예제 #1
  * get Closure info
  * @param Closure $c
  * @return array
 function closure_dump(Closure $c)
     $str = 'function (';
     $r = new ReflectionFunction($c);
     $params = array();
     foreach ($r->getParameters() as $p) {
         $s = '';
         if ($p->isArray()) {
             $s .= 'array ';
         } else {
             if ($p->getClass()) {
                 $s .= $p->getClass()->name . ' ';
         if ($p->isPassedByReference()) {
             $s .= '&';
         $s .= '$' . $p->name;
         if ($p->isOptional()) {
             $s .= ' = ' . var_export($p->getDefaultValue(), TRUE);
         $params[] = $s;
     $str .= implode(', ', $params);
     $str .= '){' . PHP_EOL;
     $lines = file($r->getFileName());
     for ($l = $r->getStartLine(); $l < $r->getEndLine(); $l++) {
         $str .= $lines[$l];
     $arr = ['file' => $r->getFileName(), 'line' => $r->getStartLine() . '-' . $r->getEndLine(), 'source' => $str];
     return $arr;
  * @link http://php.net/manual/en/serializable.serialize.php
 public function serialize()
     // prepare code
     $file = new SplFileObject($this->reflection->getFileName());
     $file->seek($this->reflection->getStartLine() - 1);
     $code = '';
     while ($file->key() < $this->reflection->getEndLine()) {
         $code .= $file->current();
     $start = strpos($code, 'function');
     $code = substr($code, $start, strpos($code, '}') - $start + 1);
     // prepare variables
     $variables = [];
     $index = stripos($code, 'use');
     // if 'use' keyword found
     if (false !== $index) {
         // get the names of the variables inside the use statement
         $start = strpos($code, '(', $index) + 1;
         $end = strpos($code, ')', $start);
         $use_variables = explode(',', substr($code, $start, $end - $start));
         $static_variables = $this->reflection->getStaticVariables();
         // keep only the variables that appeared in both scopes
         foreach ($use_variables as $variable) {
             $variable = trim($variable, '$&');
             $variables[$variable] = $static_variables[$variable];
     return serialize(['code' => $code, 'variables' => $variables]);
예제 #3
 private function parseClosure(\Closure $callback)
     $refl = new \ReflectionFunction($callback);
     //        var_dump($refl->getFileName());
     //        var_dump($refl->getStartLine());
     //        var_dump($refl->getEndLine());
     $body = trim(implode(array_slice(file($refl->getFileName()), $refl->getStartLine(), $refl->getEndLine() - $refl->getStartLine() - 1)));
     $spec = $this->createSpecification($body, $refl->getFileName(), $refl->getStartLine(), $refl->getEndLine());
     return $spec;
예제 #4
  * Extract the code from the Closure's file.
  * @return string
 protected function getCodeFromFile()
     $file = $this->getFile();
     $code = '';
     // Next, we will just loop through the lines of the file until we get to the end
     // of the Closure. Then, we will return the complete contents of this Closure
     // so it can be serialized with these variables and stored for later usage.
