/** * Render the header of a diff page including: * Name with url to page * Bytes added/removed * Day and time of edit * Edit Comment */ function showHeader() { $title = $this->targetTitle; if ($this->prevRev) { $bytesChanged = $this->rev->getSize() - $this->prevRev->getSize(); } else { $bytesChanged = $this->rev->getSize(); } if ($bytesChanged > 0) { $changeMsg = 'mobile-frontend-diffview-bytesadded'; $sizeClass = MobileUI::iconClass('bytesadded', 'before', 'icon-12px meta mw-mf-bytesadded'); } elseif ($bytesChanged === 0) { $changeMsg = 'mobile-frontend-diffview-bytesnochange'; $sizeClass = MobileUI::iconClass('bytesneutral', 'before', 'icon-12px meta mw-mf-bytesneutral'); } else { $changeMsg = 'mobile-frontend-diffview-bytesremoved'; $sizeClass = MobileUI::iconClass('bytesremoved', 'before', 'icon-12px meta mw-mf-bytesremoved'); $bytesChanged = abs($bytesChanged); } if ($this->rev->isMinor()) { $minor = ChangesList::flag('minor'); } else { $minor = ''; } if ($this->rev->getComment() !== '') { $comment = Linker::formatComment($this->rev->getComment(), $title); } else { $comment = $this->msg('mobile-frontend-changeslist-nocomment')->escaped(); } $ts = new MWTimestamp($this->rev->getTimestamp()); $this->getOutput()->addHtml(Html::openElement('div', array('id' => 'mw-mf-diff-info', 'class' => 'page-summary')) . Html::openElement('h2', array()) . Html::element('a', array('href' => $title->getLocalURL()), $title->getPrefixedText()) . Html::closeElement('h2') . $this->msg('mobile-frontend-diffview-comma')->rawParams(Html::element('span', array('class' => $sizeClass), $this->msg($changeMsg)->numParams($bytesChanged)->text()), Html::element('span', array('class' => 'mw-mf-diff-date meta'), $ts->getHumanTimestamp()))->text() . Html::closeElement('div') . $minor . Html::rawElement('div', array('id' => 'mw-mf-diff-comment'), $comment)); }
/** * Render the contribution of the pagerevision (time, bytes added/deleted, pagename comment) * @param Revision $rev */ protected function showContributionsRow(Revision $rev) { $user = $this->getUser(); $userId = $rev->getUser(Revision::FOR_THIS_USER, $user); if ($userId === 0) { $username = IP::prettifyIP($rev->getUserText(Revision::RAW)); $isAnon = true; } else { $username = $rev->getUserText(Revision::FOR_THIS_USER, $user); $isAnon = false; } // FIXME: Style differently user comment when this is the case if ($rev->userCan(Revision::DELETED_COMMENT, $user)) { $comment = $rev->getComment(Revision::FOR_THIS_USER, $user); $comment = $this->formatComment($comment, $this->title); } else { $comment = $this->msg('rev-deleted-comment')->plain(); } $ts = $rev->getTimestamp(); $this->renderListHeaderWhereNeeded($this->getLanguage()->userDate($ts, $this->getUser())); $ts = new MWTimestamp($ts); if ($rev->userCan(Revision::DELETED_TEXT, $user)) { $diffLink = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('MobileDiff', $rev->getId())->getLocalUrl(); } else { $diffLink = false; } // FIXME: Style differently user comment when this is the case if (!$rev->userCan(Revision::DELETED_USER, $user)) { $username = $this->msg('rev-deleted-user')->plain(); } $bytes = null; if (isset($this->prevLengths[$rev->getParentId()])) { $bytes = $rev->getSize() - $this->prevLengths[$rev->getParentId()]; } $isMinor = $rev->isMinor(); $this->renderFeedItemHtml($ts, $diffLink, $username, $comment, $rev->getTitle(), $isAnon, $bytes, $isMinor); }
