public function parseReplay() { if (!$this->init) { if ($this->debug) { $this->debug("Tried to use parseReplay without initializing"); } return false; } if (class_exists("SC2Replay") || (include 'sc2replay.php')) { $tmp = new SC2Replay(); if ($this->debug) { $tmp->setDebug($this->debug); } $tmp->parseReplay($this); return $tmp; } else { if ($this->debug) { $this->debug("Unable to find or load class SC2Replay"); } return false; } }
$debug = 0; if ($_POST['debug'] == 1 || $_POST['test'] == 1) { echo sprintf("<b>Debugging is on.</b><br />\n"); $debug = 2; } $a = new MPQFile($tmpname, true, $debug); $init = $a->getState(); if (isset($_POST['test']) && $_POST['test'] == 1) { if (class_exists("SC2Replay") || (include 'sc2replay.php')) { //$bool = $a->insertChatLogMessage("testing testing", "testguy", 1); //$bool = $a->insertChatLogMessage("testing 2", 1, 5); //$a->saveAs("testfile.SC2Replay", true); //$a = new MPQFile("testfile.SC2Replay", true, 2); $byte = 0; $b = new SC2Replay($a); $b->setDebug(true); $tmp = $b->parseDetailsValue($a->readFile("replay.details"), $byte); echo "<pre>"; var_dump($tmp); echo "</pre>"; die; } } if ($init == false) { echo "Error parsing uploaded file, make sure it is a valid MPQ archive!<br />\n"; } else { if ($a->getFileType() == "SC2replay") { echo sprintf("Version: %s<br />\n", $a->getVersionString()); $b = $a->parseReplay(); $parseDurationString .= sprintf("Parsed replay in %d ms.<br />\n", (microtime_float() - $start) * 1000); $players = $b->getPlayers();