static function getInstance() { if (self::$_instance instanceof self) { return self::$_instance; } return self::$_instance = new self(); }
public function render() { //set locale acoording to model input if ($this->model !== null) { $locale = $this->model->__get('lang'); $_COOKIE['locale'] = $locale; //reload header-menu echo "<script>\n \$(function() {\n \$('.top-nav').html(\"" . get_top_menu() . "\");\n });\n </script>"; $langs = "<li role='presentation' class='dropdown'><a class='dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown' href='#' role='button' aria-haspopup='true' aria-expanded='false'><img src='/myshop/images/flags/" . $_COOKIE['locale'] . ".png' /></a><ul class='dropdown-menu'>"; foreach ($this->model->__get('languages') as $locale => $lang) { if ($this->model instanceof Product) { $langs .= "<li class='lang'><a href='/myshop/" . $locale . "/" . Trans::_fd("product", $locale) . "/" . $lang . "'><img src='/myshop/images/flags/" . $locale . ".png' />" . Trans::_($locale) . "</a></li>"; } else { $langs .= "<li class='lang'><a href='/myshop/" . $locale . "/" . $lang . "'><img src='/myshop/images/flags/" . $locale . ".png' />" . Trans::_($locale) . "</a></li>"; } } $langs .= "</ul></li>"; echo "<script>\n \$(function() {\n \$('.langselect').html(\"" . $langs . "\");\n });\n </script>"; } else { echo "<script>\n \$(function() {\n \$('.top-nav').html(\"" . get_top_menu() . "\");\n });\n </script>"; $langs = "<li role='presentation' class='dropdown'><a class='dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown' href='#' role='button' aria-haspopup='true' aria-expanded='false'><img src='/myshop/images/flags/" . Trans::getDomain() . ".png' /></a><ul class='dropdown-menu'>"; foreach (Trans::getAllDomains() as $lang) { if (strpos(RouteController::getCurrentRoute(), Trans::getDomain()) !== false) { $langs .= "<li class='lang'><a href='/myshop" . str_replace(Trans::getDomain(), $lang, RouteController::getCurrentRoute()) . "'><img src='/myshop/images/flags/" . $lang . ".png' />" . Trans::_($lang) . "</a></li>"; } else { $langs .= "<li class='lang'><a href='/myshop/" . $lang . "'><img src='/myshop/images/flags/" . $lang . ".png' />" . Trans::_($lang) . "</a></li>"; } } $langs .= "</ul></li>"; echo "<script>\n \$(function() {\n \$('.langselect').html(\"" . $langs . "\");\n });\n </script>"; } }
public function __construct(Route $model) { $this->model = $model; // get all the parameters from the page uri $uriGetParam = isset($_GET['uri']) ? "/" . $_GET['uri'] : '/'; self::$currentRoute = $uriGetParam; foreach (Trans::getAllDomains() as $value) { if (strpos($uriGetParam, $value) !== false) { Trans::setDomain($value); } $uriGetParam = str_replace("/" . $value, "", $uriGetParam); } $uriView = explode("/", $uriGetParam); if (isset($uriView[1])) { $this->uriView = "/" . $uriView[1]; } else { $this->uriView = "/" . $uriView[0]; } $this->additionalParam = explode("/", $uriGetParam); setNewLangInCookie(); }
<?php require HTMLView::pathForTemplate('layout.head'); ?> <body> <div class="container"> <h1>Choose Plan</h1> <?php if (!empty($plans) && is_array($plans)) { echo '<form method="post">'; CSRFPRotection::generateHTMLTag(); echo '<table style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Cycle / Interval</th><th>Amount</th><th>Actions</th></tr>'; foreach ($plans as $plan) { // Create Row HTML printf('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%d %s</td><td>%s %s</td><td><input type="radio" name="plan" value="%s"></td></tr>', $plan['name'], $plan['interval_count'], $plan['interval'], number_format($plan['amount'] / 100, 2), strtoupper($plan['currency']), $plan['id']); } echo '</table>'; echo '<p><label>Coupon:</label> <input type="text" style="width: 150px" name="coupon"></p>'; echo '<p style="text-align: right;"><button type="submit">Select</button></p>'; echo '</form>'; } ?> <p><a href="<?php echo RouteController::fqURL('index'); ?> ">back to home</a></p> </div> </body> </html>
