public static function create($name, ReflectionMethod $method)
     $result = new ckWsdlOperation();
     $params = ckDocBlockParser::parseParameters($method->getDocComment());
     $headers = ckDocBlockParser::parseHeader($method->getDocComment());
     $return = ckDocBlockParser::parseReturn($method->getDocComment());
     $result->input = new ckWsdlMessage($name . 'Request');
     foreach ($params as $param) {
         $type = ckXsdType::get($param['type']);
         $result->input->addPart(new ckWsdlPart($param['name'], $type));
     foreach ($headers as $header) {
         $type = ckXsdType::get($header['type']);
         ckXsdType::set($header['name'], $type);
         ckXsdType::set($header['type'], null);
         $result->input->addPart(new ckWsdlPart($header['name'], $type, true));
     if (!empty($return)) {
         $type = ckXsdType::get($return['type']);
         $result->output = new ckWsdlMessage($name . 'Response');
         $result->output->addPart(new ckWsdlPart('return', $type));
     return $result;
예제 #2
 private function createClassDefinition()
     $fullClassName = $this->getClass();
     if (class_exists($fullClassName)) {
     $parts = explode('\\', $fullClassName);
     $shortName = array_pop($parts);
     $namespace = implode('\\', $parts);
     $properties = [];
     $parameters = [];
     $body = [];
     $getters = [];
     foreach ($this->method->getParameters() as $parameter) {
         $name = $parameter->getName();
         $parameters[] = '$' . $name . ($parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable() ? ' = ' . var_export($parameter->getDefaultValue(), true) : '');
         $body[] = '$this->' . $name . ' = $' . $name . ';';
         $properties[] = 'private $' . $name . ';';
         $hint = null;
         $matches = [];
         if ($parameter->getClass()) {
             $hint = $parameter->getClass()->getName();
         } else {
             if (preg_match('/@param\\s+(\\S+)\\s+\\$' . $name . '/', $this->method->getDocComment(), $matches)) {
                 $hint = $matches[1];
         $getters[] = ($hint ? "/**\n   * @return " . $hint . "\n   */\n  " : '') . 'function get' . ucfirst($name) . '() { return $this->' . $name . '; }';
     $code = ($namespace ? "namespace {$namespace};\n" : '') . "class {$shortName} {\n" . '  ' . implode("\n  ", $properties) . "\n" . '  function __construct(' . implode(', ', $parameters) . ") {\n" . '    ' . implode("\n    ", $body) . "\n" . '  }' . "\n" . '  ' . implode("\n  ", $getters) . "\n" . '}';
예제 #3
  * @return IAnnotationReflection
 public function getAnnotationReflection()
     if ($this->annotationReflection === null) {
         $this->annotationReflection = AnnotationReflection::build($this->reflectionMethod->getDocComment());
     return $this->annotationReflection;
예제 #4
 public function __construct(Controller $controller, $action)
     $this->controller = $controller;
     $this->name = $action;
     $this->reflector = new \ReflectionMethod($controller, $action);
     $this->docComment = $this->reflector->getDocComment();
     $this->parameters = $this->reflector->getParameters();
 public function extractCommentWithoutLeadingShashesAndStars()
     $this->comment = explode("\n", $this->reflector->getDocComment());
     foreach ($this->comment as &$line) {
         $line = preg_replace('#^\\s*(/\\*+|\\*+/|\\*)\\s?#', '', $line);
예제 #6
 private function getAnnotationType($annotation)
     $matches = array();
     $found = preg_match('/@' . $annotation . '\\s+(\\S+)/', $this->reflection->getDocComment(), $matches);
     if (!$found) {
         return new UnknownType();
     $type = new TypeFactory($this->reflection->getDeclaringClass());
     return $type->fromTypeHints(explode("|", $matches[1]));
예제 #7
  * @return string|null
 public function description()
     $lines = array_slice(explode("\n", $this->method->getDocComment()), 1, -1);
     $lines = array_map(function ($line) {
         return ltrim($line, ' *');
     }, $lines);
     $lines = array_filter($lines, function ($line) {
         return substr($line, 0, 1) != '@';
     return $this->parser->parse(trim(implode("\n", $lines)));
예제 #8
  * Returns an array with parsed lines from PHPDoc.
