/** * Page のプロセス(モバイル). * * @return void */ function mobileProcess() { $objView = new SC_MobileView(); $objSiteInfo = $objView->objSiteInfo; $objCustomer = new SC_Customer(); $objDb = new SC_Helper_DB_Ex(); $this->CONF = $objDb->sf_getBasisData(); $arrInfo = $objSiteInfo->data; //-- 本登録完了のためにメールから接続した場合 if ($_GET["mode"] == "regist") { //-- 入力チェック $this->arrErr = $this->lfErrorCheck($_GET); if ($this->arrErr) { $this->tpl_mainpage = 'regist/error.tpl'; $this->tpl_title = 'エラー'; } else { $registSecretKey = $this->lfRegistData($_GET); //本会員登録(フラグ変更) $this->lfSendRegistMail($registSecretKey); //本会員登録完了メール送信 // ログイン済みの状態にする。 $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $email = $objQuery->get("dtb_customer", "email", "secret_key = ?", array($registSecretKey)); $objCustomer->setLogin($email); $this->sendRedirect($this->getLocation("./complete.php"), true); exit; } //-- それ以外のアクセスは無効とする } else { $this->arrErr["id"] = "無効なアクセスです。"; $this->tpl_mainpage = 'regist/error.tpl'; $this->tpl_title = 'エラー'; } //---- ページ表示 $objView->assignobj($this); $objView->display(SITE_FRAME); }
function doLogin($mode, SC_Customer $objCustomer, SC_Query $objQuery) { $each = false; switch ($mode) { case "pay_cert_for_authory_sold": $each = true; break; default: $each = false; break; } $consumer = $this->getConsumer($objQuery); $netUrl = new Net_URL($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]); $netUrl->addQueryString("mode", $this->getMode()); $responce = $consumer->complete($netUrl->getURL()); $status = Auth_OpenID_FAILURE; if ($responce) { $status = $responce->status; } else { $responce = "null"; } GC_Utils_Ex::gfPrintLog(print_r(compact("consumer", "responce", "status"), true), DEBUG_LOG_REALFILE); switch ($status) { case Auth_OpenID_CANCEL: SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispSiteError(FREE_ERROR_MSG, "", true, "処理を中断しました。"); break; default: case Auth_OpenID_FAILURE: $this->doLoginAuone($this->getMode()); $this->sendResponse(); SC_Response_Ex::actionExit(); break; case Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS: $openid = $responce->getDisplayIdentifier(); $customer = SC_Helper_Customer_Ex::sfGetCustomerDataFromId(null, 'au_open_id=? AND status = 2 AND del_flg = 0', array($openid)); GC_Utils_Ex::gfPrintLog(print_r($customer, true), DEBUG_LOG_REALFILE); if (is_array($customer) && isset($customer["email"])) { $objCustomer->setLogin($customer["email"]); } else { GC_Utils_Ex::gfPrintLog(print_r(compact("responce", "status"), true), DEBUG_LOG_REALFILE); if ($each) { // 都度課金時 (ログインルートへ乗せる) SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispSiteError(FREE_ERROR_MSG, "", true, "未登録または退会済みの会員です。<br/><a href='./login.php'>ログイン・会員登録<a>ボタンより会員登録をしてください。"); // ログインへとばすなら // SC_Response_Ex::sendRedirect ( "login.php" ); // SC_Response_Ex::actionExit (); } else { // 都度課金時以外 SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispSiteError(FREE_ERROR_MSG, "", true, "未登録または退会済みの会員です。"); } } break; } }
/** * Page のプロセス(モバイル). * * @return void */ function mobileProcess() { //---- ページ初期設定 $objDb = new SC_Helper_DB_Ex(); $objMobile = new SC_Helper_Mobile_Ex(); $CONF = $objDb->sf_getBasisData(); // 店舗基本情報 $objConn = new SC_DbConn(); $objView = new SC_MobileView(); $objCustomer = new SC_Customer(); $objDate = new SC_Date(START_BIRTH_YEAR, date("Y", strtotime("now"))); // 空メール if (isset($_SESSION['mobile']['kara_mail_from'])) { $_POST['email'] = $_SESSION['mobile']['kara_mail_from']; $this->tpl_kara_mail_from = $_POST['email']; } elseif (MOBILE_USE_KARA_MAIL) { $token = $objMobile->gfPrepareKaraMail('entry/index.php'); if ($token !== false) { $this->tpl_mainpage = 'entry/mail.tpl'; $this->tpl_title = '会員登録(空メール)'; $this->tpl_kara_mail_to = MOBILE_KARA_MAIL_ADDRESS_USER . MOBILE_KARA_MAIL_ADDRESS_DELIMITER . 