/** * List region by country code * * @url GET /country/$code/region */ public function getRegionbyCountry($code) { if ($code) { return Region::newInstance()->findByCountry($code); } return array(); }
/** * Get the cities having part of the city name and region (it can be null) * * @access public * @since unknown * @param string $query The beginning of the city name to look for * @param int|null $regionId Region id * @return array If there's an error or 0 results, it returns an empty array */ function ajax($query, $regionId = null) { $this->dao->select('a.pk_i_id as id, a.s_name as label, a.s_name as value, aux.s_name as region'); $this->dao->from($this->getTableName() . ' as a'); $this->dao->join(Region::newInstance()->getTableName() . ' as aux', 'aux.pk_i_id = a.fk_i_region_id', 'LEFT'); $this->dao->like('a.s_name', $query, 'after'); if ($regionId != null) { $this->dao->where('a.fk_i_region_id', $regionId); } $result = $this->dao->get(); if ($result == false) { return array(); } return $result->result(); }
function update_location_stats() { $aCountries = Country::newInstance()->listAll(); $aCountryValues = array(); $aRegions = array(); $aRegionValues = array(); $aCities = array(); $aCityValues = array(); foreach ($aCountries as $country) { $id = $country['pk_c_code']; $numItems = CountryStats::newInstance()->calculateNumItems($id); array_push($aCountryValues, "('{$id}', {$numItems})"); unset($numItems); $aRegions = Region::newInstance()->findByCountry($id); foreach ($aRegions as $region) { $id = $region['pk_i_id']; $numItems = RegionStats::newInstance()->calculateNumItems($id); array_push($aRegionValues, "({$id}, {$numItems})"); unset($numItems); $aCities = City::newInstance()->findByRegion($id); foreach ($aCities as $city) { $id = $city['pk_i_id']; $numItems = CityStats::newInstance()->calculateNumItems($id); array_push($aCityValues, "({$id}, {$numItems})"); unset($numItems); } } } // insert Country stats $sql_country = 'REPLACE INTO ' . DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_country_stats (fk_c_country_code, i_num_items) VALUES '; $sql_country .= implode(',', $aCountryValues); CountryStats::newInstance()->dao->query($sql_country); // insert Region stats $sql_region = 'REPLACE INTO ' . DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_region_stats (fk_i_region_id, i_num_items) VALUES '; $sql_region .= implode(',', $aRegionValues); RegionStats::newInstance()->dao->query($sql_region); // insert City stats $sql_city = 'REPLACE INTO ' . DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_city_stats (fk_i_city_id, i_num_items) VALUES '; $sql_city .= implode(',', $aCityValues); CityStats::newInstance()->dao->query($sql_city); }
function doModel() { osc_run_hook('before_search'); $mCategories = Category::newInstance(); if (osc_rewrite_enabled()) { // IF rewrite is not enabled, skip this part, preg_match is always time&resources consuming task $p_sParams = "/" . Params::getParam('sParams', false, false); if (preg_match_all('|\\/([^,]+),([^\\/]*)|', $p_sParams, $m)) { $l = count($m[0]); for ($k = 0; $k < $l; $k++) { switch ($m[1][$k]) { case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_country'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCountry'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_region'): $m[1][$k] = 'sRegion'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_city'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCity'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_city_area'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCityArea'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_category'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCategory'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_user'): $m[1][$k] = 'sUser'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_pattern'): $m[1][$k] = 'sPattern'; break; default: break; } $_REQUEST[$m[1][$k]] = $m[2][$k]; $_GET[$m[1][$k]] = $m[2][$k]; unset($_REQUEST['sParams']); unset($_GET['sParams']); unset($_POST['sParams']); } } } //////////////////////////////// //GETTING AND FIXING SENT DATA// //////////////////////////////// $p_sCategory = Params::getParam('sCategory'); if (!is_array($p_sCategory)) { if ($p_sCategory == '') { $p_sCategory = array(); } else { $p_sCategory = explode(",", $p_sCategory); } } $p_sCityArea = Params::getParam('sCityArea'); if (!is_array($p_sCityArea)) { if ($p_sCityArea == '') { $p_sCityArea = array(); } else { $p_sCityArea = explode(",", $p_sCityArea); } } $p_sCity = Params::getParam('sCity'); if (!is_array($p_sCity)) { if ($p_sCity == '') { $p_sCity = array(); } else { $p_sCity = explode(",", $p_sCity); } } $p_sRegion = Params::getParam('sRegion'); if (!is_array($p_sRegion)) { if ($p_sRegion == '') { $p_sRegion = array(); } else { $p_sRegion = explode(",", $p_sRegion); } } $p_sCountry = Params::getParam('sCountry'); if (!is_array($p_sCountry)) { if ($p_sCountry == '') { $p_sCountry = array(); } else { $p_sCountry = explode(",", $p_sCountry); } } $p_sUser = Params::getParam('sUser'); if (!is_array($p_sUser)) { if ($p_sUser == '') { $p_sUser = ''; } else { $p_sUser = explode(",", $p_sUser); } } $p_sPattern = strip_tags(Params::getParam('sPattern')); // ADD TO THE LIST OF LAST SEARCHES if (osc_save_latest_searches()) { if (trim($p_sPattern) != '') { LatestSearches::newInstance()->insert(array('s_search' => trim($p_sPattern), 'd_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } } $p_bPic = Params::getParam('bPic'); $p_bPic == 1 ? $p_bPic = 1 : ($p_bPic = 0); $p_sPriceMin = Params::getParam('sPriceMin'); $p_sPriceMax = Params::getParam('sPriceMax'); //WE CAN ONLY USE THE FIELDS RETURNED BY Search::getAllowedColumnsForSorting() $p_sOrder = Params::getParam('sOrder'); if (!in_array($p_sOrder, Search::getAllowedColumnsForSorting())) { $p_sOrder = osc_default_order_field_at_search(); } $old_order = $p_sOrder; //ONLY 0 ( => 'asc' ), 1 ( => 'desc' ) AS ALLOWED VALUES $p_iOrderType = Params::getParam('iOrderType'); $allowedTypesForSorting = Search::getAllowedTypesForSorting(); $orderType = osc_default_order_type_at_search(); foreach ($allowedTypesForSorting as $k => $v) { if ($p_iOrderType == $v) { $orderType = $k; break; } } $p_iOrderType = $orderType; $p_sFeed = Params::getParam('sFeed'); $p_iPage = 0; if (is_numeric(Params::getParam('iPage')) && Params::getParam('iPage') > 0) { $p_iPage = intval(Params::getParam('iPage')) - 1; } if ($p_sFeed != '') { $p_sPageSize = 1000; } $p_sShowAs = Params::getParam('sShowAs'); $aValidShowAsValues = array('list', 'gallery'); if (!in_array($p_sShowAs, $aValidShowAsValues)) { $p_sShowAs = osc_default_show_as_at_search(); } // search results: it's blocked with the maxResultsPerPage@search defined in t_preferences $p_iPageSize = intval(Params::getParam('iPagesize')); if ($p_iPageSize > 0) { if ($p_iPageSize > osc_max_results_per_page_at_search()) { $p_iPageSize = osc_max_results_per_page_at_search(); } } else { $p_iPageSize = osc_default_results_per_page_at_search(); } //FILTERING CATEGORY $bAllCategoriesChecked = false; if (count($p_sCategory) > 0) { foreach ($p_sCategory as $category) { $this->mSearch->addCategory($category); } } else { $bAllCategoriesChecked = true; } //FILTERING CITY_AREA foreach ($p_sCityArea as $city_area) { $this->mSearch->addCityArea($city_area); } $p_sCityArea = implode(", ", $p_sCityArea); //FILTERING CITY foreach ($p_sCity as $city) { $this->mSearch->addCity($city); } $p_sCity = implode(", ", $p_sCity); //FILTERING REGION foreach ($p_sRegion as $region) { $this->mSearch->addRegion($region); } $p_sRegion = implode(", ", $p_sRegion); //FILTERING COUNTRY foreach ($p_sCountry as $country) { $this->mSearch->addCountry($country); } $p_sCountry = implode(", ", $p_sCountry); // FILTERING PATTERN if ($p_sPattern != '') { $this->mSearch->addPattern($p_sPattern); $osc_request['sPattern'] = $p_sPattern; } else { // hardcoded - if there isn't a search pattern, order by dt_pub_date desc if ($p_sOrder == 'relevance') { $p_sOrder = 'dt_pub_date'; foreach ($allowedTypesForSorting as $k => $v) { if ($p_iOrderType == 'desc') { $orderType = $k; break; } } $p_iOrderType = $orderType; } } // FILTERING USER if ($p_sUser != '') { $this->mSearch->fromUser($p_sUser); } // FILTERING IF WE ONLY WANT ITEMS WITH PICS if ($p_bPic) { $this->mSearch->withPicture(true); } //FILTERING BY RANGE PRICE $this->mSearch->priceRange($p_sPriceMin, $p_sPriceMax); //ORDERING THE SEARCH RESULTS $this->mSearch->order($p_sOrder, $allowedTypesForSorting[$p_iOrderType]); //SET PAGE $this->mSearch->page($p_iPage, $p_iPageSize); osc_run_hook('search_conditions', Params::getParamsAsArray()); if (!Params::existParam('sFeed')) { // RETRIEVE ITEMS AND TOTAL $aItems = $this->mSearch->doSearch(); $iTotalItems = $this->mSearch->count(); $iStart = $p_iPage * $p_iPageSize; $iEnd = min(($p_iPage + 1) * $p_iPageSize, $iTotalItems); $iNumPages = ceil($iTotalItems / $p_iPageSize); osc_run_hook('search', $this->mSearch); //preparing variables... $regionName = $p_sRegion; if (is_numeric($p_sRegion)) { $r = Region::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($p_sRegion); if ($r) { $regionName = $r['s_name']; } } $cityName = $p_sCity; if (is_numeric($p_sCity)) { $c = City::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($p_sCity); if ($c) { $cityName = $c['s_name']; } } //$this->_exportVariableToView('non_empty_categories', $aCategories) ; $this->_exportVariableToView('search_start', $iStart); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_end', $iEnd); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_category', $p_sCategory); // hardcoded - non pattern and order by relevance $p_sOrder = $old_order; $this->_exportVariableToView('search_order_type', $p_iOrderType); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_order', $p_sOrder); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_pattern', $p_sPattern); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_from_user', $p_sUser); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_total_pages', $iNumPages); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_page', $p_iPage); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_has_pic', $p_bPic); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_region', $regionName); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_city', $cityName); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_price_min', $p_sPriceMin); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_price_max', $p_sPriceMax); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_total_items', $iTotalItems); $this->_exportVariableToView('items', $aItems); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_show_as', $p_sShowAs); $this->_exportVariableToView('search', $this->mSearch); // json $json = $this->mSearch->toJson(); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_alert', base64_encode($json)); //calling the view... $this->doView('search.php'); } else { $this->mSearch->page(0, osc_num_rss_items()); // RETRIEVE ITEMS AND TOTAL $iTotalItems = $this->mSearch->count(); $aItems = $this->mSearch->doSearch(); $this->_exportVariableToView('items', $aItems); if ($p_sFeed == '' || $p_sFeed == 'rss') { // FEED REQUESTED! header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); $feed = new RSSFeed(); $feed->setTitle(__('Latest listings added') . ' - ' . osc_page_title()); $feed->setLink(osc_base_url()); $feed->setDescription(__('Latest listings added in') . ' ' . osc_page_title()); if (osc_count_items() > 0) { while (osc_has_items()) { if (osc_count_item_resources() > 0) { osc_has_item_resources(); $feed->addItem(array('title' => osc_item_title(), 'link' => htmlentities(osc_item_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"), 'description' => osc_item_description(), 'dt_pub_date' => osc_item_pub_date(), 'image' => array('url' => htmlentities(osc_resource_thumbnail_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"), 'title' => osc_item_title(), 'link' => htmlentities(osc_item_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8")))); } else { $feed->addItem(array('title' => osc_item_title(), 'link' => htmlentities(osc_item_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"), 'description' => osc_item_description(), 'dt_pub_date' => osc_item_pub_date())); } } } osc_run_hook('feed', $feed); $feed->dumpXML(); } else { osc_run_hook('feed_' . $p_sFeed, $aItems); } } }
public static function region_select($regions = null, $item = null) { // if have input text instead of select if (Session::newInstance()->_getForm('region') != '') { $regions = null; } else { if ($regions == null) { $regions = array(); } } if ($item == null) { $item = osc_item(); } if (count($regions) >= 1) { if (Session::newInstance()->_getForm('regionId') != "") { $item['fk_i_region_id'] = Session::newInstance()->_getForm('regionId'); } if (Session::newInstance()->_getForm('countryId') != "") { $regions = Region::newInstance()->findByCountry(Session::newInstance()->_getForm('countryId')); } parent::generic_select('regionId', $regions, 'pk_i_id', 's_name', __('Select a region...'), isset($item['fk_i_region_id']) ? $item['fk_i_region_id'] : null); return true; } else { if (Session::newInstance()->_getForm('region') != "") { $item['s_region'] = Session::newInstance()->_getForm('region'); } parent::generic_input_text('region', isset($item['s_region']) ? $item['s_region'] : null); return true; } }
function breadcrumbs($separator = '/') { $text = ''; $location = Rewrite::newInstance()->get_location(); $section = Rewrite::newInstance()->get_section(); $separator = ' ' . trim($separator) . ' '; $page_title = '<a href="' . osc_base_url() . '"><span class="bc_root">' . osc_page_title() . '</span></a>'; switch ($location) { case 'item': switch ($section) { case 'item_add': break; default: $aCategories = Category::newInstance()->toRootTree((string) osc_item_category_id()); $category = ''; if (count($aCategories) == 0) { break; } $deep = 1; foreach ($aCategories as $aCategory) { $list[] = '<a href="' . breadcrumbs_category_url($aCategory['pk_i_id']) . '"><span class="bc_level_' . $deep . '">' . $aCategory['s_name'] . '</span></a>'; $deep++; } $category = implode($separator, $list) . $separator; $category = preg_replace('|' . trim($separator) . '\\s*$|', '', $category); break; } switch ($section) { case 'item_add': $text = $page_title . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Publish an item', 'breadcrumbs'); break; case 'item_edit': $text = $page_title . $separator . $category . $separator . '<a href="' . osc_item_url() . '"><span class="bc_item">' . osc_item_title() . '</span></a>' . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Edit your item', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span>'; break; case 'send_friend': $text = $page_title . $separator . $category . $separator . '<a href="' . osc_item_url() . '"><span class="bc_item">' . osc_item_title() . '</span></a>' . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Send to a friend', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span>'; break; case 'contact': $text = $page_title . $separator . $category . $separator . '<a href="' . osc_item_url() . '"><span class="bc_item">' . osc_item_title() . '</span></a>' . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Contact seller', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span>'; break; default: $text = $page_title . $separator . $category . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . osc_item_title() . '</span>'; break; } break; case 'page': $text = $page_title . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . osc_static_page_title() . '</span>'; break; case 'search': $region = osc_search_region(); $city = osc_search_city(); $pattern = osc_search_pattern(); $category = osc_search_category_id(); $category = count($category) == 1 ? $category[0] : ''; $b_show_all = $pattern == '' && $category == '' && $region == '' && $city == ''; $b_category = $category != ''; $b_pattern = $pattern != ''; $b_region = $region != ''; $b_city = $city != ''; $b_location = $b_region || $b_city; if ($b_show_all) { $text = $page_title . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Search', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span>'; break; } // init $result = $page_title . $separator; if ($b_category) { $list = array(); $aCategories = Category::newInstance()->toRootTree($category); if (count($aCategories) > 0) { $deep = 1; foreach ($aCategories as $single) { $list[] = '<a href="' . breadcrumbs_category_url($single['pk_i_id']) . '"><span class="bc_level_' . $deep . '">' . $single['s_name'] . '</span></a>'; $deep++; } // remove last link if (!$b_pattern && !$b_location) { $list[count($list) - 1] = preg_replace('|<a href.*?>(.*?)</a>|', '$01', $list[count($list) - 1]); } $result .= implode($separator, $list) . $separator; } } if ($b_location) { $list = array(); $params = array(); if ($b_category) { $params['sCategory'] = $category; } if ($b_city) { $aCity = City::newInstance()->findByName($city); if (count($aCity) == 0) { $params['sCity'] = $city; $list[] = '<a href="' . osc_search_url($params) . '"><span class="bc_city">' . $city . '</span></a>'; } else { $aRegion = Region::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($aCity['fk_i_region_id']); $params['sRegion'] = $aRegion['s_name']; $list[] = '<a href="' . osc_search_url($params) . '"><span class="bc_region">' . $aRegion['s_name'] . '</span></a>'; $params['sCity'] = $aCity['s_name']; $list[] = '<a href="' . osc_search_url($params) . '"><span class="bc_city">' . $aCity['s_name'] . '</span></a>'; } if (!$b_pattern) { $list[count($list) - 1] = preg_replace('|<a href.*?>(.*?)</a>|', '$01', $list[count($list) - 1]); } $result .= implode($separator, $list) . $separator; } else { if ($b_region) { $params['sRegion'] = $region; $list[] = '<a href="' . osc_search_url($params) . '"><span class="bc_region">' . $region . '</span></a>'; if (!$b_pattern) { $list[count($list) - 1] = preg_replace('|<a href.*?>(.*?)</a>|', '$01', $list[count($list) - 1]); } $result .= implode($separator, $list) . $separator; } } } if ($b_pattern) { $result .= '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Search Results', 'breadcrumbs') . ': ' . $pattern . '</span>' . $separator; } // remove last separator $result = preg_replace('|' . trim($separator) . '\\s*$|', '', $result); $text = $result; break; case 'login': switch ($section) { case 'recover': $text = $page_title . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Recover your password', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span>'; default: $text = $page_title . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Login', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span>'; } break; case 'register': $text = $page_title . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Create a new account', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span>'; break; case 'user': $user_dashboard = '<a href="' . osc_user_dashboard_url() . '"><span class="bc_user">' . __('My account', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span></a>'; switch ($section) { case 'dashboard': $text = $page_title . $separator . $user_dashboard . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Dashboard', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span>'; break; case 'items': $text = $page_title . $separator . $user_dashboard . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Manage my items', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span>'; break; case 'alerts': $text = $page_title . $separator . $user_dashboard . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Manage my alerts', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span>'; break; case 'profile': $text = $page_title . $separator . $user_dashboard . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Update my profile', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span>'; break; case 'change_email': $text = $page_title . $separator . $user_dashboard . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Change my email', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span>'; break; case 'change_password': $text = $page_title . $separator . $user_dashboard . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Change my password', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span>'; break; case 'forgot': $text = $page_title . $separator . $user_dashboard . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Recover my password', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span>'; break; } break; case 'contact': $text = $page_title . $separator . '<span class="bc_last">' . __('Contact', 'breadcrumbs') . '</span>'; break; default: break; } echo $text; return true; }