  * @return array
 protected function getParsedDocs()
     $lines_docs = explode("\n", $this->reflection->getDocComment());
     // Remove first line (/**)
     // Remove last line (*/)
     return array_map(function ($item) {
         return ltrim($item, '* ');
     }, $lines_docs);
 public function handleMockSubscribers()
     $reflection = new \ReflectionMethod(get_class($this), $this->getName());
     if (false == ($mockFile = self::parseDocBlock($reflection->getDocComment()))) {
     $mockPath = self::parseDocBlock($reflection->getDocComment(), self::ANNOTATION_PATH);
     $mockFilePath = $this->getTestFilePath($mockFile, $mockPath);
     if (file_exists($mockFilePath)) {
         $this->getClient()->getEventDispatcher()->removeListener('request.before_send', 'onRequestBeforeSend');
         $this->addMockSubscriber($mockFilePath, 0);
예제 #10
  * This method is used to return an iteration-friendly list of parameters for a given method.
  * @param string $className
  * @param string $method
  * @return array
 protected function loadParameters($className, $method)
     // dig for data on the chosen method, in the chosen class
     $parameters = array();
     $reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod($className, $method);
     $PHPDoc = $reflectionMethod->getDocComment();
      * This regex filters out all parameters, along with their PHPDoc. We use this instead
      * of $reflectionMethod->getParameters(), since that returns ReflectionParameter objects
      * that, rather shamefully, do not contain PHPDoc.
     preg_match_all('/@param[\\s\\t]+(.*)[\\s\\t]+\\$(.*)[\\s\\t]+(.*)$/Um', $PHPDoc, $matches);
     if (array_key_exists(0, $matches) && empty($matches[0])) {
     $phpdoc = array();
     // we have to build up a custom stack of parameters
     foreach ($matches[0] as $i => $row) {
         $name = $matches[2][$i];
         if ($name === 'language') {
         $parameters[] = array('name' => $name, 'label' => $name . '-' . rand(1, 99999), 'optional' => substr_count($matches[2][$i], '[optional]') > 0, 'description' => $matches[3][$i]);
     return $parameters;
예제 #11
  * Test valid public function/method names.
  * @return void
 public function testAutoload()
     try {
         $object = new SQLI_CodeSniffer();
         $this->assertTrue($object instanceof SQLI_CodeSniffer);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->fail('Autoload an SQLI_CodeSniffer Core class');
     try {
         $object = new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception("test");
         $this->assertTrue($object instanceof PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->fail('Autoload a PHP_CodeSniffer Core class ' . $e->getMessage());
     try {
         $object = new Generic_Sniffs_Classes_DuplicateClassNameSniff();
         // trick to recognize SQLI implemented sniffer
         $method = new ReflectionMethod('Generic_Sniffs_Classes_DuplicateClassNameSniff', 'process');
         $this->assertContains('SQLI_CodeSniffer_File', $method->getDocComment());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->fail('Autoload an SQLI_CodeSniffer sniffer');
     try {
         $object = new Generic_Sniffs_CodeAnalysis_UnnecessaryFinalModifierSniff();
         // trick to recognize classical sniffer
         $method = new ReflectionMethod('Generic_Sniffs_CodeAnalysis_UnnecessaryFinalModifierSniff', 'process');
         $this->assertContains('PHP_CodeSniffer_File', $method->getDocComment());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->fail('Autoload a PHP_CodeSniffer sniffer');
 public function getActionAuthorization($class, $action)
     $refMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $action);
     $doc = $refMethod->getDocComment();
     preg_match_all("/@Authorize/", $doc, $authorizations);
     return $authorizations[0];
예제 #13
 public static function getDocAttribute(\ReflectionMethod $reflectionMethod, $attributeName)
     $doc = $reflectionMethod->getDocComment();
     if ($doc && preg_match('/\\* @' . $attributeName . '\\s?(.*)\\r?\\n/', $doc, $matches)) {
