<?php // LILLA RUTTKARTAN PÅ "PLANERAD RUTT" require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/php/init.php"; //Security::demand(USER); error_reporting(0); if (isset($_GET["medlem"])) { $medlem = Medlem::loadById($_GET["medlem"]); } else { $medlem = $USER; } $rutt = new Rutt($medlem); $rutten = $rutt->getRutt(); $sista = $rutt->getCurrentIndex(); $just_nu_id = $medlem->getJustNuKommunId(); $just_nu_kommun = Kommun::loadById($just_nu_id); $exclude[] = $just_nu_kommun->getKod(); $kommuntext = array(); $c = 0; while (list($key, $stracka) = each($rutten)) { $c++; $key = $stracka["Kommun"]->getKod(); $kommuntext[$key] = $kommuntext[$key] ? $kommuntext[$key] . ",{$c}" : $c; } reset($rutten); ?> <map animation='1' showShadow='1' mapLeftMargin='0' mapRightMargin='0' mapBottomMargin='0' maptopMargin='0' showBevel='0' showCanvasBorder='0' showMarkerLabels='1' fillColor='F1f1f1' borderColor='CCCCCC' baseFont='Arial Narrow' baseFontSize='10' markerBorderColor='000000' markerBgColor='FF5904' markerRadius='6' legendPosition='bottom' useHoverColor='0' hoverColor='FF0000' showMarkerToolTip='1' markerFontColor='FF5904' connectorColor='FF0000' showLabels='0' includeValueInLabels='1' BorderColor='0372AB' showToolTip='1' waterBodyColor='00CCFF' waterBodyAlpha='50' > <data> <entity id= '<?php echo $just_nu_kommun->getKod(); ?>
public function removeStaticRouteForUser($id, $completed = false) { if ($id == $this->getId()) { // check if international challenge $currentKommun = $this->getCurrentKommun(); $ruttObj = new Rutt($this); $rutt = $ruttObj->getRutt(); $curPos = false; $lastNonAbroad = false; foreach ($rutt as $id => $stracka) { $kommun = $stracka["Kommun"]; $thisKm = $stracka["ThisKm"]; $stracka_id = $stracka["id"]; if ($curPos === false) { // if this isn't the current kommun, and it's not abroad, we'll save it as the lastNonAbroad kommun if ($kommun->getAbroad() == "false") { $lastNonAbroad = $kommun; } } if ($id == $ruttObj->getCurrentIndex()) { // we're now at the current kommun $curPos = true; if ($kommun->getAbroad() == "false" || $thisKm > 0) { // if it's not abroad, and not just a "jump to" kommun if (!$completed) { $stracka = Stracka::loadById($stracka_id); $stracka->setStatic(0); $stracka->commit(); } continue; } } elseif (!$curPos) { // we haven't reached the current kommun yet if (!$curPos && $stracka["fastRutt"] == 1) { // this is part of the ended static route, and so it will be changed to non-static... if (!$completed) { // ...if it's not a completed static route $stracka = Stracka::loadById($stracka_id); $stracka->setStatic(0); $stracka->commit(); } } elseif ($stracka["fastRutt"] == 1 && !$completed) { // if this static route isn't completed, it's changed to non-static $stracka = Stracka::loadById($stracka_id); $stracka->setStatic(0); $stracka->commit(); } else { // this looks a bit weird, it's here for historic reasons } continue; } $kommun = $stracka["Kommun"]; $stracka = Stracka::loadById($stracka_id); $stracka->delete(); } if ($lastNonAbroad != false && $this->getCurrentKommun()->getId() != $lastNonAbroad->getId()) { $strackaObj = new Stracka($lastNonAbroad, $this); $strackaObj->setTempStatus(false); $strackaObj->commit(); } $this->setUserOnStaticRoute('false'); $this->setFastRuttId(0); $this->commit(); } }
$USER->cleanTempStrackor(); } $tabs = new TabBox("rapport", 590, null); $medlem = !empty($_GET["id"]) ? Medlem::loadById($_GET["id"]) : $USER; $smarty->assign("medlem", $medlem); $tabs->addTab("Rutt", "rutt"); $tabs->addTab("Steg", "detaljerat"); if (isset($_GET["tab"])) { $tabs->setSelected($_GET["tab"]); } $smarty->assign("tabs", $tabs); $stegtotal = $medlem->getStegTotal(); $kmTotal = Steg::stegToKm($stegtotal); // Kommunjakt $rutt = new Rutt($medlem); $rutten = $rutt->getRutt(); $currentKommun = $medlem->getCurrentKommun(); $kommunnamn = Kommun::listNamn(true); $rutter = $rutt->getRutt(); foreach ($rutter as $index => $temprutt) { $totalKm = $temprutt["TotalKm"]; } if (empty($totalKm)) { $totalKm = 0; } $totalKmKvar = $totalKm - $kmTotal; $smarty->assign("totalKmKvar", $totalKmKvar); $dagar7000 = ceil($totalKmKvar / 7); $dagar11000 = ceil($totalKmKvar / 11); $smarty->assign("dagar7000", $dagar7000); $smarty->assign("dagar11000", $dagar11000);
<?php require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/php/init.php"; Security::demand(USER); $smarty = new MMSmarty(); $smarty->assign("pagetitle", "Väkommen till en ny kommun"); $rutt = new Rutt($USER); $rutter = $rutt->getRutt(); /*if(isset($rutter[$rutt->getCurrentIndex()+1])) $urlHandler->redirect("Medlem", URL_VIEW_OWN); */ $kommun = $rutt->getCurrentKommun(); $smarty->assign("kommun", $kommun); $kommunvapen = $kommun->getKommunvapen(); $smarty->assign("kommunvapen", $kommunvapen); $kommunbilder = $kommun->listKommunbilder(); $kommunbild = current($kommunbilder); $smarty->assign("kommunbilder", $kommunbild); $smarty->display('nykommun.tpl');