     while ($file->key() < $this->reflection->getEndLine()) {
         $code .= $file->current();
     $begin = strpos($code, 'function(');
     return substr($code, $begin, strrpos($code, '}') - $begin + 1);
예제 #5
파일: crouter.php 프로젝트: schigh/router
 protected function export($var, $return = false)
     if ($var instanceof Closure) {
         /* dump anonymous function in to plain code.*/
         $ref = new ReflectionFunction($var);
         $file = new SplFileObject($ref->getFileName());
         $file->seek($ref->getStartLine() - 1);
         $result = '';
         while ($file->key() < $ref->getEndLine()) {
             $result .= $file->current();
         $begin = strpos($result, 'function');
         $end = strrpos($result, '}');
         $result = substr($result, $begin, $end - $begin + 1);
     } elseif (is_object($var)) {
         /* dump object with construct function. */
         $result = 'new ' . get_class($var) . '(' . $this->export(get_object_vars($var), true) . ')';
     } elseif (is_array($var)) {
         /* dump array in plain array.*/
         $array = array();
         foreach ($var as $k => $v) {
             $array[] = var_export($k, true) . ' => ' . $this->export($v, true);
         $result = 'array(' . implode(', ', $array) . ')';
     } else {
         $result = var_export($var, true);
     if (!$return) {
         print $result;
     return $result;
 function executeInSubprocess($includeStderr = false)
     // Get the path to the ErrorControlChain class
     $classpath = SS_ClassLoader::instance()->getItemPath('ErrorControlChain');
     $suppression = $this->suppression ? 'true' : 'false';
     // Start building a PHP file that will execute the chain
     $src = '<' . "?php\nrequire_once '{$classpath}';\n\n\$chain = new ErrorControlChain();\n\n\$chain->setSuppression({$suppression});\n\n\$chain\n";
     // For each step, use reflection to pull out the call, stick in the the PHP source we're building
     foreach ($this->steps as $step) {
         $func = new ReflectionFunction($step['callback']);
         $source = file($func->getFileName());
         $start_line = $func->getStartLine() - 1;
         $end_line = $func->getEndLine();
         $length = $end_line - $start_line;
         $src .= implode("", array_slice($source, $start_line, $length)) . "\n";
     // Finally add a line to execute the chain
     $src .= "->execute();";
     // Now stick it in a temporary file & run it
     $codepath = TEMP_FOLDER . '/ErrorControlChainTest_' . sha1($src) . '.php';
     if ($includeStderr) {
         $null = '&1';
     } else {
         $null = is_writeable('/dev/null') ? '/dev/null' : 'NUL';
     file_put_contents($codepath, $src);
     exec("php {$codepath} 2>{$null}", $stdout, $errcode);
     return array(implode("\n", $stdout), $errcode);
예제 #7
 static function castClosure($c)
     $a = array();
     if (!class_exists('ReflectionFunction', false)) {
         return $a;
     $c = new \ReflectionFunction($c);
     foreach ($c->getParameters() as $p) {
         $n = ($p->isPassedByReference() ? '&$' : '$') . $p->getName();
         if ($p->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
             $a[$n] = $p->getDefaultValue();
         } else {
             $a[] = $n;
     $m = self::META_PREFIX;
     $a = array($m . 'returnsRef' => true, $m . 'args' => $a);
     if (!$c->returnsReference()) {
         unset($a[$m . 'returnsRef']);
     $a[$m . 'use'] = array();
     if (false === ($a[$m . 'file'] = $c->getFileName())) {
         unset($a[$m . 'file']);
     } else {
         $a[$m . 'lines'] = $c->getStartLine() . '-' . $c->getEndLine();
     if (!($c = $c->getStaticVariables())) {
         unset($a[$m . 'use']);
     } else {
         foreach ($c as $p => &$c) {
             $a[$m . 'use']['$' . $p] =& $c;
     return $a;
예제 #8
 function loadTemplate($func = null)
     if (!$func) {
         $func = $this->func;
     $ref = new \ReflectionFunction($func);
     $codes = file_get_contents($ref->getFileName());
     $parser = PHPTokenParser::getParser($codes);
     $tmp = file($ref->getFileName());
     $start_template = false;
     $template = "";
     for ($i = $ref->getEndLine();; $i++) {
         if (!isset($tmp[$i])) {
         $line = $tmp[$i];
         if (!$start_template && strpos($line, "?>") !== false) {
             $start_template = true;
             $diff = substr($line, strpos($line, "?>") + strlen("?>"));
             $template .= ltrim($diff);
         if ($start_template) {
             $template .= $tmp[$i];
     $template = $parser->cleanup($template);
예제 #9