         return $matches[1];
 private function extractFeature(\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test)
     $class = get_class($test);
     $method = $test->getName();
     $reflection = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
     return $this->parseDocBlock($reflection->getDocComment(), '@feature');
  * @param GenerationContext $context
  * @param \Nucleus\IService\CommandLine\Consolable $annotation
 public function generate(GenerationContext $context, $annotation)
     $docParser = new DocBlockParser();
     $serviceName = $context->getServiceName();
     $methodName = $context->getParsingContextName();
     $definition = $context->getContainerBuilder()->getDefinition($serviceName);
     $shortDesc = 'N/A';
     $reflectedMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($definition->getClass(), $methodName);
     $methodComment = $reflectedMethod->getDocComment();
     if ($methodComment !== false) {
         $docMethod = $docParser->parse($methodComment);
         $shortDesc = $docMethod->getShortDesc();
     $paramsArray = array();
     $paramArrayComments = self::extractParamDocComment($docMethod->getTag('param'));
     foreach ($reflectedMethod->getParameters() as $reflectionParameter) {
         $paramComment = 'N/A';
         if (isset($paramArrayComments[$reflectionParameter->getName()])) {
             $paramComment = $paramArrayComments[$reflectionParameter->getName()]['comment'];
         $paramsArray[$reflectionParameter->getName()]['optional'] = false;
         if ($reflectionParameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
             $paramsArray[$reflectionParameter->getName()]['optional'] = true;
         $paramsArray[$reflectionParameter->getName()]['comment'] = $paramComment;
     if (!empty($annotation->name)) {
         $name = $annotation->name;
     } else {
         $name = $serviceName . ':' . $methodName;
     $context->getContainerBuilder()->getDefinition("console")->addMethodCall("addCommand", array("applicatiomName" => $name, "serviceName" => $serviceName, "methodName" => $methodName, "shortDesc" => $shortDesc, "paramsMethod" => $paramsArray));
예제 #16
 public function handleHttpRequest(Request $request)
     try {
         $method = $this->getRequest()->getMethod();
         if (!method_exists($this->service, $method)) {
             throw new JsonRpcInvalidMethodException('Requested method does not exist');
         $reader = new \ReflectionMethod($this->service, $method);
         $doc = $reader->getDocComment();
         if (!strpos($doc, '{JsonRpcMethod}')) {
             throw new JsonRpcInvalidMethodException('Requested method does not exist');
         $callingParams = [];
         $methodParams = $reader->getParameters();
         foreach ($methodParams as $param) {
             if ($param->getClass()->isSubclassOf('RageJsonRpc\\JsonRpcRequest')) {
                 $callingParams[] = $this->getRequest();
             } elseif ($param->getClass()->isSubclassOf('RageJsonRpc\\JsonRpcResponse')) {
                 $callingParams[] = $this->getResponse();
             } else {
                 throw new JsonRpcInvalidMethodException('Method definition is incorrect');
         $result = call_user_func_array(array($this->service, $method), $callingParams);
     } catch (JsonRpcException $e) {
         $this->getResponse()->setError($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     return $this->getResponse()->getHttpResponse();
예제 #17
  * Reads all supported method annotations.
  * @param stirng            $className
  * @param \ReflectionMethod $method
  * @return array
 private function readMethodAnnotations($className, \ReflectionMethod $method)
     $annotations = array();
     // Read parent annotations.
     try {
         $prototype = $method->getPrototype();
         $annotations = array_merge($annotations, $this->readMethodAnnotations($className, $prototype));
     } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
     // Read method annotations.
