예제 #1
  * Check if an email address is on a list of exceptions.
  * @param string $email
  * @param object $config (optional)
  * @return string|null
 public function getSendingMethodForEmailAddress($email, $config = null)
     if (!$config) {
         $config = $this->getConfig();
     if (!isset($config->exceptions) || !is_array($config->exceptions) || !count($config->exceptions)) {
         return null;
     $email = Rhymix\Framework\URL::encodeIdna($email);
     foreach ($config->exceptions as $exception) {
         $domains = array();
         foreach ($exception['domains'] as $domain) {
             $domains[] = preg_quote($domain, '/');
         if (count($domains) && preg_match('/\\b(?:' . implode('|', $domains) . ')$/i', $email)) {
             return $exception['method'];
     return null;
예제 #2
파일: legacy.php 프로젝트: rhymix/rhymix
 * Return the exact url of the current page
 * @return string
function getCurrentPageUrl($escape = true)
    $url = Rhymix\Framework\URL::getCurrentURL();
    return $escape ? escape($url) : $url;
예제 #3
  * Add OpenGraph metadata tags.
  * @param string $output
  * @return void
 function _addOpenGraphMetadata()
     // Get information about the current request.
     $page_type = 'website';
     $current_module_info = Context::get('current_module_info');
     $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
     $document_srl = Context::get('document_srl');
     if ($document_srl) {
         $oDocument = Context::get('oDocument') ?: getModel('document')->getDocument($document_srl, false, false);
         if ($oDocument instanceof documentItem && $oDocument->document_srl == $document_srl && !$oDocument->isSecret()) {
             $page_type = 'article';
     // Add basic metadata.
     Context::addOpenGraphData('og:title', Context::getBrowserTitle());
     Context::addOpenGraphData('og:site_name', Context::getSiteTitle());
     if ($page_type === 'article' && config('seo.og_extract_description')) {
         $description = trim(utf8_normalize_spaces($oDocument->getContentText(200)));
     } else {
         $description = Context::getMetaTag('description');
     Context::addOpenGraphData('og:description', $description);
     Context::addMetaTag('description', $description);
     // Add metadata about this page.
     Context::addOpenGraphData('og:type', $page_type);
     if ($page_type === 'article') {
         $canonical_url = getFullUrl('', 'mid', $current_module_info->mid, 'document_srl', $document_srl);
     } elseif (($page = Context::get('page')) > 1) {
         $canonical_url = getFullUrl('', 'mid', $current_module_info->mid, 'page', $page);
     } elseif ($current_module_info->module_srl == $site_module_info->module_srl) {
         $canonical_url = getFullUrl('');
     } else {
         $canonical_url = getFullUrl('', 'mid', $current_module_info->mid);
     Context::addOpenGraphData('og:url', $canonical_url);
     // Add metadata about the locale.
     $lang_type = Context::getLangType();
     $locales = (include \RX_BASEDIR . 'common/defaults/locales.php');
     if (isset($locales[$lang_type])) {
         Context::addOpenGraphData('og:locale', $locales[$lang_type]['locale']);
     if ($page_type === 'article' && $oDocument->getLangCode() !== $lang_type && isset($locales[$oDocument->getLangCode()])) {
         Context::addOpenGraphData('og:locale:alternate', $locales[$oDocument->getLangCode()]);
     // Add image.
