public function sendInvites($list, $user = false) { if (!$user) { global $current_user; $user = $current_user; } else { if (is_numeric($user)) { $user = new SCUser($user); } else { $user = $user; } } $sent_list = array(); $address_list = explode(",", $list); foreach ($address_list as $id => $address) { $to = trim($address); $invite = new SCInvite(); $invite->create($this, $to, $user); $sent_list[] = $invite->email; } return $sent_list; }
public function invitations_redeem() { SC::loginRequired(false, SCRoutes::set("boards", "invitations_redeem", array("invitecode" => $_GET["invitecode"]))); global $current_user; if (!$_GET["invitecode"]) { //throw new Exception("You must supply an invitation code that you wish to redeem", 400); } $invite = new SCInvite($_GET["invitecode"]); $vars = array("invite" => $invite); $cs = array("head" => SCPartial::renderToString("shared/head")); if ($invite->isValid()) { $cs["title"] = "Would you like to join " . $invite->board()->boardname . "?"; $cs["content"] = SCPartial::renderToString("board/invitations_redeem", $vars); } else { $cs["title"] = "This is not a valid invite code."; } SCLayout::render("main", $vars, $cs); }