 public function onWildcardEvent()
     $name = $this->events->firing();
     $time = microtime(true);
     // Get the arguments passed to the event
     $params = $this->prepareParams(func_get_args());
     // Find all listeners for the current event
     foreach ($this->events->getListeners($name) as $i => $listener) {
         // Check if it's an object + method name
         if (is_array($listener) && count($listener) > 1 && is_object($listener[0])) {
             list($class, $method) = $listener;
             // Skip this class itself
             if ($class instanceof static) {
             // Format the listener to readable format
             $listener = get_class($class) . '@' . $method;
             // Handle closures
         } elseif ($listener instanceof \Closure) {
             $reflector = new \ReflectionFunction($listener);
             // Skip our own listeners
             if ($reflector->getNamespaceName() == 'Barryvdh\\Debugbar') {
             // Format the closure to a readable format
             $filename = ltrim(str_replace(base_path(), '', $reflector->getFileName()), '/');
             $listener = $reflector->getName() . ' (' . $filename . ':' . $reflector->getStartLine() . '-' . $reflector->getEndLine() . ')';
         } else {
             // Not sure if this is possible, but to prevent edge cases
             $listener = $this->formatVar($listener);
         $params['listeners.' . $i] = $listener;
     $this->addMeasure($name, $time, $time, $params);
예제 #10
 public static function updateClassMethodHash($className, $methodName, $closure)
     $methodName = strtolower($methodName);
     if (isset(self::$specialMethods[$methodName]) && self::$specialMethods[$methodName] == 1) {
         $methodName = "phlexmock_" . $methodName;
     $closureRF = new \ReflectionFunction($closure);
     $paramStr = "()";
     $params = [];
     $closureParams = $closureRF->getParameters();
     if (count($closureParams) > 0) {
         foreach ($closureParams as $closureParam) {
             $params[] = '$' . $closureParam->getName();
         $paramStr = "(" . implode(",", $params) . ")";
     $sl = $closureRF->getStartLine();
     $el = $closureRF->getEndLine();
     $closureContainerScript = $closureRF->getFileName();
     if (!isset(self::$closureContainerScriptLines[$closureContainerScript])) {
         self::$closureContainerScriptLines[$closureContainerScript] = explode("\n", file_get_contents($closureRF->getFileName()));
     $lines = self::$closureContainerScriptLines[$closureContainerScript];
     $code = '$func = function' . $paramStr . ' { ' . implode("\n", array_slice($lines, $sl, $el - $sl - 1)) . ' };';
     self::$classMethodHash[$className][$methodName] = $code;
  * Get the route information for a given route.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Routing\Route $route
  * @return array
 protected function getRouteInformation($route)
     if (!is_a($route, 'Illuminate\\Routing\\Route')) {
         return array();
     $uri = head($route->methods()) . ' ' . $route->uri();
     $action = $route->getAction();
     $result = array('uri' => $uri ?: '-');
     $result = array_merge($result, $action);
     if (isset($action['controller']) && strpos($action['controller'], '@') !== false) {
         list($controller, $method) = explode('@', $action['controller']);
         if (class_exists($controller) && method_exists($controller, $method)) {
             $reflector = new \ReflectionMethod($controller, $method);
     } elseif (isset($action['uses']) && $action['uses'] instanceof \Closure) {
         $reflector = new \ReflectionFunction($action['uses']);
         $result['uses'] = $this->formatVar($result['uses']);
     if (isset($reflector)) {
         $filename = ltrim(str_replace(base_path(), '', $reflector->getFileName()), '/');
         $result['file'] = $filename . ':' . $reflector->getStartLine() . '-' . $reflector->getEndLine();
     if ($before = $this->getBeforeFilters($route)) {
         $result['before'] = $before;
     if ($after = $this->getAfterFilters($route)) {
         $result['after'] = $after;
     return $result;
예제 #12
  * Returns the line this function's declaration ends at
  * @return integer Line this function's declaration ends at
 public function getEndLine()
     if ($this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction) {
         return $this->reflectionSource->getEndLine();
     } else {
         return parent::getEndLine();
예제 #13
function dumpFuncInfo($name)
    $funcInfo = new ReflectionFunction($name);
  * Hash anything, return the unique identity.
