  * Load an array of RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization objects,
  * by ModifiedBy Index(es)
  * @param integer $intModifiedBy
  * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query
  * @return RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization[]
 public static function LoadArrayByModifiedBy($intModifiedBy, $objOptionalClauses = null)
     // Call RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization::QueryArray to perform the LoadArrayByModifiedBy query
     try {
         return RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization::QueryArray(QQ::Equal(QQN::RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization()->ModifiedBy, $intModifiedBy), $objOptionalClauses);
     } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
         throw $objExc;
예제 #2
 protected function Form_Create()
     if (QApplication::QueryString('intDownloadCsv')) {
         // force a "no cache" effect
         header("Pragma: hack");
         // IE chokes on "no cache", so set to something, anything, else.
         $ExpStr = "Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time()) . " GMT";
         header('Content-Type: text/csv');
         header('Content-Disposition: csv; filename=skipped_records.csv');
         $file = fopen(sprintf("%s/%s_contact_skipped.csv", __TRACMOR_TMP__, $_SESSION['intUserAccountId']), "r");
         while ($row = fgets($file, 1000)) {
             print $row;
         QApplication::$JavaScriptArray = array();
         QApplication::$JavaScriptArrayHighPriority = array();
     // Create the Header Menu
     $this->intStep = 1;
     $this->intSkippedRecordCount = 0;
     $this->blnImportEnd = true;
     $this->btnRemoveArray = array();
     $this->arrItemCustomField = array();
     $this->objDatabase = Asset::GetDatabase();
     // Load Custom Field
     foreach (CustomField::LoadArrayByActiveFlagEntity(1, EntityQtype::Contact) as $objCustomField) {
         $this->arrItemCustomField[$objCustomField->CustomFieldId] = $objCustomField;
     $this->blnError = true;
     $intRoleId = QApplication::$objUserAccount->RoleId;
     $objRoleEntityQtypeBuiltInAuthorization = RoleEntityQtypeBuiltInAuthorization::LoadByRoleIdEntityQtypeIdAuthorizationId($intRoleId, EntityQtype::Contact, 2);
     // Check the user have edit permissions
     if ($objRoleEntityQtypeBuiltInAuthorization && $objRoleEntityQtypeBuiltInAuthorization->AuthorizedFlag) {
         $this->blnError = false;
     if (isset($intCustomFieldIdArray) && count($intCustomFieldIdArray)) {
         // Load restrict permisions for Custom Fields
         $objConditions = QQ::AndCondition(QQ::Equal(QQN::RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization()->RoleId, (string) $intRoleId), QQ::In(QQN::RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization()->EntityQtypeCustomField->CustomFieldId, $intCustomFieldIdArray), QQ::Equal(QQN::RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization()->AuthorizedFlag, false));
         $objClauses = array();
         array_push($objClauses, QQ::Expand(QQN::RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization()->EntityQtypeCustomField->EntityQtypeCustomFieldId));
         array_push($objClauses, QQ::OrderBy(QQN::RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization()->EntityQtypeCustomFieldId));
         $arrRoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization = RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization::QueryArray($objConditions, $objClauses);
         if ($arrRoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization) {
             foreach ($arrRoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization as $objRoleAuth) {
                 if (array_key_exists($objRoleAuth->EntityQtypeCustomField->CustomFieldId, $this->arrAssetCustomField)) {
     $this->intUserArray = array();
     // Load Users
     foreach (UserAccount::LoadAll() as $objUser) {
         $this->intUserArray[strtolower($objUser->Username)] = $objUser->UserAccountId;
     $this->strAcceptibleMimeArray = array('text/plain' => 'txt', 'text/comma-separated-values' => 'csv', 'text/csv' => 'csv', 'text/x-comma-separated-values' => 'csv', 'application/vnd.ms-excel' => 'csv', 'application/csv' => 'csv', 'text/x-csv' => 'csv');
  * Main utility method to aid with data binding.  It is used by the default BindAllRows() databinder but
  * could and should be used by any custom databind methods that would be used for instances of this
  * MetaDataGrid, by simply passing in a custom QQCondition and/or QQClause. 
  * If a paginator is set on this DataBinder, it will use it.  If not, then no pagination will be used.
  * It will also perform any sorting (if applicable).
  * @param QQCondition $objConditions override the default condition of QQ::All() to the query, itself
  * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause object or array of QQClause objects for the query		 
  * @return void
 public function MetaDataBinder(QQCondition $objCondition = null, $objOptionalClauses = null)
     // Setup input parameters to default values if none passed in
     if (!$objCondition) {
         $objCondition = QQ::All();
     $objClauses = $objOptionalClauses ? $objOptionalClauses : array();
     // We need to first set the TotalItemCount, which will affect the calcuation of LimitClause below
     if ($this->Paginator) {
         $this->TotalItemCount = RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization::QueryCount($objCondition, $objClauses);
     // If a column is selected to be sorted, and if that column has a OrderByClause set on it, then let's add
     // the OrderByClause to the $objClauses array
     if ($objClause = $this->OrderByClause) {
         array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
     // Add the LimitClause information, as well
     if ($objClause = $this->LimitClause) {
         array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
     // Set the DataSource to be a Query result from RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization, given the clauses above
     $this->DataSource = RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization::QueryArray($objCondition, $objClauses);