/** * Show a row in history, including: * time of edit * changed bytes * name of editor * comment of edit * @param Revision $rev Revision id of the row wants to show * @param Revision|null $prev Revision id of previous Revision to display the difference */ protected function showRow(Revision $rev, $prev) { $user = $this->getUser(); $userId = $rev->getUser(Revision::FOR_THIS_USER, $user); if ($userId === 0) { $username = IP::prettifyIP($rev->getUserText(Revision::RAW)); $isAnon = true; } else { $username = $rev->getUserText(Revision::FOR_THIS_USER, $user); $isAnon = false; } // FIXME: Style differently user comment when this is the case if ($rev->userCan(Revision::DELETED_COMMENT, $user)) { $comment = $rev->getComment(Revision::FOR_THIS_USER, $user); $comment = $this->formatComment($comment, $this->title); } else { $comment = $this->msg('rev-deleted-comment')->plain(); } $ts = $rev->getTimestamp(); $this->renderListHeaderWhereNeeded($this->getLanguage()->userDate($ts, $this->getUser())); $ts = new MWTimestamp($ts); $canSeeText = $rev->userCan(Revision::DELETED_TEXT, $user); if ($canSeeText && $prev && $prev->userCan(Revision::DELETED_TEXT, $user)) { $diffLink = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('MobileDiff', $rev->getId())->getLocalUrl(); } elseif ($canSeeText && $rev->getTitle() !== null) { $diffLink = $rev->getTitle()->getLocalUrl(array('oldid' => $rev->getId())); } else { $diffLink = false; } // FIXME: Style differently user comment when this is the case if (!$rev->userCan(Revision::DELETED_USER, $user)) { $username = $this->msg('rev-deleted-user')->plain(); } // When the page is named there is no need to print it in output if ($this->title) { $title = null; } else { $title = $rev->getTitle(); } $bytes = $rev->getSize(); if ($prev) { $bytes -= $prev->getSize(); } $isMinor = $rev->isMinor(); $this->renderFeedItemHtml($ts, $diffLink, $username, $comment, $title, $isAnon, $bytes, $isMinor); }
/** * Extract information from the Revision * * @param Revision $revision * @param object $row Should have a field 'ts_tags' if $this->fld_tags is set * @return array */ protected function extractRevisionInfo(Revision $revision, $row) { $title = $revision->getTitle(); $user = $this->getUser(); $vals = array(); $anyHidden = false; if ($this->fld_ids) { $vals['revid'] = intval($revision->getId()); if (!is_null($revision->getParentId())) { $vals['parentid'] = intval($revision->getParentId()); } } if ($this->fld_flags) { $vals['minor'] = $revision->isMinor(); } if ($this->fld_user || $this->fld_userid) { if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_USER)) { $vals['userhidden'] = true; $anyHidden = true; } if ($revision->userCan(Revision::DELETED_USER, $user)) { if ($this->fld_user) { $vals['user'] = $revision->getUserText(Revision::RAW); } $userid = $revision->getUser(Revision::RAW); if (!$userid) { $vals['anon'] = true; } if ($this->fld_userid) { $vals['userid'] = $userid; } } } if ($this->fld_timestamp) { $vals['timestamp'] = wfTimestamp(TS_ISO_8601, $revision->getTimestamp()); } if ($this->fld_size) { if (!is_null($revision->getSize())) { $vals['size'] = intval($revision->getSize()); } else { $vals['size'] = 0; } } if ($this->fld_sha1) { if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_TEXT)) { $vals['sha1hidden'] = true; $anyHidden = true; } if ($revision->userCan(Revision::DELETED_TEXT, $user)) { if ($revision->getSha1() != '') { $vals['sha1'] = wfBaseConvert($revision->getSha1(), 36, 16, 40); } else { $vals['sha1'] = ''; } } } if ($this->fld_contentmodel) { $vals['contentmodel'] = $revision->getContentModel(); } if ($this->fld_comment || $this->fld_parsedcomment) { if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_COMMENT)) { $vals['commenthidden'] = true; $anyHidden = true; } if ($revision->userCan(Revision::DELETED_COMMENT, $user)) { $comment = $revision->getComment(Revision::RAW); if ($this->fld_comment) { $vals['comment'] = $comment; } if ($this->fld_parsedcomment) { $vals['parsedcomment'] = Linker::formatComment($comment, $title); } } } if ($this->fld_tags) { if ($row->ts_tags) { $tags = explode(',', $row->ts_tags); ApiResult::setIndexedTagName($tags, 'tag'); $vals['tags'] = $tags; } else { $vals['tags'] = array(); } } $content = null; global $wgParser; if ($this->fetchContent) { $content = $revision->getContent(Revision::FOR_THIS_USER, $this->getUser()); // Expand templates after getting section content because // template-added sections don't count and Parser::preprocess() // will have less input if ($content && $this->section !