  * @param $object
  * @return string
 protected function hash($object)
     array_walk_recursive($object, function (&$item) {
         if ($item instanceof \Closure) {
             $reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($item);
             $item = serialize($reflection->getClosureScopeClass()) . $reflection->getNumberOfParameters() . $reflection->getNamespaceName() . $reflection->getStartLine() . $reflection->getEndLine();
     return md5(serialize($object));
예제 #15
  * Get source code of function
  * @param string|\Closure $function
  * @return string
 public static function functionSource($function) : string
     // File content
     $reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($function);
     $file = file($reflection->getFileName());
     $lines = array_slice($file, $startLine = $reflection->getStartLine(), $reflection->getEndLine() - $startLine);
     // Last row
     $last = array_pop($lines);
     array_push($lines, rtrim(mb_substr($last, 0, mb_strrpos($last, '}'))));
     return static::removeIndent($lines);
예제 #16
  * Hash anything (except PDO connection stuff, for now).
  * @param mixed $object
  * @return string
 public static function hash($object)
     $object = is_array($object) ? $object : [$object];
     array_walk_recursive($object, function ($item) {
         if ($item instanceof \Closure) {
             $reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($item);
             // Unique and fast.
             $item = serialize($reflection->getClosureScopeClass()) . $reflection->getNumberOfParameters() . $reflection->getNamespaceName() . $reflection->getStartLine() . $reflection->getEndLine();
     return md5(serialize($object));
예제 #17
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $term = $input->getArgument('search_term');
     $listeners = $this->get('event.dispatcher')->getListeners();
     $events = array();
     foreach ($listeners as $eventName => $handlers) {
         foreach ($handlers as $order => $listener) {
             if (is_array($listener)) {
                 list($object, $methodName) = $listener;
                 $priority = 0;
                 $object = get_class($object);
                 // get the priority
                 $objectEvents = $object::getSubscribedEvents();
                 $eventMethods = $objectEvents[$eventName];
                 if (is_array($eventMethods)) {
                     foreach ($eventMethods as $eventMethod) {
                         if ($eventMethod[0] == $methodName) {
                             $priority = isset($eventMethod[1]) ? $eventMethod[1] : 0;
             } else {
                 $reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($listener);
                 $file = new \Message\Cog\Filesystem\File($reflection->getFileName());
                 $object = $reflection->getNamespaceName() . '\\' . $file->getFilenameWithoutExtension();
                 $methodName = 'Closure (L:' . $reflection->getStartLine() . ' - L:' . $reflection->getEndLine() . ')';
                 $priority = '';
             // look for the search term
             if ($term && strpos(strtolower($object), strtolower($term)) === false && strpos(strtolower($methodName), strtolower($term)) === false && strpos(strtolower($eventName), strtolower($term)) === false) {
             $events[] = array($object, $methodName, $eventName, $priority, $order);
     // Sort events by event name, then by order of execution.
     uasort($events, function ($a, $b) {
         if ($a[2] == $b[2]) {
             if ($a[4] == $b[4]) {
                 return 0;
             return $a[4] < $b[4] ? -1 : 1;
         return $a[2] < $b[2] ? -1 : 1;
     $output->writeln('<info>Found ' . count($events) . ' registered event listeners.</info>');
     $table = $this->_getTable($output)->setHeaders(array('Class', 'Method', 'Event', 'Priority'));
     foreach ($events as $event) {
         $table->addRow(array($event[0], $event[1], $event[2], $event[3]));
예제 #18
  * Retrieve instance of service
  * @return mixed
 public function getInstance()
     $reflectionFunction = new \ReflectionFunction($this->factory);
     $key = preg_replace_callback("@\\\\(.)@", function ($matches) {
         return \strtoupper($matches[1]);
     }, get_class($this)) . '_' . md5($reflectionFunction->getFileName() . $reflectionFunction->getEndLine());
     $storedContent = $this->storage->read($key);
     if ($storedContent !== null) {
         $service = unserialize($storedContent);
     } else {
         $service = call_user_func($this->factory);
         $this->storage->write($key, serialize($service));
     return $service;
예제 #19
  * Makes key from event hook.