function twitter_breadcrumb($separator = '/') { $breadcrumb = array(); $text = ''; $location = Rewrite::newInstance()->get_location(); $section = Rewrite::newInstance()->get_section(); $separator = '<span class="divider">' . trim($separator) . '</span>'; $page_title = '<li><a href="' . osc_base_url() . '">' . osc_page_title() . '</a>' . $separator . '</li>'; switch ($location) { case 'item': switch ($section) { case 'item_add': break; default: $aCategories = Category::newInstance()->toRootTree((string) osc_item_category_id()); $category = ''; if (count($aCategories) == 0) { break; } foreach ($aCategories as $aCategory) { $list[] = '<li><a href="' . osc_item_category_url($aCategory['pk_i_id']) . '">' . $aCategory['s_name'] . '</a>' . $separator . '</li>'; } $category = implode('', $list); break; } switch ($section) { case 'item_add': $text = $page_title . '<li>' . __('Publish an item', 'twitter') . '</li>'; break; case 'item_edit': $text = $page_title . '<li><a href="' . osc_item_url() . '">' . osc_item_title() . '</a>' . $separator . '</li><li>' . __('Edit your item', 'twitter') . '</li>'; break; case 'send_friend': $text = $page_title . $category . '<li><a href="' . osc_item_url() . '">' . osc_item_title() . '</a>' . $separator . '</li><li>' . __('Send to a friend', 'twitter') . '</li>'; break; case 'contact': $text = $page_title . $category . '<li><a href="' . osc_item_url() . '">' . osc_item_title() . '</a>' . $separator . '<li><li>' . __('Contact seller', 'twitter') . '</li>'; break; default: $text = $page_title . $category . '<li>' . osc_item_title() . '</li>'; break; } break; case 'page': $text = $page_title . '<li>' . osc_static_page_title() . '</li>'; break; case 'search': $region = Params::getParam('sRegion'); $city = Params::getParam('sCity'); $pattern = Params::getParam('sPattern'); $category = osc_search_category_id(); $category = count($category) == 1 ? $category[0] : ''; $b_show_all = $pattern == '' && $category == '' && $region == '' && $city == ''; $b_category = $category != ''; $b_pattern = $pattern != ''; $b_region = $region != ''; $b_city = $city != ''; $b_location = $b_region || $b_city; if ($b_show_all) { $text = $page_title . '<li>' . __('Search', 'twitter') . '</li>'; break; } // init $result = $page_title; if ($b_category) { $list = array(); $aCategories = Category::newInstance()->toRootTree($category); if (count($aCategories) > 0) { $deep = 1; foreach ($aCategories as $single) { $list[] = '<li><a href="' . osc_item_category_url($single['pk_i_id']) . '">' . $single['s_name'] . '</a>' . $separator . '</li>'; $deep++; } // remove last link if (!$b_pattern && !$b_location) { $list[count($list) - 1] = preg_replace('|<li><a href.*?>(.*?)</a>.*?</li>|', '$01', $list[count($list) - 1]); } $result .= implode('', $list); } } if ($b_location) { $list = array(); $params = array(); if ($b_category) { $params['sCategory'] = $category; } if ($b_city) { $aCity = City::newInstance()->findByName($city); if (count($aCity) == 0) { $params['sCity'] = $city; $list[] = '<li><a href="' . osc_search_url($params) . '">' . $city . '</a>' . $separator . '</li>'; } else { $aRegion = Region::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($aCity['fk_i_region_id']); $params['sRegion'] = $aRegion['s_name']; $list[] = '<li><a href="' . osc_search_url($params) . '">' . $aRegion['s_name'] . '</a>' . $separator . '</li>'; $params['sCity'] = $aCity['s_name']; $list[] = '<li><a href="' . osc_search_url($params) . '">' . $aCity['s_name'] . '</a>' . $separator . '</li>'; } if (!$b_pattern) { $list[count($list) - 1] = preg_replace('|<li><a href.*?>(.*?)</a>.*?</li>|', '$01', $list[count($list) - 1]); } $result .= implode('', $list); } else { if ($b_region) { $params['sRegion'] = $region; $list[] = '<li><a href="' . osc_search_url($params) . '">' . $region . '</a>' . $separator . '</li>'; if (!$b_pattern) { $list[count($list) - 1] = preg_replace('|<li><a href.*?>(.*?)</a>.*?</li>|', '$01', $list[count($list) - 1]); } $result .= implode('', $list); } } } if ($b_pattern) { $result .= '<li>' . __('Search Results', 'twitter') . ': ' . $pattern . '</li>'; } // remove last separator $result = preg_replace('|' . trim($separator) . '\\s*$|', '', $result); $text = $result; break; case 'login': switch ($section) { case 'recover': $text = $page_title . '<li>' . __('Recover your password', 'twitter') . '</li>'; break; default: $text = $page_title . '<li>' . __('Login', 'twitter') . '</li>'; } break; case 'register': $text = $page_title . '<li>' . __('Create a new account', 'twitter') . '</li>'; break; case 'contact': $text = $page_title . '<li>' . __('Contact', 'twitter') . '</li>'; break; default: break; } return '<ul class="breadcrumb">' . $text . '</ul>'; }
function doModel() { //specific things for this class switch ($this->action) { case 'bulk_actions': break; case 'regions': //Return regions given a countryId $regions = Region::newInstance()->findByCountry(Params::getParam("countryId")); echo json_encode($regions); break; case 'cities': //Returns cities given a regionId $cities = City::newInstance()->findByRegion(Params::getParam("regionId")); echo json_encode($cities); break; case 'location': // This is the autocomplete AJAX $cities = City::newInstance()->ajax(Params::getParam("term")); echo json_encode($cities); break; case 'userajax': // This is the autocomplete AJAX $users = User::newInstance()->ajax(Params::getParam("term")); if (count($users) == 0) { echo json_encode(array(0 => array('id' => '', 'label' => __('No results'), 'value' => __('No results')))); } else { echo json_encode($users); } break; case 'date_format': echo json_encode(array('format' => Params::getParam('format'), 'str_formatted' => osc_format_date(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), Params::getParam('format')))); break; case 'runhook': // run hooks $hook = Params::getParam('hook'); if ($hook == '') { echo json_encode(array('error' => 'hook parameter not defined')); break; } switch ($hook) { case 'item_form': osc_run_hook('item_form', Params::getParam('catId')); break; case 'item_edit': $catId = Params::getParam("catId"); $itemId = Params::getParam("itemId"); osc_run_hook("item_edit", $catId, $itemId); break; default: osc_run_hook('ajax_admin_' . $hook); break; } break; case 'categories_order': // Save the order of the categories osc_csrf_check(false); $aIds = Params::getParam('list'); $orderParent = 0; $orderSub = 0; $catParent = 0; $error = 0; $catManager = Category::newInstance(); $aRecountCat = array(); foreach ($aIds as $id => $parent) { if ($parent == 'root') { $res = $catManager->updateOrder($id, $orderParent); if (is_bool($res) && !$res) { $error = 1; } // find category $auxCategory = Category::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($id); // set parent category $conditions = array('pk_i_id' => $id); $array['fk_i_parent_id'] = NULL; $res = $catManager->update($array, $conditions); if (is_bool($res) && !$res) { $error = 1; } else { if ($res == 1) { // updated ok $parentId = $auxCategory['fk_i_parent_id']; if ($parentId) { // update parent category stats array_push($aRecountCat, $id); array_push($aRecountCat, $parentId); } } } $orderParent++; } else { if ($parent != $catParent) { $catParent = $parent; $orderSub = 0; } $res = $catManager->updateOrder($id, $orderSub); if (is_bool($res) && !$res) { $error = 1; } // set parent category $auxCategory = Category::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($id); $auxCategoryP = Category::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($catParent); $conditions = array('pk_i_id' => $id); $array['fk_i_parent_id'] = $catParent; $res = $catManager->update($array, $conditions); if (is_bool($res) && !$res) { $error = 1; } else { if ($res == 1) { // updated ok // update category parent $prevParentId = $auxCategory['fk_i_parent_id']; $parentId = $auxCategoryP['pk_i_id']; array_push($aRecountCat, $prevParentId); array_push($aRecountCat, $parentId); } } $orderSub++; } } // update category stats foreach ($aRecountCat as $rId) { osc_update_cat_stats_id($rId); } if ($error) { $result = array('error' => __("An error occurred")); } else { $result = array('ok' => __("Order saved")); } echo json_encode($result); break; case 'category_edit_iframe': $this->_exportVariableToView('category', Category::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam("id"))); $this->_exportVariableToView('languages', OSCLocale::newInstance()->listAllEnabled()); $this->doView("categories/iframe.php"); break; case 'field_categories_iframe': $selected = Field::newInstance()->categories(Params::getParam("id")); if ($selected == null) { $selected = array(); } $this->_exportVariableToView("selected", $selected); $this->_exportVariableToView("field", Field::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam("id"))); $this->_exportVariableToView("categories", Category::newInstance()->toTreeAll()); $this->doView("fields/iframe.php"); break; case 'field_categories_post': osc_csrf_check(false); $error = 0; $field = Field::newInstance()->findByName(Params::getParam("s_name")); if (!isset($field['pk_i_id']) || isset($field['pk_i_id']) && $field['pk_i_id'] == Params::getParam("id")) { // remove categories from a field Field::newInstance()->cleanCategoriesFromField(Params::getParam("id")); // no error... continue updating fields if ($error == 0) { $slug = Params::getParam("field_slug") != '' ? Params::getParam("field_slug") : Params::getParam("s_name"); $slug_tmp = $slug = preg_replace('|([-]+)|', '-', preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9_-]|', '-', strtolower($slug))); $slug_k = 0; while (true) { $field = Field::newInstance()->findBySlug($slug); if (!$field || $field['pk_i_id'] == Params::getParam("id")) { break; } else { $slug_k++; $slug = $slug_tmp . "_" . $slug_k; } } // trim options $s_options = ''; $aux = Params::getParam('s_options'); $aAux = explode(',', $aux); foreach ($aAux as &$option) { $option = trim($option); } $s_options = implode(',', $aAux); $res = Field::newInstance()->update(array('s_name' => Params::getParam("s_name"), 'e_type' => Params::getParam("field_type"), 's_slug' => $slug, 'b_required' => Params::getParam("field_required") == "1" ? 1 : 0, 's_options' => $s_options), array('pk_i_id' => Params::getParam("id"))); if (is_bool($res) && !$res) { $error = 1; } } // no error... continue inserting categories-field if ($error == 0) { $aCategories = Params::getParam("categories"); if (is_array($aCategories) && count($aCategories) > 0) { $res = Field::newInstance()->insertCategories(Params::getParam("id"), $aCategories); if (!$res) { $error = 1; } } } // error while updating? if ($error == 1) { $message = __("An error occurred while updating."); } } else { $error = 1; $message = __("Sorry, you already have a field with that name"); } if ($error) { $result = array('error' => $message); } else { $result = array('ok' => __("Saved"), 'text' => Params::getParam("s_name"), 'field_id' => Params::getParam("id")); } echo json_encode($result); break; case 'delete_field': osc_csrf_check(false); $res = Field::newInstance()->deleteByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam('id')); if ($res > 0) { $result = array('ok' => __('The custom field has been deleted')); } else { $result = array('error' => __('An error occurred while deleting')); } echo json_encode($result); break; case 'add_field': osc_csrf_check(false); $s_name = __('NEW custom field'); $slug_tmp = $slug = preg_replace('|([-]+)|', '-', preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9_-]|', '-', strtolower($s_name))); $slug_k = 0; while (true) { $field = Field::newInstance()->findBySlug($slug); if (!$field || $field['pk_i_id'] == Params::getParam("id")) { break; } else { $slug_k++; $slug = $slug_tmp . "_" . $slug_k; } } $fieldManager = Field::newInstance(); $result = $fieldManager->insertField($s_name, 'TEXT', $slug, 0, '', array()); if ($result) { echo json_encode(array('error' => 0, 'field_id' => $fieldManager->dao->insertedId(), 'field_name' => $s_name)); } else { echo json_encode(array('error' => 1)); } break; case 'enable_category': osc_csrf_check(false); $id = strip_tags(Params::getParam('id')); $enabled = Params::getParam('enabled') != '' ? Params::getParam('enabled') : 0; $error = 0; $result = array(); $aUpdated = array(); $mCategory = Category::newInstance(); $aCategory = $mCategory->findByPrimaryKey($id); if ($aCategory == false) { $result = array('error' => sprintf(__("No category with id %d exists"), $id)); echo json_encode($result); break; } // root category if ($aCategory['fk_i_parent_id'] == '') { $mCategory->update(array('b_enabled' => $enabled), array('pk_i_id' => $id)); $mCategory->update(array('b_enabled' => $enabled), array('fk_i_parent_id' => $id)); $subCategories = $mCategory->findSubcategories($id); $aIds = array($id); $aUpdated[] = array('id' => $id); foreach ($subCategories as $subcategory) { $aIds[] = $subcategory['pk_i_id']; $aUpdated[] = array('id' => $subcategory['pk_i_id']); } Item::newInstance()->enableByCategory($enabled, $aIds); if ($enabled) { $result = array('ok' => __('The category as well as its subcategories have been enabled')); } else { $result = array('ok' => __('The category as well as its subcategories have been disabled')); } $result['affectedIds'] = $aUpdated; echo json_encode($result); break; } // subcategory $parentCategory = $mCategory->findRootCategory($id); if (!$parentCategory['b_enabled']) { $result = array('error' => __('Parent category is disabled, you can not enable that category')); echo json_encode($result); break; } $mCategory->update(array('b_enabled' => $enabled), array('pk_i_id' => $id)); if ($enabled) { $result = array('ok' => __('The subcategory has been enabled')); } else { $result = array('ok' => __('The subcategory has been disabled')); } $result['affectedIds'] = array(array('id' => $id)); echo json_encode($result); break; case 'delete_category': osc_csrf_check(false); $id = Params::getParam("id"); $error = 0; $categoryManager = Category::newInstance(); $res = $categoryManager->deleteByPrimaryKey($id); if ($res > 0) { $message = __('The categories have been deleted'); } else { $error = 1; $message = __('An error occurred while deleting'); } if ($error) { $result = array('error' => $message); } else { $result = array('ok' => __("Saved")); } echo json_encode($result); break; case 'edit_category_post': osc_csrf_check(false); $id = Params::getParam("id"); $fields['i_expiration_days'] = Params::getParam("i_expiration_days") != '' ? Params::getParam("i_expiration_days") : 0; $error = 0; $has_one_title = 0; $postParams = Params::getParamsAsArray(); foreach ($postParams as $k => $v) { if (preg_match('|(.+?)#(.+)|', $k, $m)) { if ($m[2] == 's_name') { if ($v != "") { $has_one_title = 1; $aFieldsDescription[$m[1]][$m[2]] = $v; $s_text = $v; } else { $aFieldsDescription[$m[1]][$m[2]] = NULL; $error = 1; } } else { $aFieldsDescription[$m[1]][$m[2]] = $v; } } } $l = osc_language(); if ($error == 0 || $error == 1 && $has_one_title == 1) { $categoryManager = Category::newInstance(); $res = $categoryManager->updateByPrimaryKey(array('fields' => $fields, 'aFieldsDescription' => $aFieldsDescription), $id); $categoryManager->updateExpiration($id, $fields['i_expiration_days']); if (is_bool($res)) { $error = 2; } } if (Params::getParam('apply_changes_to_subcategories') == 1) { $subcategories = $categoryManager->findSubcategories($id); foreach ($subcategories as $subc) { $categoryManager->updateExpiration($subc['pk_i_id'], $fields['i_expiration_days']); } } if ($error == 0) { $msg = __("Category updated correctly"); } else { if ($error == 1) { if ($has_one_title == 1) { $error = 4; $msg = __('Category updated correctly, but some titles are empty'); } else { $msg = __('Sorry, including at least a title is mandatory'); } } else { if ($error == 2) { $msg = __('An error occurred while updating'); } } } echo json_encode(array('error' => $error, 'msg' => $msg, 'text' => $aFieldsDescription[$l]['s_name'])); break; case 'custom': // Execute via AJAX custom file $ajaxFile = Params::getParam("ajaxfile"); if ($ajaxFile == '') { echo json_encode(array('error' => 'no action defined')); break; } // valid file? if (stripos($ajaxFile, '../') !== false) { echo json_encode(array('error' => 'no valid ajaxFile')); break; } if (!file_exists(osc_plugins_path() . $ajaxFile)) { echo json_encode(array('error' => "ajaxFile doesn't exist")); break; } require_once osc_plugins_path() . $ajaxFile; break; case 'test_mail': $title = sprintf(__('Test email, %s'), osc_page_title()); $body = __("Test email") . "<br><br>" . osc_page_title(); $emailParams = array('subject' => $title, 'to' => osc_contact_email(), 'to_name' => 'admin', 'body' => $body, 'alt_body' => $body); $array = array(); if (osc_sendMail($emailParams)) { $array = array('status' => '1', 'html' => __('Email sent successfully')); } else { $array = array('status' => '0', 'html' => __('An error occurred while sending email')); } echo json_encode($array); break; case 'test_mail_template': // replace por valores por defecto $email = Params::getParam("email"); $title = Params::getParam("title"); $body = urldecode(Params::getParam("body")); $emailParams = array('subject' => $title, 'to' => $email, 'to_name' => 'admin', 'body' => $body, 'alt_body' => $body); $array = array(); if (osc_sendMail($emailParams)) { $array = array('status' => '1', 'html' => __('Email sent successfully')); } else { $array = array('status' => '0', 'html' => __('An error occurred while sending email')); } echo json_encode($array); break; case 'order_pages': osc_csrf_check(false); $order = Params::getParam("order"); $id = Params::getParam("id"); if ($order != '' && $id != '') { $mPages = Page::newInstance(); $actual_page = $mPages->findByPrimaryKey($id); $actual_order = $actual_page['i_order']; $array = array(); $condition = array(); $new_order = $actual_order; if ($order == 'up') { $page = $mPages->findPrevPage($actual_order); } else { if ($order == 'down') { $page = $mPages->findNextPage($actual_order); } } if (isset($page['i_order'])) { $mPages->update(array('i_order' => $page['i_order']), array('pk_i_id' => $id)); $mPages->update(array('i_order' => $actual_order), array('pk_i_id' => $page['pk_i_id'])); } } break; /****************************** ** COMPLETE UPGRADE PROCESS ** ******************************/ /****************************** ** COMPLETE UPGRADE PROCESS ** ******************************/ case 'upgrade': // AT THIS POINT WE KNOW IF THERE'S AN UPDATE OR NOT osc_csrf_check(false); $message = ""; $error = 0; $sql_error_msg = ""; $rm_errors = 0; $perms = osc_save_permissions(); osc_change_permissions(); $maintenance_file = ABS_PATH . '.maintenance'; $fileHandler = @fopen($maintenance_file, 'w'); fclose($fileHandler); /*********************** **** DOWNLOAD FILE **** ***********************/ $data = osc_file_get_contents("http://osclass.org/latest_version.php"); $data = json_decode(substr($data, 1, strlen($data) - 3), true); $source_file = $data['url']; if ($source_file != '') { $tmp = explode("/", $source_file); $filename = end($tmp); $result = osc_downloadFile($source_file, $filename); if ($result) { // Everything is OK, continue /********************** ***** UNZIP FILE ***** **********************/ @mkdir(ABS_PATH . 'oc-temp', 0777); $res = osc_unzip_file(osc_content_path() . 'downloads/' . $filename, ABS_PATH . 'oc-temp/'); if ($res == 1) { // Everything is OK, continue /********************** ***** COPY FILES ***** **********************/ $fail = -1; if ($handle = opendir(ABS_PATH . 'oc-temp')) { $fail = 0; while (false !== ($_file = readdir($handle))) { if ($_file != '.' && $_file != '..' && $_file != 'remove.list' && $_file != 'upgrade.sql' && $_file != 'customs.actions') { $data = osc_copy(ABS_PATH . "oc-temp/" . $_file, ABS_PATH . $_file); if ($data == false) { $fail = 1; } } } closedir($handle); //TRY TO REMOVE THE ZIP PACKAGE @unlink(osc_content_path() . 'downloads/' . $filename); if ($fail == 0) { // Everything is OK, continue /************************ *** UPGRADE DATABASE *** ************************/ $error_queries = array(); if (file_exists(osc_lib_path() . 'osclass/installer/struct.sql')) { $sql = file_get_contents(osc_lib_path() . 'osclass/installer/struct.sql'); $conn = DBConnectionClass::newInstance(); $c_db = $conn->getOsclassDb(); $comm = new DBCommandClass($c_db); $error_queries = $comm->updateDB(str_replace('/*TABLE_PREFIX*/', DB_TABLE_PREFIX, $sql)); } if ($error_queries[0]) { // Everything is OK, continue /********************************** ** EXECUTING ADDITIONAL ACTIONS ** **********************************/ if (file_exists(osc_lib_path() . 'osclass/upgrade-funcs.php')) { // There should be no errors here define('AUTO_UPGRADE', true); require_once osc_lib_path() . 'osclass/upgrade-funcs.php'; } // Additional actions is not important for the rest of the proccess // We will inform the user of the problems but the upgrade could continue /**************************** ** REMOVE TEMPORARY FILES ** ****************************/ $path = ABS_PATH . 