== false) { $content = $content->getSection($this->section, false); if (!$content) { $this->dieUsage("There is no section {$this->section} in r" . $revision->getId(), 'nosuchsection'); } } if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_TEXT)) { $vals['texthidden'] = true; $anyHidden = true; } elseif (!$content) { $vals['textmissing'] = true; } } if ($this->fld_content && $content) { $text = null; if ($this->generateXML) { if ($content->getModel() === CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT) { $t = $content->getNativeData(); # note: don't set $text $wgParser->startExternalParse($title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()), Parser::OT_PREPROCESS); $dom = $wgParser->preprocessToDom($t); if (is_callable(array($dom, 'saveXML'))) { $xml = $dom->saveXML(); } else { $xml = $dom->__toString(); } $vals['parsetree'] = $xml; } else { $vals['badcontentformatforparsetree'] = true; $this->setWarning("Conversion to XML is supported for wikitext only, " . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() . " uses content model " . $content->getModel()); } } if ($this->expandTemplates && !$this->parseContent) { #XXX: implement template expansion for all content types in ContentHandler? if ($content->getModel() === CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT) { $text = $content->getNativeData(); $text = $wgParser->preprocess($text, $title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext())); } else { $this->setWarning("Template expansion is supported for wikitext only, " . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() . " uses content model " . $content->getModel()); $vals['badcontentformat'] = true; $text = false; } } if ($this->parseContent) { $po = $content->getParserOutput($title, $revision->getId(), ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext())); $text = $po->getText(); } if ($text === null) { $format = $this->contentFormat ? $this->contentFormat : $content->getDefaultFormat(); $model = $content->getModel(); if (!$content->isSupportedFormat($format)) { $name = $title->getPrefixedDBkey(); $this->setWarning("The requested format {$this->contentFormat} is not " . "supported for content model {$model} used by {$name}"); $vals['badcontentformat'] = true; $text = false; } else { $text = $content->serialize($format); // always include format and model. // Format is needed to deserialize, model is needed to interpret. $vals['contentformat'] = $format; $vals['contentmodel'] = $model; } } if ($text !== false) { ApiResult::setContentValue($vals, 'content', $text); } } if ($content && (!is_null($this->diffto) || !is_null($this->difftotext))) { static $n = 0; // Number of uncached diffs we've had if ($n < $this->getConfig()->get('APIMaxUncachedDiffs')) { $vals['diff'] = array(); $context = new DerivativeContext($this->getContext()); $context->setTitle($title); $handler = $revision->getContentHandler(); if (!is_null($this->difftotext)) { $model = $title->getContentModel(); if ($this->contentFormat && !ContentHandler::getForModelID($model)->isSupportedFormat($this->contentFormat)) { $name = $title->getPrefixedDBkey(); $this->setWarning("The requested format {$this->contentFormat} is not " . "supported for content model {$model} used by {$name}"); $vals['diff']['badcontentformat'] = true; $engine = null; } else { $difftocontent = ContentHandler::makeContent($this->difftotext, $title, $model, $this->contentFormat); $engine = $handler->createDifferenceEngine($context); $engine->setContent($content, $difftocontent); } } else { $engine = $handler->createDifferenceEngine($context, $revision->getID(), $this->diffto); $vals['diff']['from'] = $engine->getOldid(); $vals['diff']['to'] = $engine->getNewid(); } if ($engine) { $difftext = $engine->getDiffBody(); ApiResult::setContentValue($vals['diff'], 'body', $difftext); if (!$engine->wasCacheHit()) { $n++; } } } else { $vals['diff']['notcached'] = true; } } if ($anyHidden && $revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_RESTRICTED)) { $vals['suppressed'] = true; } return $vals; }