  * @param callable $hook
  * @return string
 private static function make_key($hook)
     if (is_array($hook)) {
         return implode('#', $hook);
     if ($hook instanceof \Closure) {
         $reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($hook);
         return $reflection->getFileName() . '#' . $reflection->getStartLine() . '#' . $reflection->getEndLine();
     if (is_object($hook)) {
         /* @var $hook object */
         return spl_object_hash($hook);
     /* @var $hook string */
     return $hook;
예제 #20
 private function getClosureCode(\Closure $closure)
     $reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($closure);
     // Open file and seek to the first line of the closure
     $file = new \SplFileObject($reflection->getFileName());
     $file->seek($reflection->getStartLine() - 1);
     // Retrieve all of the lines that contain code for the closure
     $code = '';
     while ($file->key() < $reflection->getEndLine()) {
         $line = $file->current();
         $line = ltrim($line);
         $code .= $line;
     return $code;
예제 #21
  * Get PHP code string from a closure of function as string
  * @param array<string,array|string|integer> $context current compile context
  * @param object $closure Closure object
  * @return string
  * @expect 'function($a) {return;}' when input array('flags' => array('standalone' => 0)),  function ($a) {return;}
  * @expect 'function($a) {return;}' when input array('flags' => array('standalone' => 0)),   function ($a) {return;}
 protected static function closure($context, $closure)
     if (is_string($closure) && preg_match('/(.+)::(.+)/', $closure, $matched)) {
         $ref = new \ReflectionMethod($matched[1], $matched[2]);
     } else {
         $ref = new \ReflectionFunction($closure);
     $fname = $ref->getFileName();
     $lines = file_get_contents($fname);
     $file = new \SplFileObject($fname);
     $file->seek($ref->getStartLine() - 2);
     $spos = $file->ftell();
     $file->seek($ref->getEndLine() - 1);
     $epos = $file->ftell();
     return preg_replace('/^.*?function(\\s+[^\\s\\(]+?)?\\s*\\((.+)\\}.*?\\s*$/s', 'function($2}', static::replaceSafeString($context, substr($lines, $spos, $epos - $spos)));
예제 #22
function getSourceCode($function = "")
    Source code from here: 
    $func = new ReflectionFunction($function);
    $filename = $func->getFileName();
    $start_line = $func->getStartLine() - 1;
    // it's actually - 1, otherwise you wont get the function() block
    $end_line = $func->getEndLine();
    $length = $end_line - $start_line;
    $source = file($filename);
    $body = implode("", array_slice($source, $start_line, $length));
    return $body;
예제 #23
 protected function buildClosure(&$value)
     if ($value instanceof \Closure) {
         $reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($value);
         $startLine = $reflection->getStartLine();
         $endLine = $reflection->getEndLine();
         $file = $reflection->getFileName();
         $item = file($file);
         $content = '';
         for ($i = $startLine - 1; $i <= $endLine - 1; $i++) {
             $content .= $item[$i];
         $start = strpos($content, 'function');
         $end = strrpos($content, '}');
         $value = '[__start__' . substr($content, $start, $end - $start + 1) . '__end__]';
예제 #24
  * Evaluates the closure and the code in the reset of the file. This sets
  * the code for the closure, the namespace it is declared in (if any) and
  * any applicable namespace imports
  * @param ReflectionFunction The reflected function of the closure
  * @return String The code the closure runs 
 private function evaluate(\ReflectionFunction $reflection)
     $code = '';
     $full = '';
     $file = new \SplFileObject($reflection->getFileName());
     while (!$file->eof()) {
         if ($file->key() >= $reflection->getStartLine() - 1 && $file->key() < $reflection->getEndLine()) {
             $code .= $file->current();
         $full .= $file->current();
     //@todo this assumes the function will be the only one on that line
     $begin = strpos($code, 'function');
     //@todo this assumes the } will be the only one on that line
     $end = strrpos($code, '}');
     $this->code = substr($code, $begin, $end - $begin + 1);
예제 #25
function plugininterface_outputfunc($interface_name, $closure)
    $str = '';
    try {
        $func = new ReflectionFunction($closure);
    } catch (ReflectionException $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();
    $start = $func->getStartLine() - 1;
    $end = $func->getEndLine() - 1;
    $filename = $func->getFileName();
    $str .= 'Interface: ' . $interface_name . "\n";
    $str .= 'FilePath: ' . $filename . "\n";
    $str .= 'StartLine: ' . $start . "\n";
    $str .= 'EndLine: ' . $end . "\n";
    $str .= implode("", array_slice(file($filename), $start, $end - $start + 1));
    return $str;
  * Get's the next string of hook code to process.