     if ($docBlock = $method->getDocComment()) {
         $description = NULL;
         foreach (explode("\n", $docBlock) as $docLine) {
             $docLine = preg_replace('/^\\/\\*\\*\\s*|^\\s*\\*\\s*|\\s*\\*\\/$|\\s*$/', '', $docLine);
             if (preg_match('/^\\@(' . $this->availableAnnotations . ')\\s*(.*)?$/i', $docLine, $matches)) {
                 $class = $this->annotationClasses[strtolower($matches[1])];
                 $callback = array($className, $method->getName());
                 if (isset($matches[2]) && !empty($matches[2])) {
                     $annotation = new $class($callback, $matches[2]);
                 } else {
                     $annotation = new $class($callback);
                 if (NULL !== $description) {
                 $annotations[] = $annotation;
             } elseif (NULL === $description && '' !== $docLine && FALSE === strpos($docLine, '@')) {
                 $description = $docLine;
     return $annotations;
예제 #18
  * Método que busca anotaciones de enrutamientos y serializa su resultado
  * @param $pHmvcPath      string Path de módulos hmvc
  * @param $pSerializePath string Path de rutas serializadas
  * @return void
 public function findRoutes($pHmvcPath, $pSerializePath)
     $routesFind = [];
     // se recorren los controladores con biblioteca SPL
     // (no se lleva a cabo con \GlobIterator dado que en Windows sólo funciona con rutas absolutas)
     $controllers = new \RegexIterator(new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($pHmvcPath, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS | \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::UNIX_PATHS)), '/.*\\/Controller\\/.*\\.php/i');
     foreach ($controllers as $file) {
         require $file;
         $namespaceClass = str_replace(['/', '.php'], ['\\', ''], $file);
         $namespaceSections = array_reverse(explode('\\', $namespaceClass));
         $rc = new \ReflectionClass($namespaceClass);
         $methods = $rc->getMethods();
         // se recorren los métodos del controlador
         foreach ($methods as $method) {
             $rm = new \ReflectionMethod($namespaceClass, $method->name);
             $commentsText = $rm->getDocComment();
             $commentsLines = explode("\n", $commentsText);
             // se recuperan los tags de enrutamientos
             $routes = array_filter($commentsLines, function ($value) {
                 return strpos($value, '@T_ROUTE') !== false;
             // se agregan los enrutamientos
             foreach ($routes as $route) {
                 $route = trim(substr(str_replace('@T_ROUTE', '', trim($route)), 1));
                 $callback = $namespaceSections[2] . '|' . $namespaceSections[0] . '|' . $method->name;
                 $routesFind[] = [$route, $callback];
     // se serializan los enrutamientos en un archivo de configuración
     if (count($routesFind) > 0) {
         $sz = serialize($routesFind);
         file_put_contents($pSerializePath . '/serialized.php', $sz);
예제 #19
파일: model.php 프로젝트: caiwenhao/zentao
 public function getMethod($filePath, $ext = '')
     $fileName = dirname($filePath);
     $className = basename(dirname(dirname($filePath)));
     if (!class_exists($className)) {
     $methodName = basename($filePath);
     $method = new ReflectionMethod($className . $ext, $methodName);
     $data = new stdClass();
     $data->startLine = $method->getStartLine();
     $data->endLine = $method->getEndLine();
     $data->comment = $method->getDocComment();
     $data->parameters = $method->getParameters();
     $data->className = $className;
     $data->methodName = $methodName;
     $data->fileName = $fileName;
     $data->post = false;
     $file = file($fileName);
     for ($i = $data->startLine - 1; $i <= $data->endLine; $i++) {
         if (strpos($file[$i], '$this->post') or strpos($file[$i], 'fixer::input') or strpos($file[$i], '$_POST')) {
             $data->post = true;
     return $data;
  * @param object $object an object or classname
  * @param string $method the method which we want to inspect
 public function reflect($object, $method)
     $reflection = new \ReflectionMethod($object, $method);
     $docs = $reflection->getDocComment();
     // extract everything prefixed by @ and first letter uppercase
     preg_match_all('/@([A-Z]\\w+)/', $docs, $matches);
     $this->annotations = $matches[1];
     // extract type parameter information
     preg_match_all('/@param\\h+(?P<type>\\w+)\\h+\\$(?P<var>\\w+)/', $docs, $matches);