private function extractRowInfo($row) { $revision = new Revision($row); $title = $revision->getTitle(); $vals = array(); if ($this->fld_ids) { $vals['revid'] = intval($revision->getId()); // $vals['oldid'] = intval( $row->rev_text_id ); // todo: should this be exposed? if (!is_null($revision->getParentId())) { $vals['parentid'] = intval($revision->getParentId()); } } if ($this->fld_flags && $revision->isMinor()) { $vals['minor'] = ''; } if ($this->fld_user || $this->fld_userid) { if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_USER)) { $vals['userhidden'] = ''; } else { if ($this->fld_user) { $vals['user'] = $revision->getUserText(); } $userid = $revision->getUser(); if (!$userid) { $vals['anon'] = ''; } if ($this->fld_userid) { $vals['userid'] = $userid; } } } if ($this->fld_timestamp) { $vals['timestamp'] = wfTimestamp(TS_ISO_8601, $revision->getTimestamp()); } if ($this->fld_size) { if (!is_null($revision->getSize())) { $vals['size'] = intval($revision->getSize()); } else { $vals['size'] = 0; } } if ($this->fld_sha1) { if ($revision->getSha1() != '') { $vals['sha1'] = wfBaseConvert($revision->getSha1(), 36, 16, 40); } else { $vals['sha1'] = ''; } } if ($this->fld_comment || $this->fld_parsedcomment) { if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_COMMENT)) { $vals['commenthidden'] = ''; } else { $comment = $revision->getComment(); if ($this->fld_comment) { $vals['comment'] = $comment; } if ($this->fld_parsedcomment) { $vals['parsedcomment'] = Linker::formatComment($comment, $title); } } } if ($this->fld_tags) { if ($row->ts_tags) { $tags = explode(',', $row->ts_tags); $this->getResult()->setIndexedTagName($tags, 'tag'); $vals['tags'] = $tags; } else { $vals['tags'] = array(); } } if (!is_null($this->token)) { $tokenFunctions = $this->getTokenFunctions(); foreach ($this->token as $t) { $val = call_user_func($tokenFunctions[$t], $title->getArticleID(), $title, $revision); if ($val === false) { $this->setWarning("Action '{$t}' is not allowed for the current user"); } else { $vals[$t . 'token'] = $val; } } } $text = null; global $wgParser; if ($this->fld_content || !is_null($this->difftotext)) { $text = $revision->getText(); // Expand templates after getting section content because // template-added sections don't count and Parser::preprocess() // will have less input if ($this->section !== false) { $text = $wgParser->getSection($text, $this->section, false); if ($text === false) { $this->dieUsage("There is no section {$this->section} in r" . $revision->getId(), 'nosuchsection'); } } } if ($this->fld_content && !$revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_TEXT)) { if ($this->generateXML) { $wgParser->startExternalParse($title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()), OT_PREPROCESS); $dom = $wgParser->preprocessToDom($text); if (is_callable(array($dom, 'saveXML'))) { $xml = $dom->saveXML(); } else { $xml = $dom->__toString(); } $vals['parsetree'] = $xml; } if ($this->expandTemplates && !$this->parseContent) { $text = $wgParser->preprocess($text, $title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext())); } if ($this->parseContent) { $text = $wgParser->parse($text, $title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()))->getText(); } ApiResult::setContent($vals, $text); } elseif ($this->fld_content) { $vals['texthidden'] = ''; } if (!is_null($this->diffto) || !is_null($this->difftotext)) { global $wgAPIMaxUncachedDiffs; static $n = 0; // Number of uncached diffs we've had if ($n < $wgAPIMaxUncachedDiffs) { $vals['diff'] = array(); $context = new DerivativeContext($this->getContext()); $context->setTitle($title); if (!is_null($this->difftotext)) { $engine = new DifferenceEngine($context); $engine->setText($text, $this->difftotext); } else { $engine = new DifferenceEngine($context, $revision->getID(), $this->diffto); $vals['diff']['from'] = $engine->getOldid(); $vals['diff']['to'] = $engine->getNewid(); } $difftext = $engine->getDiffBody(); ApiResult::setContent($vals['diff'], $difftext); if (!$engine->wasCacheHit()) { $n++; } } else { $vals['diff']['notcached'] = ''; } } return $vals; }