'oc-temp'; $rm_errors = 0; $dir = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); for ($dir->rewind(); $dir->valid(); $dir->next()) { if ($dir->isDir()) { if ($dir->getFilename() != '.' && $dir->getFilename() != '..') { if (!rmdir($dir->getPathname())) { $rm_errors++; } } } else { if (!unlink($dir->getPathname())) { $rm_errors++; } } } if (!rmdir($path)) { $rm_errors++; } $deleted = @unlink(ABS_PATH . '.maintenance'); if ($rm_errors == 0) { $message = __('Everything looks good! Your Osclass installation is up-to-date'); } else { $message = __('Nearly everything looks good! Your Osclass installation is up-to-date, but there were some errors removing temporary files. Please manually remove the "oc-temp" folder'); $error = 6; // Some errors removing files } } else { $sql_error_msg = $error_queries[2]; $message = __('Problems when upgrading the database'); $error = 5; // Problems upgrading the database } } else { $message = __('Problems when copying files. Please check your permissions. '); $error = 4; // Problems copying files. Maybe permissions are not correct } } else { $message = __('Nothing to copy'); $error = 99; // Nothing to copy. THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN, means we don't update any file! } } else { $message = __('Unzip failed'); $error = 3; // Unzip failed } } else { $message = __('Download failed'); $error = 2; // Download failed } } else { $message = __('Missing download URL'); $error = 1; // Missing download URL } if ($error == 5) { $message .= "<br /><br />" . __('We had some errors upgrading your database. The follwing queries failed:') . implode("<br />", $sql_error_msg); } echo $message; foreach ($perms as $k => $v) { @chmod($k, $v); } break; /******************************* ** COMPLETE MARKET PROCESS ** *******************************/ /******************************* ** COMPLETE MARKET PROCESS ** *******************************/ case 'market': // AT THIS POINT WE KNOW IF THERE'S AN UPDATE OR NOT osc_csrf_check(false); $section = Params::getParam('section'); $code = Params::getParam('code'); $plugin = false; $re_enable = false; $message = ""; $error = 0; $data = array(); /************************ *** CHECK VALID CODE *** ************************/ if ($code != '' && $section != '') { if (stripos($code, "http://") === FALSE) { // OSCLASS OFFICIAL REPOSITORY $url = osc_market_url($section, $code); $data = json_decode(osc_file_get_contents($url), true); } else { // THIRD PARTY REPOSITORY if (osc_market_external_sources()) { $data = json_decode(osc_file_get_contents($code), true); } else { echo json_encode(array('error' => 8, 'error_msg' => __('No external sources are allowed'))); break; } } /*********************** **** DOWNLOAD FILE **** ***********************/ if (isset($data['s_update_url']) && isset($data['s_source_file']) && isset($data['e_type'])) { if ($data['e_type'] == 'THEME') { $folder = 'themes/'; } else { if ($data['e_type'] == 'LANGUAGE') { $folder = 'languages/'; } else { // PLUGINS $folder = 'plugins/'; $plugin = Plugins::findByUpdateURI($data['s_update_url']); if ($plugin != false) { if (Plugins::isEnabled($plugin)) { Plugins::runHook($plugin . '_disable'); Plugins::deactivate($plugin); $re_enable = true; } } } } $filename = $data['s_update_url'] . "_" . $data['s_version'] . ".zip"; $url_source_file = $data['s_source_file']; // error_log('Source file: ' . $url_source_file); // error_log('Filename: ' . $filename); $result = osc_downloadFile($url_source_file, $filename); if ($result) { // Everything is OK, continue /********************** ***** UNZIP FILE ***** **********************/ @mkdir(ABS_PATH . 'oc-temp', 0777); $res = osc_unzip_file(osc_content_path() . 'downloads/' . $filename, osc_content_path() . 'downloads/oc-temp/'); if ($res == 1) { // Everything is OK, continue /********************** ***** COPY FILES ***** **********************/ $fail = -1; if ($handle = opendir(osc_content_path() . 'downloads/oc-temp')) { $folder_dest = ABS_PATH . "oc-content/" . $folder; if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) { $current_user = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid()); $ownerFolder = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($folder_dest)); } $fail = 0; while (false !== ($_file = readdir($handle))) { if ($_file != '.' && $_file != '..') { $copyprocess = osc_copy(osc_content_path() . "downloads/oc-temp/" . $_file, $folder_dest . $_file); if ($copyprocess == false) { $fail = 1; } } } closedir($handle); // Additional actions is not important for the rest of the proccess // We will inform the user of the problems but the upgrade could continue // Also remove the zip package /**************************** ** REMOVE TEMPORARY FILES ** ****************************/ @unlink(osc_content_path() . 'downloads/' . $filename); $path = osc_content_path() . 'downloads/oc-temp'; $rm_errors = 0; $dir = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); for ($dir->rewind(); $dir->valid(); $dir->next()) { if ($dir->isDir()) { if ($dir->getFilename() != '.' && $dir->getFilename() != '..') { if (!rmdir($dir->getPathname())) { $rm_errors++; } } } else { if (!unlink($dir->getPathname())) { $rm_errors++; } } } if (!rmdir($path)) { $rm_errors++; } if ($fail == 0) { // Everything is OK, continue if ($data['e_type'] != 'THEME' && $data['e_type'] != 'LANGUAGE') { if ($plugin != false && $re_enable) { $enabled = Plugins::activate($plugin); if ($enabled) { Plugins::runHook($plugin . '_enable'); } } } // recount plugins&themes for update if ($section == 'plugins') { osc_check_plugins_update(true); } else { if ($section == 'themes') { osc_check_themes_update(true); } else { if ($section == 'languages') { // load oc-content/ if (osc_checkLocales()) { $message .= __('The language has been installed correctly'); } else { $message .= __('There was a problem adding the language'); $error = 8; } osc_check_languages_update(true); } } } if ($rm_errors == 0) { $message = __('Everything looks good!'); $error = 0; } else { $message = __('Nearly everything looks good! but there were some errors removing temporary files. Please manually remove the \\"oc-temp\\" folder'); $error = 6; // Some errors removing files } } else { $message = __('Problems when copying files. Please check your permissions. '); if ($current_user['uid'] != $ownerFolder['uid']) { if (function_exists('posix_getgrgid')) { $current_group = posix_getgrgid($current_user['gid']); $message .= '<p><strong>' . sprintf(__('NOTE: Web user and destination folder user is not the same, you might have an issue there. <br/>Do this in your console:<br/>chown -R %s:%s %s'), $current_user['name'], $current_group['name'], $folder_dest) . '</strong></p>'; } } $error = 4; // Problems copying files. Maybe permissions are not correct } } else { $message = __('Nothing to copy'); $error = 99; // Nothing to copy. THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN, means we don't update any file! } } else { $message = __('Unzip failed'); $error = 3; // Unzip failed } } else { $message = __('Download failed'); $error = 2; // Download failed } } else { $message = __('Input code not valid'); $error = 7; // Input code not valid } } else { $message = __('Missing download URL'); $error = 1; // Missing download URL } echo json_encode(array('error' => $error, 'message' => $message, 'data' => $data)); break; case 'check_market': // AT THIS POINT WE KNOW IF THERE'S AN UPDATE OR NOT $section = Params::getParam('section'); $code = Params::getParam('code'); $data = array(); /************************ *** CHECK VALID CODE *** ************************/ if ($code != '' && $section != '') { if (stripos($code, "http://") === FALSE) { // OSCLASS OFFICIAL REPOSITORY $data = json_decode(osc_file_get_contents(osc_market_url($section, $code)), true); } else { // THIRD PARTY REPOSITORY if (osc_market_external_sources()) { $data = json_decode(osc_file_get_contents($code), true); } else { echo json_encode(array('error' => 3, 'error_msg' => __('No external sources are allowed'))); break; } } if (!isset($data['s_source_file']) || !isset($data['s_update_url'])) { $data = array('error' => 2, 'error_msg' => __('Invalid code')); } } else { $data = array('error' => 1, 'error_msg' => __('No code was submitted')); } echo json_encode($data); break; case 'market_data': $section = Params::getParam('section'); $page = Params::getParam("mPage"); $featured = Params::getParam("featured"); $sort = Params::getParam("sort"); $order = Params::getParam("order"); // for the moment this value is static $length = 9; if ($page >= 1) { $page--; } $url = osc_market_url($section) . "page/" . $page . '/'; if ($length != '' && is_numeric($length)) { $url .= 'length/' . $length . '/'; } if ($sort != '') { $url .= 'order/' . $sort; if ($order != '') { $url .= '/' . $order; } } if ($featured != '') { $url = osc_market_featured_url($section); } $data = array(); $data = json_decode(osc_file_get_contents($url), true); if (!isset($data[$section])) { $data = array('error' => 1, 'error_msg' => __('No market data')); } echo 'var market_data = window.market_data || {}; market_data.' . $section . ' = ' . json_encode($data) . ';'; break; case 'local_market': // AVOID CROSS DOMAIN PROBLEMS OF AJAX REQUEST $marketPage = Params::getParam("mPage"); if ($marketPage >= 1) { $marketPage--; } $out = osc_file_get_contents(osc_market_url(Params::getParam("section")) . "page/" . $marketPage); $array = json_decode($out, true); // do pagination $pageActual = $array['page']; $totalPages = ceil($array['total'] / $array['sizePage']); $params = array('total' => $totalPages, 'selected' => $pageActual, 'url' => '#{PAGE}', 'sides' => 5); // set pagination $pagination = new Pagination($params); $aux = $pagination->doPagination(); $array['pagination_content'] = $aux; // encode to json echo json_encode($array); break; case 'dashboardbox_market': $error = 0; // make market call $url = getPreference('marketURL') . 'dashboardbox/'; $content = ''; if (false === ($json = @osc_file_get_contents($url))) { $error = 1; } else { $content = $json; } if ($error == 1) { echo json_encode(array('error' => 1)); } else { // replace content with correct urls $content = str_replace('{URL_MARKET_THEMES}', osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=market&action=themes', $content); $content = str_replace('{URL_MARKET_PLUGINS}', osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=market&action=plugins', $content); echo json_encode(array('html' => $content)); } break; case 'location_stats': osc_csrf_check(false); $workToDo = osc_update_location_stats(); if ($workToDo > 0) { $array['status'] = 'more'; $array['pending'] = $workToDo; echo json_encode($array); } else { $array['status'] = 'done'; echo json_encode($array); } break; case 'error_permissions': echo json_encode(array('error' => __("You don't have the necessary permissions"))); break; default: echo json_encode(array('error' => __('no action defined'))); break; } // clear all keep variables into session Session::newInstance()->_dropKeepForm(); Session::newInstance()->_clearVariables(); }
function doModel() { parent::doModel(); //specific things for this class switch ($this->action) { case 'create': // callign create view $aCountries = array(); $aRegions = array(); $aCities = array(); $aCountries = Country::newInstance()->listAll(); if (isset($aCountries[0]['pk_c_code'])) { $aRegions = Region::newInstance()->getByCountry($aCountries[0]['pk_c_code']); } if (isset($aRegions[0]['pk_i_id'])) { $aCities = City::newInstance()->listWhere("fk_i_region_id = %d", $aRegions[0]['pk_i_id']); } $this->_exportVariableToView("user", null); $this->_exportVariableToView("countries", $aCountries); $this->_exportVariableToView("regions", $aRegions); $this->_exportVariableToView("cities", $aCities); $this->_exportVariableToView("locales", OSCLocale::newInstance()->listAllEnabled()); $this->doView("users/frm.php"); break; case 'create_post': // creating the user... require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/UserActions.php'; $userActions = new UserActions(true); $success = $userActions->add(); switch ($success) { case 1: osc_add_flash_message(_m('The user has been created. We\'ve sent an activation e-mail'), 'admin'); break; case 2: osc_add_flash_message(_m('The user has been created and activated'), 'admin'); break; case 3: osc_add_flash_message(_m('Sorry, but that e-mail is already in use'), 'admin'); break; } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=users'); break; case 'edit': // calling the edit view $aUser = array(); $aCountries = array(); $aRegions = array(); $aCities = array(); $aUser = $this->userManager->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam("id")); $aCountries = Country::newInstance()->listAll(); $aRegions = array(); if ($aUser['fk_c_country_code'] != '') { $aRegions = Region::newInstance()->getByCountry($aUser['fk_c_country_code']); } else { if (count($aCountries) > 0) { $aRegions = Region::newInstance()->getByCountry($aCountries[0]['pk_c_code']); } } $aCities = array(); if ($aUser['fk_i_region_id'] != '') { $aCities = City::newInstance()->listWhere("fk_i_region_id = %d", $aUser['fk_i_region_id']); } else { if (count($aRegions) > 0) { $aCities = City::newInstance()->listWhere("fk_i_region_id = %d", $aRegions[0]['pk_i_id']); } } $this->_exportVariableToView("user", $aUser); $this->_exportVariableToView("countries", $aCountries); $this->_exportVariableToView("regions", $aRegions); $this->_exportVariableToView("cities", $aCities); $this->_exportVariableToView("locales", OSCLocale::newInstance()->listAllEnabled()); $this->doView("users/frm.php"); break; case 'edit_post': // edit post require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/UserActions.php'; $userActions = new UserActions(true); $success = $userActions->edit(Params::getParam("id")); switch ($success) { case 1: osc_add_flash_message(_m('Passwords don\'t match'), 'admin'); break; case 2: osc_add_flash_message(_m('The user has been updated and activated'), 'admin'); break; default: osc_add_flash_message(_m('The user has been updated'), 'admin'); break; } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=users'); break; case 'activate': //activate $iUpdated = 0; $userId = Params::getParam('id'); if (!is_array($userId)) { osc_add_flash_message(_m('User id isn\'t in the correct format'), 'admin'); } foreach ($userId as $id) { $conditions = array('pk_i_id' => $id); $values = array('b_enabled' => 1); $iUpdated += $this->userManager->update($values, $conditions); } switch ($iUpdated) { case 0: $msg = _m('No user has been activated'); break; case 1: $msg = _m('One user has been activated'); break; default: $msg = sprintf(_m('%s users have been activated'), $iUpdated); break; } osc_add_flash_message($msg, 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=users'); break; case 'deactivate': //deactivate $iUpdated = 0; $userId = Params::getParam('id'); if (!is_array($userId)) { osc_add_flash_message(_m('User id isn\'t in the correct format'), 'admin'); } foreach ($userId as $id) { $conditions = array('pk_i_id' => $id); $values = array('b_enabled' => 0); $iUpdated += $this->userManager->update($values, $conditions); } switch ($iUpdated) { case 0: $msg = _m('No user has been deactivated'); break; case 1: $msg = _m('One user has been deactivated'); break; default: $msg = sprintf(_m('%s users have been deactivated'), $iUpdated); break; } osc_add_flash_message($msg, 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=users'); break; case 'delete': //delete $iDeleted = 0; $userId = Params::getParam('id'); if (!is_array($userId)) { osc_add_flash_message(_m('User id isn\'t in the correct format'), 'admin'); } foreach ($userId as $id) { if ($this->userManager->deleteUser($id)) { $iDeleted++; } } switch ($iDeleted) { case 0: $msg = _m('No user has been deleted'); break; case 1: $msg = _m('One user has been deleted'); break; default: $msg = sprintf(_m('%s users have been deleted'), $iDeleted); break; } osc_add_flash_message($msg, 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=users'); break; default: // manage users view $aUsers = $this->userManager->listAll(); $this->_exportVariableToView("users", $aUsers); $this->doView("users/index.php"); break; } }
function doModel() { //specific things for this class switch ($this->action) { case 'bulk_actions': break; case 'regions': //Return regions given a countryId $regions = Region::newInstance()->getByCountry(Params::getParam("countryId")); echo json_encode($regions); break; case 'cities': //Returns cities given a regionId $cities = City::newInstance()->getByRegion(Params::getParam("regionId")); echo json_encode($cities); break; case 'location': // This is the autocomplete AJAX $cities = City::newInstance()->ajax(Params::getParam("term")); echo json_encode($cities); break; case 'alerts': // Allow to register to an alert given (not sure it's used on admin) $alert = Params::getParam("alert"); $email = Params::getParam("email"); $userid = Params::getParam("userid"); if ($alert != '' && $email != '') { if (preg_match("/^[_a-z0-9-+]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-+]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})\$/", $email)) { Alerts::newInstance()->createAlert($userid, $email, $alert); echo "1"; } else { echo '0'; } return true; } echo '0'; return false; break; case 'runhook': //Run hooks $hook = Params::getParam("hook"); switch ($hook) { case 'item_form': $catId = Params::getParam("catId"); if ($catId != '') { osc_run_hook("item_form", $catId); } else { osc_run_hook("item_form"); } break; case 'item_edit': $catId = Params::getParam("catId"); $itemId = Params::getParam("itemId"); osc_run_hook("item_edit", $catId, $itemId); break; default: if ($hook == '') { return false; } else { osc_run_hook($hook); } break; } break; case 'custom': // Execute via AJAX custom file $ajaxfile = Params::getParam("ajaxfile"); if ($ajaxfile != '') { require_once osc_plugins_path() . $ajaxfile; } else { echo json_encode(array('error' => __('no action defined'))); } break; default: echo json_encode(array('error' => __('no action defined'))); break; } }
function doModel() { switch ($this->action) { case 'dashboard': //dashboard... $max_items = Params::getParam('max_items') != '' ? Params::getParam('max_items') : 5; $aItems = Item::newInstance()->findByUserIDEnabled(osc_logged_user_id(), 0, $max_items); //calling the view... $this->_exportVariableToView('items', $aItems); $this->_exportVariableToView('max_items', $max_items); $this->doView('user-dashboard.php'); break; case 'profile': //profile... $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(osc_logged_user_id()); $aCountries = Country::newInstance()->listAll(); $aRegions = array(); if ($user['fk_c_country_code'] != '') { $aRegions = Region::newInstance()->findByCountry($user['fk_c_country_code']); } elseif (count($aCountries) > 0) { $aRegions = Region::newInstance()->findByCountry($aCountries[0]['pk_c_code']); } $aCities = array(); if ($user['fk_i_region_id'] != '') { $aCities = City::newInstance()->findByRegion($user['fk_i_region_id']); } else { if (count($aRegions) > 0) { $aCities = City::newInstance()->findByRegion($aRegions[0]['pk_i_id']); } } //calling the view... $this->_exportVariableToView('countries', $aCountries); $this->_exportVariableToView('regions', $aRegions); $this->_exportVariableToView('cities', $aCities); $this->_exportVariableToView('user', $user); $this->_exportVariableToView('locales', OSCLocale::newInstance()->listAllEnabled()); $this->doView('user-profile.php'); break; case 'profile_post': //profile post... osc_csrf_check(); $userId = Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'); require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/UserActions.php'; $userActions = new UserActions(false); $success = $userActions->edit($userId); if ($success == 1 || $success == 2) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Your profile has been updated successfully')); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message($success); } $this->redirectTo(osc_user_profile_url()); break; case 'alerts': //alerts $aAlerts = Alerts::newInstance()->findByUser(Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'), false); $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(Session::newInstance()->_get('userId')); foreach ($aAlerts as $k => $a) { $array_conditions = (array) json_decode($a['s_search']); // $search = Search::newInstance(); $search = new Search(); $search->setJsonAlert($array_conditions); $search->limit(0, 3); $aAlerts[$k]['items'] = $search->doSearch(); } $this->_exportVariableToView('alerts', $aAlerts); View::newInstance()->_reset('alerts'); $this->_exportVariableToView('user', $user); $this->doView('user-alerts.php'); break; case 'change_email': //change email $this->doView('user-change_email.php'); break; case 'change_email_post': //change email post osc_csrf_check(); if (!osc_validate_email(Params::getParam('new_email'))) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The specified e-mail is not valid')); $this->redirectTo(osc_change_user_email_url()); } else { $user = User::newInstance()->findByEmail(Params::getParam('new_email')); if (!isset($user['pk_i_id'])) { $userEmailTmp = array(); $userEmailTmp['fk_i_user_id'] = Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'); $userEmailTmp['s_new_email'] = Params::getParam('new_email'); UserEmailTmp::newInstance()->insertOrUpdate($userEmailTmp); $code = osc_genRandomPassword(30); $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $userManager = new User(); $userManager->update(array('s_pass_code' => $code, 's_pass_date' => $date, 's_pass_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), array('pk_i_id' => Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'))); $validation_url = osc_change_user_email_confirm_url(Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'), $code); osc_run_hook('hook_email_new_email', Params::getParam('new_email'), $validation_url); $this->redirectTo(osc_user_profile_url()); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The