     // this is just a fix for PHP 5.3 (array_combine raises warning if called with
     // two empty arrays
     if ($matches['var'] === array() && $matches['type'] === array()) {
         $this->types = array();
     } else {
         $this->types = array_combine($matches['var'], $matches['type']);
     // get method parameters
     foreach ($reflection->getParameters() as $param) {
         if ($param->isOptional()) {
             $default = $param->getDefaultValue();
         } else {
             $default = null;
         $this->parameters[$param->name] = $default;
예제 #21
 public function getRouter()
     $router = new Router();
     foreach ($this->getActionRoutes() as $methodRoute) {
         list($route, $methodName) = $methodRoute;
         $method = new \ReflectionMethod($this, $methodName);
         $httpMethod = 'GET';
         $hasRoute = false;
         if ($comment = $method->getDocComment()) {
             if (preg_match('~^[\\s*]*\\@method\\s([^\\s]+)~im', $comment, $match)) {
                 $httpMethod = trim(strtoupper(array_pop($match)));
             if (preg_match('~^[\\s*]*\\@route\\s([^\\s]+)~im', $comment, $match)) {
                 $route = trim(array_pop($match));
                 $hasRoute = true;
         if (!$hasRoute) {
             foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameter) {
                 $route .= '/{' . ($parameter->isOptional() ? '?' : '') . $parameter->getName() . '}';
         $router->add($httpMethod, $route, [get_class($this), $methodName]);
     return $router;
예제 #22
  * @param object $object an object or classname
  * @param string $method the method which we want to inspect
 public function reflect($object, $method)
     $reflection = new \ReflectionMethod($object, $method);
     $docs = $reflection->getDocComment();
     // extract everything prefixed by @ and first letter uppercase
     preg_match_all('/@([A-Z]\\w+)/', $docs, $matches);
     $this->annotations = $matches[1];
     // extract type parameter information
     preg_match_all('/@param\\h+(?P<type>\\w+)\\h+\\$(?P<var>\\w+)/', $docs, $matches);
     $this->types = array_combine($matches['var'], $matches['type']);
     foreach ($reflection->getParameters() as $param) {
         // extract type information from PHP 7 scalar types and prefer them
         // over phpdoc annotations
         if (method_exists($param, 'getType')) {
             $type = $param->getType();
             if ($type !== null) {
                 $this->types[$param->getName()] = (string) $type;
         if ($param->isOptional()) {
             $default = $param->getDefaultValue();
         } else {
             $default = null;
         $this->parameters[$param->name] = $default;
예제 #23
 public function __construct(\ReflectionMethod $method)
     $this->_method = $method;
     $comment = $method->getDocComment();
     $comment = new DocBloc($comment);
     $this->_annotations = $comment->getAnnotations();
예제 #24
  * Get doc keys from a method's docblock documentation
  * @param \ReflectionMethod $reflection_method Reflected method
  * @return array|bool List of found keys, if there are none, false is returned
 public static function getDocKeys(\ReflectionMethod $reflection_method)
     $doc_comment_string = $reflection_method->getDocComment();
     $keys_as_array = array('url');
      * The following RegExpr captures @annotation. It must start with an @ symbol following by a word of one or more
      * charaters. Optionally followed by a space or a tab and a string. And all these annotations must end in
      * a proper new line (\n, \r\n etc.) to seperate the findings.
     if (preg_match_all('/@(\\w+)([ \\t](.*?))?(?:\\n|\\r)+/', $doc_comment_string, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
         $keys = array();
         foreach ($matches as $match) {
             if (in_array($match[1], $keys_as_array)) {
                 $keys[$match[1]][] = $match[3];
             } else {
                 if (!isset($match[2])) {
                     $keys[$match[1]] = true;
                 } else {
                     $keys[$match[1]] = $match[3];
         return $keys;
     return false;
예제 #25
  * 获取方法的功能说明
 public function getMethodNote($module, $method)
     $func = new \ReflectionMethod($module, $method);
     $tmp = $func->getDocComment();
     preg_match("/@note(.*?)\n/", $tmp, $note);
     return trim($note[1]);
예제 #26
  * Create a new mock of the curlbuilder and return
  * the given filename as content
  * @access public