function compareEventRecordWithRevision($dbname, $oRow, $debug) { global $wgTitle, $wgLanguageCode; $langcode = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgLanguageCode', $oRow->wiki_id); $lang_id = WikiFactory::LangCodeToId($langcode); $cats = WikiFactory::getCategory($oRow->wiki_id); $cat_id = !empty($cats) ? $cats->cat_id : 0; $result = false; if (is_object($oRow) && !empty($oRow->page_id) && !empty($oRow->rev_id)) { $data = loadFromDB($dbname, $oRow->page_id, $oRow->rev_id); if (is_object($data)) { $oRevision = new Revision($data); if ($oRow->rev_id > 0) { $wgTitle = Title::makeTitle($data->page_namespace, $data->page_title); } else { $wgTitle = $oRevision->getTitle(); } $content = $oRevision->getText(Revision::FOR_THIS_USER); $is_bot = _user_is_bot($data->rev_user_text); $is_content = _revision_is_content(); $is_redirect = _revision_is_redirect($content); $size = intval($oRevision->getSize()); $words = str_word_count($content); $links = _make_links($oRow->page_id, $oRow->rev_id, $content); $timestamp = $data->ts; if ($data->rev_page == $oRow->page_id && $data->page_namespace == $oRow->page_ns && $data->rev_id == $oRow->rev_id && $timestamp == $oRow->rev_timestamp && $data->rev_user == $oRow->user_id && $is_bot == $oRow->user_is_bot && $is_content == $oRow->is_content && $is_redirect == $oRow->is_redirect && $size == $oRow->rev_size && $words == $oRow->total_words && $cat_id == $oRow->wiki_cat_id && $lang_id == $oRow->wiki_lang_id && $links['image'] == $oRow->image_links && $links['video'] == $oRow->video_links) { $result = true; } else { if ($debug) { echo <<<TEXT \tpage: {$data->rev_page} == {$oRow->page_id} \tnamespage: {$data->page_namespace}\t== {$oRow->page_ns} \trevision: {$data->rev_id}\t== {$oRow->rev_id} \ttimestamp: {$timestamp} == {$oRow->rev_timestamp} \tuser: {$data->rev_user} == {$oRow->user_id} \tis_bot: {$is_bot} == {$oRow->user_is_bot} \tis_content: {$is_content} == {$oRow->is_content} \tis_redirect: {$is_redirect} == {$oRow->is_redirect} \tsize: {$size} == {$oRow->rev_size} \twords: {$words} == {$oRow->total_words} \tcategory: {$cat_id} == {$oRow->wiki_cat_id} \tlanguage: {$lang_id} == {$oRow->wiki_lang_id} \timage links:{$links['image']} == {$oRow->image_links} \tvideo links: {$links['video']} == {$oRow->video_links} TEXT; } } } else { echo "Not local data found for: page: {$oRow->page_id} && revision: {$oRow->rev_id} \n"; } } else { echo "Not events data found for: page: {$oRow->page_id} && revision: {$oRow->rev_id} \n"; } return $result; }
private function extractRowInfo($row) { $revision = new Revision($row); $title = $revision->getTitle(); $vals = array(); if ($this->fld_ids) { $vals['revid'] = intval($revision->getId()); // $vals['oldid'] = intval( $row->rev_text_id ); // todo: should this be exposed? if (!is_null($revision->getParentId())) { $vals['parentid'] = intval($revision->getParentId()); } } if ($this->fld_flags && $revision->isMinor()) { $vals['minor'] = ''; } if ($this->fld_user || $this->fld_userid) { if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_USER)) { $vals['userhidden'] = ''; } else { if ($this->fld_user) { $vals['user'] = $revision->getUserText(); } $userid = $revision->getUser(); if (!