exit("\nERROR: SCS access information required\n\nPlease edit the following lines in this file:\n\n" . "define('AccessKey', 'change-me');\ndefine('SecretKey', 'change-me');\n\n");
// Pointless without your BucketName!
if (BucketName == 'change-this') {
    exit("\nERROR: BucketName required\n\nPlease edit the following lines in this file:\n\n" . "define('BucketName', 'change-me');\n\n");
SCS::setAuth(AccessKey, SecretKey);
$bucket = BucketName;
$object = "path/to/my/Sublime Text 2.0.2.dmg";
$file = "/Users/caoli/Downloads/Sublime Text 2.0.2.dmg";
$fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
try {
    $info = SCS::initiateMultipartUpload($bucket, $object, SCS::ACL_PUBLIC_READ);
    $uploadId = $info['upload_id'];
    $fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
    $i = 1;
    $part_info = array();
    while (!feof($fp)) {
        $res = SCS::putObject(SCS::inputResourceMultipart($fp, 1024 * 512, $uploadId, $i), $bucket, $object);
        if (isset($res['hash'])) {
            echo 'Part: ' . $i . " OK! \n";
            $part_info[] = array('PartNumber' => $i, 'ETag' => $res['hash']);
    $parts = SCS::listParts($bucket, $object, $uploadId);