/** * Display a listing of the resource. * GET /reports * * @return Response */ public function index() { $reports = Report::orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get(); echo "<pre>"; print_r($reports); echo "</pre>"; exit; $hoje = Carbon::now()->today(); $ontem = Carbon::now()->yesterday(); $anteontem = Carbon::now()->subDays(2); $reports->hoje = Report::where('created_at', '>=', $hoje)->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get(); $reports->ontem = Report::where('created_at', '=', $ontem)->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get(); $reports->anteontem = Report::where('created_at', '=', $anteontem)->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get(); $reports->anteriores = Report::where('created_at', '<', Carbon::now()->subDays(2))->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get(); if ($reports->hoje) { foreach ($reports->hoje as $report) { // Get HOUR:MINUTE from CREATED_AT $date = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $report->created_at); $report->date = $date->hour . ':' . $date->minute; } } if ($reports->ontem) { foreach ($reports->ontem as $report) { // Get HOUR:MINUTE from CREATED_AT $date = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $report->created_at); $report->date = $date->hour . ':' . $date->minute; } } return View::make('reports.index', compact('reports')); }
public function getHoursFromReports($departmentId, $userId, $week, $year) { $hoursWorked = 0; $report = Report::where('department_id', '=', $departmentId)->where('user_id', '=', $userId)->where('week', '=', $week)->where('year', '=', $year)->first(); if ($report) { $hoursWorked = $report->hours; } return round($hoursWorked, 2); }
public function listActivities() { $c_u_result = User::where(DB::raw('date(created_at)'), Carbon::today())->get(); $u_u_result = User::where(DB::raw('date(updated_at)'), Carbon::today())->where(DB::raw('date(created_at)'), '<', DB::raw('date(updated_at)'))->get(); $c_a_result = Agency::where(DB::raw('date(created_at)'), Carbon::today())->get(); $u_a_result = Agency::where(DB::raw('date(updated_at)'), Carbon::today())->where(DB::raw('date(created_at)'), '<', DB::raw('date(updated_at)'))->get(); //retrive report activities $c_r_result = Report::where(DB::raw('date(Reports.created_at)'), Carbon::today())->where('isDeleted', 0)->leftjoin('ReportStatusType', 'ReportStatusType.reportStatusTypeId', '=', 'Reports.status')->leftjoin('ReportType', 'ReportType.ReportTypeId', '=', 'Reports.ReportType')->lists('reportName', 'reportedBy', 'location', 'reportStatusTypeName', 'reportTypeName', 'Reports.created_at', 'Reports.updated_at'); $u_r_result = Report::where(DB::raw('date(Reports.updated_at)'), Carbon::today())->where(DB::raw('date(Reports.created_at)'), '<', DB::raw('date(Reports.updated_at)'))->where('isDeleted', 0)->leftjoin('ReportStatusType', 'ReportStatusType.reportStatusTypeId', '=', 'Reports.status')->leftjoin('ReportType', 'ReportType.ReportTypeId', '=', 'Reports.ReportType')->lists('reportName', 'reportedBy', 'location', 'reportStatusTypeName', 'reportTypeName', 'Reports.created_at', 'Reports.updated_at'); $d_r_result = Report::where(DB::raw('date(Reports.deleted_at)'), Carbon::today())->where('isDeleted', 1)->leftjoin('ReportStatusType', 'ReportStatusType.reportStatusTypeId', '=', 'Reports.status')->leftjoin('ReportType', 'ReportType.ReportTypeId', '=', 'Reports.ReportType')->lists('reportName', 'reportedBy', 'location', 'reportStatusTypeName', 'reportTypeName', 'Reports.created_at', 'Reports.updated_at'); $result = array('users_created' => $c_u_result, 'users_updated' => $u_u_result, 'agencies_created' => $c_a_result, 'agencies_updated' => $u_a_result, 'reports_created' => $c_r_result, 'reports_updated' => $u_r_result, 'reports_deleted' => $d_r_result); return Response::json($result)->setCallback(Input::get('callback')); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $reports = Report::where('user', $id)->get(); return Response::json($reports, 200); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * PUT /reports/{id} * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update($id) { return $reports = Report::where('id', $id)->update(Input::all()); }
public function index() { $accidents = Report::where('type', 'Accident')->get(); return Response::json($accidents, 200); }
public function report() { $recordId = Input::get('record'); $reason = Input::get('reason'); if (!$reason) { Session::flash('error', 'Please enter a report reason!'); return Redirect::back(); } $count = Report::where('path_record_id', '=', $recordId)->count(); if ($count > 0) { Session::flash('error', 'This path has already been reported'); return Redirect::back(); } // load record $record = PathRecord::findOrFail($recordId); if ($record->locked) { Session::flash('error', 'You cannot report this directory!'); return Redirect::back(); } $report = new Report(); $report->path_record_id = $record->id; $report->path = $record->path; $report->reason = $reason; $user = Auth::user(); if ($user) { $report->user_id = $user->id; } $report->save(); Session::flash('success', 'Report submitted'); return Redirect::back(); }