     if ($page_type === 'article' && config('seo.og_extract_images')) {
         if (($document_images = Rhymix\Framework\Cache::get("seo:document_images:{$document_srl}")) === null) {
             $document_images = array();
             if ($oDocument->hasUploadedFiles()) {
                 foreach ($oDocument->getUploadedFiles() as $file) {
                     if ($file->isvalid !== 'Y' || !preg_match('/\\.(?:bmp|gif|jpe?g|png)$/i', $file->uploaded_filename)) {
                     list($width, $height) = @getimagesize($file->uploaded_filename);
                     if ($width < 100 && $height < 100) {
                     $image = array('filepath' => $file->uploaded_filename, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height);
                     if ($file->cover_image === 'Y') {
                         array_unshift($document_images, $image);
                     } else {
                         $document_images[] = $image;
                     if (count($document_images) >= 1) {
             Rhymix\Framework\Cache::set("seo:document_images:{$document_srl}", $document_images, 0, true);
     } else {
         $document_images = null;
     if ($document_images) {
         $first_image = reset($document_images);
         $first_image['filepath'] = preg_replace('/^.\\/files\\//', \RX_BASEURL . 'files/', $first_image['filepath']);
         Context::addOpenGraphData('og:image', Rhymix\Framework\URL::getCurrentDomainURL($first_image['filepath']));
         Context::addOpenGraphData('og:image:width', $first_image['width']);
         Context::addOpenGraphData('og:image:height', $first_image['height']);
     } elseif ($default_image = getAdminModel('admin')->getSiteDefaultImageUrl($width, $height)) {
         Context::addOpenGraphData('og:image', Rhymix\Framework\URL::getCurrentDomainURL($default_image));
         if ($width && $height) {
             Context::addOpenGraphData('og:image:width', $width);
             Context::addOpenGraphData('og:image:height', $height);
     // Add datetime for articles.
     if ($page_type === 'article' && config('seo.og_use_timestamps')) {
         Context::addOpenGraphData('article:published_time', $oDocument->getRegdate('c'));
         Context::addOpenGraphData('article:modified_time', $oDocument->getUpdate('c'));
예제 #4
파일: functions.php 프로젝트: rhymix/rhymix
 * Convert a URL to a server-side path.
 * This function is an alias to Rhymix\Framework\URL::toServerPath().
 * It returns false if the URL cannot be converted.
 * @param string $url
 * @return string|false
function url2path($url)
    return Rhymix\Framework\URL::toServerPath($url);
예제 #5
  * Convert IDNA (punycode) domain into UTF-8
  * @param string $domain Domain to convert
  * @return string Converted string
 public static function decodeIdna($domain)
     return Rhymix\Framework\URL::decodeIdna($domain);
  * Save the exception configuration.
 public function procAdvanced_MailerAdminInsertExceptions()
     // Get the current configuration.
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     $sending_methods = Rhymix\Framework\Mail::getSupportedDrivers();
     // Get and validate the list of exceptions.
     $exceptions = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
         $method = strval(Context::get('exception_' . $i . '_method'));
         $domains = trim(Context::get('exception_' . $i . '_domains'));
         if ($method !== '' && $domains !== '') {
             if ($method !== 'default' && !isset($sending_methods[$method])) {
                 return new Object(-1, 'msg_advanced_mailer_sending_method_is_invalid');
             if ($method !== 'default') {
                 foreach ($this->sending_methods[$method]['required'] as $conf_name) {
                     if (!Rhymix\Framework\Config::get("mail.{$method}.{$conf_name}")) {
                         return new Object(-1, sprintf(Context::getLang('msg_advanced_mailer_sending_method_is_not_configured'), Context::getLang('cmd_advanced_mailer_sending_method_' . $method)));
             $exceptions[$i]['method'] = $method;
             $exceptions[$i]['domains'] = array();
             $domains = array_map('trim', preg_split('/[,\\n]/', $domains, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
             foreach ($domains as $domain) {
                 if (strpos($domain, 'xn--') !== false) {
                     $domain = Rhymix\Framework\URL::decodeIdna($domain);
                 $exceptions[$i]['domains'][] = $domain;
     // Save the new configuration.
     $config->exceptions = $exceptions;
     $output = getController('module')->insertModuleConfig('advanced_mailer', $config);
     if ($output->toBool()) {
     } else {
         return $output;
     if (Context::get('success_return_url')) {
     } else {
         $this->setRedirectUrl(getNotEncodedUrl('', 'module', 'admin', 'act', 'dispAdvanced_mailerAdminExceptions'));