'entry_' . $token . '@' . MOBILE_KARA_MAIL_ADDRESS_DOMAIN; $this->tpl_from_address = $CONF['email03']; } } // レイアウトデザインを取得 $objLayout = new SC_Helper_PageLayout_Ex(); $objLayout->sfGetPageLayout($this, false, DEF_LAYOUT); //---- 登録用カラム配列 $arrRegistColumn = array(array("column" => "name01", "convert" => "aKV"), array("column" => "name02", "convert" => "aKV"), array("column" => "kana01", "convert" => "CKV"), array("column" => "kana02", "convert" => "CKV"), array("column" => "zip01", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "zip02", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "pref", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "addr01", "convert" => "aKV"), array("column" => "addr02", "convert" => "aKV"), array("column" => "email", "convert" => "a"), array("column" => "email2", "convert" => "a"), array("column" => "email_mobile", "convert" => "a"), array("column" => "email_mobile2", "convert" => "a"), array("column" => "tel01", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "tel02", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "tel03", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "fax01", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "fax02", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "fax03", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "sex", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "job", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "birth", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "reminder", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "reminder_answer", "convert" => "aKV"), array("column" => "password", "convert" => "a"), array("column" => "password02", "convert" => "a"), array("column" => "mailmaga_flg", "convert" => "n")); //---- 登録除外用カラム配列 $arrRejectRegistColumn = array("year", "month", "day", "email02", "email_mobile02", "password02"); if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { //-- POSTデータの引き継ぎ $this->arrForm = $_POST; if (isset($this->arrForm['year']) && $this->arrForm['year'] == '----') { $this->arrForm['year'] = ''; } $this->arrForm['email'] = strtolower($this->arrForm['email']); // emailはすべて小文字で処理 //-- 入力データの変換 $this->arrForm = $this->lfConvertParam($this->arrForm, $arrRegistColumn); // 戻るボタン用処理 if (!empty($_POST["return"])) { switch ($_POST["mode"]) { case "complete": $_POST["mode"] = "set3"; break; case "confirm": $_POST["mode"] = "set2"; break; default: $_POST["mode"] = "set1"; break; } } //-- 入力エラーチェック if ($_POST["mode"] == "set1") { $this->arrErr = $this->lfErrorCheck1($this->arrForm); $this->tpl_mainpage = 'entry/index.tpl'; $this->tpl_title = '会員登録(1/3)'; } elseif ($_POST["mode"] == "set2") { $this->arrErr = $this->lfErrorCheck2($this->arrForm); $this->tpl_mainpage = 'entry/set1.tpl'; $this->tpl_title = '会員登録(2/3)'; } else { $this->arrErr = $this->lfErrorCheck3($this->arrForm); $this->tpl_mainpage = 'entry/set2.tpl'; $this->tpl_title = '会員登録(3/3)'; } foreach ($this->arrForm as $key => $val) { $this->{$key} = $val; } if ($this->arrErr || !empty($_POST["return"])) { // 入力エラーのチェック //-- データの設定 if ($_POST["mode"] == "set1") { $checkVal = array("email", "password", "reminder", "reminder_answer", "name01", "name02", "kana01", "kana02"); } elseif ($_POST["mode"] == "set2") { $checkVal = array("sex", "year", "month", "day", "zip01", "zip02"); } else { $checkVal = array("pref", "addr01", "addr02", "tel01", "tel02", "tel03", "mailmaga_flg"); } foreach ($this->arrForm as $key => $val) { if ($key != "mode" && $key != "submit" && $key != "return" && $key != session_name() && !in_array($key, $checkVal)) { $this->list_data[$key] = $val; } } } else { //-- テンプレート設定 if ($_POST["mode"] == "set1") { $this->tpl_mainpage = 'entry/set1.tpl'; $this->tpl_title = '会員登録(2/3)'; } elseif ($_POST["mode"] == "set2") { $this->tpl_mainpage = 'entry/set2.tpl'; $this->tpl_title = '会員登録(3/3)'; if (@$this->arrForm['pref'] == "" && @$this->arrForm['addr01'] == "" && @$this->arrForm['addr02'] == "") { $address = $this->lfGetAddress($_REQUEST['zip01'] . $_REQUEST['zip02']); $this->pref = @$address[0]['state']; $this->addr01 = @$address[0]['city'] . @$address[0]['town']; } } elseif ($_POST["mode"] == "confirm") { //パスワード表示 $passlen = strlen($this->arrForm['password']); $this->passlen = $this->lfPassLen($passlen); //メール受け取り if (!isset($this->arrForm['mailmaga_flg'])) { $this->arrForm['mailmaga_flg'] = ""; } if (strtolower($this->arrForm['mailmaga_flg']) == "on") { $this->arrForm['mailmaga_flg'] = "2"; } else { $this->arrForm['mailmaga_flg'] = "3"; } $this->tpl_mainpage = 'entry/confirm.tpl'; $this->tpl_title = '会員登録(確認ページ)'; } //-- データ設定 unset($this->list_data); if ($_POST["mode"] == "set1") { $checkVal = array("sex", "year", "month", "day", "zip01", "zip02"); } elseif ($_POST["mode"] == "set2") { $checkVal = array("pref", "addr01", "addr02", "tel01", "tel02", "tel03", "mailmaga_flg"); } else { $checkVal = array(); } foreach ($this->arrForm as $key => $val) { if ($key != "mode" && $key != "submit" && $key != "confirm" && $key != "return" && $key != session_name() && !in_array($key, $checkVal)) { $this->list_data[$key] = $val; } } //-- 仮登録と完了画面 if ($_POST["mode"] == "complete") { // 確認画面で再度エラーチェックを行う。(画面1) $arrErr = $this->lfErrorCheck1($this->arrForm); if (count($arrErr) > 0) { $this->tpl_mainpage = 'entry/index.tpl'; $this->tpl_title = '会員登録(1/3)'; $this->arrErr = $arrErr; //---- ページ表示 $objView->assignobj($this); $objView->display(SITE_FRAME); exit; } // 確認画面で再度エラーチェックを行う。(画面2) $arrErr = $this->lfErrorCheck2($this->arrForm); if (count($arrErr) > 0) { $this->tpl_mainpage = 'entry/set1.tpl'; $this->tpl_title = '会員登録(2/3)'; $this->arrErr = $arrErr; //---- ページ表示 $objView->assignobj($this); $objView->display(SITE_FRAME); exit; } // 確認画面で再度エラーチェックを行う。(画面3) $arrErr = $this->lfErrorCheck3($this->arrForm); if (count($arrErr) > 0) { $this->tpl_mainpage = 'entry/set2.tpl'; $this->tpl_title = '会員登録(3/3)'; $this->arrErr = $arrErr; //---- ページ表示 $objView->assignobj($this); $objView->display(SITE_FRAME); exit; } $this->CONF = $CONF; $this->uniqid = $this->lfRegistData($this->arrForm, $arrRegistColumn, $arrRejectRegistColumn, CUSTOMER_CONFIRM_MAIL, true, $this->arrForm["email"]); // 空メールを受信済みの場合はすぐに本登録完了にする。 if (isset($_SESSION['mobile']['kara_mail_from'])) { $param = array("mode" => "regist", "id" => $this->uniqid, session_name() => session_id()); $this->sendRedirect($this->getLocation(MOBILE_URL_DIR . "regist/index.php", $param)); exit; } $this->tpl_mainpage = 'entry/complete.tpl'; $this->tpl_title = '会員登録(完了ページ)'; $objMobile->sfMobileSetExtSessionId('id', $this->uniqid, 'regist/index.php'); // 仮登録完了メール送信 $this->to_name01 = $_POST['name01']; $this->to_name02 = $_POST['name02']; $objMailText = new SC_MobileView(); $objMailText->assignobj($this); $objHelperMail = new SC_Helper_Mail_Ex(); $objQuery = new SC_Query(); // 仮会員が有効の場合 if (CUSTOMER_CONFIRM_MAIL == true) { // Moba8パラメーターを保持する場合はカラム追加 if (isset($_SESSION['a8'])) { $this->etc_value = "&a8=" . $_SESSION['a8']; } $subject = $objHelperMail->sfMakeSubject($objQuery, $objMailText, $this, '会員登録のご確認'); $toCustomerMail = $objMailText->fetch("mail_templates/customer_mail.tpl"); } else { $subject = $objHelperMail->sfMakesubject($objQuery, $objMailText, $this, '会員登録のご完了'); $toCustomerMail = $objMailText->fetch("mail_templates/customer_regist_mail.tpl"); // ログイン状態にする $objCustomer->setLogin($_POST["email"]); } $objMail = new SC_SendMail(); $objMail->setItem('', $subject, $toCustomerMail, $CONF["email03"], $CONF["shop_name"], $CONF["email03"], $CONF["email04"], $CONF["email04"], $CONF["email01"]); // 宛先の設定 $name = $_POST["name01"] . $_POST["name02"] . " 様"; $objMail->setTo($_POST["email"], $name); $objMail->sendMail(); // 完了ページに移動させる。 $this->sendRedirect($this->getLocation("./complete.php"), true); exit; } } } //---- ページ表示 $objView->assignobj($this); $objView->display(SITE_FRAME); }