<?php require HTMLView::pathForTemplate('layout.head'); ?> <body> <div class="container"> <h1>Register</h1> <form method="post" style="text-align: center;"> <?php if (isset($alert)) { $alert->renderHTML(); } ?> <?php CSRFPRotection::generateHTMLTag(); ?> <p><input type="text" name="email" placeholder="Email Address" value="<?php postVar('email'); ?> "></p> <p><input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password"></p> <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p> </form> <p><a href="<?php echo RouteController::fqURL('user.login'); ?> ">Login</a></p> </div> </body> </html>
public function isUserAuthenticated($auth_required = true) { // Cached Result... (if checked before, return the result) if ($this->authentication != self::AUTH_UNKNOWN) { return $this->authentication == self::AUTH_PASSED; } // Check Token Validity -- Avoid DB Overhead if (self::isSessionIDValid($this->id)) { $db = Database::getConnection(); $query = $db->query("SELECT user_id, update_timestamp, persistent FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE (id=:id) AND (expiry_timestamp > :now)", array(":id" => $this->id, ":now" => Carbon::now())); } else { if (!$auth_required) { return false; } } // Check Query Result (and that it was executed) if (isset($query) && $query && $query->rowCount()) { $db_row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->user_id = $db_row['user_id']; // only set here, force people to call this function first before being allowed to look at the ID // We need to renew sessions on a regular basis in order for us to determine when sessions become inactive... if (Carbon::parse($db_row['update_timestamp'])->diffInSeconds(Carbon::now()) > self::SESSION_RENEWAL_PERIOD_SECONDS) { $this->create($db_row['user_id'], isTrue($db_row['persistent'])); } // renew $this->authentication = self::AUTH_PASSED; return true; } else { if ($auth_required) { // Determine the Current Target/Action $request = RequestModel::currentRequest(); $router = RouteController::getController(); $route = $router->findRouteForURL($request->url()); // Add Query Params? $url = $router->urlForAction($route->action(), $route->extractArgs($request->url())); if (count($request->queryArgArray())) { $url = addQueryParams($url, $request->queryArgArray()); } // Request a Login AppController::requestUserLogin($url); // we need to extract and re-inject any args or we lose context... } else { $this->authentication = self::AUTH_FAILED; return false; } } }
public static function requestUserLogin($redirect) { self::redirect(RouteController::fqURL('user.login'), array("redirect" => $redirect)); }
public static function fqURL($action, $args = null) { return RouteController::getController()->urlForAction($action, $args); }
<body> <div class="container"> <h1>Login</h1> <form method="post" style="text-align: center;"> <?php if (isset($alert)) { $alert->renderHTML(); } ?> <?php CSRFPRotection::generateHTMLTag(); ?> <p><input type="text" name="email" placeholder="Email Address" value="<?php postVar('email'); ?> "></p> <p><input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password"></p> <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p> </form> <p><a href="<?php echo RouteController::fqURL('user.register'); ?> ">Register</a></p> <p><a href="<?php echo RouteController::fqURL('resetPassword'); ?> ">Reset Password</a></p> </div> </body> </html>
<?php define('OFIS', true); //для организации доступа чз index.php header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); require 'config.php'; set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . CONTROLLER . PATH_SEPARATOR . MODEL); function __autoload($class_name) { include_once $class_name . '.php'; } $ofis = RouteController::getInstance(); $ofis->route();