specified e-mail is already in use')); $this->redirectTo(osc_change_user_email_url()); } } break; case 'change_username': //change username $this->doView('user-change_username.php'); break; case 'change_username_post': //change username $username = osc_sanitize_username(Params::getParam('s_username')); osc_run_hook('before_username_change', Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'), $username); if ($username != '') { $user = User::newInstance()->findByUsername($username); if (isset($user['s_username'])) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The specified username is already in use')); } else { if (!osc_is_username_blacklisted($username)) { User::newInstance()->update(array('s_username' => $username), array('pk_i_id' => Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'))); osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('The username was updated')); osc_run_hook('after_username_change', Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'), Params::getParam('s_username')); $this->redirectTo(osc_user_profile_url()); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The specified username is not valid, it contains some invalid words')); } } } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The specified username could not be empty')); } $this->redirectTo(osc_change_user_username_url()); break; case 'change_password': //change password $this->doView('user-change_password.php'); break; case 'change_password_post': //change password post osc_csrf_check(); $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(Session::newInstance()->_get('userId')); if (Params::getParam('password', false, false) == '' || Params::getParam('new_password', false, false) == '' || Params::getParam('new_password2', false, false) == '') { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m('Password cannot be blank')); $this->redirectTo(osc_change_user_password_url()); } if (!osc_verify_password(Params::getParam('password', false, false), $user['s_password'])) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Current password doesn't match")); $this->redirectTo(osc_change_user_password_url()); } if (!Params::getParam('new_password', false, false)) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Passwords can't be empty")); $this->redirectTo(osc_change_user_password_url()); } if (Params::getParam('new_password', false, false) != Params::getParam('new_password2', false, false)) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Passwords don't match")); $this->redirectTo(osc_change_user_password_url()); } User::newInstance()->update(array('s_password' => osc_hash_password(Params::getParam('new_password', false, false))), array('pk_i_id' => Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'))); osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Password has been changed')); $this->redirectTo(osc_user_profile_url()); break; case 'items': // view items user $itemsPerPage = Params::getParam('itemsPerPage') != '' ? Params::getParam('itemsPerPage') : 10; $page = Params::getParam('iPage') > 0 ? Params::getParam('iPage') - 1 : 0; $itemType = Params::getParam('itemType'); $total_items = Item::newInstance()->countItemTypesByUserID(osc_logged_user_id(), $itemType); $total_pages = ceil($total_items / $itemsPerPage); $items = Item::newInstance()->findItemTypesByUserID(osc_logged_user_id(), $page * $itemsPerPage, $itemsPerPage, $itemType); $this->_exportVariableToView('items', $items); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_total_pages', $total_pages); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_total_items', $total_items); $this->_exportVariableToView('items_per_page', $itemsPerPage); $this->_exportVariableToView('items_type', $itemType); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_page', $page); $this->doView('user-items.php'); break; case 'activate_alert': $email = Params::getParam('email'); $secret = Params::getParam('secret'); $result = 0; if ($email != '' && $secret != '') { $result = Alerts::newInstance()->activate($email, $secret); } if ($result == 1) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Alert activated')); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Oops! There was a problem trying to activate your alert. Please contact an administrator')); } $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url()); break; case 'unsub_alert': $email = Params::getParam('email'); $secret = Params::getParam('secret'); $id = Params::getParam('id'); $alert = Alerts::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($id); $result = 0; if (!empty($alert)) { if ($email == $alert['s_email'] && $secret == $alert['s_secret']) { $result = Alerts::newInstance()->unsub($id); } } if ($result == 1) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Unsubscribed correctly')); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Oops! There was a problem trying to unsubscribe you. Please contact an administrator')); } $this->redirectTo(osc_user_alerts_url()); break; case 'delete': $id = Params::getParam('id'); $secret = Params::getParam('secret'); if (osc_is_web_user_logged_in()) { $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(osc_logged_user_id()); View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('user', $user); if (!empty($user) && osc_logged_user_id() == $id && $secret == $user['s_secret']) { User::newInstance()->deleteUser(osc_logged_user_id()); Session::newInstance()->_drop('userId'); Session::newInstance()->_drop('userName'); Session::newInstance()->_drop('userEmail'); Session::newInstance()->_drop('userPhone'); Cookie::newInstance()->pop('oc_userId'); Cookie::newInstance()->pop('oc_userSecret'); Cookie::newInstance()->set(); osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m("Your account have been deleted")); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url()); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Oops! you can not do that")); $this->redirectTo(osc_user_dashboard_url()); } } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Oops! you can not do that")); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url()); } break; } }
public static function region_select($regions = null, $item = null) { // if have input text instead of select if (Session::newInstance()->_getForm('region') != '') { $regions = null; } else { if ($regions == null) { $regions = osc_get_regions(); } } if ($item == null) { $item = osc_item(); } if (count($regions) >= 1) { if (Session::newInstance()->_getForm('regionId') != "") { $item['fk_i_region_id'] = Session::newInstance()->_getForm('regionId'); if (Session::newInstance()->_getForm('countryId') != "") { $regions = Region::newInstance()->getByCountry(Session::newInstance()->_getForm('countryId')); } } parent::generic_select('regionId', $regions, 'pk_i_id', 's_name', __('Select a region...'), isset($item['fk_i_region_id']) ? $item['fk_i_region_id'] : null); return true; // } else if ( count($regions) == 1 ) { // if( Session::newInstance()->_getForm('regionId') != "" ) { // $item['fk_i_region_id'] = Session::newInstance()->_getForm('regionId'); // } // parent::generic_input_hidden('regionId', (isset($item['fk_i_region_id'])) ? $item['fk_i_region_id'] : $regions[0]['pk_i_id']) ; // echo '<span>' .$regions[0]['s_name'] . '</span>'; // return false ; } else { if (Session::newInstance()->_getForm('region') != "") { $item['s_region'] = Session::newInstance()->_getForm('region'); } parent::generic_input_text('region', isset($item['s_region']) ? $item['s_region'] : null); return true; } }
/** * Validate if exist $city, $region, $country in db * * @param string $city * @param string $region * @param string $country * @return boolean */ function osc_validate_location($city, $sCity, $region, $sRegion, $country, $sCountry) { if (osc_validate_nozero($city) && osc_validate_nozero($region) && osc_validate_text($country, 2)) { $data = Country::newInstance()->findByCode($country); $countryId = $data['pk_c_code']; if ($countryId) { $data = Region::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($region); $regionId = $data['pk_i_id']; if ($data['b_active'] == 1) { $data = City::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($city); if ($data['b_active'] == 1 && $data['fk_i_region_id'] == $regionId && strtolower($data['fk_c_country_code']) == strtolower($countryId)) { return true; } } } } else { if (osc_validate_nozero($region) && osc_validate_text($country, 2) && $sCity != "") { return true; } else { if ($sRegion != "" && osc_validate_text($country, 2) && $sCity != "") { return true; } else { if ($sRegion != "" && $sCountry != "" && $sCity != "") { return true; } } } } return false; }
function prepareData($is_add) { $input = array(); if ( $is_add ) { $input['s_secret'] = osc_genRandomPassword(); $input['dt_reg_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } else { $input['dt_mod_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } //only for administration, in the public website this two params are edited separately if ( $this->is_admin || $is_add ) { $input['s_email'] = Params::getParam('s_email'); //if we want to change the password if( Params::getParam('s_password', false, false) != '') { $input['s_password'] = osc_hash_password(Params::getParam('s_password', false, false)); } $input['s_username'] = osc_sanitize_username(Params::getParam('s_username')); } $input['s_name'] = trim(Params::getParam('s_name')); $input['s_website'] = trim(Params::getParam('s_website')); $input['s_phone_land'] = trim(Params::getParam('s_phone_land')); $input['s_phone_mobile'] = trim(Params::getParam('s_phone_mobile')); if(strtolower(substr($input['s_website'], 0, 4))!=='http') { $input['s_website'] = 'http://'.$input['s_website']; } $input['s_website'] = osc_sanitize_url($input['s_website']); if ( ! osc_validate_url($input['s_website'])) $input['s_website'] = ''; //locations... $country = Country::newInstance()->findByCode( Params::getParam('countryId') ); if(count($country) > 0) { $countryId = $country['pk_c_code']; $countryName = $country['s_name']; } else { $countryId = null; $countryName = Params::getParam('country'); } if( intval( Params::getParam('regionId') ) ) { $region = Region::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey( Params::getParam('regionId') ); if( count($region) > 0 ) { $regionId = $region['pk_i_id']; $regionName = $region['s_name']; } } else { $regionId = null; $regionName = Params::getParam('region'); } if( intval( Params::getParam('cityId') ) ) { $city = City::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey( Params::getParam('cityId') ); if( count($city) > 0 ) { $cityId = $city['pk_i_id']; $cityName = $city['s_name']; } } else { $cityId = null; $cityName = Params::getParam('city'); } $input['fk_c_country_code'] = $countryId; $input['s_country'] = $countryName; $input['fk_i_region_id'] = $regionId; $input['s_region'] = $regionName; $input['fk_i_city_id'] = $cityId; $input['s_city'] = $cityName; $input['s_city_area'] = Params::getParam('cityArea'); $input['s_address'] = Params::getParam('address'); $input['s_zip'] = Params::getParam('zip'); $input['d_coord_lat'] = (Params::getParam('d_coord_lat') != '') ? Params::getParam('d_coord_lat') : null; $input['d_coord_long'] = (Params::getParam('d_coord_long') != '') ? Params::getParam('d_coord_long') : null; $input['b_company'] = (Params::getParam('b_company') != '' && Params::getParam('b_company') != 0) ? 1 : 0; return($input); }
function prepareData($is_add) { $input = array(); if ($is_add) { $input['s_secret'] = osc_genRandomPassword(); $input['dt_reg_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } else { $input['dt_mod_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } //only for administration, in the public website this two params are edited separately if ($this->is_admin || $is_add) { $input['s_email'] = Params::getParam('s_email'); if (Params::getParam('s_password', false, false) != Params::getParam('s_password2', false, false)) { return 1; } //if we want to change the password if (Params::getParam('s_password', false, false) != '') { $input['s_password'] = sha1(Params::getParam('s_password', false, false)); } } $input['s_name'] = Params::getParam('s_name'); $input['s_website'] = Params::getParam('s_website'); $input['s_phone_land'] = Params::getParam('s_phone_land'); $input['s_phone_mobile'] = Params::getParam('s_phone_mobile'); //locations... $country = Country::newInstance()->findByCode(Params::getParam('countryId')); if (count($country) > 0) { $countryId = $country['pk_c_code']; $countryName = $country['s_name']; } else { $countryId = null; $countryName = null; } if (intval(Params::getParam('regionId'))) { $region = Region::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam('regionId')); if (count($region) > 0) { $regionId = $region['pk_i_id']; $regionName = $region['s_name']; } } else { $regionId = null; $regionName = Params::getParam('region'); } if (intval(Params::getParam('cityId'))) { $city = City::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam('cityId')); if (count($city) > 0) { $cityId = $city['pk_i_id']; $cityName = $city['s_name']; } } else { $cityId = null; $cityName = Params::getParam('city'); } $input['fk_c_country_code'] = $countryId; $input['s_country'] = $countryName; $input['fk_i_region_id'] = $regionId; $input['s_region'] = $regionName; $input['fk_i_city_id'] = $cityId; $input['s_city'] = $cityName; $input['s_city_area'] = Params::getParam('cityArea'); $input['s_address'] = Params::getParam('address'); $input['b_company'] = Params::getParam('b_company') != '' && Params::getParam('b_company') != 0 ? 1 : 0; return $input; }
function doModel() { //calling the view... $locales = OSCLocale::newInstance()->listAllEnabled(); $this->_exportVariableToView('locales', $locales); switch ($this->action) { case 'item_add': // post if (osc_reg_user_post() && $this->user == null) { // CHANGEME: This text osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Only registered users are allowed to post items')); $this->redirectTo(osc_user_login_url()); } $countries = Country::newInstance()->listAll(); $regions = array(); if (isset($this->user['fk_c_country_code']) && $this->user['fk_c_country_code'] != '') { $regions = Region::newInstance()->getByCountry($this->user['fk_c_country_code']); } else { if (count($countries) > 0) { $regions = Region::newInstance()->getByCountry($countries[0]['pk_c_code']); } } $cities = array(); if (isset($this->user['fk_i_region_id']) && $this->user['fk_i_region_id'] != '') { $cities = City::newInstance()->listWhere("fk_i_region_id = %d", $this->user['fk_i_region_id']); } else { if (count($regions) > 0) { $cities = City::newInstance()->listWhere("fk_i_region_id = %d", $regions[0]['pk_i_id']); } } $this->_exportVariableToView('countries', $countries); $this->_exportVariableToView('regions', $regions); $this->_exportVariableToView('cities', $cities); $form = count(Session::newInstance()->_getForm()); $keepForm = count(Session::newInstance()->_getKeepForm()); if ($form == 0 || $form == $keepForm) { Session::newInstance()->_dropKeepForm(); } if (Session::newInstance()->_getForm('countryId') != "") { $countryId = Session::newInstance()->_getForm('countryId'); $regions = Region::newInstance()->getByCountry($countryId); $this->_exportVariableToView('regions', $regions); if (Session::newInstance()->_getForm('regionId') != "") { $regionId = Session::newInstance()->_getForm('regionId'); $cities = City::newInstance()->listWhere("fk_i_region_id = %d", $regionId); $this->_exportVariableToView('cities', $cities); } } $this->_exportVariableToView('user', $this->user); osc_run_hook('post_item'); $this->doView('item-post.php'); break; case 'item_add_post': //post_item if (osc_reg_user_post() && $this->user == null) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Only registered users are allowed to post items')); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url(true)); } $mItems = new ItemActions(false); // prepare data for ADD ITEM $mItems->prepareData(true); // set all parameters into session foreach ($mItems->data as $key => $value) { Session::newInstance()->_setForm($key, $value); } $meta = Params::getParam('meta'); if (is_array($meta)) { foreach ($meta as $key => $value) { Session::newInstance()->_setForm('meta_' . $key, $value); Session::newInstance()->_keepForm('meta_' . $key); } } if (osc_recaptcha_private_key() != '' && Params::existParam("recaptcha_challenge_field")) { if (!osc_check_recaptcha()) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The Recaptcha code is wrong')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_post_url()); return false; // BREAK THE PROCESS, THE RECAPTCHA IS WRONG } } // POST ITEM ( ADD ITEM ) $success = $mItems->add(); if ($success != 1 && $success != 2) { osc_add_flash_error_message($success); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_post_url()); } else { Session::newInstance()->_dropkeepForm('meta_' . $key); if ($success == 1) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Check your inbox to verify your email address')); } else { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Your item has been published')); } $itemId = Params::getParam('itemId'); $item = $this->itemManager->findByPrimaryKey($itemId); osc_run_hook('posted_item', $item); $category = Category::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam('catId')); View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('category', $category); $this->redirectTo(osc_search_category_url()); } break; case 'item_edit': // edit item $secret = Params::getParam('secret'); $id = Params::getParam('id'); $item = $this->itemManager->listWhere("i.pk_i_id = '%s' AND ((i.s_secret = '%s' AND i.fk_i_user_id IS NULL) OR (i.fk_i_user_id = '%d'))", $id, $secret, $this->userId); if (count($item) == 1) { $item = Item::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($id); $form = count(Session::newInstance()->_getForm()); $keepForm = count(Session::newInstance()->_getKeepForm()); if ($form == 0 || $form == $keepForm) { Session::newInstance()->_dropKeepForm(); } $this->_exportVariableToView('item', $item); osc_run_hook("before_item_edit", $item); $this->doView('item-edit.php'); } else { // add a flash message [ITEM NO EXISTE] osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Sorry, we don\'t have any items with that ID')); if ($this->user != null) { $this->redirectTo(osc_user_list_items_url()); } else { $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url()); } } break; case 'item_edit_post': // recoger el secret y el $secret = Params::getParam('secret'); $id = Params::getParam('id'); $item = $this->itemManager->listWhere("i.pk_i_id = '%s' AND ((i.s_secret = '%s' AND i.fk_i_user_id IS NULL) OR (i.fk_i_user_id = '%d'))", $id, $secret, $this->userId); if (count($item) == 1) { $this->_exportVariableToView('item', $item[0]); $mItems = new ItemActions(false); // prepare data for ADD ITEM $mItems->prepareData(false); // set all parameters into session foreach ($mItems->data as $key => $value) { Session::newInstance()->_setForm($key, $value); } $meta = Params::getParam('meta'); if (is_array($meta)) { foreach ($meta as $key => $value) { Session::newInstance()->_setForm('meta_' . $key, $value); Session::newInstance()->_keepForm('meta_' . $key); } } if (osc_recaptcha_private_key() != '' && Params::existParam("recaptcha_challenge_field")) { if (!osc_check_recaptcha()) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The Recaptcha code is wrong')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_post_url()); return false; // BREAK THE PROCESS, THE RECAPTCHA IS WRONG } } $success = $mItems->edit(); osc_run_hook('edited_item', Item::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($id)); if ($success == 1) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Great! We\'ve just updated your item')); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url(true) . "?page=item&id={$id}"); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message($success); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_edit_url($secret)); } } break; case 'activate': $secret = Params::getParam('secret'); $id = Params::getParam('id'); $item = $this->itemManager->listWhere("i.pk_i_id = '%s' AND ((i.s_secret = '%s' AND i.fk_i_user_id IS NULL) OR (i.fk_i_user_id = '%d'))", $id, $secret, $this->userId); View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('item', $item[0]); if ($item[0]['b_active'] == 0) { // ACTIVETE ITEM $mItems = new ItemActions(false); $success = $mItems->activate($item[0]['pk_i_id'], $item[0]['s_secret']); if ($success) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('The item has been validated')); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The item can\'t be validated')); } } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The item has already been validated')); } $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); break; case 'item_delete': $secret = Params::getParam('secret'); $id = Params::getParam('id'); $item = $this->itemManager->listWhere("i.pk_i_id = '%s' AND ((i.s_secret = '%s' AND i.fk_i_user_id IS NULL) OR (i.fk_i_user_id = '%d'))", $id, $secret, $this->userId); if (count($item) == 1) { $mItems = new ItemActions(false); $success = $mItems->delete($item[0]['s_secret'], $item[0]['pk_i_id']); if ($success) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Your item has been deleted')); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The item you are trying to delete couldn\'t be deleted')); } if ($this->user != null) { $this->redirectTo(osc_user_list_items_url()); } else { $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url()); } } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The item you are trying to delete couldn\'t be deleted')); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url()); } break; case 'mark': $mItem = new ItemActions(false); $id = Params::getParam('id'); $as = Params::getParam('as'); $item = Item::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($id); View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('item', $item); $mItem->mark($id, $as); osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Thanks! That\'s very helpful')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); break; case 'send_friend': $item = $this->itemManager->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam('id')); $this->_exportVariableToView('item', $item); $this->doView('item-send-friend.php'); break; case 'send_friend_post': $item = $this->itemManager->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam('id')); $this->_exportVariableToView('item', $item); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("yourEmail", Params::getParam('yourEmail')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("yourName", Params::getParam('yourName')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("friendName", Params::getParam('friendName')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("friendEmail", Params::getParam('friendEmail')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("message_body", Params::getParam('message')); if (osc_recaptcha_private_key() != '' && Params::existParam("recaptcha_challenge_field")) { if (!osc_check_recaptcha()) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The Recaptcha code is wrong')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_send_friend_url()); return false; // BREAK THE PROCESS, THE RECAPTCHA IS WRONG } } $mItem = new ItemActions(false); $success = $mItem->send_friend(); if ($success) { Session::newInstance()->_clearVariables(); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } else { $this->redirectTo(osc_item_send_friend_url()); } break; case 'contact': $item = $this->itemManager->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam('id')); if (empty($item)) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('This item doesn\'t exist')); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url(true)); } else { $this->_exportVariableToView('item', $item); if (osc_item_is_expired()) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('We\'re sorry, but the item has expired. You can\'t contact the seller')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } if (osc_reg_user_can_contact() && osc_is_web_user_logged_in() || !osc_reg_user_can_contact()) { $this->doView('item-contact.php'); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('You can\'t contact the seller, only registered users can')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } } break; case 'contact_post': $item = $this->itemManager->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam('id')); $this->_exportVariableToView('item', $item); if (osc_recaptcha_private_key() != '' && Params::existParam("recaptcha_challenge_field")) { if (!osc_check_recaptcha()) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The Recaptcha code is wrong')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("yourEmail", Params::getParam('yourEmail')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("yourName", Params::getParam('yourName')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("phoneNumber", Params::getParam('phoneNumber')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("message_body", Params::getParam('message')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); return false; // BREAK THE PROCESS, THE RECAPTCHA IS WRONG } } $category = Category::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($item['fk_i_category_id']); if ($category['i_expiration_days'] > 0) { $item_date = strtotime($item['dt_pub_date']) + $category['i_expiration_days'] * (24 * 3600); $date = time(); if ($item_date < $date && $item['b_premium'] != 1) { // The item is expired, we can not contact the seller osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('We\'re sorry, but the item has expired. You can\'t contact the seller')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } } $mItem = new ItemActions(false); $result = $mItem->contact(); if (is_string($result)) { osc_add_flash_error_message($result); } else { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('We\'ve just sent an e-mail to the seller')); } $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); break; case 'add_comment': $mItem = new ItemActions(false); $status = $mItem->add_comment(); switch ($status) { case -1: $msg = _m('Sorry, we could not save your comment. Try again later'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg); break; case 1: $msg = _m('Your comment is awaiting moderation'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg); break; case 2: $msg = _m('Your comment has been approved'); osc_add_flash_ok_message($msg); break; case 3: $msg = _m('Please fill the required fields (name, email)'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg); break; case 4: $msg = _m('Please type a comment'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg); break; case 5: $msg = _m('Your comment has been marked as spam'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg); break; } $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); break; case 'delete_comment': $mItem = new ItemActions(false); $status = $mItem->add_comment(); $itemId = Params::getParam('id'); $commentId = Params::getParam('comment'); $item = Item::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($itemId); if (count($item) == 0) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('This item doesn\'t exist')); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url(true)); } View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('item', $item); if ($this->userId == null) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('You must be logged in to delete a comment')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } $commentManager = ItemComment::newInstance(); $aComment = $commentManager->findByPrimaryKey($commentId); if (count($aComment) == 0) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The comment doesn\'t exist')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } if ($aComment['b_active'] != 1) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The comment is not active, you cannot delete it')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } if ($aComment['fk_i_user_id'] != $this->userId) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The comment was not added by you, you cannot delete it')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } $commentManager->deleteByPrimaryKey($commentId); osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('The comment has been deleted')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); break; default: if (Params::getParam('id') == '') { $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url()); } if (Params::getParam('lang') != '') { Session::newInstance()->_set('userLocale', Params::getParam('lang')); } $item = $this->itemManager->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam('id')); // if item doesn't exist redirect to base url if (count($item) == 0) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('This item doesn\'t exist')); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url(true)); } else { if ($item['b_active'] != 1) { if ($this->userId == $item['fk_i_user_id']) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The item hasn\'t been validated. Please validate it in order to show it to the rest of users')); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('This item hasn\'t been validated')); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url(true)); } } else { if ($item['b_enabled'] == 0) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The item has been suspended')); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url(true)); } } $mStats = new ItemStats(); $mStats->increase('i_num_views', $item['pk_i_id']); foreach ($item['locale'] as $k => $v) { $item['locale'][$k]['s_title'] = osc_apply_filter('item_title', $v['s_title']); $item['locale'][$k]['s_description'] = nl2br(osc_apply_filter('item_description', $v['s_description'])); } $this->_exportVariableToView('items', array($item)); osc_run_hook('show_item', $item); $this->doView('item.php'); } break; case 'dashboard': //dashboard... break; } }
function GetRegKeywords($region_name) { if ($region_name != '') { $reg_full = Region::newInstance()->findByName($region_name); $detail = ModelSeoLocation::newInstance()->getAttrByRegionId($reg_full['pk_i_id']); } return isset($detail['seo_keywords']) ? $detail['seo_keywords'] : false; }
?> "><?php echo $state['s_name']; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </div> <?php } ?> <?php $aRegions = Region::newInstance()->getByCountry($countryId); if (count($aRegions) >= 0) { ?> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4"> <select id="regionId" name="sRegion" class="form-control"> <option value=""><?php _e("Select a region..."); ?> </option> <?php foreach ($aRegions as $region) { ?> <option id="idregioni" value="<?php echo $region['pk_i_id']; ?> "<?php
function doModel() { parent::doModel(); switch ($this->action) { case 'import': // calling import view $this->doView('tools/import.php'); break; case 'import_post': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action cannot be done because it is a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=import'); } // calling $sql = Params::getFiles('sql'); if (isset($sql['size']) && $sql['size'] != 0) { $content_file = file_get_contents($sql['tmp_name']); $conn = DBConnectionClass::newInstance(); $c_db = $conn->getOsclassDb(); $comm = new DBCommandClass($c_db); if ($comm->importSQL($content_file)) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Import complete'), 'admin'); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('There was a problem importing data to the database'), 'admin'); } } else { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m('No file was uploaded'), 'admin'); } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=import'); break; case 'images': // calling images view $this->doView('tools/images.php'); break; case 'images_post': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action cannot be done because it is a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=images'); } $preferences = Preference::newInstance()->toArray(); $wat = new Watermark(); $aResources = ItemResource::newInstance()->getAllResources(); foreach ($aResources as $resource) { osc_run_hook('regenerate_image', $resource); $path = osc_content_path() . 'uploads/'; // comprobar que no haya original $img_original = $path . $resource['pk_i_id'] . "_original*"; $aImages = glob($img_original); // there is original image if (count($aImages) == 1) { $image_tmp = $aImages[0]; } else { $img_normal = $path . $resource['pk_i_id'] . ".*"; $aImages = glob($img_normal); if (count($aImages) == 1) { $image_tmp = $aImages[0]; } else { $img_thumbnail = $path . $resource['pk_i_id'] . "_thumbnail*"; $aImages = glob($img_thumbnail); $image_tmp = $aImages[0]; } } // extension preg_match('/\\.(.*)$/', $image_tmp, $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { $extension = $matches[1]; // Create normal size $path_normal = $path = osc_content_path() . 'uploads/' . $resource['pk_i_id'] . '.jpg'; $size = explode('x', osc_normal_dimensions()); ImageResizer::fromFile($image_tmp)->resizeTo($size[0], $size[1])->saveToFile($path); if (osc_is_watermark_text()) { $wat->doWatermarkText($path, osc_watermark_text_color(), osc_watermark_text(), 'image/jpeg'); } elseif (osc_is_watermark_image()) { $wat->doWatermarkImage($path, 'image/jpeg'); } // Create preview $path = osc_content_path() . 'uploads/' . $resource['pk_i_id'] . '_preview.jpg'; $size = explode('x', osc_preview_dimensions()); ImageResizer::fromFile($path_normal)->resizeTo($size[0], $size[1])->saveToFile($path); // Create thumbnail $path = osc_content_path() . 'uploads/' . $resource['pk_i_id'] . '_thumbnail.jpg'; $size = explode('x', osc_thumbnail_dimensions()); ImageResizer::fromFile($path_normal)->resizeTo($size[0], $size[1])->saveToFile($path); // update resource info ItemResource::newInstance()->update(array('s_path' => 'oc-content/uploads/', 's_name' => osc_genRandomPassword(), 's_extension' => 'jpg', 's_content_type' => 'image/jpeg'), array('pk_i_id' => $resource['pk_i_id'])); osc_run_hook('regenerated_image', ItemResource::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($resource['pk_i_id'])); // si extension es direfente a jpg, eliminar las imagenes con $extension si hay if ($extension != 'jpg') { $files_to_remove = osc_content_path() . 'uploads/' . $resource['pk_i_id'] . "*" . $extension; $fs = glob($files_to_remove); if (is_array($fs)) { array_map("unlink", $fs); } } // .... } else { // no es imagen o imagen sin extesión } } osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Re-generation complete'), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=images'); break; case 'category': $this->doView('tools/category.php'); break; case 'category_post': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action cannot be done because it is a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=category'); } osc_update_cat_stats(); osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m("Recount category stats has been successful"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=category'); break; case 'locations': $this->doView('tools/locations.php'); break; case 'locations_post': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action cannot be done because it is a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=locations'); } $workToDo = LocationsTmp::newInstance()->count(); if ($workToDo > 0) { $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=locations'); break; } // we need populate location tmp table $aCountry = Country::newInstance()->listAll(); foreach ($aCountry as $country) { $aRegionsCountry = Region::newInstance()->getByCountry($country['pk_c_code']); LocationsTmp::newInstance()->insert(array('id_location' => $country['pk_c_code'], 'e_type' => 'COUNTRY')); foreach ($aRegionsCountry as $region) { $aCitiesRegion = City::newInstance()->getByRegion($region['pk_i_id']); LocationsTmp::newInstance()->insert(array('id_location' => $region['pk_i_id'], 'e_type' => 'REGION')); foreach ($aCitiesRegion as $city) { LocationsTmp::newInstance()->insert(array('id_location' => $city['pk_i_id'], 'e_type' => 'CITY')); } unset($aCitiesRegion); } unset($aRegionsCountry); } unset($aCountry); $workToDo = LocationsTmp::newInstance()->count(); Preference::newInstance()->replace('location_todo', $workToDo); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=locations'); break; case 'upgrade': $this->doView('tools/upgrade.php'); break; case 'backup': $this->doView('tools/backup.php'); break; case 'backup-sql': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action cannot be done because it is a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=backup'); } //databasse dump... if (Params::getParam('bck_dir') != '') { $path = trim(Params::getParam('bck_dir')); if (substr($path, -1, 1) != "/") { $path .= '/'; } } else { $path = osc_base_path(); } $filename = 'OSClass_mysqlbackup.' . date('YmdHis') . '.sql'; switch (osc_dbdump($path, $filename)) { case -1: $msg = _m('Path is empty'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); break; case -2: $msg = sprintf(_m('Could not connect with the database. Error: %s'), mysql_error()); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); break; case -3: $msg = _m('There are no tables to back up'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); break; case -4: $msg = _m('The folder is not writable'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); break; default: $msg = _m('Backup completed successfully'); osc_add_flash_ok_message($msg, 'admin'); break; } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=backup'); break; case 'backup-sql_file': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action cannot be done because it is a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=backup'); } //databasse dump... $filename = 'OSClass_mysqlbackup.' . date('YmdHis') . '.sql'; $path = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/"; switch (osc_dbdump($path, $filename)) { case -1: $msg = _m('Path is empty'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); break; case -2: $msg = sprintf(_m('Could not connect with the database. Error: %s'), mysql_error()); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); break; case -3: $msg = sprintf(_m('Could not select the database. Error: %s'), mysql_error()); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); break; case -4: $msg = _m('There are no tables to back up'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); break; case -5: $msg = _m('The folder is not writable'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); break; default: $msg = _m('Backup completed successfully'); osc_add_flash_ok_message($msg, 'admin'); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($filename)); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path . $filename)); flush(); readfile($path . $filename); exit; break; } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=backup'); break; case 'backup-zip_file': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action cannot be done because it is a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=backup'); } $filename = "OSClass_backup." . date('YmdHis') . ".zip"; $path = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/"; if (osc_zip_folder(osc_base_path(), $path . $filename)) { $msg = _m('Archived successfully!'); osc_add_flash_ok_message($msg, 'admin'); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($filename)); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path . $filename)); flush(); readfile($path . $filename); exit; } else { $msg = _m('Error, the zip file was not created in the specified directory'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=backup'); break; case 'backup-zip': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action cannot be done because it is a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=backup'); } //zip of the code just to back it up if (Params::getParam('bck_dir') != '') { $archive_name = trim(Params::getParam('bck_dir')); if (substr(trim($archive_name), -1, 1) != "/") { $archive_name .= '/'; } $archive_name = Params::getParam('bck_dir') . '/OSClass_backup.' . date('YmdHis') . '.zip'; } else { $archive_name = osc_base_path() . "OSClass_backup." . date('YmdHis') . ".zip"; } $archive_folder = osc_base_path(); if (osc_zip_folder($archive_folder, $archive_name)) { $msg = _m('Archived successfully!'); osc_add_flash_ok_message($msg, 'admin'); } else { $msg = _m('Error, the zip file was not created in the specified directory'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=backup'); break; case 'backup_post': $this->doView('tools/backup.php'); break; case 'maintenance': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action cannot be done because it is a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->doView('tools/maintenance.php'); break; } $mode = Params::getParam('mode'); if ($mode == 'on') { $maintenance_file = osc_base_path() . '.maintenance'; $fileHandler = @fopen($maintenance_file, 'w'); if ($fileHandler) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Maintenance mode is ON'), 'admin'); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('There was an error creating the .maintenance file, please create it manually at the root folder'), 'admin'); } fclose($fileHandler); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=maintenance'); } else { if ($mode == 'off') { $deleted = @unlink(osc_base_path() . '.maintenance'); if ($deleted) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Maintenance mode is OFF'), 'admin'); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('There was an error removing the .maintenance file, please remove it manually from the root folder'), 'admin'); } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=tools&action=maintenance'); } } $this->doView('tools/maintenance.php'); break; default: } }
/** * Gets list of regions (from a country) * * @param int $country * @return string */ function osc_get_regions($country = '') { if (View::newInstance()->_exists('regions')) { return View::newInstance()->_get('regions'); } else { if ($country == '') { return Region::newInstance()->listAll(); } else { return Region::newInstance()->findByCountry($country); } } }