$userid) { $vals['anon'] = ''; } if ($this->fld_userid) { $vals['userid'] = $userid; } } } if ($this->fld_timestamp) { $vals['timestamp'] = wfTimestamp(TS_ISO_8601, $revision->getTimestamp()); } if ($this->fld_size) { if (!is_null($revision->getSize())) { $vals['size'] = intval($revision->getSize()); } else { $vals['size'] = 0; } } if ($this->fld_sha1) { if ($revision->getSha1() != '') { $vals['sha1'] = wfBaseConvert($revision->getSha1(), 36, 16, 40); } else { $vals['sha1'] = ''; } } if ($this->fld_contentmodel) { $vals['contentmodel'] = $revision->getContentModel(); } if ($this->fld_comment || $this->fld_parsedcomment) { if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_COMMENT)) { $vals['commenthidden'] = ''; } else { $comment = $revision->getComment(); if ($this->fld_comment) { $vals['comment'] = $comment; } if ($this->fld_parsedcomment) { $vals['parsedcomment'] = Linker::formatComment($comment, $title); } } } if ($this->fld_tags) { if ($row->ts_tags) { $tags = explode(',', $row->ts_tags); $this->getResult()->setIndexedTagName($tags, 'tag'); $vals['tags'] = $tags; } else { $vals['tags'] = array(); } } if (!is_null($this->token)) { $tokenFunctions = $this->getTokenFunctions(); foreach ($this->token as $t) { $val = call_user_func($tokenFunctions[$t], $title->getArticleID(), $title, $revision); if ($val === false) { $this->setWarning("Action '{$t}' is not allowed for the current user"); } else { $vals[$t . 'token'] = $val; } } } $content = null; global $wgParser; if ($this->fld_content || !is_null($this->difftotext)) { $content = $revision->getContent(); // Expand templates after getting section content because // template-added sections don't count and Parser::preprocess() // will have less input if ($this->section !== false) { $content = $content->getSection($this->section, false); if (!$content) { $this->dieUsage("There is no section {$this->section} in r" . $revision->getId(), 'nosuchsection'); } } } if ($this->fld_content && !$revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_TEXT)) { $text = null; if ($this->generateXML) { if ($content->getModel() === CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT) { $t = $content->getNativeData(); # note: don't set $text $wgParser->startExternalParse($title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()), OT_PREPROCESS); $dom = $wgParser->preprocessToDom($t); if (is_callable(array($dom, 'saveXML'))) { $xml = $dom->saveXML(); } else { $xml = $dom->__toString(); } $vals['parsetree'] = $xml; } else { $this->setWarning("Conversion to XML is supported for wikitext only, " . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() . " uses content model " . $content->getModel() . ")"); } } if ($this->expandTemplates && !$this->parseContent) { #XXX: implement template expansion for all content types in ContentHandler? if ($content->getModel() === CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT) { $text = $content->getNativeData(); $text = $wgParser->preprocess($text, $title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext())); } else { $this->setWarning("Template expansion is supported for wikitext only, " . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() . " uses content model " . $content->getModel() . ")"); $text = false; } } if ($this->parseContent) { $po = $content->getParserOutput($title, $revision->getId(), ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext())); $text = $po->getText(); } if ($text === null) { $format = $this->contentFormat ? $this->contentFormat : $content->getDefaultFormat(); if (!$content->isSupportedFormat($format)) { $model = $content->getModel(); $name = $title->getPrefixedDBkey(); $this->dieUsage("The requested format {$this->contentFormat} is not supported " . "for content model {$model} used by {$name}", 'badformat'); } $text = $content->serialize($format); $vals['contentformat'] = $format; } if ($text !