  * @param  PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase   $instance
  * @return mock
 public static function create($instance)
     $reflection = new \ReflectionMethod($instance, $instance->getName());
     $doc_block = $reflection->getDocComment();
     $responsefile = self::parseDocBlock($doc_block, '@responsefile');
     $responsecode = self::parseDocBlock($doc_block, '@responsecode');
     $defaultheaders = array("X-Ratelimit-Limit" => "1000", "X-Ratelimit-Remaining" => "998", "X-Varnish" => "4059929980");
     $skipmock = self::parseDocBlock($doc_block, '@skipmock');
     if (empty($responsecode)) {
         $responsecode = [201];
     if (empty($responsefile)) {
         $responsefile = [$instance->getName()];
     // Setup Curlbuilder mock
     $curlbuilder = $instance->getMockBuilder("\\DirkGroenen\\Pinterest\\Utils\\CurlBuilder")->getMock();
     // Build response file path
     $responseFilePath = __DIR__ . '/../responses/' . (new \ReflectionClass($instance))->getShortName() . '/' . $responsefile[0] . ".json";
     if (file_exists($responseFilePath)) {
     return $curlbuilder;
예제 #27
 private function parseDocBlock()
     if (!$this->parsedDocBlock) {
         $parsed = ['description' => [], 'help' => [], 'param' => [], 'option' => []];
         $tag = '@(?P<tag>[^ \\t]+)[ \\t]+';
         $name = '\\$(?P<name>[^ \\t]+)[ \\t]+';
         $type = '(?P<type>[^ \\t]+)[ \\t]+';
         $description = '(?P<description>.*)';
         $isTag = '/^\\*[* \\t]+@/';
         $option = "/{$tag}{$name}{$description}/";
         $argument1 = "/{$tag}{$type}{$name}{$description}/";
         $argument2 = "/{$tag}{$name}{$type}{$description}/";
         $null = [];
         $doc = $this->reflection->getDocComment();
         if ($doc) {
             $current =& $parsed['description'];
             foreach (explode("\n", $doc) as $row) {
                 $row = trim($row);
                 if ($row == '/**' || $row == '*/') {
                 // @option definitions
                 if (stripos($row, '@option') !== false && preg_match($option, $row, $match)) {
                     $parsed[$match['tag']][$match['name']] = [$match['description']];
                     $current =& $parsed[$match['tag']][$match['name']];
                 } elseif (stripos($row, '@param') !== false && preg_match($argument1, $row, $match)) {
                     $parsed[$match['tag']][$match['name']] = [$match['description']];
                     $current =& $parsed[$match['tag']][$match['name']];
                 } elseif (stripos($row, '@param') !== false && preg_match($argument2, $row, $match)) {
                     $parsed[$match['tag']][$match['name']] = [$match['description']];
                     $current =& $parsed[$match['tag']][$match['name']];
                 } elseif (!preg_match($isTag, $row)) {
                     $current[] = substr(trim($row, '*/'), 1);
                     if ($current === $parsed['description']) {
                         $current =& $parsed['help'];
                 } else {
                     $current =& $null;
         $parsed['description'] = $this->combineParsedComment($parsed['description']);
         $parsed['help'] = trim($this->combineParsedComment($parsed['help'], true));
         foreach ($parsed['param'] as &$param) {
             $param = $this->combineParsedComment($param);
         foreach ($parsed['option'] as &$option) {
             $option = $this->combineParsedComment($option);
         if (empty($parsed['description'])) {
             $parsed['description'] = null;
         if (empty($parsed['help'])) {
             $parsed['help'] = null;
         $this->parsedDocBlock = $parsed;
     return $this->parsedDocBlock;
예제 #28
  * @param \ReflectionMethod $method
  * @return void
 protected function writeDocCommentOfMethod(\ReflectionMethod $method)
     if ($method->getDocComment()) {
         $this->writeString('    ');
예제 #29
파일: Helpers.php 프로젝트: cal127/phpcrud
 public static function getMethodBodyAndDocComment($cls, $mtd)
     $func = new \ReflectionMethod($cls, $mtd);
     $start_line = $func->getStartLine() + 1;
     $length = $func->getEndLine() - $start_line - 1;
     $lines = array_slice(file($func->getFileName()), $start_line, $length);
     return array(implode('', $lines), $func->getDocComment());
예제 #30
 private function extractReturnTypeFromAnnotations(\ReflectionMethod $method)
     $doc = $method->getDocComment();
     if (preg_match('/@return(?:s)?\\s+([^\\s]+)/', $doc, $matches)) {
         return $matches[1];
     return null;