function doModel() { osc_run_hook('before_search'); if (osc_rewrite_enabled()) { // IF rewrite is not enabled, skip this part, preg_match is always time&resources consuming task $p_sParams = "/" . Params::getParam('sParams', false, false); if (preg_match_all('|\\/([^,]+),([^\\/]*)|', $p_sParams, $m)) { $l = count($m[0]); for ($k = 0; $k < $l; $k++) { switch ($m[1][$k]) { case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_country'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCountry'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_region'): $m[1][$k] = 'sRegion'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_city'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCity'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_city_area'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCityArea'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_category'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCategory'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_user'): $m[1][$k] = 'sUser'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_pattern'): $m[1][$k] = 'sPattern'; break; default: // custom fields if (preg_match("/meta(\\d+)-?(.*)?/", $m[1][$k], $results)) { $meta_key = $m[1][$k]; $meta_value = $m[2][$k]; $array_r = array(); if (Params::existParam('meta')) { $array_r = Params::getParam('meta'); } if ($results[2] == '') { // meta[meta_id] = meta_value $meta_key = $results[1]; $array_r[$meta_key] = $meta_value; } else { // meta[meta_id][meta_key] = meta_value $meta_key = $results[1]; $meta_key2 = $results[2]; $array_r[$meta_key][$meta_key2] = $meta_value; } $m[1][$k] = 'meta'; $m[2][$k] = $array_r; } break; } Params::setParam($m[1][$k], $m[2][$k]); } Params::unsetParam('sParams'); } } $uriParams = Params::getParamsAsArray(); $searchUri = osc_search_url($uriParams); if ($this->uri != 'feed') { if (str_replace("%20", '+', $searchUri) != str_replace("%20", '+', WEB_PATH . $this->uri)) { $this->redirectTo($searchUri, 301); } } //////////////////////////////// //GETTING AND FIXING SENT DATA// //////////////////////////////// $p_sCategory = Params::getParam('sCategory'); if (!is_array($p_sCategory)) { if ($p_sCategory == '') { $p_sCategory = array(); } else { $p_sCategory = explode(",", $p_sCategory); } } $p_sCityArea = Params::getParam('sCityArea'); if (!is_array($p_sCityArea)) { if ($p_sCityArea == '') { $p_sCityArea = array(); } else { $p_sCityArea = explode(",", $p_sCityArea); } } $p_sCity = Params::getParam('sCity'); if (!is_array($p_sCity)) { if ($p_sCity == '') { $p_sCity = array(); } else { $p_sCity = explode(",", $p_sCity); } } $p_sRegion = Params::getParam('sRegion'); if (!is_array($p_sRegion)) { if ($p_sRegion == '') { $p_sRegion = array(); } else { $p_sRegion = explode(",", $p_sRegion); } } $p_sCountry = Params::getParam('sCountry'); if (!is_array($p_sCountry)) { if ($p_sCountry == '') { $p_sCountry = array(); } else { $p_sCountry = explode(",", $p_sCountry); } } $p_sUser = Params::getParam('sUser'); if (!is_array($p_sUser)) { if ($p_sUser == '') { $p_sUser = ''; } else { $p_sUser = explode(",", $p_sUser); } } $p_sLocale = Params::getParam('sLocale'); if (!is_array($p_sLocale)) { if ($p_sLocale == '') { $p_sLocale = ''; } else { $p_sLocale = explode(",", $p_sLocale); } } $p_sPattern = trim(strip_tags(Params::getParam('sPattern'))); // ADD TO THE LIST OF LAST SEARCHES if (osc_save_latest_searches() && (!Params::existParam('iPage') || Params::getParam('iPage') == 1)) { $savePattern = osc_apply_filter('save_latest_searches_pattern', $p_sPattern); if ($savePattern != '') { LatestSearches::newInstance()->insert(array('s_search' => $savePattern, 'd_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } } $p_bPic = Params::getParam('bPic'); $p_bPic = $p_bPic == 1 ? 1 : 0; $p_bPremium = Params::getParam('bPremium'); $p_bPremium = $p_bPremium == 1 ? 1 : 0; $p_sPriceMin = Params::getParam('sPriceMin'); $p_sPriceMax = Params::getParam('sPriceMax'); //WE CAN ONLY USE THE FIELDS RETURNED BY Search::getAllowedColumnsForSorting() $p_sOrder = Params::getParam('sOrder'); if (!in_array($p_sOrder, Search::getAllowedColumnsForSorting())) { $p_sOrder = osc_default_order_field_at_search(); } $old_order = $p_sOrder; //ONLY 0 ( => 'asc' ), 1 ( => 'desc' ) AS ALLOWED VALUES $p_iOrderType = Params::getParam('iOrderType'); $allowedTypesForSorting = Search::getAllowedTypesForSorting(); $orderType = osc_default_order_type_at_search(); foreach ($allowedTypesForSorting as $k => $v) { if ($p_iOrderType == $v) { $orderType = $k; break; } } $p_iOrderType = $orderType; $p_sFeed = Params::getParam('sFeed'); $p_iPage = 0; if (is_numeric(Params::getParam('iPage')) && Params::getParam('iPage') > 0) { $p_iPage = intval(Params::getParam('iPage')) - 1; } if ($p_sFeed != '') { $p_sPageSize = 1000; } $p_sShowAs = Params::getParam('sShowAs'); $aValidShowAsValues = array('list', 'gallery'); if (!in_array($p_sShowAs, $aValidShowAsValues)) { $p_sShowAs = osc_default_show_as_at_search(); } // search results: it's blocked with the maxResultsPerPage@search defined in t_preferences $p_iPageSize = intval(Params::getParam('iPagesize')); if ($p_iPageSize > 0) { if ($p_iPageSize > osc_max_results_per_page_at_search()) { $p_iPageSize = osc_max_results_per_page_at_search(); } } else { $p_iPageSize = osc_default_results_per_page_at_search(); } //FILTERING CATEGORY $bAllCategoriesChecked = false; $successCat = false; if (count($p_sCategory) > 0) { foreach ($p_sCategory as $category) { $successCat = $this->mSearch->addCategory($category) || $successCat; } } else { $bAllCategoriesChecked = true; } //FILTERING CITY_AREA foreach ($p_sCityArea as $city_area) { $this->mSearch->addCityArea($city_area); } $p_sCityArea = implode(", ", $p_sCityArea); //FILTERING CITY foreach ($p_sCity as $city) { $this->mSearch->addCity($city); } $p_sCity = implode(", ", $p_sCity); //FILTERING REGION foreach ($p_sRegion as $region) { $this->mSearch->addRegion($region); } $p_sRegion = implode(", ", $p_sRegion); //FILTERING COUNTRY foreach ($p_sCountry as $country) { $this->mSearch->addCountry($country); } $p_sCountry = implode(", ", $p_sCountry); // FILTERING PATTERN if ($p_sPattern != '') { $this->mSearch->addPattern($p_sPattern); $osc_request['sPattern'] = $p_sPattern; } else { // hardcoded - if there isn't a search pattern, order by dt_pub_date desc if ($p_sOrder == 'relevance') { $p_sOrder = 'dt_pub_date'; foreach ($allowedTypesForSorting as $k => $v) { if ($p_iOrderType == 'desc') { $orderType = $k; break; } } $p_iOrderType = $orderType; } } // FILTERING USER if ($p_sUser != '') { $this->mSearch->fromUser($p_sUser); } // FILTERING LOCALE $this->mSearch->addLocale($p_sLocale); // FILTERING IF WE ONLY WANT ITEMS WITH PICS if ($p_bPic) { $this->mSearch->withPicture(true); } // FILTERING IF WE ONLY WANT PREMIUM ITEMS if ($p_bPremium) { $this->mSearch->onlyPremium(true); } //FILTERING BY RANGE PRICE $this->mSearch->priceRange($p_sPriceMin, $p_sPriceMax); //ORDERING THE SEARCH RESULTS $this->mSearch->order($p_sOrder, $allowedTypesForSorting[$p_iOrderType]); //SET PAGE if ($p_sFeed == 'rss') { // If param sFeed=rss, just output last 'osc_num_rss_items()' $this->mSearch->page(0, osc_num_rss_items()); } else { $this->mSearch->page($p_iPage, $p_iPageSize); } // CUSTOM FIELDS $custom_fields = Params::getParam('meta'); $fields = Field::newInstance()->findIDSearchableByCategories($p_sCategory); $table = DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_item_meta'; if (is_array($custom_fields)) { foreach ($custom_fields as $key => $aux) { if (in_array($key, $fields)) { $field = Field::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($key); switch ($field['e_type']) { case 'TEXTAREA': case 'TEXT': case 'URL': if ($aux != '') { $aux = "%{$aux}%"; $sql = "SELECT fk_i_item_id FROM {$table} WHERE "; $str_escaped = Search::newInstance()->dao->escape($aux); $sql .= $table . '.fk_i_field_id = ' . $key . ' AND '; $sql .= $table . ".s_value LIKE " . $str_escaped; $this->mSearch->addConditions(DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_item.pk_i_id IN (' . $sql . ')'); } break; case 'DROPDOWN': case 'RADIO': if ($aux != '') { $sql = "SELECT fk_i_item_id FROM {$table} WHERE "; $str_escaped = Search::newInstance()->dao->escape($aux); $sql .= $table . '.fk_i_field_id = ' . $key . ' AND '; $sql .= $table . ".s_value = " . $str_escaped; $this->mSearch->addConditions(DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_item.pk_i_id IN (' . $sql . ')'); } break; case 'CHECKBOX': if ($aux != '') { $sql = "SELECT fk_i_item_id FROM {$table} WHERE "; $sql .= $table . '.fk_i_field_id = ' . $key . ' AND '; $sql .= $table . ".s_value = 1"; $this->mSearch->addConditions(DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_item.pk_i_id IN (' . $sql . ')'); } break; case 'DATE': if ($aux != '') { $y = (int) date('Y', $aux); $m = (int) date('n', $aux); $d = (int) date('j', $aux); $start = mktime('0', '0', '0', $m, $d, $y); $end = mktime('23', '59', '59', $m, $d, $y); $sql = "SELECT fk_i_item_id FROM {$table} WHERE "; $sql .= $table . '.fk_i_field_id = ' . $key . ' AND '; $sql .= $table . ".s_value >= " . $start . " AND "; $sql .= $table . ".s_value <= " . $end; $this->mSearch->addConditions(DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_item.pk_i_id IN (' . $sql . ')'); } break; case 'DATEINTERVAL': if (is_array($aux) && (!empty($aux['from']) && !empty($aux['to']))) { $from = $aux['from']; $to = $aux['to']; $start = $from; $end = $to; $sql = "SELECT fk_i_item_id FROM {$table} WHERE "; $sql .= $table . '.fk_i_field_id = ' . $key . ' AND '; $sql .= $start . " >= " . $table . ".s_value AND s_multi = 'from'"; $sql1 = "SELECT fk_i_item_id FROM {$table} WHERE "; $sql1 .= $table . ".fk_i_field_id = " . $key . " AND "; $sql1 .= $end . " <= " . $table . ".s_value AND s_multi = 'to'"; $sql_interval = "select a.fk_i_item_id from (" . $sql . ") a where a.fk_i_item_id IN (" . $sql1 . ")"; $this->mSearch->addConditions(DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_item.pk_i_id IN (' . $sql_interval . ')'); } break; default: break; } } } } osc_run_hook('search_conditions', Params::getParamsAsArray()); // RETRIEVE ITEMS AND TOTAL $key = md5(osc_base_url() . $this->mSearch->toJson()); $found = null; $cache = osc_cache_get($key, $found); $aItems = null; $iTotalItems = null; if ($cache) { $aItems = $cache['aItems']; $iTotalItems = $cache['iTotalItems']; } else { $aItems = $this->mSearch->doSearch(); $iTotalItems = $this->mSearch->count(); $_cache['aItems'] = $aItems; $_cache['iTotalItems'] = $iTotalItems; osc_cache_set($key, $_cache, OSC_CACHE_TTL); } $iStart = $p_iPage * $p_iPageSize; $iEnd = min(($p_iPage + 1) * $p_iPageSize, $iTotalItems); $iNumPages = ceil($iTotalItems / $p_iPageSize); // works with cache enabled ? osc_run_hook('search', $this->mSearch); //preparing variables... $countryName = $p_sCountry; if (strlen($p_sCountry) == 2) { $c = Country::newInstance()->findByCode($p_sCountry); if ($c) { $countryName = $c['s_name']; } } $regionName = $p_sRegion; if (is_numeric($p_sRegion)) { $r = Region::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($p_sRegion); if ($r) { $regionName = $r['s_name']; } } $cityName = $p_sCity; if (is_numeric($p_sCity)) { $c = City::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($p_sCity); if ($c) { $cityName = $c['s_name']; } } $this->_exportVariableToView('search_start', $iStart); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_end', $iEnd); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_category', $p_sCategory); // hardcoded - non pattern and order by relevance $p_sOrder = $old_order; $this->_exportVariableToView('search_order_type', $p_iOrderType); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_order', $p_sOrder); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_pattern', $p_sPattern); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_from_user', $p_sUser); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_total_pages', $iNumPages); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_page', $p_iPage); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_has_pic', $p_bPic); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_only_premium', $p_bPremium); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_country', $countryName); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_region', $regionName); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_city', $cityName); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_price_min', $p_sPriceMin); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_price_max', $p_sPriceMax); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_total_items', $iTotalItems); $this->_exportVariableToView('items', $aItems); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_show_as', $p_sShowAs); $this->_exportVariableToView('search', $this->mSearch); // json $json = $this->mSearch->toJson(); $encoded_alert = base64_encode(osc_encrypt_alert($json)); // Create the HMAC signature and convert the resulting hex hash into base64 $stringToSign = osc_get_alert_public_key() . $encoded_alert; $signature = hex2b64(hmacsha1(osc_get_alert_private_key(), $stringToSign)); $server_signature = Session::newInstance()->_set('alert_signature', $signature); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_alert', $encoded_alert); // calling the view... if (count($aItems) === 0) { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); } osc_run_hook("after_search"); if (!Params::existParam('sFeed')) { $this->doView('search.php'); } else { if ($p_sFeed == '' || $p_sFeed == 'rss') { // FEED REQUESTED! header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); $feed = new RSSFeed(); $feed->setTitle(__('Latest listings added') . ' - ' . osc_page_title()); $feed->setLink(osc_base_url()); $feed->setDescription(__('Latest listings added in') . ' ' . osc_page_title()); if (osc_count_items() > 0) { while (osc_has_items()) { if (osc_count_item_resources() > 0) { osc_has_item_resources(); $feed->addItem(array('title' => osc_item_title(), 'link' => htmlentities(osc_item_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"), 'description' => osc_item_description(), 'country' => osc_item_country(), 'region' => osc_item_region(), 'city' => osc_item_city(), 'city_area' => osc_item_city_area(), 'category' => osc_item_category(), 'dt_pub_date' => osc_item_pub_date(), 'image' => array('url' => htmlentities(osc_resource_thumbnail_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"), 'title' => osc_item_title(), 'link' => htmlentities(osc_item_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8")))); } else { $feed->addItem(array('title' => osc_item_title(), 'link' => htmlentities(osc_item_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"), 'description' => osc_item_description(), 'country' => osc_item_country(), 'region' => osc_item_region(), 'city' => osc_item_city(), 'city_area' => osc_item_city_area(), 'category' => osc_item_category(), 'dt_pub_date' => osc_item_pub_date())); } } } osc_run_hook('feed', $feed); $feed->dumpXML(); } else { osc_run_hook('feed_' . $p_sFeed, $aItems); } } }
function doModel() { //specific things for this class switch ($this->action) { case 'bulk_actions': break; case 'regions': //Return regions given a countryId $regions = Region::newInstance()->findByCountry(Params::getParam("countryId")); echo json_encode($regions); break; case 'cities': //Returns cities given a regionId $cities = City::newInstance()->findByRegion(Params::getParam("regionId")); echo json_encode($cities); break; case 'location': // This is the autocomplete AJAX $cities = City::newInstance()->ajax(Params::getParam("term")); echo json_encode($cities); break; case 'location_countries': // This is the autocomplete AJAX $countries = Country::newInstance()->ajax(Params::getParam("term")); echo json_encode($countries); break; case 'location_regions': // This is the autocomplete AJAX $regions = Region::newInstance()->ajax(Params::getParam("term"), Params::getParam("country")); echo json_encode($regions); break; case 'location_cities': // This is the autocomplete AJAX $cities = City::newInstance()->ajax(Params::getParam("term"), Params::getParam("region")); echo json_encode($cities); break; case 'delete_image': // Delete images via AJAX $id = Params::getParam('id'); $item = Params::getParam('item'); $code = Params::getParam('code'); $secret = Params::getParam('secret'); $json = array(); if (Session::newInstance()->_get('userId') != '') { $userId = Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'); $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($userId); } else { $userId = null; $user = null; } // Check for required fields if (!(is_numeric($id) && is_numeric($item) && preg_match('/^([a-z0-9]+)$/i', $code))) { $json['success'] = false; $json['msg'] = _m("The selected photo couldn't be deleted, the url doesn't exist"); echo json_encode($json); return false; } $aItem = Item::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($item); // Check if the item exists if (count($aItem) == 0) { $json['success'] = false; $json['msg'] = _m('The item doesn\'t exist'); echo json_encode($json); return false; } // Check if the item belong to the user if ($userId != null && $userId != $aItem['fk_i_user_id']) { $json['success'] = false; $json['msg'] = _m('The item doesn\'t belong to you'); echo json_encode($json); return false; } // Check if the secret passphrase match with the item if ($userId == null && $aItem['fk_i_user_id'] == null && $secret != $aItem['s_secret']) { $json['success'] = false; $json['msg'] = _m('The item doesn\'t belong to you'); echo json_encode($json); return false; } // Does id & code combination exist? $result = ItemResource::newInstance()->existResource($id, $code); if ($result > 0) { // Delete: file, db table entry osc_deleteResource($id); ItemResource::newInstance()->delete(array('pk_i_id' => $id, 'fk_i_item_id' => $item, 's_name' => $code)); $json['msg'] = _m('The selected photo has been successfully deleted'); $json['success'] = 'true'; } else { $json['msg'] = _m("The selected photo couldn't be deleted"); $json['success'] = 'false'; } echo json_encode($json); return true; break; case 'alerts': // Allow to register to an alert given (not sure it's used on admin) $alert = Params::getParam("alert"); $email = Params::getParam("email"); $userid = Params::getParam("userid"); if ($alert != '' && $email != '') { if (preg_match("/^[_a-z0-9-+]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-+]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})\$/", $email)) { $secret = osc_genRandomPassword(); if (Alerts::newInstance()->createAlert($userid, $email, $alert, $secret)) { if ((int) $userid > 0) { $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($userid); if ($user['b_active'] == 1 && $user['b_enabled'] == 1) { Alerts::newInstance()->activate($email, $secret); echo '1'; return true; } else { echo '-1'; return false; } } else { osc_run_hook('hook_email_alert_validation', $alert, $email, $secret); } echo "1"; } else { echo "0"; } return true; } else { echo '-1'; return false; } } echo '0'; return false; break; case 'runhook': //Run hooks $hook = Params::getParam("hook"); switch ($hook) { case 'item_form': $catId = Params::getParam("catId"); if ($catId != '') { osc_run_hook("item_form", $catId); } else { osc_run_hook("item_form"); } break; case 'item_edit': $catId = Params::getParam("catId"); $itemId = Params::getParam("itemId"); osc_run_hook("item_edit", $catId, $itemId); break; default: if ($hook == '') { return false; } else { osc_run_hook($hook); } break; } break; case 'custom': // Execute via AJAX custom file $ajaxfile = Params::getParam("ajaxfile"); if ($ajaxfile != '') { require_once osc_plugins_path() . $ajaxfile; } else { echo json_encode(array('error' => __('no action defined'))); } break; default: echo json_encode(array('error' => __('no action defined'))); break; } // clear all keep variables into session Session::newInstance()->_dropKeepForm(); Session::newInstance()->_clearVariables(); }