public function updateStatus() { $reportID = Input::get('reportID'); $comment = Input::get('comment'); $status = Input::get('status'); $input = Input::all(); $rules = array('Status' => 'numeric', 'comment' => 'max:255'); $validator = Validator::make($input, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { $error_messages = $validator->messages(); $error_response = array('error' => array('message' => $error_messages->first(), 'type' => 'Exception', 'code' => 425)); return Response::json($error_response, 425)->setCallback(Input::get('callback')); } else { $old_record = $this->getReportDetails($reportID)[0]; Report::where('reportID', $reportID)->update(array('comment' => "{$comment}", 'status' => "{$status}")); $new_record = $this->getReportDetails($reportID)[0]; $this->notify($old_record, $new_record); return "Report Updated."; } }
public function reports() { return Report::where('tournaments.id', '=', $this->id)->join('games', 'games.id', '=', 'reports.game')->join('rounds', 'rounds.id', '=', 'games.round')->join('tournaments', 'tournaments.id', '=', 'rounds.tournament'); }
public function postShow($path) { $report = Report::where('path', $path)->first(); $form_input = Input::all(); $response = []; $cached_fields = []; $query = app($report->model); if (isset($form_input['grouping'])) { $grouping = ReportGrouping::findOrFail($form_input['grouping']); if (isset($form_input['sorting'])) { $column = ReportSorting::findOrFail($form_input['sorting']); $dir = 1; if (isset($form_input['sorting_dir'])) { $dir = $form_input['sorting_dir']; } $query = $query->orderBy($column->name, $dir); } switch ($grouping->sql_function) { case 0: $groups = $query->groupBy($grouping->name)->select($grouping->name)->get(); break; case 1: $groups = $query->groupBy(DB::raw('year(' . $grouping->name . '), month(' . $grouping->name . ')'))->select(DB::raw('year(' . $grouping->name . ') as "year(' . $grouping->name . ')"'), DB::raw('month(' . $grouping->name . ') as "month(' . $grouping->name . ')"'))->get(); break; case 2: $groups = $query->groupBy(DB::raw('year(' . $grouping->name . ')'))->select(DB::raw('year(' . $grouping->name . ') as "year(' . $grouping->name . ')"'))->get(); break; } } else { $groups = ['nogroup']; } foreach ($groups as $index => $wheres) { $query = app($report->model); $eagers = ReportEager::where('report_id', $report->id)->lists('name'); foreach ($eagers as $eager) { $query = $query->with($eager); } if ($wheres !== 'nogroup') { foreach ($wheres->toArray() as $key => $value) { $query = $query->where(DB::raw($key), $value); } } $update_query = function ($query, $field, $configs, $input) { switch ($field->type) { case 1: $query = $query->whereIn($configs[1], $input); break; case 2: if ($configs[2] == 'from' && strlen($input) > 0) { $query = $query->where($configs[1], '>=', $input); } if ($configs[2] == 'to' && strlen($input) > 0) { $query = $query->where($configs[1], '<=', $input); } break; case 4: case 5: $query = $query->where($configs[1], $input); break; case 6: if (strlen($input) > 0) { $query = $query->where($configs[1], 'like', '%' . $input . '%'); } break; } return $query; }; foreach ($form_input as $name => $value) { if (stristr($name, '|') !== false) { $configs = explode('|', $name); if (!isset($cached_fields[$configs[0]])) { $cached_fields[$configs[0]] = ReportField::findOrFail($configs[0]); } $field = $cached_fields[$configs[0]]; if (stristr($field->name, '#') === false) { $query = $update_query($query, $field, $configs, $value); } else { $tables_string = explode('#', $configs[1]); $tables = array_reverse(explode('.', $tables_string[0])); $configs[1] = $tables_string[1]; $str = '$table = $query->getModel()->getTable();' . "\r\n" . '$configs[1] = $table . "." . $configs[1];' . "\r\n" . '$update_query($query, $field, $configs, $value);'; foreach ($tables as $table) { $str = '$query->whereHas("' . $table . '", function($query) use ($update_query, $field, $configs, $value) {' . "\r\n" . $str . "\r\n" . '});'; } $query = eval('return ' . $str); } } } if (isset($form_input['sorting'])) { $column = ReportSorting::findOrFail($form_input['sorting']); $dir = 1; if (isset($form_input['sorting_dir'])) { $dir = $form_input['sorting_dir']; } $query = $query->orderBy($column->name, $dir); } if ($query->count() > 0) { if (isset($form_input['grouping'])) { $grouping = ReportGrouping::findOrFail($form_input['grouping']); switch ($grouping->sql_function) { case 0: $response[array_values($wheres->toArray())[0]] = $query->get(); break; case 1: $dates = array_reverse($wheres->toArray()); $response[implode(' - ', $dates)] = $query->get(); break; case 2: $year = array_values($wheres->toArray())[0] . ' '; $response[$year] = $query->get(); break; } } else { $response[] = $query->get(); } } } if (Request::ajax()) { return $response; } if ($form_input['operation'] === 'Download') { return Excel::create($report->name . '__' . date('Ymd-his'), function ($excel) use($response, $report) { foreach ($response as $index => $table) { $sheet_name = 'default'; if (is_string($index)) { $sheet_name = $index; } $excel->sheet($sheet_name, function ($sheet) use($table, $report, $response) { $sheet->loadView('reports.table', ['table_columns' => $report->columns, 'table_data' => $table]); }); } })->download(); } return View::make('reports.report', compact('report', 'response', 'form_input')); }
public function postReport($workorderId) { $report = array_merge(Input::only('data', 'user_id'), ['workorder_id' => $workorderId]); if (Input::get('reportId', false)) { return Report::where('id', Input::get('reportId'))->update(Input::only('data')); } return Report::create($report); }