예제 #1
         <td valign="top" width="463"><p style = "padding-left:5px; margin:0px;">The purpose of this page COMING SOON is to allow people and Companies from different ends of the country a convenient place to meet, socialise and team build ETC. <br />
          <br />
          This may be anything from two to two hundred people and will be a free service.</p>
         <br /></td>
							<table id="table">

$restaurant = new Restaurant();
$results = $restaurant->GetList(array(array("restaurant_status", "=", "active")));
$rowCount = 0;
echo "<TR>";
foreach ($results as $obj) {
    echo "<TD valign=\"top\" width = \"135\">";
    echo "<table id=\"table_inner\">";
    echo "<TR><TD class=\"cell_logo\">";
    echo "<a href=\"" . $obj->link . "\">";
    echo "<img src=\"logos/" . $obj->logo . "\" width=\"{$logoWidth}\" height=\"{$logoHeight}\" border=0>";
    echo "</a>";
    echo "</td></tr>";
    echo "<TR><TD class=\"cell_heading\"><a href=\"" . $obj->link . "\" class = \"news\">" . $obj->name . "</a></td></tr>";
    echo "<TR><TD class=\"cell_description\">" . $obj->description . "</td></tr>";
    echo "<TR><TD class=\"cell_tel\">" . $obj->tel . "</td></tr>";
    echo "<TR><TD><BR></td></tr></table>";