function doModel() { //calling the view... $locales = OSCLocale::newInstance()->listAllEnabled(); $this->_exportVariableToView('locales', $locales); switch ($this->action) { case 'item_add': // post if (osc_reg_user_post() && $this->user == null) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m('Only registered users are allowed to post listings')); $this->redirectTo(osc_user_login_url()); } $countries = Country::newInstance()->listAll(); $regions = array(); if (isset($this->user['fk_c_country_code']) && $this->user['fk_c_country_code'] != '') { $regions = Region::newInstance()->findByCountry($this->user['fk_c_country_code']); } else { if (count($countries) > 0) { $regions = Region::newInstance()->findByCountry($countries[0]['pk_c_code']); } } $cities = array(); if (isset($this->user['fk_i_region_id']) && $this->user['fk_i_region_id'] != '') { $cities = City::newInstance()->findByRegion($this->user['fk_i_region_id']); } else { if (count($regions) > 0) { $cities = City::newInstance()->findByRegion($regions[0]['pk_i_id']); } } $this->_exportVariableToView('countries', $countries); $this->_exportVariableToView('regions', $regions); $this->_exportVariableToView('cities', $cities); $form = count(Session::newInstance()->_getForm()); $keepForm = count(Session::newInstance()->_getKeepForm()); if ($form == 0 || $form == $keepForm) { Session::newInstance()->_dropKeepForm(); } if (Session::newInstance()->_getForm('countryId') != "") { $countryId = Session::newInstance()->_getForm('countryId'); $regions = Region::newInstance()->findByCountry($countryId); $this->_exportVariableToView('regions', $regions); if (Session::newInstance()->_getForm('regionId') != "") { $regionId = Session::newInstance()->_getForm('regionId'); $cities = City::newInstance()->findByRegion($regionId); $this->_exportVariableToView('cities', $cities); } } $this->_exportVariableToView('user', $this->user); osc_run_hook('post_item'); $this->doView('item-post.php'); break; case 'item_add_post': //post_item if (osc_reg_user_post() && $this->user == null) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m('Only registered users are allowed to post listings')); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url(true)); } $mItems = new ItemActions(false); // prepare data for ADD ITEM $mItems->prepareData(true); // set all parameters into session foreach ($mItems->data as $key => $value) { Session::newInstance()->_setForm($key, $value); } $meta = Params::getParam('meta'); if (is_array($meta)) { foreach ($meta as $key => $value) { Session::newInstance()->_setForm('meta_' . $key, $value); Session::newInstance()->_keepForm('meta_' . $key); } } if (osc_recaptcha_private_key() != '' && Params::existParam("recaptcha_challenge_field")) { if (!osc_check_recaptcha()) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The Recaptcha code is wrong')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_post_url()); return false; // BREAK THE PROCESS, THE RECAPTCHA IS WRONG } } if (!osc_is_web_user_logged_in()) { $user = User::newInstance()->findByEmail($mItems->data['contactEmail']); // The user exists but it's not logged if (isset($user['pk_i_id'])) { foreach ($mItems->data as $key => $value) { Session::newInstance()->_keepForm($key); } osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('A user with that email address already exists, if it is you, please log in')); $this->redirectTo(osc_user_login_url()); } } // POST ITEM ( ADD ITEM ) $success = $mItems->add(); if ($success != 1 && $success != 2) { osc_add_flash_error_message($success); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_post_url()); } else { Session::newInstance()->_dropkeepForm('meta_' . $key); if ($success == 1) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Check your inbox to validate your listing')); } else { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Your listing has been published')); } $itemId = Params::getParam('itemId'); $item = $this->itemManager->findByPrimaryKey($itemId); osc_run_hook('posted_item', $item); $category = Category::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam('catId')); View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('category', $category); $this->redirectTo(osc_search_category_url()); } break; case 'item_edit': // edit item $secret = Params::getParam('secret'); $id = Params::getParam('id'); $item = $this->itemManager->listWhere("i.pk_i_id = '%s' AND ((i.s_secret = '%s' AND i.fk_i_user_id IS NULL) OR (i.fk_i_user_id = '%d'))", addslashes($id), addslashes($secret), addslashes($this->userId)); if (count($item) == 1) { $item = Item::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($id); $form = count(Session::newInstance()->_getForm()); $keepForm = count(Session::newInstance()->_getKeepForm()); if ($form == 0 || $form == $keepForm) { Session::newInstance()->_dropKeepForm(); } $this->_exportVariableToView('item', $item); osc_run_hook("before_item_edit", $item); $this->doView('item-edit.php'); } else { // add a flash message [ITEM NO EXISTE] osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Sorry, we don't have any listings with that ID")); if ($this->user != null) { $this->redirectTo(osc_user_list_items_url()); } else { $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url()); } } break; case 'item_edit_post': // recoger el secret y el $secret = Params::getParam('secret'); $id = Params::getParam('id'); $item = $this->itemManager->listWhere("i.pk_i_id = '%s' AND ((i.s_secret = '%s' AND i.fk_i_user_id IS NULL) OR (i.fk_i_user_id = '%d'))", addslashes($id), addslashes($secret), addslashes($this->userId)); if (count($item) == 1) { $this->_exportVariableToView('item', $item[0]); $mItems = new ItemActions(false); // prepare data for ADD ITEM $mItems->prepareData(false); // set all parameters into session foreach ($mItems->data as $key => $value) { Session::newInstance()->_setForm($key, $value); } $meta = Params::getParam('meta'); if (is_array($meta)) { foreach ($meta as $key => $value) { Session::newInstance()->_setForm('meta_' . $key, $value); Session::newInstance()->_keepForm('meta_' . $key); } } if (osc_recaptcha_private_key() != '' && Params::existParam("recaptcha_challenge_field")) { if (!osc_check_recaptcha()) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The Recaptcha code is wrong')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_edit_url()); return false; // BREAK THE PROCESS, THE RECAPTCHA IS WRONG } } $success = $mItems->edit(); osc_run_hook('edited_item', Item::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($id)); if ($success == 1) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m("Great! We've just updated your listing")); View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView("item", Item::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($id)); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message($success); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_edit_url($secret)); } } break; case 'activate': $secret = Params::getParam('secret'); $id = Params::getParam('id'); $item = $this->itemManager->listWhere("i.pk_i_id = '%s' AND ((i.s_secret = '%s') OR (i.fk_i_user_id = '%d'))", addslashes($id), addslashes($secret), addslashes($this->userId)); // item doesn't exist if (count($item) == 0) { $this->do404(); return; } View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('item', $item[0]); if ($item[0]['b_active'] == 0) { // ACTIVETE ITEM $mItems = new ItemActions(false); $success = $mItems->activate($item[0]['pk_i_id'], $item[0]['s_secret']); if ($success) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('The listing has been validated')); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("The listing can't be validated")); } } else { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m('The listing has already been validated')); } $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); break; case 'item_delete': $secret = Params::getParam('secret'); $id = Params::getParam('id'); $item = $this->itemManager->listWhere("i.pk_i_id = '%s' AND ((i.s_secret = '%s') OR (i.fk_i_user_id = '%d'))", addslashes($id), addslashes($secret), addslashes($this->userId)); if (count($item) == 1) { $mItems = new ItemActions(false); $success = $mItems->delete($item[0]['s_secret'], $item[0]['pk_i_id']); if ($success) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Your listing has been deleted')); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("The listing you are trying to delete couldn't be deleted")); } if ($this->user != null) { $this->redirectTo(osc_user_list_items_url()); } else { $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url()); } } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("The listing you are trying to delete couldn't be deleted")); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url()); } break; case 'mark': $id = Params::getParam('id'); $as = Params::getParam('as'); $item = Item::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($id); View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('item', $item); require_once osc_lib_path() . 'osclass/user-agents.php'; foreach ($user_agents as $ua) { if (preg_match('|' . $ua . '|', @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { // mark item if it's not a bot $mItem = new ItemActions(false); $mItem->mark($id, $as); break; } } osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m("Thanks! That's very helpful")); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); break; case 'send_friend': $item = $this->itemManager->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam('id')); $this->_exportVariableToView('item', $item); $this->doView('item-send-friend.php'); break; case 'send_friend_post': $item = $this->itemManager->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam('id')); $this->_exportVariableToView('item', $item); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("yourEmail", Params::getParam('yourEmail')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("yourName", Params::getParam('yourName')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("friendName", Params::getParam('friendName')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("friendEmail", Params::getParam('friendEmail')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("message_body", Params::getParam('message')); if (osc_recaptcha_private_key() != '' && Params::existParam("recaptcha_challenge_field")) { if (!osc_check_recaptcha()) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The Recaptcha code is wrong')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_send_friend_url()); return false; // BREAK THE PROCESS, THE RECAPTCHA IS WRONG } } $mItem = new ItemActions(false); $success = $mItem->send_friend(); if ($success) { Session::newInstance()->_clearVariables(); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } else { $this->redirectTo(osc_item_send_friend_url()); } break; case 'contact': $item = $this->itemManager->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam('id')); if (empty($item)) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("This listing doesn't exist")); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url(true)); } else { $this->_exportVariableToView('item', $item); if (osc_item_is_expired()) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("We're sorry, but the listing has expired. You can't contact the seller")); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } if (osc_reg_user_can_contact() && osc_is_web_user_logged_in() || !osc_reg_user_can_contact()) { $this->doView('item-contact.php'); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("You can't contact the seller, only registered users can")); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } } break; case 'contact_post': $item = $this->itemManager->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam('id')); $this->_exportVariableToView('item', $item); if (osc_recaptcha_private_key() != '' && Params::existParam("recaptcha_challenge_field")) { if (!osc_check_recaptcha()) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The Recaptcha code is wrong')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("yourEmail", Params::getParam('yourEmail')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("yourName", Params::getParam('yourName')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("phoneNumber", Params::getParam('phoneNumber')); Session::newInstance()->_setForm("message_body", Params::getParam('message')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); return false; // BREAK THE PROCESS, THE RECAPTCHA IS WRONG } } if (osc_isExpired($item['dt_expiration'])) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("We're sorry, but the listing has expired. You can't contact the seller")); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } $mItem = new ItemActions(false); $result = $mItem->contact(); if (is_string($result)) { osc_add_flash_error_message($result); } else { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m("We've just sent an e-mail to the seller")); } $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); break; case 'add_comment': $mItem = new ItemActions(false); $status = $mItem->add_comment(); switch ($status) { case -1: $msg = _m('Sorry, we could not save your comment. Try again later'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg); break; case 1: $msg = _m('Your comment is awaiting moderation'); osc_add_flash_info_message($msg); break; case 2: $msg = _m('Your comment has been approved'); osc_add_flash_ok_message($msg); break; case 3: $msg = _m('Please fill the required field (email)'); osc_add_flash_warning_message($msg); break; case 4: $msg = _m('Please type a comment'); osc_add_flash_warning_message($msg); break; case 5: $msg = _m('Your comment has been marked as spam'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg); break; } $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); break; case 'delete_comment': $mItem = new ItemActions(false); $status = $mItem->add_comment(); $itemId = Params::getParam('id'); $commentId = Params::getParam('comment'); $item = Item::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($itemId); if (count($item) == 0) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("This listing doesn't exist")); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url(true)); } View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('item', $item); if ($this->userId == null) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('You must be logged in to delete a comment')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } $commentManager = ItemComment::newInstance(); $aComment = $commentManager->findByPrimaryKey($commentId); if (count($aComment) == 0) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("The comment doesn't exist")); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } if ($aComment['b_active'] != 1) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The comment is not active, you cannot delete it')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } if ($aComment['fk_i_user_id'] != $this->userId) { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The comment was not added by you, you cannot delete it')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); } $commentManager->deleteByPrimaryKey($commentId); osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('The comment has been deleted')); $this->redirectTo(osc_item_url()); break; default: // if there isn't ID, show an error 404 if (Params::getParam('id') == '') { $this->do404(); return; } if (Params::getParam('lang') != '') { Session::newInstance()->_set('userLocale', Params::getParam('lang')); } $item = $this->itemManager->findByPrimaryKey(Params::getParam('id')); // if item doesn't exist show an error 404 if (count($item) == 0) { $this->do404(); return; } if ($item['b_active'] != 1) { if ($this->userId == $item['fk_i_user_id']) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("The listing hasn't been validated. Please validate it in order to make it public")); } else { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This listing hasn't been validated")); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url(true)); } } else { if ($item['b_enabled'] == 0) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m('The listing has been suspended')); $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url(true)); } } if (!osc_is_admin_user_logged_in()) { require_once osc_lib_path() . 'osclass/user-agents.php'; foreach ($user_agents as $ua) { if (preg_match('|' . $ua . '|', @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $mStats = new ItemStats(); $mStats->increase('i_num_views', $item['pk_i_id']); break; } } } foreach ($item['locale'] as $k => $v) { $item['locale'][$k]['s_title'] = osc_apply_filter('item_title', $v['s_title']); $item['locale'][$k]['s_description'] = nl2br(osc_apply_filter('item_description', $v['s_description'])); } if ($item['fk_i_user_id'] != '') { $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($item['fk_i_user_id']); $this->_exportVariableToView('user', $user); } $this->_exportVariableToView('item', $item); osc_run_hook('show_item', $item); // redirect to the correct url just in case it has changed $itemURI = str_replace(osc_base_url(), '', osc_item_url()); $URI = preg_replace('|^' . REL_WEB_URL . '|', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); // do not clean QUERY_STRING if permalink is not enabled if (osc_rewrite_enabled()) { $URI = str_replace('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '', $URI); } else { $params_keep = array('page', 'id'); $params = array(); foreach (Params::getParamsAsArray('get') as $k => $v) { if (in_array($k, $params_keep)) { $params[] = "{$k}={$v}"; } } $URI = 'index.php?' . implode('&', $params); } // redirect to the correct url if ($itemURI != $URI) { $this->redirectTo(osc_base_url() . $itemURI); } $this->doView('item.php'); break; } }
function osclasswizards_regions_select($name, $id, $label, $value = NULL) { $aRegions = Region::newInstance()->listAll(); if (count($aRegions) > 0) { $html = '<select name="' . $name . '" id="' . $id . '">'; $html .= '<option value="" id="sRegionSelect">' . $label . '</option>'; foreach ($aRegions as $region) { if ($value == $region['s_name']) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } else { $selected = ''; } $html .= '<option value="' . $region['s_name'] . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $region['s_name'] . '</option>'; } $html .= '</select>'; } echo $html; }
/** * Return an array with all data necessary for do the action (ADD OR EDIT) * @param <type> $is_add * @return array */ public function prepareData($is_add) { $aItem = array(); // prepare user $userId = null; if ($this->is_admin) { if (Params::getParam('userId') != '') { $userId = Params::getParam('userId'); } } else { $userId = Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'); if ($userId == '') { $userId = NULL; } } if ($is_add) { // ADD if ($this->is_admin) { $active = 'ACTIVE'; } else { if (osc_moderate_items() > 0) { // HAS TO VALIDATE if (!osc_is_web_user_logged_in()) { // NO USER IS LOGGED, VALIDATE $active = 'INACTIVE'; } else { // USER IS LOGGED if (osc_logged_user_item_validation()) { //USER IS LOGGED, BUT NO NEED TO VALIDATE $active = 'ACTIVE'; } else { // USER IS LOGGED, NEED TO VALIDATE, CHECK NUMBER OF PREVIOUS ITEMS $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(osc_logged_user_id()); if ($user['i_items'] < osc_moderate_items()) { $active = 'INACTIVE'; } else { $active = 'ACTIVE'; } } } } else { if (osc_moderate_items() == 0) { if (osc_is_web_user_logged_in() && osc_logged_user_item_validation()) { $active = 'ACTIVE'; } else { $active = 'INACTIVE'; } } else { $active = 'ACTIVE'; } } } if ($userId != null) { $data = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($userId); $aItem['contactName'] = $data['s_name']; $aItem['contactEmail'] = $data['s_email']; Params::setParam('contactName', $data['s_name']); Params::setParam('contactEmail', $data['s_email']); } else { $aItem['contactName'] = Params::getParam('contactName'); $aItem['contactEmail'] = Params::getParam('contactEmail'); } $aItem['active'] = $active; $aItem['userId'] = $userId; } else { // EDIT $aItem['secret'] = Params::getParam('secret'); $aItem['idItem'] = Params::getParam('id'); if ($userId != null) { $data = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($userId); $aItem['contactName'] = $data['s_name']; $aItem['contactEmail'] = $data['s_email']; Params::setParam('contactName', $data['s_name']); Params::setParam('contactEmail', $data['s_email']); } else { $aItem['contactName'] = Params::getParam('contactName'); $aItem['contactEmail'] = Params::getParam('contactEmail'); } $aItem['userId'] = $userId; } // get params $aItem['catId'] = Params::getParam('catId'); $aItem['countryId'] = Params::getParam('countryId'); $aItem['country'] = Params::getParam('country'); $aItem['region'] = Params::getParam('region'); $aItem['regionId'] = Params::getParam('regionId'); $aItem['city'] = Params::getParam('city'); $aItem['cityId'] = Params::getParam('cityId'); $aItem['price'] = Params::getParam('price') != '' ? Params::getParam('price') : null; $aItem['cityArea'] = Params::getParam('cityArea'); $aItem['address'] = Params::getParam('address'); $aItem['currency'] = Params::getParam('currency'); $aItem['showEmail'] = Params::getParam('showEmail') != '' ? 1 : 0; $aItem['title'] = Params::getParam('title'); $aItem['description'] = Params::getParam('description'); $aItem['photos'] = Params::getFiles('photos'); // check params $country = Country::newInstance()->findByCode($aItem['countryId']); if (count($country) > 0) { $countryId = $country['pk_c_code']; $countryName = $country['s_name']; } else { $countryId = null; $countryName = $aItem['country']; } $aItem['countryId'] = $countryId; $aItem['countryName'] = $countryName; if ($aItem['regionId'] != '') { if (intval($aItem['regionId'])) { $region = Region::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($aItem['regionId']); if (count($region) > 0) { $regionId = $region['pk_i_id']; $regionName = $region['s_name']; } } } else { $regionId = null; $regionName = $aItem['region']; if ($aItem['countryId'] != '') { $auxRegion = Region::newInstance()->findByName($aItem['region'], $aItem['countryId']); if ($auxRegion) { $regionId = $auxRegion['pk_i_id']; $regionName = $auxRegion['s_name']; } } } $aItem['regionId'] = $regionId; $aItem['regionName'] = $regionName; if ($aItem['cityId'] != '') { if (intval($aItem['cityId'])) { $city = City::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($aItem['cityId']); if (count($city) > 0) { $cityId = $city['pk_i_id']; $cityName = $city['s_name']; } } } else { $cityId = null; $cityName = $aItem['city']; if ($aItem['countryId'] != '') { $auxCity = City::newInstance()->findByName($aItem['city'], $aItem['regionId']); if ($auxCity) { $cityId = $auxCity['pk_i_id']; $cityName = $auxCity['s_name']; } } } $aItem['cityId'] = $cityId; $aItem['cityName'] = $cityName; if ($aItem['cityArea'] == '') { $aItem['cityArea'] = null; } if ($aItem['address'] == '') { $aItem['address'] = null; } if (!is_null($aItem['price'])) { $price = str_replace(osc_locale_thousands_sep(), '', trim($aItem['price'])); $price = str_replace(osc_locale_dec_point(), '.', $price); $aItem['price'] = $price * 1000000; //$aItem['price'] = (float) $aItem['price']; } if ($aItem['catId'] == '') { $aItem['catId'] = 0; } if ($aItem['currency'] == '') { $aItem['currency'] = null; } $this->data = $aItem; }