  * @return string
 public function getHook()
     foreach ($this->hooks as $value) {
         $hook = '<?php function ' . $value[1] . '(){';
         $reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($value[2]);
         $file = new \SplFileObject($reflection->getFileName());
         $file->seek($reflection->getStartLine() - 1);
         $code = '';
         while ($file->key() < $reflection->getEndLine()) {
             $code .= $file->current();
         $begin = strpos($code, 'function') + 8;
         $begin = strrpos($code, '{', $begin) + 1;
         $end = strrpos($code, '}');
         $hook .= substr($code, $begin, $end - $begin);
         $hook .= '}' . PHP_EOL;
         (yield $value[0] => $hook);
예제 #27
  * Returns the sourcecode of a user-defined class.
  * @param  string  $className
  * @param  string  $methodName
  * @return mixed
 public static function getMethodSource($className, $methodName)
     if ($className != 'global') {
         $function = new ReflectionMethod($className, $methodName);
     } else {
         $function = new ReflectionFunction($methodName);
     $filename = $function->getFileName();
     if (file_exists($filename)) {
         $file = file($filename);
         $result = '';
         $start = $function->getStartLine() - 1;
         $end = $function->getEndLine() - 1;
         for ($line = $start; $line <= $end; $line++) {
             $result .= $file[$line];
         return $result;
     } else {
         return FALSE;
예제 #28
    static $staticX = 4;
    static $staticY;
    print "In f()\n";
    $x = $staticX;
    return $x;
$rf = new ReflectionFunction("f");
print "--- getDocComment(\"f\") ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getStartLine(\"f\") ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getEndLine(\"f\") ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getFileName(\"f\") ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getName(\"f\") ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getNumberOfParameters(\"f\") ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getNumberOfRequiredParameters(\"f\") ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getParameters(\"f\") ---\n";
예제 #29
 private function determinePotentialTokens(\ReflectionFunction $reflection)
     // Load the file containing the code for the function.
     $fileName = $reflection->getFileName();
     if (!is_readable($fileName)) {
         throw new ClosureAnalysisException("Cannot read the file containing the closure: \"{$fileName}\".");
     $code = '';
     $file = new \SplFileObject($fileName);
     $file->seek($reflection->getStartLine() - 1);
     while ($file->key() < $reflection->getEndLine()) {
         $code .= $file->current();
     $code = trim($code);
     if (strpos($code, '<?php') !== 0) {
         $code = "<?php\n" . $code;
     return token_get_all($code);
예제 #30
 public function extract(callable $callback)
     $ref = new \ReflectionFunction($callback);
     $file = new \SplFileObject($ref->getFileName());
     $file->seek($ref->getStartLine() - 1);
     $content = '';
     while ($file->key() < $ref->getEndLine()) {
         $content .= $file->current();
     if (fnmatch('*function*', $content)) {
         list($dummy, $code) = explode('function', $content, 2);
         $code = 'function' . $code;
         $tab = explode('}', $code);
         $last = end($tab);
         $code = str_replace('}' . $last, '}', $code);
         return $code;
     return null;