public function resetPassword() { $this->view = new HTMLView(); if ($this->request->isPOST()) { $post = $this->request->postData(); $user = new UserModel(); if ($this->request->isQueryArgSet('token')) { if ($user->getUserForPasswordResetToken($this->request->queryArgValue('token'))) { $user->password = @$post['password']; if ($user->save()) { $user->deletePasswordResetTokens(); $alert = new Alert(Alert::SUCCESS); $alert->addMessage('Password Set, Please Login'); } else { $alert = new Alert(Alert::ERROR); $alert->addMessageArray($user->getErrors()); } $this->view->includeTemplate('auth.reset-password.password', ['app_name' => AppConfig::getValue('app_name'), 'alert' => $alert]); } else { AppController::redirect(RouteController::fqURL('resetPassword'), ['status' => 'token-expired']); } } else { if ($post['email'] && $user->find($post['email'], 'email')) { $token = $user->getPasswordResetTokenData(); if ($token['last_email_timestamp'] <= Carbon::now()->subMinutes(pow(2, $token['email_attempts']))) { $user->incrementPasswordResetEmailCount(); $link = addQueryParams(RouteController::fqURL('resetPassword'), ['token' => $token['token']]); // Send Email $mailer = new Mailer(); $mailer->setSubject('Password Reset Token'); $mailer->addAddress($user->email); $mailer->includeHTMLTemplate('email.reset-password', ['link' => $link]); $mailer->send(); // errors handled within // Show Message $alert = new Alert(Alert::SUCCESS); $alert->addMessage('Email Sent'); } else { $alert = new Alert(Alert::ERROR); $alert->addMessage('Too Many Attempts, Please Try Again Later'); } $this->view->includeTemplate('', ['app_name' => AppConfig::getValue('app_name'), 'alert' => $alert]); } else { $alert = new Alert(Alert::ERROR); $alert->addMessage('Email is Invalid/Non-Existent'); $this->view->includeTemplate('', ['app_name' => AppConfig::getValue('app_name'), 'alert' => $alert]); } } } else { if ($this->request->isQueryArgSet('token')) { $user = new UserModel(); if ($user->getUserForPasswordResetToken($this->request->queryArgValue('token'))) { $this->view->includeTemplate('auth.reset-password.password', ['app_name' => AppConfig::getValue('app_name')]); } else { AppController::redirect(RouteController::fqURL('resetPassword'), ['status' => 'token-expired']); } } else { if ($this->request->isQueryArgSet('status') && $this->request->queryArgValue('status') == 'token-expired') { $alert = new Alert(Alert::ERROR); $alert->addMessage('Token is Invalid/Expired, Please Request a New One'); } $this->view->includeTemplate('', ['app_name' => AppConfig::getValue('app_name'), 'alert' => isset($alert) ? $alert : null]); } } $this->view->render(true); }
private function getCustomer(UserModel $user) { // Redirect to Start... (not a customer) if (!$user->isStripeCustomer()) { AppController::redirect(RouteController::fqURL('subscription.manage')); } try { \Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey(AppConfig::getValue('stripe_secret_api_key')); // Attempt to Fetch Customer... $customer = \Stripe\Customer::retrieve($user->getStripeData()->customer_id); // Exisitng, Deleted? if ($customer->deleted) { $user->stripe_customer_id = null; $user->setStripeData(null); $user->save(); // Redirect to Start... AppController::redirect(RouteController::fqURL('subscription.manage')); } else { return $customer; } } catch (\Stripe\Error\Card $exception) { $this->logStripeException($exception, $customer->id); } catch (\Stripe\Error\InvalidRequest $exception) { $this->logStripeException($exception, $customer->id); } catch (\Stripe\Error\Authentication $exception) { $this->logStripeException($exception, $customer->id); } catch (\Stripe\Error\ApiConnection $exception) { $this->logStripeException($exception, $customer->id); } catch (\Stripe\Error\Base $exception) { $this->logStripeException($exception, $customer->id); } }