예제 #1

define('BASE_PATH', str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', realpath(dirname(__FILE__))));
require 'system/start.php';
$router = new Router();
$db = new BaseModel();
require 'app/start.php';
/*boot routes*/
/*connect to mysql server*/
$uri = $app['request']->getPathInfo();
 * Append the URI to the Wordpress routes so it has priority
$routes = RouteBuilder::make();
array_unshift($routes, $uri);
 * Run our router to handle the closure/controller on the first route found and
 * put it in to the output variable.
$routeInfo = $app['dispatcher']->dispatch($method, $routes);
if ($routeInfo[0] === FastRoute\Dispatcher::FOUND) {
    if ($routeInfo[3] === '404') {
    $content = Router::boot($routeInfo[1], $routeInfo[2], $app['request'], $app['response']);
} else {
 * Determine what to do with the output depending on what kind of data it is
 * and send it to the client
foreach ($app_config['responseHandlers'] as $handler) {
    $handlerResponse = $handler::handle($content ?? null, $app['response']);
    if ($handlerResponse) {