예제 #1

 * Retrieves match information of one json file and stores the data in MongoDB.
 * Automatically detects region from filename.
require "classes/riot-league-api.php";
require "classes/rate-limit.php";
require "classes/settings.php";
$api = new RiotLeagueAPI("na", $league_api_key);
$time = new RateLimit();
$mongo = new MongoClient();
$db = $mongo->{"build-ap"};
// Add champions to database
$champions = $db->{"STATIC.CHAMPIONS"};
$success = false;
while (!$success) {
    $data = $api->getChampions();
    $success = $api->getSuccess();
    if (!$success) {
$document = json_decode($data);
foreach ($document->{"data"} as $name => $data) {
// Add items to database
$items = $db->{"STATIC.ITEMS"};
예제 #2
    echo "\t-i json file containing a list of matches\n";
    echo "\t-t match type, either 'NORMAL_5X5' or 'RANKED_SOLO'\n";
    echo "\t-v match game version, something like 5.11 or 5.14\n";
    echo "example: php fetch-matches.php -i NA.json -t normal -v 5.11\n";
if (!file_exists($opts["i"])) {
    echo "unable to locate '" . $opts["i"] . "'...\n";
if (!preg_match('/(?:^|\\/)(\\w*)\\.(?:\\w*)$/', $opts["i"], $matches)) {
    echo "invalid filename format... expected {region}.json\n";
$region = $matches[1];
$api = new RiotLeagueAPI($region, $league_api_key);
$time = new RateLimit();
$mongo = new MongoClient();
$db = $mongo->{"build-ap"};
$collection_name = strtoupper($opts["t"] . "." . $opts["v"] . "." . $region);
$collection = $db->{$collection_name};
$collection->createIndex(array('matchId' => 1));
$matches = json_decode(file_get_contents($opts["i"]), true);
echo "retrieving {$collection_name}...\n";
$match_count = count($matches);
for ($i = 0; $i < $match_count; $i++) {
    if ($collection->find(array('matchId' => $matches[$i]))->count() == 0) {
        $success = false;
        while (!$success) {
            $data = $api->getMatch($matches[$i]);
            $success = $api->getSuccess();