/** * Gets search url given params * * @params array $params * @return string */ function osc_search_url($params = null) { if (is_array($params)) { osc_prune_array($params); } $countP = count($params); if ($countP == 0) { $params['page'] = 'search'; } $base_url = osc_base_url(); $http_url = osc_is_ssl() ? "https://" : "http://"; if (osc_subdomain_type() == 'category' && isset($params['sCategory'])) { if ($params['sCategory'] != Params::getParam('sCategory')) { if (is_array($params['sCategory'])) { $params['sCategory'] = implode(",", $params['sCategory']); } if ($params['sCategory'] != '' && strpos($params['sCategory'], ",") === false) { if (is_numeric($params['sCategory'])) { $category = Category::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($params['sCategory']); } else { $category = Category::newInstance()->findBySlug($params['sCategory']); } if (isset($category['s_slug'])) { $base_url = $http_url . $category['s_slug'] . "." . osc_subdomain_host() . REL_WEB_URL; unset($params['sCategory']); } } } else { if (osc_is_subdomain()) { unset($params['sCategory']); } } } else { if (osc_subdomain_type() == 'country' && isset($params['sCountry'])) { if ($params['sCountry'] != Params::getParam('sCountry')) { if (is_array($params['sCountry'])) { $params['sCountry'] = implode(",", $params['sCountry']); } if ($params['sCountry'] != '' && strpos($params['sCountry'], ",") === false) { if (is_numeric($params['sCountry'])) { $country = Country::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($params['sCountry']); } else { $country = Country::newInstance()->findByCode($params['sCountry']); } if (isset($country['s_slug'])) { $base_url = $http_url . $country['s_slug'] . "." . osc_subdomain_host() . REL_WEB_URL; unset($params['sCountry']); } } } else { if (osc_is_subdomain()) { unset($params['sCountry']); } } } else { if (osc_subdomain_type() == 'region' && isset($params['sRegion'])) { if ($params['sRegion'] != Params::getParam('sRegion')) { if (is_array($params['sRegion'])) { $params['sRegion'] = implode(",", $params['sRegion']); } if ($params['sRegion'] != '' && strpos($params['sRegion'], ",") === false) { if (is_numeric($params['sRegion'])) { $region = Region::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($params['sRegion']); } else { $region = Region::newInstance()->findByName($params['sRegion']); } if (isset($region['s_slug'])) { $base_url = $http_url . $region['s_slug'] . "." . osc_subdomain_host() . REL_WEB_URL; unset($params['sRegion']); } } } else { if (osc_is_subdomain()) { unset($params['sRegion']); } } } else { if (osc_subdomain_type() == 'city' && isset($params['sCity'])) { if ($params['sCity'] != Params::getParam('sCity')) { if (is_array($params['sCity'])) { $params['sCity'] = implode(",", $params['sCity']); } if ($params['sCity'] != '' && strpos($params['sCity'], ",") === false) { if (is_numeric($params['sCity'])) { $city = City::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($params['sCity']); } else { $city = City::newInstance()->findByName($params['sCity']); } if (isset($city['s_slug'])) { $base_url = $http_url . $city['s_slug'] . "." . osc_subdomain_host() . REL_WEB_URL; unset($params['sCity']); } } } else { if (osc_is_subdomain()) { unset($params['sCity']); } } } else { if (osc_subdomain_type() == 'user' && isset($params['sUser'])) { if ($params['sUser'] != Params::getParam('sUser')) { if (is_array($params['sUser'])) { $params['sUser'] = implode(",", $params['sUser']); } if ($params['sUser'] != '' && strpos($params['sUser'], ",") === false) { if (is_numeric($params['sUser'])) { $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($params['sUser']); } else { $user = User::newInstance()->findByUsername($params['sUser']); } if (isset($user['s_username'])) { $base_url = $http_url . $user['s_username'] . "." . osc_subdomain_host() . REL_WEB_URL; unset($params['sUser']); } } } else { if (osc_is_subdomain()) { unset($params['sUser']); } } } } } } } $countP = count($params); if ($countP == 0) { return $base_url; } unset($params['page']); $countP = count($params); if (osc_rewrite_enabled()) { $url = $base_url . osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_url'); // CANONICAL URLS if (isset($params['sCategory']) && !is_array($params['sCategory']) && strpos($params['sCategory'], ',') === false && ($countP == 1 || $countP == 2 && isset($params['iPage']))) { if (osc_category_id() == $params['sCategory']) { $category['pk_i_id'] = osc_category_id(); $category['s_slug'] = osc_category_slug(); } else { if (is_numeric($params['sCategory'])) { $category = Category::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($params['sCategory']); } else { $category = Category::newInstance()->findBySlug($params['sCategory']); } } if (isset($category['pk_i_id'])) { $url = osc_get_preference('rewrite_cat_url'); if (preg_match('|{CATEGORIES}|', $url)) { $categories = Category::newInstance()->hierarchy($category['pk_i_id']); $sanitized_categories = array(); $mCat = Category::newInstance(); for ($i = count($categories); $i > 0; $i--) { $tmpcat = $mCat->findByPrimaryKey($categories[$i - 1]['pk_i_id']); $sanitized_categories[] = $tmpcat['s_slug']; } $url = str_replace('{CATEGORIES}', implode("/", $sanitized_categories), $url); } $seo_prefix = ''; if (osc_get_preference('seo_url_search_prefix') != '') { $seo_prefix = osc_get_preference('seo_url_search_prefix') . '/'; } $url = str_replace('{CATEGORY_NAME}', $category['s_slug'], $url); // DEPRECATED : CATEGORY_SLUG is going to be removed in 3.4 $url = str_replace('{CATEGORY_SLUG}', $category['s_slug'], $url); $url = str_replace('{CATEGORY_ID}', $category['pk_i_id'], $url); } else { // Search by a category which does not exists (by form) // TODO CHANGE TO NEW ROUTES!! return $base_url . 'index.php?page=search&sCategory=' . urlencode($params['sCategory']); } if (isset($params['iPage']) && $params['iPage'] != '' && $params['iPage'] != 1) { $url .= '/' . $params['iPage']; } $url = $base_url . $seo_prefix . $url; } else { if (isset($params['sRegion']) && is_string($params['sRegion']) && strpos($params['sRegion'], ',') === false && ($countP == 1 || $countP == 2 && (isset($params['iPage']) || isset($params['sCategory'])) || $countP == 3 && isset($params['iPage']) && isset($params['sCategory']))) { $url = $base_url; if (osc_get_preference('seo_url_search_prefix') != '') { $url .= osc_get_preference('seo_url_search_prefix') . '/'; } if (isset($params['sCategory'])) { $_auxSlug = _aux_search_category_slug($params['sCategory']); if ($_auxSlug != '') { $url .= $_auxSlug . '_'; } } if (isset($params['sRegion'])) { if (osc_list_region_id() == $params['sRegion']) { $url .= osc_sanitizeString(osc_list_region_slug()) . '-r' . osc_list_region_id(); } else { if (is_numeric($params['sRegion'])) { $region = Region::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($params['sRegion']); } else { $region = Region::newInstance()->findByName($params['sRegion']); } if (isset($region['s_slug'])) { $url .= osc_sanitizeString($region['s_slug']) . '-r' . $region['pk_i_id']; } else { // Search by a region which does not exists (by form) // TODO CHANGE TO NEW ROUTES!! return $url . 'index.php?page=search&sRegion=' . urlencode($params['sRegion']); } } } if (isset($params['iPage']) && $params['iPage'] != '' && $params['iPage'] != 1) { $url .= '/' . $params['iPage']; } } else { if (isset($params['sCity']) && !is_array($params['sCity']) && strpos($params['sCity'], ',') === false && ($countP == 1 || $countP == 2 && (isset($params['iPage']) || isset($params['sCategory'])) || $countP == 3 && isset($params['iPage']) && isset($params['sCategory']))) { $url = $base_url; if (osc_get_preference('seo_url_search_prefix') != '') { $url .= osc_get_preference('seo_url_search_prefix') . '/'; } if (isset($params['sCategory'])) { $_auxSlug = _aux_search_category_slug($params['sCategory']); if ($_auxSlug != '') { $url .= $_auxSlug . '_'; } } if (isset($params['sCity'])) { if (osc_list_city_id() == $params['sCity']) { $url .= osc_sanitizeString(osc_list_city_slug()) . '-c' . osc_list_city_id(); } else { if (is_numeric($params['sCity'])) { $city = City::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($params['sCity']); } else { $city = City::newInstance()->findByName($params['sCity']); } if (isset($city['s_slug'])) { $url .= osc_sanitizeString($city['s_slug']) . '-c' . $city['pk_i_id']; } else { // Search by a city which does not exists (by form) // TODO CHANGE TO NEW ROUTES!! return $url . 'index.php?page=search&sCity=' . urlencode($params['sCity']); } } } if (isset($params['iPage']) && $params['iPage'] != '' && $params['iPage'] != 1) { $url .= '/' . $params['iPage']; } } else { if ($params != null && is_array($params)) { foreach ($params as $k => $v) { switch ($k) { case 'sCountry': $k = osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_country'); break; case 'sRegion': $k = osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_region'); break; case 'sCity': $k = osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_city'); break; case 'sCityArea': $k = osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_city_area'); break; case 'sCategory': $k = osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_category'); if (is_array($v)) { $v = implode(",", $v); } break; case 'sUser': $k = osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_user'); if (is_array($v)) { $v = implode(",", $v); } break; case 'sPattern': $k = osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_pattern'); break; case 'meta': // meta(@id),value/meta(@id),value2/... foreach ($v as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $_key => $_value) { if ($value != '') { $url .= '/meta' . $key . '-' . $_key . ',' . urlencode($_value); } } } else { if ($value != '') { $url .= '/meta' . $key . ',' . urlencode($value); } } } break; default: break; } if (!is_array($v) && $v != '') { $url .= "/" . $k . "," . urlencode($v); } } } } } } } else { $url = $base_url . 'index.php?page=search'; if ($params != null && is_array($params)) { foreach ($params as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'meta') { if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $_k => $aux) { if (is_array($aux)) { foreach (array_keys($aux) as $aux_k) { $url .= "&" . $k . "[{$_k}][{$aux_k}]=" . urlencode($aux[$aux_k]); } } else { $url .= "&" . $_k . "[]=" . urlencode($aux); } } } } else { if (is_array($v)) { $v = implode(",", $v); } $url .= "&" . $k . "=" . urlencode($v); } } } } return str_replace('%2C', ',', $url); }
/** * Return an array with all data necessary for do the action (ADD OR EDIT) * @param <type> $is_add * @return array */ public function prepareData( $is_add ) { $aItem = array(); $data = array(); $userId = null; if( $this->is_admin ) { // user $data = User::newInstance()->findByEmail(Params::getParam('contactEmail')); if( isset($data['pk_i_id']) && is_numeric($data['pk_i_id']) ) { $userId = $data['pk_i_id']; } } else { $userId = Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'); if( $userId == '' ) { $userId = NULL; } elseif ($userId != NULL) { $data = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey( $userId ); } } if( $userId != null ) { $aItem['contactName'] = $data['s_name']; $aItem['contactEmail'] = $data['s_email']; Params::setParam('contactName', $data['s_name']); Params::setParam('contactEmail', $data['s_email']); } else { $aItem['contactName'] = Params::getParam('contactName'); $aItem['contactEmail'] = Params::getParam('contactEmail'); } $aItem['userId'] = $userId; if( $is_add ) { // ADD if($this->is_admin) { $active = 'ACTIVE'; } else { if(osc_moderate_items()>0) { // HAS TO VALIDATE if(!osc_is_web_user_logged_in()) { // NO USER IS LOGGED, VALIDATE $active = 'INACTIVE'; } else { // USER IS LOGGED if(osc_logged_user_item_validation()) { //USER IS LOGGED, BUT NO NEED TO VALIDATE $active = 'ACTIVE'; } else { // USER IS LOGGED, NEED TO VALIDATE, CHECK NUMBER OF PREVIOUS ITEMS $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(osc_logged_user_id()); if($user['i_items']<osc_moderate_items()) { $active = 'INACTIVE'; } else { $active = 'ACTIVE'; } } } } else if(osc_moderate_items()==0 ){ if(osc_is_web_user_logged_in() && osc_logged_user_item_validation() ) { $active = 'ACTIVE'; } else { $active = 'INACTIVE'; } } else { $active = 'ACTIVE'; } } $aItem['active'] = $active; } else { // EDIT $aItem['secret'] = Params::getParam('secret'); $aItem['idItem'] = Params::getParam('id'); } // get params $aItem['catId'] = Params::getParam('catId'); $aItem['countryId'] = Params::getParam('countryId'); $aItem['country'] = Params::getParam('country'); $aItem['region'] = Params::getParam('region'); $aItem['regionId'] = Params::getParam('regionId'); $aItem['city'] = Params::getParam('city'); $aItem['cityId'] = Params::getParam('cityId'); $aItem['price'] = (Params::getParam('price') != '') ? Params::getParam('price') : null; $aItem['cityArea'] = Params::getParam('cityArea'); $aItem['address'] = Params::getParam('address'); $aItem['currency'] = Params::getParam('currency'); $aItem['showEmail'] = (Params::getParam('showEmail') != '') ? 1 : 0; $aItem['title'] = Params::getParam('title'); $aItem['description'] = Params::getParam('description'); $aItem['photos'] = Params::getFiles('photos'); $ajax_photos = Params::getParam('ajax_photos'); $aItem['s_ip'] = get_ip(); $aItem['d_coord_lat'] = (Params::getParam('d_coord_lat') != '') ? Params::getParam('d_coord_lat') : null; $aItem['d_coord_long'] = (Params::getParam('d_coord_long') != '') ? Params::getParam('d_coord_long') : null; $aItem['s_zip'] = (Params::getParam('zip') != '') ? Params::getParam('zip') : null; // $ajax_photos is an array of filenames of the photos uploaded by ajax to a temporary folder // fake insert them into the array of the form-uploaded photos if(is_array($ajax_photos)) { foreach($ajax_photos as $photo) { if(file_exists(osc_content_path().'uploads/temp/'.$photo)) { $aItem['photos']['name'][] = $photo; $aItem['photos']['type'][] = 'image/*'; $aItem['photos']['tmp_name'][] = osc_content_path().'uploads/temp/'.$photo; $aItem['photos']['error'][] = UPLOAD_ERR_OK; $aItem['photos']['size'][] = 0; } } } if($is_add || $this->is_admin) { $dt_expiration = Params::getParam('dt_expiration'); if($dt_expiration==-1) { $aItem['dt_expiration'] = ''; } else if($dt_expiration!='' && (preg_match('|^([0-9]+)$|', $dt_expiration, $match) || preg_match('|([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})|', $dt_expiration, $match))) { $aItem['dt_expiration'] = $dt_expiration; } else { $_category = Category::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($aItem['catId']); $aItem['dt_expiration'] = $_category['i_expiration_days']; } unset($dt_expiration); } else { $aItem['dt_expiration'] = ''; }; // check params $country = Country::newInstance()->findByCode($aItem['countryId']); if( count($country) > 0 ) { $countryId = $country['pk_c_code']; $countryName = $country['s_name']; } else { $countryId = null; $countryName = $aItem['country']; } $aItem['countryId'] = $countryId; $aItem['countryName'] = $countryName; if( $aItem['regionId'] != '' ) { if( intval($aItem['regionId']) ) { $region = Region::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($aItem['regionId']); if( count($region) > 0 ) { $regionId = $region['pk_i_id']; $regionName = $region['s_name']; } } } else { $regionId = null; $regionName = $aItem['region']; if( $aItem['countryId'] != '' ) { $auxRegion = Region::newInstance()->findByName($aItem['region'], $aItem['countryId'] ); if($auxRegion){ $regionId = $auxRegion['pk_i_id']; $regionName = $auxRegion['s_name']; } } } $aItem['regionId'] = $regionId; $aItem['regionName'] = $regionName; if( $aItem['cityId'] != '' ) { if( intval($aItem['cityId']) ) { $city = City::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($aItem['cityId']); if( count($city) > 0 ) { $cityId = $city['pk_i_id']; $cityName = $city['s_name']; } } } else { $cityId = null; $cityName = $aItem['city']; if( $aItem['countryId'] != '' ) { $auxCity = City::newInstance()->findByName($aItem['city'], $aItem['regionId'] ); if($auxCity){ $cityId = $auxCity['pk_i_id']; $cityName = $auxCity['s_name']; } } } $aItem['cityId'] = $cityId; $aItem['cityName'] = $cityName; if( $aItem['cityArea'] == '' ) { $aItem['cityArea'] = null; } if( $aItem['address'] == '' ) { $aItem['address'] = null; } if( !is_null($aItem['price']) ) { $price = str_replace(osc_locale_thousands_sep(), '', trim($aItem['price'])); $price = str_replace(osc_locale_dec_point(), '.', $price); $aItem['price'] = $price*1000000; //$aItem['price'] = (float) $aItem['price']; } if( $aItem['catId'] == ''){ $aItem['catId'] = 0; } if( $aItem['currency'] == '' ) { $aItem['currency'] = null; } $this->data = $aItem; }
/** * Add regions to the search * * @access public * @since unknown * @param mixed $region */ public function addRegion($region = array()) { if (is_array($region)) { foreach ($region as $r) { $r = trim($r); if ($r != '') { if (is_numeric($r)) { $this->regions[] = sprintf("%st_item_location.fk_i_region_id = %d ", DB_TABLE_PREFIX, $r); } else { $_region = Region::newInstance()->findByName($r); if (!empty($_region)) { $this->regions[] = sprintf("%st_item_location.fk_i_region_id = %d ", DB_TABLE_PREFIX, $_region['pk_i_id']); } else { $this->regions[] = sprintf("%st_item_location.s_region LIKE '%%%s%%' ", DB_TABLE_PREFIX, $r); } } } } } else { $region = trim($region); if ($region != "") { if (is_numeric($region)) { $this->regions[] = sprintf("%st_item_location.fk_i_region_id = %d ", DB_TABLE_PREFIX, $region); } else { $_region = Region::newInstance()->findByName($region); if (!empty($_region)) { $this->regions[] = sprintf("%st_item_location.fk_i_region_id = %d ", DB_TABLE_PREFIX, $_region['pk_i_id']); } else { $this->regions[] = sprintf("%st_item_location.s_region LIKE '%%%s%%' ", DB_TABLE_PREFIX, $region); } } } } }
<?php } ?> </select> <?php //osc_categories_select('sCategory', null, __('Select a category', 'flatter')) ; ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (osc_get_preference('location_input', 'flatter_theme') == '1') { ?> <?php $aRegions = Region::newInstance()->listAll(); ?> <?php if (count($aRegions) > 0) { ?> <select name="sRegion" id="sRegion"> <option value=""><?php _e('Select a region', 'flatter'); ?> </option> <?php foreach ($aRegions as $region) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $region['s_name']; ?>
function osc_search_footer_links() { if (!osc_rewrite_enabled()) { return array(); } $categoryID = osc_search_category_id(); if (!empty($categoryID)) { if (Category::newInstance()->isRoot(current($categoryID))) { $cat = Category::newInstance()->findSubcategories(current($categoryID)); if (count($cat) > 0) { $categoryID = array(); foreach ($cat as $c) { $categoryID[] = $c['pk_i_id']; } } } } if (osc_search_city() != '') { return array(); } $regionID = ''; if (osc_search_region() != '') { $aRegion = Region::newInstance()->findByName(osc_search_region()); if (isset($aRegion['pk_i_id'])) { $regionID = $aRegion['pk_i_id']; } } $conn = DBConnectionClass::newInstance(); $data = $conn->getOsclassDb(); $comm = new DBCommandClass($data); $comm->select('i.fk_i_category_id'); $comm->select('l.*'); $comm->select('COUNT(*) AS total'); $comm->from(DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_item as i'); $comm->from(DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_item_location as l'); if (!empty($categoryID)) { $comm->whereIn('i.fk_i_category_id', $categoryID); } $comm->where('i.pk_i_id = l.fk_i_item_id'); $comm->where('i.b_enabled = 1'); $comm->where('i.b_active = 1'); $comm->where(sprintf("dt_expiration >= '%s'", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $comm->where('l.fk_i_region_id IS NOT NULL'); $comm->where('l.fk_i_city_id IS NOT NULL'); if ($regionID != '') { $comm->where('l.fk_i_region_id', $regionID); $comm->groupBy('l.fk_i_city_id'); } else { $comm->groupBy('l.fk_i_region_id'); } $rs = $comm->get(); if (!$rs) { return array(); } return $rs->result(); }