== false) { ApiResult::setContent($vals, $text); } } elseif ($this->fld_content) { $vals['texthidden'] = ''; } if (!is_null($this->diffto) || !is_null($this->difftotext)) { global $wgAPIMaxUncachedDiffs; static $n = 0; // Number of uncached diffs we've had if ($n < $wgAPIMaxUncachedDiffs) { $vals['diff'] = array(); $context = new DerivativeContext($this->getContext()); $context->setTitle($title); $handler = $revision->getContentHandler(); if (!is_null($this->difftotext)) { $model = $title->getContentModel(); if ($this->contentFormat && !ContentHandler::getForModelID($model)->isSupportedFormat($this->contentFormat)) { $name = $title->getPrefixedDBkey(); $this->dieUsage("The requested format {$this->contentFormat} is not supported for " . "content model {$model} used by {$name}", 'badformat'); } $difftocontent = ContentHandler::makeContent($this->difftotext, $title, $model, $this->contentFormat); $engine = $handler->createDifferenceEngine($context); $engine->setContent($content, $difftocontent); } else { $engine = $handler->createDifferenceEngine($context, $revision->getID(), $this->diffto); $vals['diff']['from'] = $engine->getOldid(); $vals['diff']['to'] = $engine->getNewid(); } $difftext = $engine->getDiffBody(); ApiResult::setContent($vals['diff'], $difftext); if (!$engine->wasCacheHit()) { $n++; } } else { $vals['diff']['notcached'] = ''; } } return $vals; }
private function extractRowInfo($oRow, $deleted = 0) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $vals = array(); if ($deleted == 0) { $oRevision = new Revision($oRow); if (isset($oRow->is_archive) && $oRow->is_archive == 1) { $this->mTitle = Title::makeTitle($oRow->page_namespace, $oRow->page_title); } else { $this->mTitle = $oRevision->getTitle(); } $this->mContent = $oRevision->getText(Revision::FOR_THIS_USER); # revision id $vals['revid'] = intval($oRevision->getId()); # username $vals['username'] = $oRevision->getUserText(); # user id $vals['userid'] = $oRevision->getUser(); # user ip $vals['user_ip'] = IP::isIPAddress($vals['username']) ? $vals['username'] : $this->_get_user_ip($vals['userid'], $oRow->page_title, $oRow->page_namespace); # user is bot $vals['userisbot'] = intval($this->_user_is_bot($vals['username'])); # is new $is_archive = isset($oRow->is_archive); $vals['isnew'] = $this->checkIsNew($is_archive); # timestamp $vals['timestamp'] = wfTimestamp(TS_DB, $oRevision->getTimestamp()); $vals['date'] = gmdate('Y-m-d', wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $oRevision->getTimestamp())); # size $vals['size'] = intval($oRevision->getSize()); #words $vals['words'] = str_word_count($this->mContent); # revision is redirect $vals['isredirect'] = intval($this->_revision_is_redirect()); # revision is content $vals['iscontent'] = intval($this->_revision_is_content()); # is deleted $vals['isdeleted'] = $deleted; # links $links = $this->_make_links(); $vals['imagelinks'] = $links['image']; $vals['video'] = $links['video']; } else { $this->mTitle = Title::makeTitle($oRow->page_namespace, $oRow->page_title); # revision id $vals['revid'] = intval($oRow->rev_id); # username $vals['username'] = $oRow->rev_user_text; # user id $vals['userid'] = intval($oRow->rev_user); # user ip $vals['user_ip'] = IP::isIPAddress($vals['username']) ? $vals['username'] : $this->_get_user_ip($vals['userid'], $oRow->page_title, $oRow->page_namespace); # user is bot $vals['userisbot'] = intval($this->_user_is_bot($vals['username'])); # is new $vals['isnew'] = 0; # timestamp $vals['timestamp'] = wfTimestamp(TS_DB, $oRow->rev_timestamp); # size $vals['size'] = intval($oRow->rev_len); # words $vals['words'] = 0; # revision is redirect $vals['isredirect'] = 0; # revision is content $vals['iscontent'] = intval($this->_revision_is_content()); # is deleted $vals['isdeleted'] = $deleted; # links $vals['imagelinks'] = 0; $vals['video'] = 0; } $vals['media_type'] = $this->getMediaType($oRow->page_namespace); $vals['page_latest'] = $this->mTitle->getLatestRevID(); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $vals; }