築する. * クエリパラメーターは, SC_FormParam の入力値から取得する. * * 構築内容は, 引数の $where 及び $arrValues にそれぞれ追加される. * * @param string $key 検索条件のキー * @param string $where 構築する WHERE 句 * @param array $arrValues 構築するクエリパラメーター * @param SC_FormParam $objFormParam SC_FormParam インスタンス * @return void */ public function buildQuery($key, &$where, &$arrValues, &$objFormParam) { $dbFactory = SC_DB_DBFactory_Ex::getInstance(); switch ($key) { case 'search_product_name': $where .= ' AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dtb_order_detail od WHERE od.order_id = dtb_order.order_id AND od.product_name LIKE ?)'; $arrValues[] = sprintf('%%%s%%', $objFormParam->getValue($key)); break; case 'search_order_name': $where .= ' AND ' . $dbFactory->concatColumn(array('order_name01', 'order_name02')) . ' LIKE ?'; $arrValues[] = sprintf('%%%s%%', preg_replace('/[ ]/u', '', $objFormParam->getValue($key))); break; case 'search_order_kana': $where .= ' AND ' . $dbFactory->concatColumn(array('order_kana01', 'order_kana02')) . ' LIKE ?'; $arrValues[] = sprintf('%%%s%%', preg_replace('/[ ]/u', '', $objFormParam->getValue($key))); break; case 'search_order_id1': $where .= ' AND order_id >= ?'; $arrValues[] = sprintf('%d', $objFormParam->getValue($key)); break; case 'search_order_id2': $where .= ' AND order_id <= ?'; $arrValues[] = sprintf('%d', $objFormParam->getValue($key)); break; case 'search_order_sex': $tmp_where = ''; foreach ($objFormParam->getValue($key) as $element) { if ($element != '') { if (SC_Utils_Ex::isBlank($tmp_where)) { $tmp_where .= ' AND (order_sex = ?'; } else { $tmp_where .= ' OR order_sex = ?'; } $arrValues[] = $element; } } if (!SC_Utils_Ex::isBlank($tmp_where)) { $tmp_where .= ')'; $where .= " {$tmp_where} "; } break; case 'search_order_tel': $where .= ' AND (' . $dbFactory->concatColumn(array('order_tel01', 'order_tel02', 'order_tel03')) . ' LIKE ?)'; $arrValues[] = SC_SelectSql_Ex::addSearchStr(preg_replace('/[()-]+/', '', $objFormParam->getValue($key))); break; case 'search_order_email': $where .= ' AND order_email LIKE ?'; $arrValues[] = sprintf('%%%s%%', $objFormParam->getValue($key)); break; case 'search_payment_id': $tmp_where = ''; foreach ($objFormParam->getValue($key) as $element) { if ($element != '') { if ($tmp_where == '') { $tmp_where .= ' AND (payment_id = ?'; } else { $tmp_where .= ' OR payment_id = ?'; } $arrValues[] = $element; } } if (!SC_Utils_Ex::isBlank($tmp_where)) { $tmp_where .= ')'; $where .= " {$tmp_where} "; } break; case 'search_total1': $where .= ' AND total >= ?'; $arrValues[] = sprintf('%d', $objFormParam->getValue($key)); break; case 'search_total2': $where .= ' AND total <= ?'; $arrValues[] = sprintf('%d', $objFormParam->getValue($key)); break; case 'search_sorderyear': $date = SC_Utils_Ex::sfGetTimestamp($objFormParam->getValue('search_sorderyear'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_sordermonth'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_sorderday')); $where .= ' AND create_date >= ?'; $arrValues[] = $date; break; case 'search_eorderyear': $date = SC_Utils_Ex::sfGetTimestamp($objFormParam->getValue('search_eorderyear'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_eordermonth'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_eorderday'), true); $where .= ' AND create_date <= ?'; $arrValues[] = $date; break; case 'search_supdateyear': $date = SC_Utils_Ex::sfGetTimestamp($objFormParam->getValue('search_supdateyear'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_supdatemonth'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_supdateday')); $where .= ' AND update_date >= ?'; $arrValues[] = $date; break; case 'search_eupdateyear': $date = SC_Utils_Ex::sfGetTimestamp($objFormParam->getValue('search_eupdateyear'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_eupdatemonth'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_eupdateday'), true); $where .= ' AND update_date <= ?'; $arrValues[] = $date; break; case 'search_sbirthyear': $date = SC_Utils_Ex::sfGetTimestamp($objFormParam->getValue('search_sbirthyear'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_sbirthmonth'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_sbirthday')); $where .= ' AND order_birth >= ?'; $arrValues[] = $date; break; case 'search_ebirthyear': $date = SC_Utils_Ex::sfGetTimestamp($objFormParam->getValue('search_ebirthyear'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_ebirthmonth'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_ebirthday'), true); $where .= ' AND order_birth <= ?'; $arrValues[] = $date; break; case 'search_order_status': $where .= ' AND status = ?'; $arrValues[] = $objFormParam->getValue($key); break; default: break; } }
/** * 開始行番号, 行数を指定して管理者データを取得する. * * @access private * @param integer $startno 開始行番号 * @return array 管理者データの連想配列 */ function getMemberData($startno) { $objSql = new SC_SelectSql_Ex(); $objSql->setSelect("SELECT member_id,name,department,login_id,authority,rank,work FROM dtb_member"); $objSql->setOrder("rank DESC"); $objSql->setWhere("del_flg <> 1 AND member_id <> " . ADMIN_ID); $objSql->setLimitOffset(MEMBER_PMAX, $startno); $objQuery =& SC_Query_Ex::getSingletonInstance(); $arrMemberData = $objQuery->getAll($objSql->getSql()); return $arrMemberData; }
function setItemTerm($arr, $ItemStr) { if (is_array($arr)) { $arr = array_filter($arr, "strlen"); $this->arrWhereVal = array_merge($this->arrWhereVal, parent::setItemTerm($arr, $ItemStr)); } }