function OnPageLoad()
     echo '<h1>Subscribed to ' . Html::Encode($this->o_review_item->GetTitle() ? $this->o_review_item->GetTitle() : ' page') . '</h1>';
     # Confirm subscription to user
     $b_title = (bool) $this->o_review_item->GetTitle();
     echo new XhtmlElement('p', 'You have subscribed to ' . Html::Encode($b_title ? "'" . $this->o_review_item->GetTitle() . "'" : 'the page you selected') . '. You will get an email alert every time someone adds a comment.');
     echo new XhtmlElement('p', 'If you want to stop getting these email alerts, sign in to ' . Html::Encode($this->GetSettings()->GetSiteName()) . ' and delete your subscription from the email alerts page.');
     # Links suggesting what to do next
     $o_whatnext = new XhtmlElement('ul');
     if ($this->o_review_item->GetNavigateUrl()) {
         $o_whatnext->AddControl(new XhtmlElement('li', new XhtmlAnchor('Go back to ' . Html::Encode($b_title ? $this->o_review_item->GetTitle() : 'the page you came from'), $this->o_review_item->GetNavigateUrl())));
     $o_whatnext->AddControl(new XhtmlElement('li', new XhtmlAnchor("Email alerts", $this->GetSettings()->GetUrl('EmailAlerts'))));
     echo $o_whatnext;